I belong here
where else would I go
I stay where I am needed
Where I belong
I don’t fit there but right here
wherever here is
I belong
ryan neris
It’s what I want to do. I’m sick of being alone, so very fucking sick of it. I love her, dammit, but I always seem to fuck it up. Shit, I fuck everything up when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Man, what the hell is wrong with me when I can’t even get the girl who has a hook in my heart off of my mind? I don’t belong here, and I know it.
oh, dear. i can already imagine all of the people writing about how they don’t feel like they belong anywhere. get used to it – you’re never going to fit in perfectly anywhere because you’re not perfect and neither is anyone else.
i don’t think i’ve found my niche yet but i have friends and lots of love for all of them, and that’s more than enough for me right now.
grace h
No one ever really belongs… we all wander around, bumping into one another as we create new selves that supposedly fit next to other people.
It’s not nearly as sad as it is reassuring.
in the time it takes to break it she could make up ten excuses, please excuse her for the day its just the way the medication makes her.
i’m trying to figure out where i belong. i’m starting to get the hang of it i think. i’ve found some people that i seem to fit with pretty well. its just my surroundings that seem weird
pertenecer amar tener pagar volver saber certezas tiempo historia memoria huellas amigos paises ciudades provincias mundo globalizaci
where does this feeling belong amidst the turmoil. where do i belong in a world gone wrong. how do i sort through all the emotions and situations when they wrench my heart and my mind until its all so intertwined that I can’t decipher a logical solution
Simply Fabulous
Belonging is what people dont want to do, everyone want to be eccesntrick and everyone wants to be the next maverick who will stand out. We’ve explored almost all facets of being individuals and now all fall back into our niches rather than standing out anymore there isnt anything to strive for anymore, unless the unknown unknowns are surfaced.
john bearce
to belong…..a choice we all make ..thank you
people love house home christmas time easter holiday family brothers sister mother father cousins grandma together caring someone to talk to like you sports school activities heart
I don’t like the word belong. I don’t think anything should really belong to anyone. Why can’t we just use what we need? Why do we have to own everything?
Jesse Gilbert
an apple belongs in a tree
wishing to belong in the sky
its leaves reach towards the clouds
needing a new home
life as an apple is exordinarly ordinary
belong is a word that means ownership.
something belongs to you.
you belong to something.
no matter the circumstances, everyone has belongings and everyone is a belonging.
i want to go home, because that is where i belong. i also belong at college. and i belong with my friends. and i belong sleeping in my bed, oh i want to sleep in my bed right now. I belong in times square on new years eve. behind my camera.
there was once a little laddy. He sat in a tree across town. He loved this little lady named andy. and would never want to share.
He said one day when the moon was blue. that there would be nothing that
I belong to a family of four. My sister, mom, dad. I also have two dogs. and they belong to me. I love the things that belongs to me. i try to take care of the things that belong to me that include: my family, freiends, and object. I try very hard in fact.
i’ve always wanted to belong to a fancy pancy golf club. how cool would that be? meet so many new people and so many interesting stories to tell and to be heard.
I dont feel like i belong because I am the baby of my group of friends
They have known eachotehr for years and i feel intrusive… i feel like I will never know them as well as i want to know them.
I dont like not belonging
The grey cap didn’t belong on the couch, yet there it was, staring Joel right back in the face. Elaine must have been here, he reasoned. He looked around the apartment, in every room, trying to prove his theory that Elaine had come back and still loved him.
Jason Shinn
I feel like we belong together. In every way, I can feel our hearts and eyes and souls entertwining when we are together.
I feel my stomach full of dancing butterflies when I read your name, and I find myself smiling when I say your name or talk about our memories.
Love stands the test of time.
Your horoscope for tomorrow said to stop thinking so hard and follow your heart.
I am in your heart.
Listen to your horoscope Libra, and realize that we belong together.
Stella Heather
In a world where everyone is different on the outside we must realize one thing-we’re all pink on the inside.
Oh &we all want to belong.
I want to belong to someone, something.. i just want to belong i feel so alone all the time. i feel out of place in a crouwd filled room ai want someone to care for me. i want friends i want someone to cuddle with mw i want someone to love me.
kelsey dillon
feeling like you’re in a place where you are loved. i currently don’t feel like i belong anywhere. im drifting back and forth between two seperate worlds with nothing tying me down which is an exhilarating feeling but also a sad feeling
Belong reminds me of family, because no matter what you belong there. It is an inherent right, there is no fee, no dues, no obligations. To find a place where you belong, just as you as, for better or worse, go home…there is no better feeling of belonging than being surrounded by people you love you no matter what.
Kayla Roark
one word is one word. there’s simply one word. there could be a lot of meaning to it or none at all. it’s when you simply just say one word. nothing to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Felicia Petoselli
it is important to belong. That being said, the need for belonging has destroyed loves and nations. Bias. Fovorites. Being a yes-man. WHy would you snub a friend to belong. And we all have. If you don’t belong, you will never feel comfort.
