
November 25th, 2009 | 676 Entries

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676 Entries for “banjo”

  1. as he plucked the first string of the banjo, he smiled to himself-reminiscing of earlier days- when things had been better. she would be sitting next to him, singing along with the familiar songs, and when he stopped playing, she would walk home, humming softly to herself.

  2. While banjo’s are not the most popular instrument in the world, a lot of people love to hear the twangy sound one puts out. Whether you’re a guitar player cheating by playing a six-string, or you’re some other musician playing a five-string, you have nothing to say about its rich, down-to-earth tones. Many famous musicians have used banjos, including Modest Mouse.

  3. i love the banjo, reminds me of splash mountain as a kid was one of my favorite rides, disney worlds pretty tight. tripped there a couple times, splash mountains a great ride tripping. all the characters are mad friendly, but i feel as though there are some racist undertones on that ride. love bluegrass.


  5. i already wrote about banjo. why do I haev to write about it again? gimme something else. I already said it reminded me of fairly oddparents and tom sawyer and huckfinn and my english teacher’s “hops” and the office. I was pam for halloween. What else do you want? sheesh. Mew.

    Christina Renae
  6. i like to play the banjo well i really wqant to play gitar but i play piano instead and i want to be a able to sing like taylor swift and i really would like to go to her concert on june 5 at gilete stadium and tickets go on sale on december 5 and thats all i really want for christmas and a boyfriend and i go to school almost everyday but today is thanksgiving!

  7. I read the newspaper everyday and i like wearing pants

  8. There once was a man who played a banjo. He loved the way it sounded, and how it made him feel when he played it. Others loved his music, because it made them feel good to hear him play. Anything you love will make others feel your love. Find your Banjo.

  9. The little girl play the banjo every day. The banjo of her father. Her dead father.

  10. Reminds me of a pub in Liverpool called the Banjo.. Go there and get the inest beak in Merseyside and for a fraction of the cost as in Warrington.. Slip into a mad one on the way home from doing the beak in at each set of traffic lights! Love Liverpool.. Superb banjo making me think of this!

  11. The banjo is a cool instrument, me and my banjo!
    Camptown races sing this song do, da!

  12. Strum, let the music flow through you, that twang in your heart like a lovers kiss on your neck. Breath in, breathe out, strum. Live. Strum.

  13. The banjo sat on the empty porch, broken from the night before. Three strings were missing and inside people were crying. One man, Ole Stroke was sad in particular, tears stremed down his face almost in waterfalls.

  14. The banjo… is an interesting instrument, I suppose. Very Southern, is it not? Never played it. But I’d like to one day. You only live once. So why not. I’ve seen it in a lot of movies. I forgot the name of the film, but there was a boy who was inbred and he was playing it.

  15. Nina’s favorite word is banjo. Nina is very beautiful. She has long blonde hair and a diamond stud in her nose. She goes to my college, which is a women’s school. That means no boys. I don’t know if I want to stay at this college or not, but Nina seems to like it.

  16. Ca me fait pens

  17. i hate the banjo. its a horrid thing. it makes me think of my ex. he never played banjo. he mostly played guitar. but he always wanted one. that and a dijeridoo. i think i spelled that wrong. oh well.

    banjo. it makes me think of my current and his fake southern accent/demeanor.

  18. i had a banjo once bwayahahahaha…um no i didn’t but…like what the hell is a banjo anyway..the guitar is better. i like the bass too.

  19. I wish i could play the banjo. You have to wear finger picks on every finger. You have to have fast fingers to play it. Nickel Creek’s songs have a lot of banjo in them. I’m a fan of the banjo.

  20. banjo

  21. If people were instraments, I think would want to be somthing loud. Somthing loved. My brother would be a Guitar. Classic. Soft, and changing, strumming and poignant. Somthing everyone relates to, somthing everyone wants to hear. Somthing versatile, adaptive. I think I would be a banjo. A little less played, a little twangy, with a sound a little less aknowledged. Maybe even a little strange at times. I used to wish I was louder, but now I think it’s okay. It seems a lot getter when you find people who want to listen.

