
January 2nd, 2009 | 673 Entries

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673 Entries for “belong”

  1. i belong to them
    to the Almighty
    i wish you belong to me.
    the whole process will consume much time
    but if we are really belong together
    that was not even a valid case.
    a friend said time will heal everytime.
    even a tiny one.
    i doubt so.

  2. I belong to a college in a place in new york, that is part of a bigger place in the country, and the country belongs to the continent, and the continent is part of the whole world! wow, that is quite a lot of places all belonging inside each other, but you coud probably continue that forever. I don’t really care if i belong anywhere, i do my own thing, and where

  3. In a society where no one seems to belong… know that there is a place. It’s out there somewhere, it takes time but every person has a place. a purpose. Make your stand and find it.

  4. We belong to everything. What doesn’t belong doesn’t exist. That’s just how things are. It all fits into place. You belong to me, I belong to you. It all belongs. Why would it exist if it didn’t belong? All of the pieces will always fit together. Don’t be afraid, just let them fall into place as it goes. It will be okay. If it doesn’t belong, it won’t happen. What comes, comes. What goes, goes. Live, learn, love, laugh, cry, live.

  5. I belong to no one. and no one belongs to me.
    If I had a choice in the matter I would belong to myself and I would choose to belong to noone else. I am alone and want nothing to do with it all

  6. I wonder what it was like to belong to a tribe of Maniest Destinies? I bet that shit was just the craziest of all the adventures. Just think about it! Fucking MANIFEST! and if that wasn’t enough, it’s jsut straight followed up by destiny! Holy shit! We sit around in college every day wondering what we’re gonna do ith ourselves, what we’re gonna tell our kids, and those fucking fucking built a nation! Shit, sometimes they even atee each other! ATE THEM! But only if they ran out of food and were in the cold depths of Utah. And thus, the Church of Mormon was born. I wonder what it’s like to belong to a Morman.

  7. Belong. Belonging anywhere, nowhere, to anyone? To myself, and no one else. Belonging on others means relying on others for self-definition and your own self-worth. So, I belong to myself.

  8. I would like to belong to any kind of situation or scenario. To believe in the option of belonging is to believe in hope. I can not find the motivation or method to belong to a certain group. I am and that’s all i can be or belong to. I belong to myself

  9. Say it’s the same you I met six years ago when we were at the beach. you were with your parents and your dog and your little baby sister. I had an ice cream cone in my hand, which I dropped, like I would. And you never left me since then. But now, the lines in your face have shifted somehow. Making it hard to say whether they were ever straight.

    Bran Nieboer
  10. Fitting in is hard. Harder than it seems. Everyone constantly strives to fit in with everyone else, but honestly what’s the point? Why should we want to belong? If it makes us unhappy, but accepted, is that better or worse? And aren’t we always told that we should always be ourselves? Then isn’t conforming to what people expect and want us to be point against what they’re saying?

  11. i don’t belong to anyone, i said. i am my own person. except that the bank owns my house. and my wife owns my free time. and my boss owns me from eight am to six everyday. other than that though, i don’t belong to anyone.

  12. i wish i belonged somewhere. I moved away for three years, now I’m back. But each time I’ve lost so many friends. And the friends I have, the people I work with – I don’t have much in common with them at all. Isn’t there anyone else like me? I wear nerdy t-shirts and hang out in bookstores hoping to find people like me. But I never do.

  13. I’ve honestly never felt like i belong. I think about it everyday and i’ve come up with a couple answers for myself.
    1. Do i really want to belong or is it modern american society telling me i have to?
    2. I know now that all these wondering souls of people around me have found a belonging but in every single case i investigate i find that without a place for them to be; that without the security of always knowing they wont be alone in their walk that they would falter and lose step.

    Now i find myself past this, i feel no need to fall, to tremble with the lack of knowing someones there for me. My final question is, does this make me a better person?

  14. it’s so hard to belong in certain places, very few may want you there. i find i belong in places where i can sit, read a good book, share a meal with some friends, and relax on a rainy afternoon. belonging is something hard to find.

  15. I do not belong to you or anybody. I belong to my ideas, my beliefs, my dreams. I am not something to be possessed by anything other than myself. Maybe you feel differently.