David Sachs
To have a sense of comfort and equality. To be a part of a created network. To fit in with similar characteristics of another. You can not belong alone.
i belong to people who love me and to a place that is so full of many, and yet mostly i am alone. i belong where i am and yet feel the need to constantly travel, change, change partners, change careers, change path, but mostly i belong to myself because no matter what the world may throw at me, i have the full capacity to change or alter my situation
belong. it’s tempting to be so fucking cliche with belong. i belong at camp in the sunrise and the tiredness and the deep felt haze of words and arms and warmth, i belong here with my fleece wrapped around me, outside by the creek in my little-girl shoes with the cold cold water under my feet, in someone’s arms?, by the window looking out on the clocktower and wondering when the hands will reach twelve o clock noon.
He said I belonged to him. We had nicknames for each other, and screen names, and all sorts of things. We’d begun to form our own language, in the way people do when they’ve been together for a while (in our case more than a year).
all of a sudden
I didn’t belong to him
Now I belong by myself. I belong TO myself, I guess.
i BELONG to the coffee club. every day at 11:30am the coffee van arrives. we jump out of our seats and away from our computers, money in hand and eagerly await our poorly made and expensive cappuccinos. the chats and time wasting makes up for the bad taste.
i love the coffee club i belong to.
I belong to asian. Belonging is something I want to be a part of. If you belong somewhere, you exist here. Sometimes, when I’m lonely, I long belong. I wish I had a good group of friends, instead of scattered friends everywhere. I am so indecisive, that I can’t think where I want to go, or be. I am just not sure.
“We belong together…”
That’s what she was singing, or at least what I remember.
I also remember wholeheartedly agreeing with her, just holding her in my arms as she practically giggled the entire song in my arms.
John Doe
i wish i belonged. i wish there was a place for me to belong in a group or with people all the time. i long for belong, for intimate belong. i long for connectedness with people so that i might see and experience what it is to belong in real community.
Cindy S.
sometimes i feel like i just don’t belong here at this school. it’s ridiculous. and breaking up with my boyfriend has made me feel like i don’t belong with my friends because we had the same group of friends and i dont want him to feel left out. i’m so sick of this feeling. i can’t wait for christmas break. it’s so soon…tuesday is going to take forever to get to though. i don’t really want to belong here anymore. i know that sounds stupid, but i really just don’t want to belong.
when you find that place, the perfect one, where you know everything is right, where happy ending are real, that is the true place, the one where you belong, nowhere else
Belonging to someone isnt just there. its an obligation once your there noone else can replace that part of another person. you belong in there heart like noone else could.
I belong to cookie monster
belong…some are so focused belonging. But what is it to truly belong? Is it when you’re superficially included, when you feel at home or simply are the object of someone else’s actions, as in you belong to them? Does anyone REALLY belong?
we don’t belong to anyone or anywhere
I belong here
where else would I go
I stay where I am needed
Where I belong
I don’t fit there but right here
wherever here is
I belong
It’s what I want to do. I’m sick of being alone, so very fucking sick of it. I love her, dammit, but I always seem to fuck it up. Shit, I fuck everything up when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Man, what the hell is wrong with me when I can’t even get the girl who has a hook in my heart off of my mind? I don’t belong here, and I know it.
oh, dear. i can already imagine all of the people writing about how they don’t feel like they belong anywhere. get used to it – you’re never going to fit in perfectly anywhere because you’re not perfect and neither is anyone else.
i don’t think i’ve found my niche yet but i have friends and lots of love for all of them, and that’s more than enough for me right now.
No one ever really belongs… we all wander around, bumping into one another as we create new selves that supposedly fit next to other people.
It’s not nearly as sad as it is reassuring.
in the time it takes to break it she could make up ten excuses, please excuse her for the day its just the way the medication makes her.
i’m trying to figure out where i belong. i’m starting to get the hang of it i think. i’ve found some people that i seem to fit with pretty well. its just my surroundings that seem weird
pertenecer amar tener pagar volver saber certezas tiempo historia memoria huellas amigos paises ciudades provincias mundo globalizaci
where does this feeling belong amidst the turmoil. where do i belong in a world gone wrong. how do i sort through all the emotions and situations when they wrench my heart and my mind until its all so intertwined that I can’t decipher a logical solution
Belonging is what people dont want to do, everyone want to be eccesntrick and everyone wants to be the next maverick who will stand out. We’ve explored almost all facets of being individuals and now all fall back into our niches rather than standing out anymore there isnt anything to strive for anymore, unless the unknown unknowns are surfaced.
to belong…..a choice we all make ..thank you
people love house home christmas time easter holiday family brothers sister mother father cousins grandma together caring someone to talk to like you sports school activities heart
I don’t like the word belong. I don’t think anything should really belong to anyone. Why can’t we just use what we need? Why do we have to own everything?
an apple belongs in a tree
wishing to belong in the sky
its leaves reach towards the clouds
needing a new home
life as an apple is exordinarly ordinary
belong is a word that means ownership.
something belongs to you.
you belong to something.
no matter the circumstances, everyone has belongings and everyone is a belonging.
i want to go home, because that is where i belong. i also belong at college. and i belong with my friends. and i belong sleeping in my bed, oh i want to sleep in my bed right now. I belong in times square on new years eve. behind my camera.
there was once a little laddy. He sat in a tree across town. He loved this little lady named andy. and would never want to share.
