
January 2nd, 2009 | 673 Entries

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673 Entries for “belong”

  1. do i belong here? is this for me
    longing to belong, but where?
    to me, to you to us? do i belong to someone, like a toy, a rabbit or even a car? am i property? im belong to these questions because i long to have somehthing.

    gabriella sein
  2. we belong i think this has always been a bit of sham of a word because we all want to belong, so why should we hve a word that leaves people out when everyone should belong? we shouldn’t have a word that describes a feeling that everyone wants, it should just be a feeling that everyone has without needing to label it, no one likes labels because it leaves out those who shouldn’t be labeled, the people who are actually kind and decent and, perhaps, just want to “belong” without being told that they do.

  3. If everyone in the world were to feel as though they belong, the world would be a much happier place. Everyone should be given the sense that they belong. Without a sense of belongingness you feel alone and empty and no one should feel that way.

  4. this doesn’t belong to me. not really.

  5. family bits of you that fit together somewhere and also possibly AIB don’t you think.

    a place.

    sitting in a park and not worrying that you’re not not in that park.


    looking across a room at someone and not having to even make a facial expression to know you know.

    in jokes.

    skipping a step and realising that someone else skipped the step and ended up in the same place.

  6. loved well liked needed family friends and your children possesions that are cherished memories of youth

  7. i belong to you and your heart. your hands cover my eyes. hide me from the world. it’s okay. i am yours. i promise to never doubt you and your eccentric ways, though they may drive me up walls. i will never run. my heart belongs to you now and forever.

  8. belong is the feeling of subjecting to a certain thing, like you feel belong to the family or school. Or the thing is of your own belonging, like the pen is belong to you.

    Jennifer Ho
  9. Andy and I belong together. Belonging together means making all the little things fun and the not fun things interesting. To belong is to feel you can always be around them and never get sick or bored of them. But also know you don’t always have to be together. Belonging can be with people or in a place. Either way it’s a love not an obligation.

  10. Belonging….what an odd word. To belong to is to be one with others…but aren’t we taught that uniqueness is what matters? Guess we were told wrong, huh? It’s better now that I’m not in High School, but it’s awful when you feel left out. NEVER leave someone out on purpose.

  11. i belong to you. you belong to me. afterwards we will own each other and die. and then we will kill each other when we’re dead. don’t belong to me and i won’t belong to you. but i am afraid that is impossible. we all belong.

  12. I bleong to a family that is unlike any other, but do I really belong. I travel away from it. I don’t belong to any other groups really, and I’ve always stood on the outside. but I do belong in my family and that is where i feel most confident. Where my Leo personality takes over. The only place.

  13. to belong is something i’m not sure whether or not i’ve experienced. my days are numbered, so maybe it’s important to belong? or should i flush my hopes down the drain?

  14. A sense of belonging. We all want it. But most of the time, we pretend that we don’t. Why is it so pathetic to want to be a part of something? Why does it have to be a secret that we want to care about other people? Why can’t we just admit that we need other people, that we’re not just “too cool” for others.

    Frances Bae
  15. i wish i could belong to a wonderful society where things were different. where things could fly. i would love to be able to fly! This society would have to run on a lot of energy drinks though, because i am sure that flying is not an easy task.

  16. Belonging has always been an issue for me. It just seems that I don’t belong anywhere. Whether in a clique, in a social setting or even in the confines of my own mind. I have always had an issue whether I would ever find where I truly belonged.

  17. I don’t belong anywhere. Much of life is spent searching for a sense of belonging and at 34 I find I don’t belong, not to a place, not to a clan, not to a time. I may turn out to belong to myself. I may turn out to be my own place, my own time, my own friend.

  18. Where do I belong? I’m a nomad. In fact I don’t feel comfortable staying in one place very long. Still I must belong somewhere. I belong on Earth for now. I belong to my group of friends, no matter where they all live, and even though I can’t see them much.

