I found a bee outside my house, I thought about taking it back to the queen bee, but the little bee seemed happy with me, so we made sweet bee love.
Bees are eaten by wasps, which is non important.
Beehave, sounds like Behave. which is unimportant as well.
I hate them cause they sting me ahh
Yesterday, I ate a bee
Bee. My dad raises bees. He says that they are actually really fun to work with and really smart. A bee has one hole into the hive and one path only. If something is in the way of that hole, the bee will sit there, waiting patiently.
i am scared of them. I dont like the sting. Ive never been stung before but I still dont like them. They attract food. THey swarm, theyre everywhere flowers are. Its yellow but
i need bees onmy knees and in the trees , and above the grass to pass on this life and renew and stuff
beautifully constructed hives, with perfect hexagons, to produce sweet honey, out of the polen from the flowers, so much work for so little creature
samuel zapateiro
Carl wante to be a bee
Not just any one you see
but one that flies and weeves
honecombs and eats frisbees
The bee flitted from flower to flower, taking its sweet nectar, and keeping it as its own before flying back to the colony. The wings beat a rhythm that reflected the seasons: winter, spring, summer, fall and back again: a mixture of life and death, beginning and end. But the wind picked up and blew with more fever. And the bee had to steady itself. Left. Right. Up. Down. Just a turn here. Control again.
If it could talk like a human, it would tell them it wasn’t an easy job. No sir.
Gouldin Lion
buzzing bumble bee oh my don’t sting me please I’m not going to hurt you. Buzzing around my head for now I’m scared of you.
We were walking through the woods and the dog stopped. He stood his ground and stared straight ahead, with his body close to the ground. I asked, “What’s wrong boy?
i thought i could see a bee when i stood up but then all of a sudden it dissapeared. too bad, i wanted to be friends with the bee, i needed a friend, especially now..more than anything. if only i could snuggle up with those orange and black stripes.
yellow and black stripes,sting,hurt,ouch!!,flying,buzz
Jesus gomez room 805 ms.navarro's class
He moved away from it with a firm expression on his face, a sad attempt at acting manly-perhaps to keep up his pride. In a harsh voice, he said “I don’t like insects.”
So I left it at that and laughed softly behind my eyes.
i like bumvle bees we had one named jamal. he foze him and then he died, that really sucks. i love ryan. bees are yellow and black most of the time but sometimes they are other colors and they hurt
the design and archetipe of time
sinking in the giant vortex,
galaxies forgotten
as you spiral
into nothingness.
The void filled,
as you smile
and turn the corner
of the worlds
you no longer
have need for.
Lili M
I have never been stung by a bee. I think that is why sometimes I am so afraid of them. It’s like when you play paintball. You are so scared to get shot the first time, but once you know how it feels it’s okay. I also think that I might not be scared of them just because they for some reason don’t like stinging me. I have been bitten by a dragonfly though. They scare the shit out of me.
Beehive is how a British librarian tells a child to calm down and obey the rules.
Joseph Leff
We stood there, on the side of a mountain. The sun shining warmly. He had a dead bee sitting on his finger tips as I leaned in closely with my camera. A macro shot of one dead bee, in my boyfriend’s fingers. All while we stood on the side of a mountain.
It was a wonderful day, and I miss the summer for it.
Where you bee(n)? I ate refried bee(n)s in a tortilla last night. (sic)
I'm an idiot
beautiful bumbling buzzkill, Begone! Beguile me not with your beastial prick pointed stinger song
lo, the bee. I see you buzzing in the woods
like a little butterfly
except a whole lot less scary
I love you, bee
I want to be you.
buzzing jumping flitting from flower to flower full of pollen and yummy stuff that the whole hive will eat come winter The Bee Movie yellow and black stripes. antennas. pooh bear. honey yummy yummy honey on toast spelling bee
Kaye Ann Silver
bee’s are awesome and they make you honey, honey is good on toast, especially when you mix it with tee. Jerry Seinfeld did a movie with Bee’s in it which really wasn’t funny at all, and Bee’s are epic in an awesome 60 second conclusion
bee is the nickname of my grandmother
i loved her dearly
for her first name was beatrice
and bee was easier to remember and pronounce
this winter my sister and i are getting tattoos of a bee in rememberance of her
she is one of the greatest people i’ve ever met in my life.