He said one day when the moon was blue. that there would be nothing that
I belong to a family of four. My sister, mom, dad. I also have two dogs. and they belong to me. I love the things that belongs to me. i try to take care of the things that belong to me that include: my family, freiends, and object. I try very hard in fact.
i’ve always wanted to belong to a fancy pancy golf club. how cool would that be? meet so many new people and so many interesting stories to tell and to be heard.
I dont feel like i belong because I am the baby of my group of friends
They have known eachotehr for years and i feel intrusive… i feel like I will never know them as well as i want to know them.
I dont like not belonging
The grey cap didn’t belong on the couch, yet there it was, staring Joel right back in the face. Elaine must have been here, he reasoned. He looked around the apartment, in every room, trying to prove his theory that Elaine had come back and still loved him.
I feel like we belong together. In every way, I can feel our hearts and eyes and souls entertwining when we are together.
I feel my stomach full of dancing butterflies when I read your name, and I find myself smiling when I say your name or talk about our memories.
Love stands the test of time.
Your horoscope for tomorrow said to stop thinking so hard and follow your heart.
I am in your heart.
Listen to your horoscope Libra, and realize that we belong together.
In a world where everyone is different on the outside we must realize one thing-we’re all pink on the inside.
Oh &we all want to belong.
I want to belong to someone, something.. i just want to belong i feel so alone all the time. i feel out of place in a crouwd filled room ai want someone to care for me. i want friends i want someone to cuddle with mw i want someone to love me.
feeling like you’re in a place where you are loved. i currently don’t feel like i belong anywhere. im drifting back and forth between two seperate worlds with nothing tying me down which is an exhilarating feeling but also a sad feeling
Belong reminds me of family, because no matter what you belong there. It is an inherent right, there is no fee, no dues, no obligations. To find a place where you belong, just as you as, for better or worse, go home…there is no better feeling of belonging than being surrounded by people you love you no matter what.
one word is one word. there’s simply one word. there could be a lot of meaning to it or none at all. it’s when you simply just say one word. nothing to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
it is important to belong. That being said, the need for belonging has destroyed loves and nations. Bias. Fovorites. Being a yes-man. WHy would you snub a friend to belong. And we all have. If you don’t belong, you will never feel comfort.
To have a sense of comfort and equality. To be a part of a created network. To fit in with similar characteristics of another. You can not belong alone.
i belong to people who love me and to a place that is so full of many, and yet mostly i am alone. i belong where i am and yet feel the need to constantly travel, change, change partners, change careers, change path, but mostly i belong to myself because no matter what the world may throw at me, i have the full capacity to change or alter my situation
belong. it’s tempting to be so fucking cliche with belong. i belong at camp in the sunrise and the tiredness and the deep felt haze of words and arms and warmth, i belong here with my fleece wrapped around me, outside by the creek in my little-girl shoes with the cold cold water under my feet, in someone’s arms?, by the window looking out on the clocktower and wondering when the hands will reach twelve o clock noon.
He said I belonged to him. We had nicknames for each other, and screen names, and all sorts of things. We’d begun to form our own language, in the way people do when they’ve been together for a while (in our case more than a year).
all of a sudden
I didn’t belong to him
Now I belong by myself. I belong TO myself, I guess.
i BELONG to the coffee club. every day at 11:30am the coffee van arrives. we jump out of our seats and away from our computers, money in hand and eagerly await our poorly made and expensive cappuccinos. the chats and time wasting makes up for the bad taste.
i love the coffee club i belong to.
I belong to asian. Belonging is something I want to be a part of. If you belong somewhere, you exist here. Sometimes, when I’m lonely, I long belong. I wish I had a good group of friends, instead of scattered friends everywhere. I am so indecisive, that I can’t think where I want to go, or be. I am just not sure.
“We belong together…”
That’s what she was singing, or at least what I remember.
I also remember wholeheartedly agreeing with her, just holding her in my arms as she practically giggled the entire song in my arms.
i wish i belonged. i wish there was a place for me to belong in a group or with people all the time. i long for belong, for intimate belong. i long for connectedness with people so that i might see and experience what it is to belong in real community.
sometimes i feel like i just don’t belong here at this school. it’s ridiculous. and breaking up with my boyfriend has made me feel like i don’t belong with my friends because we had the same group of friends and i dont want him to feel left out. i’m so sick of this feeling. i can’t wait for christmas break. it’s so soon…tuesday is going to take forever to get to though. i don’t really want to belong here anymore. i know that sounds stupid, but i really just don’t want to belong.
when you find that place, the perfect one, where you know everything is right, where happy ending are real, that is the true place, the one where you belong, nowhere else
Belonging to someone isnt just there. its an obligation once your there noone else can replace that part of another person. you belong in there heart like noone else could.
I belong to cookie monster
belong…some are so focused belonging. But what is it to truly belong? Is it when you’re superficially included, when you feel at home or simply are the object of someone else’s actions, as in you belong to them? Does anyone REALLY belong?