    Nomad Thinker
  19. i thought i belong to you. or i wanted to belong to you i wish i belong to you i wish u belong to me but i cant have you. its not fair that u belong to another why her and not me all i want is to belong to you!

  20. belong is a word that belongs to english, I don’t think that belong it’s cool but belonging to freedom thats nice, that’s where I’m happy

  21. I belong to a great family. even though we had misunderstandings we know deep down in our hearts that we love each other. I have supportive father. I have a loving and very supportive mother. I also have a supportive sister. I have annoying but caring brother. and I have my sweetst youngest sister.

  22. I belong to a family of 6. my loving supportive parents. my annoying but caring brother. my sweetest youngest sister. and my great older sister. i love them so much. i love myself too! ;D

  23. I belong to my friends and Family… I love them <3 :D i belong to everyone who wants or needs me! I will belong to you if you want me to.

  24. I belong to no one. I am a single woman living with a man I am not sure belongs to me. I have been with him for about a year in a half but I do not feel close to him. I have been thinking long and hard about leaving him.

  25. does she belong? does she really belong with him? is he the right choice for her. she thinks to herself everynight before she falls into a deep sleep. she wonders what he did that day, and what hes doing at that moment. she wonders what shes doin with him.

  26. Belong. I belong nowhere. What is belonging? Is it where you fit in? Is belonging a sense of acceptance…where you feel comfortable?

  27. Belong.
    It is hard to belong, when everyone else is so busy being different.
    Is it belonging truly, when you don’t look like anyone else, don’t act like anyone else, and don’t think like anyone else?
    How could anyone possibly care enough for someone so different then themselves, that they might ask you to stay with them. Be with them.
    That is what makes you belong.

  28. I belong here. Or do I? I belong in your arms. I belong with you. Where are you? I know where I belong but I’m not there…or am I? I need to get there. Or maybe its true that where ever you are, thats where you belong. I belong here.

  29. I never quite felt like I belonged. It’s been such a long time, and I have developed so many great friendships since then, but for those few years, those few painful tortuous years, those little assholes made me feel like I was an alien that certainly didn’t belong among them. I wished pain upon all of them, I wished that they would suffer horrible fates. But now, I look back, and feel sorry for them.

  30. There was a shoe, once. I found it in the middle of town, right next to the bagel shop where I purchase my gum. It was brown leather, worn in with a hole in the toe. They kind of shoe you see in movies. I wonder who it belonged to.

  31. to me. i want someone to belong to me. not own them just be mine to know they are here for me. i want to know i belong somewhere and to someone as well, i’ve been a lot of places and very few times i have felt like i belong, mainly because the people closest to me are rarely on my side.

  32. When will I belong to you the one I love so completely and unconditionally? The one and only time and plac that carries with it the best and happiest of times. When will I belong…….

  33. theres a place for evryone where they belong. for me, i sometimes think ive found that place. and theres many of them. i just havent decided which one is best for me. to belonge is to feel rightly treated in the place you are and to be loved by everyone around you.

  34. She belonged in our group. Our group. So why did she waste everything we did by going to him? He’s not special like us. Why must she be so selfish? Why?


  36. I Feel We All Belong In This World. No Matter Our Sexuality, Our Race Or Our Beliefs. I Belong To Alot Of Groups. My Own Sexuality And My Own Race. As Does Everyone Else. Everyone Has A Right To Belong To Something They Believe Is Right! Belong Is A Strong Word. But We All Belong Somewhere.

  37. what do we belong to while visiting this earth. Essentially everything belongs to something one way or another. I belong to my parents. The seeds of a tree belong to the full grown tree that bore it. The earth belongs to the vastness of space and the vastness of space belongs to..?

  38. we all belong to each other. when we acknowledge this, no one will ever feel alone again.

  39. keeping it in line with everyonelse. boring? maybe? worth it? well humanity has looked for it in the whole scope of history. i suppose it’s important.

    p portugal
  40. I wish there was somewhere where i belonged because that’s what everyone wants, right? We want to belong to something in order to make connections we”ll end up losing in a few years anyway