  22. My friend Jesse is the masterer of banjo, yall. This dude can jam 653 tunes at once. Eat that captain Ahab.

  23. country boyfriend strumming drum bluegrass twang hillbilly dog porch pretty difficult to master sing busk busker folk folk punk lovely

  24. nothing to say

  25. Something about the strumming. I’ve heard it in places I can’t imagine. The simple strumming.

  26. my grandpa plays the banjo. he’s is real good. he made my brother a banjo a few years ago. my brother can not play the banjo. today is thanksgiving. my grandpa will be playing the banjo. what is a banjo? like a guitar? violin? i don’t know. i want to play an instrument.

  27. my best friend was learning to play banjo. she kinda sucked at it, but i’d sit in her room drinking jack daniels and listen to her attempt the same song over & over again, really off key.

    i miss stupid shit like that.
    i wish she still talked to me.

  28. If I had money, I would tell you what I’d do. I’d go down town and buy a mercury or two…

    You get a line and I’ll get a pole honey, you get a line and I’ll get a pole babe, babe….

    Oh Brother Where aren’t thou….Crawdad, Camping, backwoods….

  29. clothing woren out tired

  30. This is the only reason I live. I play the most delicioussssz music and I pluck the strings to make the music and the lack of hole as in a guitar BEFUDDLES me BEFUDDLES ME! So I wait and wait and wait and you could make this a song you know. You could make this a song. I’m singing it right now, and playing my banjo.

  31. My dad makes banjo-orchestras. He and my grandpa created them. He’s self-employed and works in a shop outside of my house. I’m really proud of my dad. He’s an inspiration to me. Someday, maybe I’ll work for him, and build banjo-orchestras, too.

    >>>|r o r y/>>>
  32. Play your banjo,
    let your heart grow,
    and celebrate
    the death of mine.
    You didn’t like how it beat,
    so you beat it down.

  33. Banjo, I’ve seen you here before. Who do you think you are? My phone just buzzed on the piano. Make some music with me. Meet me in the morning where you sleep in my living room.

  34. I remember when I was young, my uncle Hacker played the banjo in a bluegrass band…he and some of my cousins played all kinds of instuments…and those days were the bomb…I miss my uncle…he died a few years ago but before he died I got to tell him how much difference he made in my life…I wish I would have gotten to go see him but it just wasn’t possible..I hope he understood…

  35. a banjo is an instrument. a country instrument. i think it refers to bluegrass music. it has a s=certain twang to it tha t makes it noticeable at the sound of it. i thnk you are either country or a unique person if u play the banjo. it is not a very popular instrument for everyday people…. i cant sayi know much ab the banjo or what it even looks like i know it has strings on it tho… i thknk maybe it is like a guiater?
  36. The book I read in English freshmen year had something about a banjo player. It was a really creepy book. The name of it was Deliverance by James Dickey. (I think). I don’t think that I’ll ever read that book again… The ohter book we read in English was really good though, it was aobut the Nazi concentrations camps and then my teacher told us she is Jewish.

  37. A banjo is probably the most annoying instrument ever… I mean bluegrass music? Gross! I hate it… I don’t know anyone who likes it… or banjos for that matter. So yeah, very annoying. I am more partial to guitars. :) My phone is ringing right now and I can’t stop typing cause that bar at the top is running.

  38. I have a friend who knows how to play the Banjo, his name is Taylor Robida. At least I think he plays the banjo. The banjo IS that instrument that hicks play, right? Not in a discriminating way ..just the only way I know. That country instrument! Anyway, that’s what he plays. Oops, shit ..not a banjo. It’s a ucelali (sp?)…wow.. feeling awesome.

  39. strings instrument circle music musician player country band

  40. I have never heard it play. It looks sexy, and has a funny name. Draw a pair of eyes and a huge smile on its head, it will look like the ‘instrumental’ version of Olive in Popeye.
