a banjo is like a gituar, i realize that it is spelled wrong, but it is my computer so, i can do as i wish. So like as i was saying u look like deliverence.
a banjo is the name given to the the piece of flesh that holds the foreskin of a human’s penis to the cock itself, it can be broken during intercourse. It is also an instrument.
i hear the banjo playing as i’m running through the cold forrest, the pine needles sticking to the souls of my feet. the sounds of the banjo ringing in my ears as i run, clear as day, slowly fading as i push back tears. there is only one way to escape all this but i’m stuck.
Alicia Rose
deliverance, no? two of them, dueling…
or traditional music in general, something heard in films, the kind of thing you hear and think, oh, I must buy that and then forget.
The banjo is an instrument primarily used in bluegrass and alternative music. Consisting of 5 strings the twangy instrument was made famous in deliverance.
Jonah Hatfield
I know a few people who play the banjo. The other day on How It’s Made i saw how they make banjos and was surprised that the process is somewhat similar to making a drum. This also makes me think of banjo kazooie the video game, as much of my childhood was spent playing this game or watching my brother play it. bears and birds and backpacks.
banjo kazooie, a pretty fun game, i loved playing it as a kid :D
Banjo is a musical instrument that looks like a guitar or something, it has cords and all that.
It’s funny and reminds people of good old Speedy Gonzales.
The banjo is often used by mexicans even though they are not the only ones using it.
Banjo banjo…
Sir Whatever
Twangy Banjo. Save up in the banjo jar.
in the bnad dropkick murpyhs there is a very good banjo player, in the song the state of massachusetts its really good. i love the sound of that instrument. my music profesor, pablo sena
Rodrigo Illescas
silly silly silly – made me smile with its sheer ridiculousness. Was expecting some deep emotive word – apparently not!
A banjo is an instrument used to do stuff by mexican people, mostly beat each other senseless. A banjo is also comical when used by small mice. Banjos are kind of a symbol of Mexic, aren’t they? Hmm… Crappy word.
what do youwant from me? oneword? que wha wha? give me more direction. I don’t even know how I got here, or where I’m headed…hmmmm. The heat is on, it’s on the street, woo hoo, the heat is on.
musical instrument, similar to that of a guitar. reminds me of a ho-down.
played in the country around friends and family. Great music and a good time. Also a video game. Banjokazooey. It had a bird that carried a bird on its back. Love both
Bonjos ring like tin roofs and raindrops. I lie in bed and listen to the singing. Cozy and separate the music runs up
he is bent over like intertwined willow sticks, bent at the waist, thin, sallow, fingers indented with wire strings. a cracked ceramic mug sits by his feet, and coins fill the bottom like coffee stains, few and small. He smells of cigarette and want
banjo is a musical instrument that is very iteresting and funny it is played by people from the south and i know some one that plays the banjo but i don’t really know him i just met him once he was a student of my moms.
I can play the guitar, but the banjo i cant cause the lowest string is high. it blows my mind. my thumb doesn’t understand.
What is a banjo? Hahah. I feel like a retard now because I really actually don’t know. I’m like so confused. I think it’s like something Indian? Hahahahaha. OMG! How the f*** do I not know what ‘banjo’ means? That is f***** retarded, right? Hahaha. Can’t believe I don’t know, probably be reading some other creative sh** about it.
I love the banjo noise. it is funny sounding and reminds me of country bears and that one tv show with the ghost.
danny phantom. that’s funny.
i love the banjo.
My old uncle mc fart mc toot played the banjo while picking his teeth with his toenails he though that his banjo strings made a a good butt flosser he cut his butt open by this..
He was never the same.
so, instead he used it to floss. :]
i want to start a folk band where i will play the banjo and quinn will sing. we would travel around the world. we would live in iceland.
I like banjos. They are cool instruments. Um………banjos.
Will A
i don’t like hearing that jangling sound & namgyal plays it all the time
jimmy cracked corn and i dont care jimmy cracked corn and i dont jimmy cracked corn and i dont care i’ll be strummin on my own banjo. banjos are funny looking. they are guitars for red-necks. i dont like the sound of banjos.
twangy and annoying. i am not a huge fan of banjos. there’s a song called banjo in meet me in st. louis the musical, and i wasn’t a huge fan of that either. it completely glorifies this annoying instrument, which, since we have guitars which sound waaaay better, is rather superfluous. i also had an engligh teacher who plays one.
Banjo banjo vietnam banjo these are the inner workings of my mind vietnam. they took that banjo down at wilton pizza when they renovated i was VERY dissapoint. honestly im glad they rennovate that place but its lost A LOT of character since then. although those 3.99 deals for two slices and a drink are quite nice.
Tyler Margid
hillbilly sat in the hot south drinkin moonshine and chewing tobacco drinking cheap lagar and beating his wife and little inbred kids sounds good though
coco banjo
banjos are for hillbillies that live in kentucky. they have strings. they are like small circular guitars.
banjos are for hill billies that live in kentucky!
the banjo is a stringed instrument that my father plays. Unfortunately, he can only play the same pattern over and over and over and over. It is ridiculously annoying and I really wish he never learned how to play the stupid thing.
banjooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo READ THE END OF THIS AND DIE A FUCKING SHITTY DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Banjoes are cool. I like pie and my butt hurts!
What is an oximoron?! I DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO SPELL IT!!
….Desu neeee.
Boob, I’ve been writing nothings in places where nobody reads this. What is this supposed to be? Definition or proposal?! I’m so over my writing class.
