I would like to learn to play the banjo. I knew a guy who could play the banjo once. I thought he was fantastic because he taught himself to cover remix to ignition on it, but in reality he might not have been that good.
Alex Numbers
play the bango all night long, play the banjo and sing a song. dance dance dance fool. lets play the freakin banjo ya jackass. i want to show you how well i can play this damn banjo. oh wait i can’t even play a banjo. what’s a banjo? b-i-n-g-o..b-i-n-go and bingo was his name oh!
I like to play my banjo on the holidas with the family. It makes for a good time. I love having a good time, especially with my family. Family is the greatest, I love my cousins. Lalalaa
Fucking ukuleles.
I always liked the sound of the Banjo. Reminds me of that movie about the Dueling banjos. And Roy Clark
small instrument that makes wonderful music that is only listenable when in certain moods. be cautious…if you listen to a banjo in the wrong mood, you may kill a baby or ten!
nicolas Roy
people in the north sure as hell can play banjo.
all this shit about the south.
we play banjo too.
and fucking well.
twang twang. The sunlight was making thick dense rays, shining through the dust on the porch. I wiped the dirt off of my glasses and I felt afraid, though I’m not sure why. Something about that house — the South — I don’t belong here
He would
sing me music
shitty music
out of tune banjos
absent harmonies
he would sing that
wet mornings
wet nights
southern sun
he would sing
those sings.
I’m thankful for people who don’t know how to use this site. They’re providing me with some laughs tonight.
es un banjo y estamos en e viejo oeste pero en la puerta del bar, as
The humid nights I spent playing banjo on my front steps in this town I call home. In the South but not really in the South. I want nothing more but to stay in Florida, but I know I have to leave. When does your home not become your home anymore?
sweet music,
the hills of time rush by in the melody
ping ping ping
the song goes on
Jesus, I keep getting banjo! And it feels like the time is going faster. Maybe it means I need to invest in one and hopefully play it well. Shit, a banjo it is then!
I think of the country and an old hillbilly banging on his banjo around a campfire. It seems peaceful and like there isn’t any care in the world. I wish I had a banjo. If only!
why the fuck do i keep getting banjo?
its weird that this would come up because i was just playing a song about whiskey on my banjo and it is played on the 11, 9 and 7th frets so it sounds like a fairy is singing it so it is especially beautiful. i started playing the banjo when
Four strings strain under my fingers. One snaps. She refused to turn down the music blaring from her computer speakers, but I refused to give up my playing.
Real friends understand.
If you want to sing out, sing out.
Wow, fucking third time I’ve got “Banjo” for a word. There is no fucking way that’s right. If all this site has is “Banjo” than I’m fucking looking up shit on Ebay now like I was going to do, until rudely interrupted by this fucking hemorrhage of ass called a website.
Racist Bill Murray
One instrument I never had the desire to play was the banjo. It just seemed to be too harsh. The guitar has such a soft sound. But I admit I can get my toe tapping to a good banjo tune.
Seriously? this is the fucking second time I have received “Banjo” as a word. Are you joking me?
Everyone knows what a fucking banjo is god damnit.
Give me a different word.
Racist Bill Murray
I watch from my deck, out by the old, wild river. My grandpa sits to my left, strumming the old banjo I’ve grown up with. The string’s vibrations are hypnotizing to those who watch those frail fingers strum.
banjo again. this site don
no es noe
A hideous instrument. It makes noise, not music, I hate it. Stupid people play the banjo. Or maybe that’s just me thinking sterotypically. I don’t really know. All I know is that it sounds like crap. I want my music to have real guitars, thank you very much. Banjos are like… Guitars for hillbilles. And I don’t like hillbillies. Or rednecks. So I guess my hate for bonjos makes sense. Huh.
Banjo’s are an instrument in the string family. They are a treasure for anyone who is a hick/southern man and/or women.
Yes, women can now enjoy the banjo thanks to another instrument called the “crack-pipe”
Heull hauser
Southern folks play the banjo. No one else can master it quite like them. They play sad songs, happy songs, and dancing songs! No matter what it calls for a good time.
Eva Cambria
music , down south with the wind whisperin throught the willows. Evening nights in North carolina. Hanging out listenin to country.
what? i’ve never even seen a banjo before. it’s a mexican musical instruments or something, right? i don’t even know what i’m writing about. banjo and those big hats… and poncho. and that’s it.
a beautiful young girl who looks like a boy, playing music that can only be happy.
country music the banjo is part of shitty country music and was probably made by some redneck stretching the dead carcass of an animal with some string outta boredom
music, campfires in germany where we sang and stared at the cold summer night, scary walks in the dark past flowing water. Memories that make me smile.
a banjo reminds me of 4th grade in our music class when my friend ryan had to pretend to play a banjo.. it also reminds me of hobos in the midwest who never went to college and dont have lives. unfortunatley, i have never met anyone who plays the banjo. apparently, daniel has just informed me that actually, emily lane plays the banjo. interesting.
its an instrument
and you can play it
kind of like a guitar
has a twangy sound to it
related to the south and swamps
Country twangy shit that is magnificent in its own way. Not exactly my cup of tea but if that’s what you’re into, I guess go for it. If I could play the banjo, I’d play the SHIT out of that and I would fucking ROCK. But alas I do not. But the banjo, hmmm.
Kiki LeStrange
banjo. the thing you see in the deep south. sitting on a dusty porch by the bayou.
Banjo? He said incredulously. I never leaned how to play the banjo! You have to believe me. But the kids want someone to entertain them, said the parents. Oh well We cant disapoint them can we? So he played as poorly as ever but they loved him all the same
A banjo is an instrument from the south. It is used in southern music I forget what that is called. It makes a twangy type sound. It is kind of like a guitar. It is a string instrument.
