i used to belong to you at least until that instident. oh that insedent you know the one where you betrayed me. oh that word hardly describes it so peaceful doesn’t give you the idear of what it feels like its terrible what you what you did.
Michael Hall
I feel like I don’t belong in this place.
Everyone is so different from me, that it’s just confusing.
I’m trapped, confused, alone.
I want to belong.
There’s one person that makes me feel this way.
He’s the reason why I love life.
I dont know where I belong … its a curious world … does anything ever belong to anyone? are we too shallow to understand that we dont really own anything?
or is it just to show off? where do i belong? this time? or 20 yrs before?
i want to belong. wow that makes me sounds very needy. but it’s true. i go out of my way to make friends with people who i just barely know. the last time i actually effortlessly made friends was my sophomore year. i just started talking and they listened. how cool is that?
it also makes me think of “blue jay way” by the beatles.
I wanted to be there. With them. I don’t even know who “they” are, but I wanted to be there. Anywhere but here. In my room. Watching tv.
Jason Parker
I don’t know if I really belong amongst my friends. Not only do I think differently and hold different principles, but I really believe that they see me as different, not least because I come from dropping out of high school, then getting in to college, then failing classes even as I proved on a daily basis that I am just as smart – if not smarter – than any of them. I want to know that I am a a real part of our group, but somehow I doubt that I am.
i belong to this world. my heart belongs to him. even though he is taken. and even though i’d rather it not be. it does. and i am a victim of this.
i belong to this world. my heart belongs to him. even though he is taken. and even though i’d rather it not be. it does. and i am a victim of this.
belonging somewhere is… not overrated. i found belonging with a group of people recently. with one person in particular. she makes me feel amazing about myself. i feel like in her arms is where i’m supposed to be. always.
family friends job place a home to go to, everyone wants to belong somewhere and everyone does in fact belong somewhere. we all need someone, we are all human and to exist, to live, to breathe,…is to belong. belong on this great planet and interact with everything we come into contact with.
what do you subscribe to?
what do you believe?
how do we all figure out where we belong?
family, love, affection, being with people, acceptance, nurturance, friends, belonging, together, hugs, smiles, kisses, laughing
i don’t feel like i belong anywhere. I’m failing as a pharmacist and as a decent human being. My family has direction while I do not. My family is polite and caring and they think of others, while I do not.
Mitch Snyder
The only way to live
Is to love
Although there is no way to avoid the pain
That comes alone with it
It is the only way to find
That one true person
The one person that makes life whole
The thing is
You have to find the person that you
I used to believe that I belonged somewhere in this world. Until too many tragic things came to be apparent. How can the world be so cruel? How is anyone supposed to find where they belong if the fates are elway working against our better will? How can we belong when others are constantly judging us and casting us out? What does it even meant to “belong” anymore when this world is so twisted that even your best friend may have the capacity to turn around and stab you right in the back?
we all belong to the earth. why sometimes we forget that? todos pertenecemos a la tierra. porque a veces se nos olvida?
I think that everyone wants to belong. We want to be the person that everyone notices when they walk into the room. And not just notices, but admires. Everyone longs to belong in some way at some point in their lives.
Leora came to the slow realization that she no longer belonged in the world that her “husband” lived in. She couldn’t remember this world; she couldn’t understand this world; better yet, it was quite clear that people of her nature had no right to be even in the world of regular humans. She took a slow exhale, and watched as the rain above began to pour down upon her head. The thirst for blood was beginning to send thundering pains of hunger throughout her body, and she slowly fell into the shadows, frowning, her conscience trying it’s best to thrown out the memories that had suddenly began to flood back to her.
the strange thing about “belonging” is that, though we might not like to know we are attached to other people or to some things, it’s always comforting to learn there are indviduals and stuff that are attached to us, that belong to us.
Gabriela Kazue
just do it. belong. sell yourself. you owe it to yourself. if you don’t sell yourself, you could belong to yourself. are you ready for the responsiblity of self-ownership?
