It meant one simple word. Open a book and wrangle meaning. Decipher the words. Own the pages. Let it linger in the back of your mind for days and share it with your friends. The end all, be all. Anything ever worth doing in life. Read. It’s something you have to do everyday. Never let it sit. Never linger, lest you lose your train of thought.
one time when i was realllly young, my mother took me to a folk dance in the town right down the road from ours. I was really excited, seeing as how normally, mom wouldn’t let us even listen to the radio at night. well we went to the dance and things got a little hectic when the banjo player knocked the mayor over the head in the middle of his opening speech!
the bango creates a sence of hypnityzation to the listeners
to each his own respect
Banjo playing. Strumming. A man on the corner, a busker, trying to make some money for Christmas so he can buy a turkey. Gobble gobble. Gobbling up money. Money can’t buy you love but it can buy you a turkey, better than a Beatles record, that’s for sure. Run out of things to say now. Come on One Word, you must finish now.
when i go to the pool i like to just chill smoke and talk shit with friends . and when im drunk its even better but the beach will always have my heart
a banjo is a musical instrument frequently used by hillbillies. the twang of it makes me want to shit my eyeballs out. i love music, not banjos. also i once saw a man playing a banjo on a street corner by a pita pit. i passed by him and ate at the pita pit. it was delicious in case you were wondering. i could go for pita pit right now. but i’m out of money. i’m out of money because my step brother stole my credit card while i was asleep to pay for porn and world of warcraft.
My favorite banjo player doesn’t exist, because I don’t like banjo music. To be quite honest, I’m actually only a fan of banjo music when it’s reciting “Dueling Banjoes”, which is probably the only song that could be considered “pop” as far as banjo music goes. Nonetheless, banjo reminds me of Willie Nelson, and I really like him, too, so that’s always nice. He’s a nice man. Likes to smoke marijuana.
loud annoying. sounds like your about to get injured or harmed. funny people use the banjo, not like comedians, but like scary funny. it sounds like a bad idea.
Banjos are pretty pimp.
I wish I could play one.
They’re like.. better then toothpaste. Which is pretty hard to beat.
And now my time is running out and I can’t think of anything.
this old man sat on his porch and strummed his banjo. it was a banjo that had been in his family for years. as he was playing a child approached him. he continued to play even after noticing the child approaching. he became lost in his song.
Hick swine. How dare they sully my good clothes with their filth. If I’d known they were so keen on touching at these community events, I would’ve worn something more durable. Oh well, at least the music was good.
The sound of a banjo reminds me of you
no. i’m not thinking. i’m just writing…….
i don’t really know what this word means but it reminds me of something in spanish. like a set of drums or something. it also reminds me of jamba juice. i love jamba juice so therefore do i love this word? i do not know, i do not know what this word means.
banjo’s have influenced music througout history. Think about it, hank snow, bluegrass, there is nothing like the twang of a banjo. Nothing like that downhome feeling when it plucks wayfaring stranger out and a familar voice cries out those meloncholy lyrics.
i miss him…and i’m chatting with him right now ;)
Your voice reminded me of a banjo. Twangy, out of place in the city. But it’s beautiful, even out of character. You are beautiful, even out of character. I loved you for all the wrong reasons the first time. I’m ready to try better now. Let me play you this song.
I think about life and I wonder. Does it really have a purpose. Do we really even matter? What is Earth, when we have an entire universe? There’s probably a million other civilizations, just like us. I really do wonder. Why are we here. Is it just a game, or is it real?
banjos at the pawn shop. banjos on the radio. banjos in a sean hayes song. banjos in the office. its time to buy a banjo.
you play banjos. they are like guitars or mandolins except cooler. they remind me of cowboys and how they eat pork and beans over a hot plate over a fire. they’re pretty cool. i like banjos. they play music.
so there was this man, who had a banjo, and he sang to his children, and they sang to his children. he enjoyedd life to the fullest, and was so thankful he had healthy children that lived a young, free, carless life and were as happy as could be. and even when he died he was famous for his happy banjp playing
it’s sweet, it’s music. Longing for the time past, for summer air, and warm fragrances. Oh it’s sound, metallic and dull, calling for the afternoon. The lillies on the pond, vaguely ondulating. The oscillating air, hot like it’s being vented out of hell’s mouth, burning our imagination.
David A. (Montreal)
my life is a banjo. a million different ways to play the same cord. i’ve tried, trust me, i have. but there is nothing new. nothing new to play just new ways of bringing forward the same old shit. maybe it’ll be different tomorrow. different rebellion and different hair but for now i’ll stay with messed up curly locks and chipped purple nails. thanks.
hill billies sitting by a river bed slowly watching time pass by not having to worry about the daily troubles of the world. how lucky they are to just let life pass then by in their ignorant bliss and now nice it is to never worry about more than a torn string on a banjo.
