battery, to have power in something. to bring something to life. spring. the sun comes out to play, to bring these little seedlings some life. gives out energy to the children, gives energy and food to the plants and trees. to earth. spring is the battery to the year.
An assault of images, of people of places, to light up my world and yours with the flashbulb words. May none doubt the kilowatt power of light and love and lyrics.
The battery is a yin yang.
Plus and Minus.
Positive and negative.
You and me, defined by charge, units of potential difference.
And we do have potential.
Daniel Arntz
the battery of medical tests would reveal the answers. I pondered the results before entering the room. Would this news change our lives forever? Or would the ambivilence I’d been feeling continue to plague me. I reached for the door handle and tightened my grip.
a battery is what keeps flashlights running. it’s not particularly special, just a little thing full of nuclear power that people use to replace electiricity, which we so heavily depend on. Although I wonder if batteries are really that much better. If they are filled with so much of this nuclear stuff that everyone is so gosh darn worried about, why do we still use them? I mean, disposing of them, they might leak, and then where would we be? So what makes them so special?
I feel like a dead battery. Run down and empty, I’m not sure how exactly to pass the time or how to keep going. I wonder if my shrink can see it in my eyes that soon, I’m probably going to kill myself?
large or small
new cars of the future
cell phones that work
flash light for camping
brown and silver in color
expensive to purchase
needed to remotes
Michael Reinert
the item that gives life to so many different items with in our world. Once is dies, so does its host, Where does that leave us? With out battereis there is no technology, but without technology there is no need for batteries.
the had acid
charging the battery
energy to move
energizer bunny
flash lights that work
cell phone chargers
brown in color
cars of the future
Michael Reinert
the battery was the first store in america to ever sell only bats. established in 1650 it immediately became a hit with the germans.
John Arthur Cole II
charges things power oblong heavy expensive
Karen Heins
dead load phone remote loader few cell me her
you need to charge it or it goes dead.
battery life. short, lovely and rechargeable. what can we do to extend it? can we never have more than the original? will the life always fade and eventually die out?
Every toy my kids have runs on them! They wear out way to quick and are way to expensive! Can’t live w/o them, have to take out a 2nd mortgage to buy more!
fits in a car mine is in the back of my car. I am thinking of Chris Brown, and there is a new song out with the lyrics Chris Brown needs to get his assed kicked. I think it has a violent sound this word but then again I was a paralegal for several years the law profession, criminal law anyway tends to bring out the cynical side. I am not sure what else to write I am supposed to be working does this time out or do you just keep writing??? I am going to submit now…
he turned the key but nothing happened; no lights, no radio, nothing on the dash even stirred. popping the hood he saw the reason. No battery. Gone, cables cut.
R. Panic
I can’t believe I’m charged. The battery is the core of a person’s being, and my core has been depleted substantially recently.
Ah well. That’s life. One moment you think you’re down and out, the next moment you’re raring to go. It just goes to show you; we have far less control over our mood and our circumstances than we think.
Jonathan Cox
Put your tongue on both ends of a 9 volt battery.
battery, powering my heart. im going to die soon.
My son today asked me what battery is, I told him that is it when someone beats you with a blunt object. He then proceeded to get a bat, and beat our dog, shouting battery.
A small sigh could be heard as the lights continued to fade. Why this reliance on batteries? All they do is drain…drain us…
Drain until there is nothing left. No light, no warmth, no feeling.
And then there was nothing — he could not see to see.
I load it in the machine and it whirs to life. I grin. Slight vibrations cause the sheets on my bed to shake with anticipation. So I feed it’s desires…and mine. That’s when I enter it into me.
Carl Vaughan
powers many sources such as flashlights and controllers. Many different sizes AA AAA and different company’s the lithium one with the the bunny and the inside of the battery is toxic so you can not touch it.
i love to power stuff from batteries but i hate my life so much when they run out and i have to buy more… plus i cant remember to recharge the rechareable ones…i know i suck!