I belong
You belong
We all belong
to one another
to this planet
to ourselves
Made for you
Made for me
Made for us
Made for it
Inner peace
Inner recognition
Inner Love
We all Belong
Belonging is love and comfort. I belong here. I know where I belong.
i think this word beling means to belong to someone or some thing! i love this word it describes so many things. you can belong to someone you love, someone you care about deeply , someone you dont want to be related to or just timply someone youve known for quite a long time. i love this work and i think that everyone belongs to someone. i think that i belong to jesus christ and i LOVE to belong to him.
rebekah strassner
You do not belong…not in the sense of the word. Stop trying to achieve this arbitrary sense of “belong”ing. It is made up. By you. And us.
some people don’t feel like they belong. I feel like i belong, actually. well, not really. not here in laredo. I feel like i’m not satisfied here. I know it may sound selfish but, i want more. I need to be somewhere where i won’t be smart, but, i can become smart. But, i want to belong more than anything. I feel like i belong at home. But, not really at school. Maybe it’s because i’m so different.
Everyone wants to belong. Everyone wants to be a part of this group or a part of that clique. To belong makes ones esteem be boosted. But in the end what does it really achieve? People need to belong to themselves, and know who they are, love them selves, and only then, at that place, will they truly belong.
Emily Potter
You belong to me. nO ONE ELSE. its not fair to share you with anyone else. I don’t know when i should let this go. If its mine, i should never let it go. I can’t let it go. Its mine. not yours. I am greedy and im okay with that because this is mine. and you can’t have anything like this. iTS MADE just for me. i just can’t stand the thought of losing you.
i belong to a world where people kill people, just because they want to do it
how often we try and fit in. it seems to be the soul purpose of our existence. if not in groups then within our families. belonging is what keeps us all hoping and praying.
david pierson
To belong. Such a hard word to define, and yet something that everyone tries to obtain. A sense of feeling as if you are connected to something, someone, or some place. I want to belong to something or someone. The feeling must be very comforting.
my heart belongs to daddy. e daddy to be exact. that’s my new rapper handle. you dig. I guess I didn’t do much with the word “belong” in this case. who can do better? I don’t belong here. I belong in the arms of another woman. she knows we belong together.
you’re mine and we belong together. yes we belong together. for an eternity…
ah south texas. never felt like I belonged there. and yet I’m still here or rather not here.
where do you belong?
you belong to a society of meat eating vegetables that have taken over your local pet store. they keept taking out snakes and things and eating them in front of you and the other customers who thought they were there to ‘check out’ some new fish. with time running low you decide to take action. you jump out a window and then run to the street.
i belong in this world. i belong to myself. i fit perfectly in his arms. it’s where i need to be, it’s where i feel comfortable. don’t dislike me. i am who i am. this is what i was born to do.i am needed here. i was destined.
i belong to nobody but myself. i have no belongings i could live without. nobody belongs to me. my cat belongs to me.
i belong to nothing, i figure. apart from humanity and friendships and communities and internet forums. if nothing ever really happens twice exactly the same, considering the idea of time, then im hardly part of what i was when i started writing.
He belonged to a secret society. No one, not even his family could ever know about his secret. One day, his secret got out, and his life would never be the same. His life was now in shambles
I wish i felt like I did belong more. Belong to more groups, more so in society… and especially in someone’s loving arms. But alas, I do not, and fear that I never will.
Ginger B.
I belong to no one. I belong in trees. I belong to my words. I live in words. I live in trees. I live with no one. Belonging is a myth. no one belongs to no one. No one belongs anywhere. We float, we are bubbles, we are at the whim of the wind.
belong… belong to what? Why do we all have that underlying desire to belong to something. belong to a group of people, part of that business, part of that organization. Why do we want to belong?
i used to belong to you at least until that instident. oh that insedent you know the one where you betrayed me. oh that word hardly describes it so peaceful doesn’t give you the idear of what it feels like its terrible what you what you did.
