
January 2nd, 2009 | 673 Entries

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673 Entries for “belong”

  1. to become one with your home…great feeling ofhome, of childhood, of youth, freshness, recognition, to know every street and its name,and smell, to know the ssm

  2. I belong, everyone belongs, belonging, belongs to a group, a place a friend a life, we all belong in someplece or another. I belong to myself and no one else, but I also belong to everything around me, and it belongs to me, we are all belonging, you belong and I belong, its what and who we are

  3. i belong in oher spaces

  4. belonging wishing hoping, taking time to realize where we are in the world is becoming increasingly hard to understand and achieve. Belonging is something that exists within all of us, and is hard to realize.

    Taylor Styes
  5. If you make all of your choices just because you want to belong, you may find that you eventually lose yourself.

  6. Every one has a place that they belong. Sometimes life is full of just trying to find out where you belong. A feeling of belonging is the most joyous feeling in the world.

  7. i have never known where i belong in the world. I wish i could find out. i think i would be really enlightened if someone could just tell me what role i’m supposed to play. i feel like i don’t belong with others, like im my own little country in nowhere.

    ruth anne
  8. I wish I could belong somewhere. I’ve never found a good friend, out of all the places I’ve lived. I can’t stay long enough to really get to know someone. I wish we could stay somewhere for more than three years. Now that we’re moving to Chicago, maybe I can finally find someone to talk to.

  9. belonging is the relationship between two people. if one belongs to another that can mean love, but that can also mean hate: if one depends on the other one and there’s nothing he or she can do about it.
    you can belong to your loved one as well as belong to your boss, or your master

  10. I want to heal. I want to feel what I thought was never real. I want to let go of all the pain I’ve held so long. I want to heal. I want to feel like I’m close to something real. I want to find something I’ve wanted all along. Somewhere I Belong.

    I’m a creep. I’m a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? I Don’t Belong Here.

  11. i belong exactly where i am right now, i do not belong where i do not feel right.

    zachary g
  12. to be a part of a group, to be on the inside or outside, to feel a sense of home anywhere, to join in with others and connect to the collective unconscious, to have recognition that some feel the do belong and some feel they don’t belong, to long for something

  13. Belonging is cheese. Cheese is good. Everyone likes cheese. Cheese belongs to a select group of foods that everyone likes (populated mainly by those foods that make up pizza). Therefore, belonging is the equivalent of cheese… or pepperoni.

    Chris Walczak
  14. I have always craved a sense of belonging among my friends, among nature, among my family. I find it difficult to find a place amidst people and things that live a certain way, and think a certain way, when I feel so differently. I feel as if I belong with people who look up at the night sky and admire the moon…

  15. Pets, things, lovers, they all turn into something they were never supposed to be. I have a love/hate relationship with Breakfast at Tiffany’s for that reason… I love the notion of belonging to someone- like its something predestined and beautiful. But mostly it seems tawdry and vile- a form of slavery in disguise. We turn free animals into pets. We turn people into collections- friends, family, acquaintences.

  16. Sometimes I feel as if I don’t belong. That’s probably because I don’t. No one belongs here. So if no one belongs, what are we really doing here?

    alone, forever.
  17. To be part of a group. To help one another in times of distress. To sacrifice for the good of others knowing that they would sacrifice for you. Warmth, respect, and forgiveness. Admiration for each other.

  18. long be lone bone gone beg bong elong nole nol

    Katie Biggs
  19. everyone belongs somewhere in life with some group of people in some form of place. If you don’t feel like you belong then you are in the wrong place and you need to move on. Find someone or some place that accepts you and stay there b.c that means you will be happy there and if you arent you don’t belong.

  20. She sits at the same spot every day, eating the exact same cheese sandwich and prepackaged junk food. She always keeps her head down and never makes eye contact. She doesn’t belong here. She doesn’t think she belongs anywhere. But she does. She has to.

  21. If you belong to something, then your “it’s”.
    If something belongs to you, then “it’s” your’s.
    If something belongs to someone else, then “it’s” their’s.
    If something belongs to no one, then “it’s” everyone one’s.

  22. arman arman arman arman arman arman arman arman

  23. if i really think about what belongs to me in this world then really in reality nothing really belongxs to anyone for instacnce music doesnt belong to a single person does it? is it not made for the enjoyment of the public does all art not belong to the world?

  24. I don’t know what it is to belong. I’ve always felt like an outsider, the windows soundproof. What does it really mean to belong, does it involve conforming, or do we bring our own meaning to it. I want to feel like I belong in this world, but I don’t.

  25. i belong here on the couch where everyone is happy and i am warm. i really like being warm, you know? when i’m warmer, i’m a lot happier. i also think i belong with matt. it’s hard to know if i should stay with him, but i think i should hang on.

  26. the sense of accomplishment being fulfilled at the moment of conception, walking through the doorway, arms full of nothing but themselves, loud embrace physically and vocally, without a shadow of a doubt that in this moment, in this place, you belong.

  27. It’s hard to know where I belong. sometimes i feel out of place in this world but I have to remember I belong to Christ who is my Lord and Saviour. I know that I am so unworthy and should not even begin to associate myself with Jesus the Lamb of God, but he accepts me just as I am. all my faults and failures. he loves me. i belong

  28. one world one love one planet

  29. I’ve heard ths word before. I’ve seen this before on the write thing. Is this everone’s first word? Shouldn’t everyone’s first word be sifferent. Why can’t I think of anything to wirte? I belong to God!! I sit at the right hand of God, in Jesus Christ.

  30. always in his arms forever happy belong, good, relaxed

  31. I belong to no one except the universe and the soil of this planet

  32. I don’t really know what it means to belong but I don’t feel like I do. Bob Zimmerman said he didn’t belong in Minnesota so he moved to NY and became Bob Dylan, but did he belong to Grenwhcih village?

  33. We all need to belong. To someone, to someplace. As a part of the whole, or going against it. But simply put, human beings were not meant to be alone. We are all connected, and we always will be, no matter how hard we may fight against it. We are the world.

    Alexandra Pollard
  34. i want to belong somewhere. I want to feel at home in my own skin. Belong. You belong with me, not swallowed in the sea. Cold play lyrics. You hated the music I played for you; I didn’t know the music you played for me. Dancing in the car. I wish you were mine.

    We belong together.

  35. today at work was one of the days within my third week of starting and i almost almost almost feel as if i should belong. i keep blushing but nevermind i always blush, and my favourite person there tries to include me and sometimes i feel as if i belong the most when more than one person wants my attention at the same time; i feel infinitely happy then..

  36. I have bever really felt like I belong, I feel as though I am kind of just here, along for the ride. I dont have any one person that I feel completely comfortable telling everything to. I am not up on the lastest fashions, I am not skinny, I am not beautiful, I am not super smart, I am just me, and I dont feel like I belong.

  37. captain America was crazy in the fact that he could jump off a roof and then in to the car of the president. this allowed him to follow his every move

  38. belong is a stupid word that starts with a b and ends with a g. it’s a stupid english word that is spelled weird. if seperated, it becomes be and long. That means be long. Not to be in a group. belong is a great example of why the english language is weird. belong also sounds weird.

  39. I’m belong to my home, i cant go away from it.
    one day i was offered to travel to work in some country, where i was about having a great salary, but i could not go far from were i belong.

    Hany Zayed
  40. I belong to a generation of spoiled brats and idiots. There are only a few people that will make it somewhere. We are doomed unless education can be turned around.