bees and the knees come in trees in pairs of threes. bees like flowers and stuff. they make good honey and it is good with peanutbutter and bananas
I’m always scared of getting stung by a bee. I’ve never been stung -knocks on wood-, so, what if I’m allergic? I could be without knowing it and that would not be a good outcome. Which is the only reason I hate the warm weather. I don’t like seeing bees around me. Ever. :|
The bee buzzed around Shari’s head. It was an incessant sound. It annoyed her. She swatted at the bee again and again, but it kept coming back. “Darn bee. I’ll get you yet.” She swatted again and missed. She nearly fell over doing so.
I already wrote about this topic, fuck you
the bee is in black and yellow.
the cool colors.
but the cool creature stings. and it hurts.
Bee’s are a strange thing. I mean, I’ve never really been stung in an abnormal place but by god, I know some people who have. It’s really an oddity how people come in contact with that tiny, almost invisible little stinger. Of all the places, too. My cousin, for example. Swallowed one of those fuckers and got stung in his throat. WTF?
I hate you
bees make the honey but we take it away constantly.. I wish you could see, why this isnt the way things should be.. Please stop and pay your dues first, thing about what comes next don’t avoid the hurt but take it in stride. believe me when they hear the truth, there eyes will wipe away the blind.
Learn To bE
Deep inside the darkness of the hive, there is no room for thought or love, only action. Every insect must be as tightly honed as the cog on a clock for the whole of the hive to function with any meaning. Deep in the darkness of the hive, action is all that matters.
bumbleebees are nicer than people give them credit for. Many folks are scared of bees but they are just a part of our world. My uncle had some bees and the honey was fantastic, still had the wax combs in it and everything!
This fucking bee won’t leave me the fuck alone.
buzzzz mutha fucka
the bee stung her and she yelled at the top of her lungs “shit” everyone went silent and then the todlers started laughing.
i am a queen bee, hahaha!
beecause i love you
I found a bee outside my house, I thought about taking it back to the queen bee, but the little bee seemed happy with me, so we made sweet bee love.
Bees are eaten by wasps, which is non important.
Beehave, sounds like Behave. which is unimportant as well.
I hate them cause they sting me ahh
Yesterday, I ate a bee
Bee. My dad raises bees. He says that they are actually really fun to work with and really smart. A bee has one hole into the hive and one path only. If something is in the way of that hole, the bee will sit there, waiting patiently.
i am scared of them. I dont like the sting. Ive never been stung before but I still dont like them. They attract food. THey swarm, theyre everywhere flowers are. Its yellow but
i need bees onmy knees and in the trees , and above the grass to pass on this life and renew and stuff
beautifully constructed hives, with perfect hexagons, to produce sweet honey, out of the polen from the flowers, so much work for so little creature
Carl wante to be a bee
Not just any one you see
but one that flies and weeves
honecombs and eats frisbees
The bee flitted from flower to flower, taking its sweet nectar, and keeping it as its own before flying back to the colony. The wings beat a rhythm that reflected the seasons: winter, spring, summer, fall and back again: a mixture of life and death, beginning and end. But the wind picked up and blew with more fever. And the bee had to steady itself. Left. Right. Up. Down. Just a turn here. Control again.
If it could talk like a human, it would tell them it wasn’t an easy job. No sir.
buzzing bumble bee oh my don’t sting me please I’m not going to hurt you. Buzzing around my head for now I’m scared of you.
We were walking through the woods and the dog stopped. He stood his ground and stared straight ahead, with his body close to the ground. I asked, “What’s wrong boy?
i thought i could see a bee when i stood up but then all of a sudden it dissapeared. too bad, i wanted to be friends with the bee, i needed a friend, especially now..more than anything. if only i could snuggle up with those orange and black stripes.
yellow and black stripes,sting,hurt,ouch!!,flying,buzz
He moved away from it with a firm expression on his face, a sad attempt at acting manly-perhaps to keep up his pride. In a harsh voice, he said “I don’t like insects.”