  16. on be long gone log ole noel beg glob

  17. Belonging to a group seems really out of the norm, no one really belongs to anyone really; just yourself. I really don’t know why I just said that, maybe it’s an attempt to belong?

  18. There are a lot of places where you can belong. Some places people may not want you there and in some place some people will. You never know but unless you try to get along with people, you just might belong…

    Yunuen Tapia
  19. when I saw you I didn’t know whether I belonged. You seemed to want me here but you seemed not to as well. I can never tell with you. Sometimes I feel you have the maturity of a 20 year old, but yet you’re so hard to read. are you above me or below me?

  20. I belong to me. I am what I think, I am what I say I am. All that I have belongs to me.

  21. what does it mean to belong anyway? we belong to so many different things. different lifestyles, sects, classes ect. what does it all mean. do we really belong to anything. how existential of me to say so.

  22. It only made sense once he stepped into the house.

  23. The frame graces the picture, along the sides, running down the edges with a trimming so delicate it rewards the eyes with a golden glisten. The picture, empty.

  24. i belong to the people who made me on this erh i love them dearly i also belong to myself and deserve to be treated with respect and courtesy

  25. sometimes i wish i could belong. i mean, it sounds easy in theory, but in reality it’s so impossible. you belong to a society, you belong to a family, but do you really belong? perhaps to yourself, but that just seems awful and lonely and not at all a beautiful thing to be proud of. however, if you are, i’m sorry if i offended you. i’ve only sixty seconds to write, after all. i can’t be too considerate, thanks.

  26. להשתייך

    ashley bowen
  27. A sense of belonging can be an elusive thing, but once found is a priceless treasure. Its almost if not more important than being loved.

  28. everyone wants to belong to someone. even if it is just having a friends group, but there is nothing like having a significant other. one of the worst feelings in the world is rejection, i wish that everyone in the world had someone to love them.

  29. I belong to myself and my family I create around me. It is enough and I don’t need to belong to a larger group of people that know nothing about me. What do they matter anyway? They are not the opinions that I need to be seeking and they are not the ones I want to impress.

  30. i belong with noone, but i do belong with Marcos, as for what i know right now.

  31. people are so worried about belonging, like thats the point of life. the secret we have all been waiting to be given. no. its not that important. its simply a state of mind. its being comfortable in your own skin

    JEnnifer duran
  32. I don’t Know where I belong, butt know row that I DO Belong.

  33. I don’t feel like I belong to anything. I am outside the stream. I am without belonging. I want to belong. I want to feel like there is something greater than this, than me, than I. I don’t believe I will ever know. I don’t believe that if I did belong, I would know it. I don’t believe that belonging means happiness.

    Mack Powell
  34. i don’t belong within any specific group. trying to label me fails miserably and only brings you unhappiness. Belonging is a mental state of being. If you can find contentment with who you are, you will never feel the need to belong to a group in any way that will change who you are and who you are meant to be.

  35. i belong in chicago. i belong at this school. it’s wherever i feel at home and loved by those around me. i belong with my family. i belong with alex.

  36. Everyone belongs to at least one thing, weather is a person or a thing. In reality, we all belong to the earth, and to eachother, and to the air and the dirt and our family and friends. And then theres always that one thing we YEARN to belong to, usually a person in most instances. And then, if you do eventually belong to that one thing, everything seems complete.

    Bright Eyes
  37. to belong is to succumb to the lie that one’s self-worth is solely held in what others think.

  38. I wished I belonged in some places or groups but I find it better that I don’t. It tells me who actually appreciates me for me and not someone I’m not. I love my friends for that reason, thank you.

    Marco Antonio Calderon
  39. i never really thought that i didnt belong… i always loved my cat cosmo, he belonged even when we thoght he was a she… but gosh i wish i could type faster… my wrist is broken… i feel more at home in pittsburgh than i ever felt anywhere else… how sad?

    Ashley Bowen
  40. Where do you belong? Do I belong where I want to go? I have this feeling deep down that I don’t, but I can’t not try. The fact that I am trying, I think, is a sign that I might belong. What do you think? Am I being too vague and subtle? Am I afraid to just say it out right? Yes, probably. It’s hard to do.