A banjo is a musical instrument, I’m not sure my information is correct, but I have heard it is the only instrument that is considered invented in America. It is shaped like a circle with strings running up the handle, but it a lot smaller than a guitar. It has a twangy sound, and whenever I hear one I think of hillbillies.
there was a banjo on the porch that turned tricks not magician tricks but real white men tricks in the outhouse to the tune of hip hop not a song just the genre
OH, how I wish I had a banjo right about now! To pluck and prick and shmuck and schtick along like Deliverance. In my head you see, I’m singing this, cause I just watched this flash video
Time is up.
music in the form of southern drabble. it is in foke songs and uninteresting songs like that, more or less you can only hit people wit them and that is all they are good for
Banjo… an instrument with strings and everything like a guitar?
a banjo is a serious instrument of enjoyment. my grandfather played one in a blue grass band before his death. that’s what i always think of when i see or hear this word. i’d like to learn how to play a banjo someday. wouldnt you?
jon hammersmark
i hate it annoying loud and superficial. only negrios can play thios. and hicks. HATE IT HATE IT! i kinda likethe game, you know bajo kazooi? oh well. Zelda was better. Ever played that? Nither have i. again. the most idiotic instrument with strings
old blue grass music. being from the south and secretly liking the sound.
The banjo made an awful noise as it was played. Almost as if the person playing had never touched a banjo before. In fact, I think that might be the case. He had never touched a banjo and have no idea what it even was. How did he get a hold of this banjo? I want to kick him and take it from him.
Leja Racut
I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the banjo, but I can never tell anyone I know because I think that they all think that the banjo is only played by “hicks”. Maybe I need less judgmental friends.
i own a set of banjo finger-picks… yet i’ve never owned a banjo. what’s wrong with this picture?
banjo is a musical instrument that emit funny sound and makes people happy and wanna dance along to the tune. I see people in checkered shirt and straw hats play this instrument most of the time in the movies, illustrations and what’s not.
I like banjo’s because they make cool sounds, and they just generate fun music in general. I’m not a huge fan of country, but they just make you want to get up and jump and kick like a good ol’ fella!
steve martin playing the banjo with an arrow through his head. the guy frome hee-haw, roy clark, pikcing the banjo with the other guy whose name I can’t think of right now. hoe-downs. deliverance. always wnated to learn how to play. dukes of hazzard car chases!
It meant one simple word. Open a book and wrangle meaning. Decipher the words. Own the pages. Let it linger in the back of your mind for days and share it with your friends. The end all, be all. Anything ever worth doing in life. Read. It’s something you have to do everyday. Never let it sit. Never linger, lest you lose your train of thought.
one time when i was realllly young, my mother took me to a folk dance in the town right down the road from ours. I was really excited, seeing as how normally, mom wouldn’t let us even listen to the radio at night. well we went to the dance and things got a little hectic when the banjo player knocked the mayor over the head in the middle of his opening speech!
the bango creates a sence of hypnityzation to the listeners
to each his own respect
Banjo playing. Strumming. A man on the corner, a busker, trying to make some money for Christmas so he can buy a turkey. Gobble gobble. Gobbling up money. Money can’t buy you love but it can buy you a turkey, better than a Beatles record, that’s for sure. Run out of things to say now. Come on One Word, you must finish now.
when i go to the pool i like to just chill smoke and talk shit with friends . and when im drunk its even better but the beach will always have my heart
a banjo is a musical instrument frequently used by hillbillies. the twang of it makes me want to shit my eyeballs out. i love music, not banjos. also i once saw a man playing a banjo on a street corner by a pita pit. i passed by him and ate at the pita pit. it was delicious in case you were wondering. i could go for pita pit right now. but i’m out of money. i’m out of money because my step brother stole my credit card while i was asleep to pay for porn and world of warcraft.
My favorite banjo player doesn’t exist, because I don’t like banjo music. To be quite honest, I’m actually only a fan of banjo music when it’s reciting “Dueling Banjoes”, which is probably the only song that could be considered “pop” as far as banjo music goes. Nonetheless, banjo reminds me of Willie Nelson, and I really like him, too, so that’s always nice. He’s a nice man. Likes to smoke marijuana.
loud annoying. sounds like your about to get injured or harmed. funny people use the banjo, not like comedians, but like scary funny. it sounds like a bad idea.
Banjos are pretty pimp.
I wish I could play one.
They’re like.. better then toothpaste. Which is pretty hard to beat.
And now my time is running out and I can’t think of anything.
this old man sat on his porch and strummed his banjo. it was a banjo that had been in his family for years. as he was playing a child approached him. he continued to play even after noticing the child approaching. he became lost in his song.
