
March 8th, 2009 | 169 Entries

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169 Entries for “believe”

  1. I believe that you and I are more than this. I believe in ghosts.
    I believe in choosing happiness.
    I believe in the easy way out. I believe in nothing.
    I believe people are born blank.

    Truth and beauty is all we need to know.
  2. I believe there is more to life then this horrible injustice I am going through. I can live, I can survive, and they are testing me. They challenge me. I shall win, I shall obliterate my enemy, I believe I can. For this injustice shall not go unpaid.

    Carlos Preising
  3. believe
    have we had believe before?
    I’m not so sure
    but if we havent
    here I go

    what to believe
    when every word uttered from every mouth existing
    at the sight of being released
    every word
    exposed to the world
    like there was no shame to be had

    acarmona ponce
  4. Why is it so hard to believe?

    Could it be because so many try to deceive?

  5. I believe in many things. There are certain things I wish I could believe. This particular word I always associate with childhood, a want to believe in magical elements we saw in Disney movies. We grow up and no longer believe in anything. Life has the tendency of doing that.

  6. i believe that one day i may be able to look back upon my life and smile.
    i believe that i can not give up because this fight is the one that will prove it all.
    i believe that there is a stronger, brighter light that we are dulling
    i believe that good will soon rise
    i believe.
    is that enough?

  7. believe in yourself cause that is how you can trust someone else. and, as you get older, you trust many people. they trust you back. life continues with trusting communities.

  8. one day as i was on a long road i saw a man. He told me “You want to know the secret to a good fortunate life?” i replied with a nod. He told me “the secret is to believe. You see what you believe anything is possible.”
    I took that in and went home to find out that he was correct. All we have to do is believe.

  9. I don’t believe in you.

  10. I wish I could believe what you’re telling me, but I’ve heard it too many times. I’ve seen you pull this stunt before and it worked the first ten, twenty, thirty times… no more. I don’t want to fall into your trap again. I don’t want to give in to your explanations and justifications.

    Fine, I’ll go get ice cream with you.

  11. The leap outside thought and rationalization that allows humans to connect with the divine that we all share. something that is so deep inside us and fundamental, almost atomic, it almost seems to be outside ourselves.
    We are belief

    daniele ponzi
  12. believing is the sense of my life . the most wonderful moments of my life happened because i believed .

  13. I believe that in this world we can all change no matter throught the challenges we face on a daily basis and throughout our lifetime. Believing is seeing. Believe in the lie. We want to believe in hope, change, the optipism of a situation. I believe that I will do better and be successful in this life. I believe I will do better than my mother.

  14. “I can’t believe you would do this!” she screamed, throwing the nearest heavy object at him. Ducking, her now ex-boyfriend tried to avoid the rage. Dodging would not help him much as the woman he cheated on chased him down.

  15. I haven’t seen you in months but yesterday you were there, paused before that modern art installation in the park. And for a second, it made me believe. Maybe we are meant to be?

  16. So you saw something in the sky and you wanted it to be real. So you heard something roar in your closet at night and you wanted something to be behind the door. So you prayed as hard as you could and you wanted someone to hear. Believe, I guess.

  17. i believe not to believe that there’s a god out there.

  18. believe is something that is great.. it gives you a mindset to do anything.. who believes in what and what believes in who.. i didn’t even know my time was counting down.. lol

    ever one believes in anything as of i.. i belive that i can do anything.. and that anything can be done..

    Believe in what you believe in because it could make dreamscome true

    Xavier Shelton
  19. i beleive in nothing by love and everything that thinks that it is love. No , wait I read enough graffiti on the bathroom walls to know that everyone is fucked. I read one “love is love and that is all we know.” WTF. That doesn’t make sense to me. I think the we need to stop believing in it and just try to find it once it says “hi”

  20. it takes a lot to believe in something, what ever that something may be. whether its santa clause or God in order to believe in something you must first truly understand what that thing is, or better yet maybe the understanding kills the belief. perhaps if you don’t understand something it allows you to believe in it that much more fully.

  21. Believe is such a strong word. I believe in tolerance and non-violence. I believe that we as a human race better wake up and realize what we are doing to our planet and that we must do something or we will have no resources left.

  22. I want to believe in God. I can say that I do, today.
    But there are so many things that keep me from being unsure of myself. friends of mine who constantly push their outlooks on me. I dont do that to them.
    I believe in God.
    I just dont believe in everything with the bible and whatnot.
    Some stuff just doesnt fit right.
    but i dont know.

  23. Believe is such a strong word. It makes me think of the word “faith” which implies belief in something which cannot be proved. Beliefs in such things are the most dangerous things humans encounter in their lives. Wars are fought over beliefs. Governments are changed over beliefs. Friendships are made or broken over beliefs.

  24. I believe that I can do anything in this world that is within my power as long as I try. The only thing that is holding me back is my belief that I have to give too much to others. If and when I finally put myself forward and take the reigns, nothing will stop me ever again.

    aaron p.
  25. believe is one of the most important words that needs to be used. Believing needs to start from yourself….All you need is believe in yourself..

  26. Do you believe him?I s he the man you can marry
    you should t

  27. I used to believe. I had a lot of belief, once upon a time. But that was long ago. Now my belief has gone, and all I have is bitterness to keep me company.

  28. that there is someone watching, that everything will come up alright. In whom? i owe you that one. If you think about it, it does not matter that much if it is God, Buddha, a tree or your favorite shirt.

    daniel k.
  29. I hate it when people think I’m a heartless bastard just because I tell them I don’t believe in God. I HAVE morals too, you know!

  30. “Do you believe in life after love?” Ah, Cher. It all comes back to Cher eventually, I think. Belief is a crazy thing. It can make or break you, and eventually, you have to believe it.

  31. that i’m worth more than being called 25 lbs. overweight.

    that my sense of personality is worth more than being dubbed for an overweight girl.

    that I’m worth being happy.

    that I will be loved, no matter my weight.

    that I will love myself, no matter my weight.


  32. To have faith in truth or existence of
    think or suppose
    have religious faith
    accept that is true or is telling truth

  33. I believe in making it, in being without a man, in love, in just about everything that contradicts what I just said

  34. I believe that belief is quite important for most of us. Because, belief is linked with confidence.If you don’t believe yourself, i.e. you are not confident,usually you don’t believe others either. If you don’t believe either in yourself or in others, then you will be living with a great anxiety which lead you to mad.

  35. I don’t belive you, and even if it’s true I don’t want to believe that it is possible. I won’t believe!

  36. I fully believe that time will one day stop, slow down and reverse park over your grave. Causing millions of decomposing bodies to rise from the earth’s warm embrace and spread like the plague, over every city in this god forsaken world.

  37. hope to think that something is true in the sense that you can make it a reality. belief negates proof, it negates logic, it holds onto the intangible, it guides the mind to conclusions it could not otherwise reach. it gives.

  38. life gives you lots of things to believe in along with plenty to not believe in. i believe in my children as they are everything to me. i want them to believe in themselves and a world that they will be able to accomplish whatever goals they set for themselfs – i believe in them with all my heart and soul.

  39. I believed in a great many things until I got hit by a bus and nearly died. Then I believed in reality and looking both way before crossing a street. Call me pessimistic, I just don’t think Gods let people get run over by many-tonned vehicles for no reason.

  40. why do schmaltzy song lyrics swim into my head when i read the word believe i believe i can fly i believe if i work hard enough then my efforts will be noticed and then i will be rewarded, but fly? never. utter tosh and complete twaddle.
