Old folk sit sit and stroke and sing of times when everyone toked.
No joke.
Everyone toked.
Noah Zork
I’ve always loved the banjo sound, reminding me of the Mississippi, the Appalachians, my ancestors and yours. Banjo dreams my darling! May you enjoy five strings of harmony in all your travels
Oh, dear, I do want a banjolele. Mix of ukulele and a banjo, same fingerings. But they are so incredibly expensive. Such a unique sound, though. I wonder what it says about me that a ukulele isn’t unique enough, I need to try to mix it with a banjo.
the banjo twanged in the distance – the campers exchanged looks, each recalling the movie the Deliverance.
my father used to play the banjo. he was in a local country and western act that would play the various bars around town. he was never particularly good at it, not like my uncle whip. no, my father’s forte was the six string guitar. on weekends, he would play that all night and into the morning, with his and my mother’s friends, sitting around the table, laughing and drinking.
banjo with my sanjo, you will always be mindo when im not in your ba
string instrument, twang, whiskey, old people. Can you play the banjo? I most certainly cannot. Would I like to? Yes, yes I would. In the south people play the banjo.
i was at a friends house when another man walked in with a banjo, playing and singing, with a twang in the air and paint on his pants. they smoked some weed and played some music, it was a glorious time, another friend listens to banjo music every thursday, i’d like to go sometime, it’s a nice sounding instrument
My grandpa had a banjo and he played it for me when I was a little girl. He taught me a song about a man who had just fifty cents and wanted to take his girl out. I can’t remember the melody nor the lyrics now and it makes me sad. He was so happy when he taught me the words. Later in life, he was a sad man who lost two wives.
it’s something you play. the strings are stiff and course and leave an aching and throbbing numbness in your digits. it’s a great american instrument that has seen a recent comeback in ‘indie’ music as of late. it’s got a lot of charm, like an accordian does.
you would need a washboard along with that banjo!
hahahahahahahahahh bad instrement , no harmony no good
playing ding ding dang, the saound of the banjo makes you want to get up and dance. it brings a smile to the face of everyone who hears it. mother of pearl instrument being the mother of all joy.
I never had a banjo. Becca’s dad did. I bought a ukulele instead. I hear the banjo is hard to tune, hard to learn, but obviously worth the effort. I want to see more banjos, I think.
strumming. twanging. like the strings attatched to my heart. And not the good kind of twang. The harsh, hard, forceful kind that stings.
he played the banjo… the mere though shoud have scared me, but it couldn’t stop to see him as a cool atractive guy… who played the banjo.
we went out last night. well, we as in friends and him and me.
something i would like to buy, but i already have a guitar I,M not playing….so.
MAybe should focus on what i have? It’s a great non-serious instrument though.
Maude Mc Maude
String the banjo! What a funny instrument, like a guitar… but not. Im always reminded of the country when I think of them…
a fun instrument. I think of dueling banjos in the movie don’t remember the name, but it was one of the most remembered movie scene I’ve ever seen. Other than that, it’s not really an instrucment I’m familiar with. Should I write about it, I’d be
i want to play the banjo. music is everlasting. music connects us all. the banjo makes me smile. who plays the banjo? i don’t think I know anyone who plays the banjo. If you play the banjo, i’ll love you forever. Forget about our problems, just play a song. Don’t think. Just listen.
The banjo was one of my favorite instruments in 11th grade. I remember we read Huckleberry Finn in English class…that was back when I like Sammy. Life seemed ok then, it was spring, and I was looking forward to the end of school. It was a hard year, I had worked so hard, made myself sick. I journaled a lot, it didn’t seem like I was becoming someone with deep-rooted issues. But I didn’t realize it, because I was so distracted.
The banjo fell from Henry’s grasp, and clambered down the fire escape.
“Come back,” he shouted, his voice cracking.
She turned and glared at him.