“Jane, did Eddie go for the battery?”
“Yes, Paige, for the fourth time, yes.”
“OK, it’s just the my flashlight’s getting pretty dim . . . .”
“Look, we’re all being menaced by the same shadow monster that’ll eat our souls if it gets dark, so YES I hope Eddie gets back soon, too. Sheesh!”
Kevin Reid-Rice
forever. throw away. cant belive this is the word.. i dont reasllly like it .. hmm. i belive baaterrys are usless
battery acid, Airsoft guns fishing
power! greasy. ew. dont really like these. kind boring to talk about but uhhuh… round. fall out.. electricity.. memory. hmm. wireless. charged.. yeahh
just keep going and going and going
jump start
never enough
need more
cherokee haha inside joke
what charges my camera so I can take pictures with my friends my ipod battery is dead my laptop battery is dead all of my electronics are dead I need knew batteries.
to me batterry means a enrgy source. it is something that will run a car, a flashlight, or a childs toy. It is something that helps run and energize the world we live in.
robots. the energizer bunny. red bull. car battery runnning out. battery. camera. changing a battery. AA AAA + – batteries. replacing a battery.
The battery has life but not the life we all seek. It has the means to charge and renew life. I think of things in my life that have the ability to rechage myself. I think of what they are and how much I feel charged by them and not just given false life.
The patient was subjected to a battery of new tests but still the doctors could not find the reason for her migraine headaches. They remained baffled by their patient’s odd set of symptoms.
“Help help!” i kept shouting. but no one would answer. no one would help. as the battery of the poor little boy continued. 5 against 1. wasnt really a fair fight. but they just keep going. and everyone just watched.
the life force of something automated
mashed up hens kept against their will if they have any? aaah electric flashy flashy.
So I took out the battery and told him it was bad. “What makes you think its’s a bad battery?” he asked. I replied “Well it has a hole in it the size of New Jersey, and there is acid covering the entire right side of your car. I’d definitely say something is wrong with it.”
my battery power is running low just waiting for you.
battery, to have power in something. to bring something to life. spring. the sun comes out to play, to bring these little seedlings some life. gives out energy to the children, gives energy and food to the plants and trees. to earth. spring is the battery to the year.
An assault of images, of people of places, to light up my world and yours with the flashbulb words. May none doubt the kilowatt power of light and love and lyrics.
The battery is a yin yang.
Plus and Minus.
Positive and negative.
You and me, defined by charge, units of potential difference.
And we do have potential.
the battery of medical tests would reveal the answers. I pondered the results before entering the room. Would this news change our lives forever? Or would the ambivilence I’d been feeling continue to plague me. I reached for the door handle and tightened my grip.
a battery is what keeps flashlights running. it’s not particularly special, just a little thing full of nuclear power that people use to replace electiricity, which we so heavily depend on. Although I wonder if batteries are really that much better. If they are filled with so much of this nuclear stuff that everyone is so gosh darn worried about, why do we still use them? I mean, disposing of them, they might leak, and then where would we be? So what makes them so special?
I feel like a dead battery. Run down and empty, I’m not sure how exactly to pass the time or how to keep going. I wonder if my shrink can see it in my eyes that soon, I’m probably going to kill myself?
large or small
new cars of the future
cell phones that work
flash light for camping
brown and silver in color
expensive to purchase
needed to remotes
the item that gives life to so many different items with in our world. Once is dies, so does its host, Where does that leave us? With out battereis there is no technology, but without technology there is no need for batteries.
the had acid
charging the battery
energy to move
energizer bunny
flash lights that work
cell phone chargers
brown in color
cars of the future
the battery was the first store in america to ever sell only bats. established in 1650 it immediately became a hit with the germans.
charges things power oblong heavy expensive
dead load phone remote loader few cell me her
you need to charge it or it goes dead.
battery life. short, lovely and rechargeable. what can we do to extend it? can we never have more than the original? will the life always fade and eventually die out?