I feel like I don’t belong in this place.
Everyone is so different from me, that it’s just confusing.
I’m trapped, confused, alone.
I want to belong.
There’s one person that makes me feel this way.
He’s the reason why I love life.
I dont know where I belong … its a curious world … does anything ever belong to anyone? are we too shallow to understand that we dont really own anything?
or is it just to show off? where do i belong? this time? or 20 yrs before?
i want to belong. wow that makes me sounds very needy. but it’s true. i go out of my way to make friends with people who i just barely know. the last time i actually effortlessly made friends was my sophomore year. i just started talking and they listened. how cool is that?
it also makes me think of “blue jay way” by the beatles.
I wanted to be there. With them. I don’t even know who “they” are, but I wanted to be there. Anywhere but here. In my room. Watching tv.
I don’t know if I really belong amongst my friends. Not only do I think differently and hold different principles, but I really believe that they see me as different, not least because I come from dropping out of high school, then getting in to college, then failing classes even as I proved on a daily basis that I am just as smart – if not smarter – than any of them. I want to know that I am a a real part of our group, but somehow I doubt that I am.
i belong to this world. my heart belongs to him. even though he is taken. and even though i’d rather it not be. it does. and i am a victim of this.
i belong to this world. my heart belongs to him. even though he is taken. and even though i’d rather it not be. it does. and i am a victim of this.
belonging somewhere is… not overrated. i found belonging with a group of people recently. with one person in particular. she makes me feel amazing about myself. i feel like in her arms is where i’m supposed to be. always.
family friends job place a home to go to, everyone wants to belong somewhere and everyone does in fact belong somewhere. we all need someone, we are all human and to exist, to live, to breathe,…is to belong. belong on this great planet and interact with everything we come into contact with.
what do you subscribe to?
what do you believe?
how do we all figure out where we belong?
family, love, affection, being with people, acceptance, nurturance, friends, belonging, together, hugs, smiles, kisses, laughing
i don’t feel like i belong anywhere. I’m failing as a pharmacist and as a decent human being. My family has direction while I do not. My family is polite and caring and they think of others, while I do not.
The only way to live
Is to love
Although there is no way to avoid the pain
That comes alone with it
It is the only way to find
That one true person
The one person that makes life whole
The thing is
You have to find the person that you
I used to believe that I belonged somewhere in this world. Until too many tragic things came to be apparent. How can the world be so cruel? How is anyone supposed to find where they belong if the fates are elway working against our better will? How can we belong when others are constantly judging us and casting us out? What does it even meant to “belong” anymore when this world is so twisted that even your best friend may have the capacity to turn around and stab you right in the back?
we all belong to the earth. why sometimes we forget that? todos pertenecemos a la tierra. porque a veces se nos olvida?
I think that everyone wants to belong. We want to be the person that everyone notices when they walk into the room. And not just notices, but admires. Everyone longs to belong in some way at some point in their lives.
Leora came to the slow realization that she no longer belonged in the world that her “husband” lived in. She couldn’t remember this world; she couldn’t understand this world; better yet, it was quite clear that people of her nature had no right to be even in the world of regular humans. She took a slow exhale, and watched as the rain above began to pour down upon her head. The thirst for blood was beginning to send thundering pains of hunger throughout her body, and she slowly fell into the shadows, frowning, her conscience trying it’s best to thrown out the memories that had suddenly began to flood back to her.
the strange thing about “belonging” is that, though we might not like to know we are attached to other people or to some things, it’s always comforting to learn there are indviduals and stuff that are attached to us, that belong to us.
just do it. belong. sell yourself. you owe it to yourself. if you don’t sell yourself, you could belong to yourself. are you ready for the responsiblity of self-ownership?