инструментище) я бы хотела научиться играть..наверно. ритм жизни..
yesterday people were writing that they had gotten the word “banjo” two and three days in a row, now it is my turn… wonder what to do to change to a different word?
gdhgd s sotkieso eaprogirea gmeprge agropgiafr al fawpefok weafof fe ee+w +we ew+apfo sdlas auhef asjn asf
Banjo on my knee. I like banjo music- happy music.Makes you want to get up and dance.
Chris G
He played the banjo and it sounded so sad and happy at the same time. His brown and slender fingers were playing the strings like he never did anything else. His smile was worlds away.
The banjo is a poor cousin to the guitar family. Its major distinction is being the only way to identify incoming hill-billy rape.
an instrument, wodden, like a small guitar but making strange musik, annoying, used at many country movies, big body, long neck
a instrument and it sounds very good. i don’t know how to play it small i have heard it play just ones nice name for god
The banjo is an instrument of death. It speaks to the souls of the departed. Banjos should be outlawed and denounced by the church.
There’s nothing cool about a banjo. It plays nasty music enjoy by hicks and rednecks. It is the sound of ass an sucks really bad. I don’t like them. I think they’re cheap and lazy instruments. No class. No inspiration. If I had a banjo, I’d never play it.
this is what we named our 4th baby before he was born. My 4 year old at the time had been playing “Banjo Kazooie” on the Nintendo and that was his favorite game. The word brings fond memories for us as a family.
long handle, frangy chords, ringing arrays of hillbilly songs. So let us all sit and sing about the banjo, it’s the thing that brings us together to sip our cheap rum, and pluck our hearts away to an essence of old times.
Carl plucked at his banjo, unable to find the joy and rhythm that used to come naturally to him. Where had the magic gone? What happened to the music?
Times were hard for everyone, in these parts.
not so solo no more ..
got me going some more ..
why worry about what life has to offer when i have my banjo with me
a farmer played the banjo on a warm sweaty sunday night while his wife cooked squirels in the kitchen. the kids were playing in the front garden and uncle jed was shooting shotguns in the woods nearby. the sound of the guns calmed the farmer. he knew he was safe. home.
Old folk sit sit and stroke and sing of times when everyone toked.
No joke.
Everyone toked.
I’ve always loved the banjo sound, reminding me of the Mississippi, the Appalachians, my ancestors and yours. Banjo dreams my darling! May you enjoy five strings of harmony in all your travels
Oh, dear, I do want a banjolele. Mix of ukulele and a banjo, same fingerings. But they are so incredibly expensive. Such a unique sound, though. I wonder what it says about me that a ukulele isn’t unique enough, I need to try to mix it with a banjo.
the banjo twanged in the distance – the campers exchanged looks, each recalling the movie the Deliverance.
my father used to play the banjo. he was in a local country and western act that would play the various bars around town. he was never particularly good at it, not like my uncle whip. no, my father’s forte was the six string guitar. on weekends, he would play that all night and into the morning, with his and my mother’s friends, sitting around the table, laughing and drinking.
banjo with my sanjo, you will always be mindo when im not in your ba
string instrument, twang, whiskey, old people. Can you play the banjo? I most certainly cannot. Would I like to? Yes, yes I would. In the south people play the banjo.
i was at a friends house when another man walked in with a banjo, playing and singing, with a twang in the air and paint on his pants. they smoked some weed and played some music, it was a glorious time, another friend listens to banjo music every thursday, i’d like to go sometime, it’s a nice sounding instrument
My grandpa had a banjo and he played it for me when I was a little girl. He taught me a song about a man who had just fifty cents and wanted to take his girl out. I can’t remember the melody nor the lyrics now and it makes me sad. He was so happy when he taught me the words. Later in life, he was a sad man who lost two wives.
it’s something you play. the strings are stiff and course and leave an aching and throbbing numbness in your digits. it’s a great american instrument that has seen a recent comeback in ‘indie’ music as of late. it’s got a lot of charm, like an accordian does.
you would need a washboard along with that banjo!
hahahahahahahahahh bad instrement , no harmony no good
playing ding ding dang, the saound of the banjo makes you want to get up and dance. it brings a smile to the face of everyone who hears it. mother of pearl instrument being the mother of all joy.