A banjo? as in music? instrument? I should know more about it, huh? or maybe not. probably not. Banjo, crocodiles, klischee associations, oh dear
a banjo is like a gituar, i realize that it is spelled wrong, but it is my computer so, i can do as i wish. So like as i was saying u look like deliverence.
a banjo is the name given to the the piece of flesh that holds the foreskin of a human’s penis to the cock itself, it can be broken during intercourse. It is also an instrument.
i hear the banjo playing as i’m running through the cold forrest, the pine needles sticking to the souls of my feet. the sounds of the banjo ringing in my ears as i run, clear as day, slowly fading as i push back tears. there is only one way to escape all this but i’m stuck.
deliverance, no? two of them, dueling…
or traditional music in general, something heard in films, the kind of thing you hear and think, oh, I must buy that and then forget.
The banjo is an instrument primarily used in bluegrass and alternative music. Consisting of 5 strings the twangy instrument was made famous in deliverance.
I know a few people who play the banjo. The other day on How It’s Made i saw how they make banjos and was surprised that the process is somewhat similar to making a drum. This also makes me think of banjo kazooie the video game, as much of my childhood was spent playing this game or watching my brother play it. bears and birds and backpacks.
banjo kazooie, a pretty fun game, i loved playing it as a kid :D
Banjo is a musical instrument that looks like a guitar or something, it has cords and all that.
It’s funny and reminds people of good old Speedy Gonzales.
The banjo is often used by mexicans even though they are not the only ones using it.
Banjo banjo…
Twangy Banjo. Save up in the banjo jar.
in the bnad dropkick murpyhs there is a very good banjo player, in the song the state of massachusetts its really good. i love the sound of that instrument. my music profesor, pablo sena
silly silly silly – made me smile with its sheer ridiculousness. Was expecting some deep emotive word – apparently not!
A banjo is an instrument used to do stuff by mexican people, mostly beat each other senseless. A banjo is also comical when used by small mice. Banjos are kind of a symbol of Mexic, aren’t they? Hmm… Crappy word.
what do youwant from me? oneword? que wha wha? give me more direction. I don’t even know how I got here, or where I’m headed…hmmmm. The heat is on, it’s on the street, woo hoo, the heat is on.
musical instrument, similar to that of a guitar. reminds me of a ho-down.
played in the country around friends and family. Great music and a good time. Also a video game. Banjokazooey. It had a bird that carried a bird on its back. Love both
Bonjos ring like tin roofs and raindrops. I lie in bed and listen to the singing. Cozy and separate the music runs up
he is bent over like intertwined willow sticks, bent at the waist, thin, sallow, fingers indented with wire strings. a cracked ceramic mug sits by his feet, and coins fill the bottom like coffee stains, few and small. He smells of cigarette and want
banjo is a musical instrument that is very iteresting and funny it is played by people from the south and i know some one that plays the banjo but i don’t really know him i just met him once he was a student of my moms.
I can play the guitar, but the banjo i cant cause the lowest string is high. it blows my mind. my thumb doesn’t understand.
What is a banjo? Hahah. I feel like a retard now because I really actually don’t know. I’m like so confused. I think it’s like something Indian? Hahahahaha. OMG! How the f*** do I not know what ‘banjo’ means? That is f***** retarded, right? Hahaha. Can’t believe I don’t know, probably be reading some other creative sh** about it.
I love the banjo noise. it is funny sounding and reminds me of country bears and that one tv show with the ghost.
danny phantom. that’s funny.
i love the banjo.
My old uncle mc fart mc toot played the banjo while picking his teeth with his toenails he though that his banjo strings made a a good butt flosser he cut his butt open by this..
He was never the same.
so, instead he used it to floss. :]
play, banjo play, guitar, bejow, bicka, beyow, music, bands, boys, fun laughter, loud, drinks, friends, fun, money, security, dancing, singing,
i want to start a folk band where i will play the banjo and quinn will sing. we would travel around the world. we would live in iceland.
I like banjos. They are cool instruments. Um………banjos.
i don’t like hearing that jangling sound & namgyal plays it all the time
jimmy cracked corn and i dont care jimmy cracked corn and i dont jimmy cracked corn and i dont care i’ll be strummin on my own banjo. banjos are funny looking. they are guitars for red-necks. i dont like the sound of banjos.
twangy and annoying. i am not a huge fan of banjos. there’s a song called banjo in meet me in st. louis the musical, and i wasn’t a huge fan of that either. it completely glorifies this annoying instrument, which, since we have guitars which sound waaaay better, is rather superfluous. i also had an engligh teacher who plays one.
Banjo banjo vietnam banjo these are the inner workings of my mind vietnam. they took that banjo down at wilton pizza when they renovated i was VERY dissapoint. honestly im glad they rennovate that place but its lost A LOT of character since then. although those 3.99 deals for two slices and a drink are quite nice.
hillbilly sat in the hot south drinkin moonshine and chewing tobacco drinking cheap lagar and beating his wife and little inbred kids sounds good though
coco banjo
banjos are for hillbillies that live in kentucky. they have strings. they are like small circular guitars.
banjos are for hill billies that live in kentucky!
the banjo is a stringed instrument that my father plays. Unfortunately, he can only play the same pattern over and over and over and over. It is ridiculously annoying and I really wish he never learned how to play the stupid thing.
banjooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo READ THE END OF THIS AND DIE A FUCKING SHITTY DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Banjoes are cool. I like pie and my butt hurts!
What is an oximoron?! I DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO SPELL IT!!
….Desu neeee.
Boob, I’ve been writing nothings in places where nobody reads this. What is this supposed to be? Definition or proposal?! I’m so over my writing class.
A banjo? as in music? instrument? I should know more about it, huh? or maybe not. probably not. Banjo, crocodiles, klischee associations, oh dear