I belong
You belong
We all belong
to one another
to this planet
to ourselves
Made for you
Made for me
Made for us
Made for it
Inner peace
Inner recognition
Inner Love
We all Belong
Belonging is love and comfort. I belong here. I know where I belong.
i think this word beling means to belong to someone or some thing! i love this word it describes so many things. you can belong to someone you love, someone you care about deeply , someone you dont want to be related to or just timply someone youve known for quite a long time. i love this work and i think that everyone belongs to someone. i think that i belong to jesus christ and i LOVE to belong to him.
You do not belong…not in the sense of the word. Stop trying to achieve this arbitrary sense of “belong”ing. It is made up. By you. And us.
some people don’t feel like they belong. I feel like i belong, actually. well, not really. not here in laredo. I feel like i’m not satisfied here. I know it may sound selfish but, i want more. I need to be somewhere where i won’t be smart, but, i can become smart. But, i want to belong more than anything. I feel like i belong at home. But, not really at school. Maybe it’s because i’m so different.
Everyone wants to belong. Everyone wants to be a part of this group or a part of that clique. To belong makes ones esteem be boosted. But in the end what does it really achieve? People need to belong to themselves, and know who they are, love them selves, and only then, at that place, will they truly belong.
You belong to me. nO ONE ELSE. its not fair to share you with anyone else. I don’t know when i should let this go. If its mine, i should never let it go. I can’t let it go. Its mine. not yours. I am greedy and im okay with that because this is mine. and you can’t have anything like this. iTS MADE just for me. i just can’t stand the thought of losing you.
i belong to a world where people kill people, just because they want to do it
ghcfuasighdkasghdsabdjgasjdgasjgdasgdcsbh ydiqwuydiwqydyb wqueyquiwyewuqyedhwsdqw wqueioqwydsydsahdcsajfew78yrtweknthfdhjf
how often we try and fit in. it seems to be the soul purpose of our existence. if not in groups then within our families. belonging is what keeps us all hoping and praying.
To belong. Such a hard word to define, and yet something that everyone tries to obtain. A sense of feeling as if you are connected to something, someone, or some place. I want to belong to something or someone. The feeling must be very comforting.
my heart belongs to daddy. e daddy to be exact. that’s my new rapper handle. you dig. I guess I didn’t do much with the word “belong” in this case. who can do better? I don’t belong here. I belong in the arms of another woman. she knows we belong together.
you’re mine and we belong together. yes we belong together. for an eternity…
ah south texas. never felt like I belonged there. and yet I’m still here or rather not here.
where do you belong?
you belong to a society of meat eating vegetables that have taken over your local pet store. they keept taking out snakes and things and eating them in front of you and the other customers who thought they were there to ‘check out’ some new fish. with time running low you decide to take action. you jump out a window and then run to the street.
i belong in this world. i belong to myself. i fit perfectly in his arms. it’s where i need to be, it’s where i feel comfortable. don’t dislike me. i am who i am. this is what i was born to do.i am needed here. i was destined.
i belong to nobody but myself. i have no belongings i could live without. nobody belongs to me. my cat belongs to me.
i belong to nothing, i figure. apart from humanity and friendships and communities and internet forums. if nothing ever really happens twice exactly the same, considering the idea of time, then im hardly part of what i was when i started writing.
He belonged to a secret society. No one, not even his family could ever know about his secret. One day, his secret got out, and his life would never be the same. His life was now in shambles
I wish i felt like I did belong more. Belong to more groups, more so in society… and especially in someone’s loving arms. But alas, I do not, and fear that I never will.
I belong to no one. I belong in trees. I belong to my words. I live in words. I live in trees. I live with no one. Belonging is a myth. no one belongs to no one. No one belongs anywhere. We float, we are bubbles, we are at the whim of the wind.
belong… belong to what? Why do we all have that underlying desire to belong to something. belong to a group of people, part of that business, part of that organization. Why do we want to belong?