So I left it at that and laughed softly behind my eyes.
i like bumvle bees we had one named jamal. he foze him and then he died, that really sucks. i love ryan. bees are yellow and black most of the time but sometimes they are other colors and they hurt
the design and archetipe of time
sinking in the giant vortex,
galaxies forgotten
as you spiral
into nothingness.
The void filled,
as you smile
and turn the corner
of the worlds
you no longer
have need for.
I have never been stung by a bee. I think that is why sometimes I am so afraid of them. It’s like when you play paintball. You are so scared to get shot the first time, but once you know how it feels it’s okay. I also think that I might not be scared of them just because they for some reason don’t like stinging me. I have been bitten by a dragonfly though. They scare the shit out of me.
Beehive is how a British librarian tells a child to calm down and obey the rules.
We stood there, on the side of a mountain. The sun shining warmly. He had a dead bee sitting on his finger tips as I leaned in closely with my camera. A macro shot of one dead bee, in my boyfriend’s fingers. All while we stood on the side of a mountain.
It was a wonderful day, and I miss the summer for it.
Where you bee(n)? I ate refried bee(n)s in a tortilla last night. (sic)
beautiful bumbling buzzkill, Begone! Beguile me not with your beastial prick pointed stinger song
lo, the bee. I see you buzzing in the woods
like a little butterfly
except a whole lot less scary
I love you, bee
I want to be you.
buzzing jumping flitting from flower to flower full of pollen and yummy stuff that the whole hive will eat come winter The Bee Movie yellow and black stripes. antennas. pooh bear. honey yummy yummy honey on toast spelling bee
bee’s are awesome and they make you honey, honey is good on toast, especially when you mix it with tee. Jerry Seinfeld did a movie with Bee’s in it which really wasn’t funny at all, and Bee’s are epic in an awesome 60 second conclusion
bee is the nickname of my grandmother
i loved her dearly
for her first name was beatrice
and bee was easier to remember and pronounce
this winter my sister and i are getting tattoos of a bee in rememberance of her
she is one of the greatest people i’ve ever met in my life.
bees and the knees come in trees in pairs of threes. bees like flowers and stuff. they make good honey and it is good with peanutbutter and bananas
I’m always scared of getting stung by a bee. I’ve never been stung -knocks on wood-, so, what if I’m allergic? I could be without knowing it and that would not be a good outcome. Which is the only reason I hate the warm weather. I don’t like seeing bees around me. Ever. :|
The bee buzzed around Shari’s head. It was an incessant sound. It annoyed her. She swatted at the bee again and again, but it kept coming back. “Darn bee. I’ll get you yet.” She swatted again and missed. She nearly fell over doing so.
I already wrote about this topic, fuck you
the bee is in black and yellow.
the cool colors.
but the cool creature stings. and it hurts.
Bee’s are a strange thing. I mean, I’ve never really been stung in an abnormal place but by god, I know some people who have. It’s really an oddity how people come in contact with that tiny, almost invisible little stinger. Of all the places, too. My cousin, for example. Swallowed one of those fuckers and got stung in his throat. WTF?
bees make the honey but we take it away constantly.. I wish you could see, why this isnt the way things should be.. Please stop and pay your dues first, thing about what comes next don’t avoid the hurt but take it in stride. believe me when they hear the truth, there eyes will wipe away the blind.
Deep inside the darkness of the hive, there is no room for thought or love, only action. Every insect must be as tightly honed as the cog on a clock for the whole of the hive to function with any meaning. Deep in the darkness of the hive, action is all that matters.
bumbleebees are nicer than people give them credit for. Many folks are scared of bees but they are just a part of our world. My uncle had some bees and the honey was fantastic, still had the wax combs in it and everything!
This fucking bee won’t leave me the fuck alone.
buzzzz mutha fucka
the bee stung her and she yelled at the top of her lungs “shit” everyone went silent and then the todlers started laughing.