Hick swine. How dare they sully my good clothes with their filth. If I’d known they were so keen on touching at these community events, I would’ve worn something more durable. Oh well, at least the music was good.
The sound of a banjo reminds me of you
no. i’m not thinking. i’m just writing…….
i don’t really know what this word means but it reminds me of something in spanish. like a set of drums or something. it also reminds me of jamba juice. i love jamba juice so therefore do i love this word? i do not know, i do not know what this word means.
banjo’s have influenced music througout history. Think about it, hank snow, bluegrass, there is nothing like the twang of a banjo. Nothing like that downhome feeling when it plucks wayfaring stranger out and a familar voice cries out those meloncholy lyrics.
i miss him…and i’m chatting with him right now ;)
Your voice reminded me of a banjo. Twangy, out of place in the city. But it’s beautiful, even out of character. You are beautiful, even out of character. I loved you for all the wrong reasons the first time. I’m ready to try better now. Let me play you this song.
I think about life and I wonder. Does it really have a purpose. Do we really even matter? What is Earth, when we have an entire universe? There’s probably a million other civilizations, just like us. I really do wonder. Why are we here. Is it just a game, or is it real?
banjos at the pawn shop. banjos on the radio. banjos in a sean hayes song. banjos in the office. its time to buy a banjo.
you play banjos. they are like guitars or mandolins except cooler. they remind me of cowboys and how they eat pork and beans over a hot plate over a fire. they’re pretty cool. i like banjos. they play music.
so there was this man, who had a banjo, and he sang to his children, and they sang to his children. he enjoyedd life to the fullest, and was so thankful he had healthy children that lived a young, free, carless life and were as happy as could be. and even when he died he was famous for his happy banjp playing
it’s sweet, it’s music. Longing for the time past, for summer air, and warm fragrances. Oh it’s sound, metallic and dull, calling for the afternoon. The lillies on the pond, vaguely ondulating. The oscillating air, hot like it’s being vented out of hell’s mouth, burning our imagination.
my life is a banjo. a million different ways to play the same cord. i’ve tried, trust me, i have. but there is nothing new. nothing new to play just new ways of bringing forward the same old shit. maybe it’ll be different tomorrow. different rebellion and different hair but for now i’ll stay with messed up curly locks and chipped purple nails. thanks.
hill billies sitting by a river bed slowly watching time pass by not having to worry about the daily troubles of the world. how lucky they are to just let life pass then by in their ignorant bliss and now nice it is to never worry about more than a torn string on a banjo.
A banjo is a musical instrument, I’m not sure my information is correct, but I have heard it is the only instrument that is considered invented in America. It is shaped like a circle with strings running up the handle, but it a lot smaller than a guitar. It has a twangy sound, and whenever I hear one I think of hillbillies.
there was a banjo on the porch that turned tricks not magician tricks but real white men tricks in the outhouse to the tune of hip hop not a song just the genre
OH, how I wish I had a banjo right about now! To pluck and prick and shmuck and schtick along like Deliverance. In my head you see, I’m singing this, cause I just watched this flash video
Time is up.
music in the form of southern drabble. it is in foke songs and uninteresting songs like that, more or less you can only hit people wit them and that is all they are good for
Banjo… an instrument with strings and everything like a guitar?
a banjo is a serious instrument of enjoyment. my grandfather played one in a blue grass band before his death. that’s what i always think of when i see or hear this word. i’d like to learn how to play a banjo someday. wouldnt you?
i hate it annoying loud and superficial. only negrios can play thios. and hicks. HATE IT HATE IT! i kinda likethe game, you know bajo kazooi? oh well. Zelda was better. Ever played that? Nither have i. again. the most idiotic instrument with strings
old blue grass music. being from the south and secretly liking the sound.
The banjo made an awful noise as it was played. Almost as if the person playing had never touched a banjo before. In fact, I think that might be the case. He had never touched a banjo and have no idea what it even was. How did he get a hold of this banjo? I want to kick him and take it from him.
I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the banjo, but I can never tell anyone I know because I think that they all think that the banjo is only played by “hicks”. Maybe I need less judgmental friends.
i own a set of banjo finger-picks… yet i’ve never owned a banjo. what’s wrong with this picture?
banjo is a musical instrument that emit funny sound and makes people happy and wanna dance along to the tune. I see people in checkered shirt and straw hats play this instrument most of the time in the movies, illustrations and what’s not.
I like banjo’s because they make cool sounds, and they just generate fun music in general. I’m not a huge fan of country, but they just make you want to get up and jump and kick like a good ol’ fella!
steve martin playing the banjo with an arrow through his head. the guy frome hee-haw, roy clark, pikcing the banjo with the other guy whose name I can’t think of right now. hoe-downs. deliverance. always wnated to learn how to play. dukes of hazzard car chases!