I never had a banjo. Becca’s dad did. I bought a ukulele instead. I hear the banjo is hard to tune, hard to learn, but obviously worth the effort. I want to see more banjos, I think.
strumming. twanging. like the strings attatched to my heart. And not the good kind of twang. The harsh, hard, forceful kind that stings.
he played the banjo… the mere though shoud have scared me, but it couldn’t stop to see him as a cool atractive guy… who played the banjo.
we went out last night. well, we as in friends and him and me.
something i would like to buy, but i already have a guitar I,M not playing….so.
MAybe should focus on what i have? It’s a great non-serious instrument though.
String the banjo! What a funny instrument, like a guitar… but not. Im always reminded of the country when I think of them…
a fun instrument. I think of dueling banjos in the movie don’t remember the name, but it was one of the most remembered movie scene I’ve ever seen. Other than that, it’s not really an instrucment I’m familiar with. Should I write about it, I’d be
i want to play the banjo. music is everlasting. music connects us all. the banjo makes me smile. who plays the banjo? i don’t think I know anyone who plays the banjo. If you play the banjo, i’ll love you forever. Forget about our problems, just play a song. Don’t think. Just listen.
The banjo was one of my favorite instruments in 11th grade. I remember we read Huckleberry Finn in English class…that was back when I like Sammy. Life seemed ok then, it was spring, and I was looking forward to the end of school. It was a hard year, I had worked so hard, made myself sick. I journaled a lot, it didn’t seem like I was becoming someone with deep-rooted issues. But I didn’t realize it, because I was so distracted.
The banjo fell from Henry’s grasp, and clambered down the fire escape.
“Come back,” he shouted, his voice cracking.
She turned and glared at him.
инструментище) я бы хотела научиться играть..наверно. ритм жизни..
yesterday people were writing that they had gotten the word “banjo” two and three days in a row, now it is my turn… wonder what to do to change to a different word?
gdhgd s sotkieso eaprogirea gmeprge agropgiafr al fawpefok weafof fe ee+w +we ew+apfo sdlas auhef asjn asf
Banjo on my knee. I like banjo music- happy music.Makes you want to get up and dance.
He played the banjo and it sounded so sad and happy at the same time. His brown and slender fingers were playing the strings like he never did anything else. His smile was worlds away.
The banjo is a poor cousin to the guitar family. Its major distinction is being the only way to identify incoming hill-billy rape.
an instrument, wodden, like a small guitar but making strange musik, annoying, used at many country movies, big body, long neck
a instrument and it sounds very good. i don’t know how to play it small i have heard it play just ones nice name for god
The banjo is an instrument of death. It speaks to the souls of the departed. Banjos should be outlawed and denounced by the church.
There’s nothing cool about a banjo. It plays nasty music enjoy by hicks and rednecks. It is the sound of ass an sucks really bad. I don’t like them. I think they’re cheap and lazy instruments. No class. No inspiration. If I had a banjo, I’d never play it.
this is what we named our 4th baby before he was born. My 4 year old at the time had been playing “Banjo Kazooie” on the Nintendo and that was his favorite game. The word brings fond memories for us as a family.
long handle, frangy chords, ringing arrays of hillbilly songs. So let us all sit and sing about the banjo, it’s the thing that brings us together to sip our cheap rum, and pluck our hearts away to an essence of old times.
Carl plucked at his banjo, unable to find the joy and rhythm that used to come naturally to him. Where had the magic gone? What happened to the music?
Times were hard for everyone, in these parts.
not so solo no more ..
got me going some more ..
why worry about what life has to offer when i have my banjo with me
a farmer played the banjo on a warm sweaty sunday night while his wife cooked squirels in the kitchen. the kids were playing in the front garden and uncle jed was shooting shotguns in the woods nearby. the sound of the guns calmed the farmer. he knew he was safe. home.