Every toy my kids have runs on them! They wear out way to quick and are way to expensive! Can’t live w/o them, have to take out a 2nd mortgage to buy more!
fits in a car mine is in the back of my car. I am thinking of Chris Brown, and there is a new song out with the lyrics Chris Brown needs to get his assed kicked. I think it has a violent sound this word but then again I was a paralegal for several years the law profession, criminal law anyway tends to bring out the cynical side. I am not sure what else to write I am supposed to be working does this time out or do you just keep writing??? I am going to submit now…
he turned the key but nothing happened; no lights, no radio, nothing on the dash even stirred. popping the hood he saw the reason. No battery. Gone, cables cut.
I can’t believe I’m charged. The battery is the core of a person’s being, and my core has been depleted substantially recently.
Ah well. That’s life. One moment you think you’re down and out, the next moment you’re raring to go. It just goes to show you; we have far less control over our mood and our circumstances than we think.
Put your tongue on both ends of a 9 volt battery.
battery, powering my heart. im going to die soon.
My son today asked me what battery is, I told him that is it when someone beats you with a blunt object. He then proceeded to get a bat, and beat our dog, shouting battery.
A small sigh could be heard as the lights continued to fade. Why this reliance on batteries? All they do is drain…drain us…
Drain until there is nothing left. No light, no warmth, no feeling.
And then there was nothing — he could not see to see.
I load it in the machine and it whirs to life. I grin. Slight vibrations cause the sheets on my bed to shake with anticipation. So I feed it’s desires…and mine. That’s when I enter it into me.
powers many sources such as flashlights and controllers. Many different sizes AA AAA and different company’s the lithium one with the the bunny and the inside of the battery is toxic so you can not touch it.
i love to power stuff from batteries but i hate my life so much when they run out and i have to buy more… plus i cant remember to recharge the rechareable ones…i know i suck!
“Jane, did Eddie go for the battery?”
“Yes, Paige, for the fourth time, yes.”
“OK, it’s just the my flashlight’s getting pretty dim . . . .”
“Look, we’re all being menaced by the same shadow monster that’ll eat our souls if it gets dark, so YES I hope Eddie gets back soon, too. Sheesh!”
forever. throw away. cant belive this is the word.. i dont reasllly like it .. hmm. i belive baaterrys are usless
battery acid, Airsoft guns fishing
power! greasy. ew. dont really like these. kind boring to talk about but uhhuh… round. fall out.. electricity.. memory. hmm. wireless. charged.. yeahh
just keep going and going and going
jump start
never enough
need more
cherokee haha inside joke
what charges my camera so I can take pictures with my friends my ipod battery is dead my laptop battery is dead all of my electronics are dead I need knew batteries.
to me batterry means a enrgy source. it is something that will run a car, a flashlight, or a childs toy. It is something that helps run and energize the world we live in.
robots. the energizer bunny. red bull. car battery runnning out. battery. camera. changing a battery. AA AAA + – batteries. replacing a battery.
The battery has life but not the life we all seek. It has the means to charge and renew life. I think of things in my life that have the ability to rechage myself. I think of what they are and how much I feel charged by them and not just given false life.
The patient was subjected to a battery of new tests but still the doctors could not find the reason for her migraine headaches. They remained baffled by their patient’s odd set of symptoms.
“Help help!” i kept shouting. but no one would answer. no one would help. as the battery of the poor little boy continued. 5 against 1. wasnt really a fair fight. but they just keep going. and everyone just watched.
the life force of something automated
mashed up hens kept against their will if they have any? aaah electric flashy flashy.
So I took out the battery and told him it was bad. “What makes you think its’s a bad battery?” he asked. I replied “Well it has a hole in it the size of New Jersey, and there is acid covering the entire right side of your car. I’d definitely say something is wrong with it.”
my battery power is running low just waiting for you.