I would like to learn to play the banjo. I knew a guy who could play the banjo once. I thought he was fantastic because he taught himself to cover remix to ignition on it, but in reality he might not have been that good.
play the bango all night long, play the banjo and sing a song. dance dance dance fool. lets play the freakin banjo ya jackass. i want to show you how well i can play this damn banjo. oh wait i can’t even play a banjo. what’s a banjo? b-i-n-g-o..b-i-n-go and bingo was his name oh!
I like to play my banjo on the holidas with the family. It makes for a good time. I love having a good time, especially with my family. Family is the greatest, I love my cousins. Lalalaa
Fucking ukuleles.
I always liked the sound of the Banjo. Reminds me of that movie about the Dueling banjos. And Roy Clark
small instrument that makes wonderful music that is only listenable when in certain moods. be cautious…if you listen to a banjo in the wrong mood, you may kill a baby or ten!
people in the north sure as hell can play banjo.
all this shit about the south.
we play banjo too.
and fucking well.
twang twang. The sunlight was making thick dense rays, shining through the dust on the porch. I wiped the dirt off of my glasses and I felt afraid, though I’m not sure why. Something about that house — the South — I don’t belong here
He would
sing me music
shitty music
out of tune banjos
absent harmonies
he would sing that
wet mornings
wet nights
southern sun
he would sing
those sings.
I’m thankful for people who don’t know how to use this site. They’re providing me with some laughs tonight.
es un banjo y estamos en e viejo oeste pero en la puerta del bar, as
The humid nights I spent playing banjo on my front steps in this town I call home. In the South but not really in the South. I want nothing more but to stay in Florida, but I know I have to leave. When does your home not become your home anymore?
sweet music,
the hills of time rush by in the melody
ping ping ping
the song goes on
Jesus, I keep getting banjo! And it feels like the time is going faster. Maybe it means I need to invest in one and hopefully play it well. Shit, a banjo it is then!
I think of the country and an old hillbilly banging on his banjo around a campfire. It seems peaceful and like there isn’t any care in the world. I wish I had a banjo. If only!
why the fuck do i keep getting banjo?
its weird that this would come up because i was just playing a song about whiskey on my banjo and it is played on the 11, 9 and 7th frets so it sounds like a fairy is singing it so it is especially beautiful. i started playing the banjo when
Four strings strain under my fingers. One snaps. She refused to turn down the music blaring from her computer speakers, but I refused to give up my playing.
Real friends understand.
If you want to sing out, sing out.
Wow, fucking third time I’ve got “Banjo” for a word. There is no fucking way that’s right. If all this site has is “Banjo” than I’m fucking looking up shit on Ebay now like I was going to do, until rudely interrupted by this fucking hemorrhage of ass called a website.
One instrument I never had the desire to play was the banjo. It just seemed to be too harsh. The guitar has such a soft sound. But I admit I can get my toe tapping to a good banjo tune.
Seriously? this is the fucking second time I have received “Banjo” as a word. Are you joking me?
Everyone knows what a fucking banjo is god damnit.
Give me a different word.
I watch from my deck, out by the old, wild river. My grandpa sits to my left, strumming the old banjo I’ve grown up with. The string’s vibrations are hypnotizing to those who watch those frail fingers strum.
banjo again. this site don
A hideous instrument. It makes noise, not music, I hate it. Stupid people play the banjo. Or maybe that’s just me thinking sterotypically. I don’t really know. All I know is that it sounds like crap. I want my music to have real guitars, thank you very much. Banjos are like… Guitars for hillbilles. And I don’t like hillbillies. Or rednecks. So I guess my hate for bonjos makes sense. Huh.
Banjo’s are an instrument in the string family. They are a treasure for anyone who is a hick/southern man and/or women.
Yes, women can now enjoy the banjo thanks to another instrument called the “crack-pipe”
Southern folks play the banjo. No one else can master it quite like them. They play sad songs, happy songs, and dancing songs! No matter what it calls for a good time.
music , down south with the wind whisperin throught the willows. Evening nights in North carolina. Hanging out listenin to country.
what? i’ve never even seen a banjo before. it’s a mexican musical instruments or something, right? i don’t even know what i’m writing about. banjo and those big hats… and poncho. and that’s it.
a beautiful young girl who looks like a boy, playing music that can only be happy.
country music the banjo is part of shitty country music and was probably made by some redneck stretching the dead carcass of an animal with some string outta boredom
music, campfires in germany where we sang and stared at the cold summer night, scary walks in the dark past flowing water. Memories that make me smile.
a banjo reminds me of 4th grade in our music class when my friend ryan had to pretend to play a banjo.. it also reminds me of hobos in the midwest who never went to college and dont have lives. unfortunatley, i have never met anyone who plays the banjo. apparently, daniel has just informed me that actually, emily lane plays the banjo. interesting.
its an instrument
and you can play it
kind of like a guitar
has a twangy sound to it
related to the south and swamps
Country twangy shit that is magnificent in its own way. Not exactly my cup of tea but if that’s what you’re into, I guess go for it. If I could play the banjo, I’d play the SHIT out of that and I would fucking ROCK. But alas I do not. But the banjo, hmmm.
banjo. the thing you see in the deep south. sitting on a dusty porch by the bayou.
Banjo? He said incredulously. I never leaned how to play the banjo! You have to believe me. But the kids want someone to entertain them, said the parents. Oh well We cant disapoint them can we? So he played as poorly as ever but they loved him all the same
A banjo is an instrument from the south. It is used in southern music I forget what that is called. It makes a twangy type sound. It is kind of like a guitar. It is a string instrument.