
January 2nd, 2009 | 673 Entries

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673 Entries for “belong”

  1. sometimes I’m not sure if I belong… but what is belonging? it’s hard to describe, feeling something in common with a group. It’s linked to existence, wanting to be noticed, drawing our self-worth from others. why can’t we belong to ourselves? or the earth? we do belong to the earth in the actual sense of the word, but is that sense enough?

  2. where do I belong? here? there?
    I’m not sure anymore….where does he belong? I think he’s stuck in my heart. There is a small opening but my heart is trying to close it to trap him in. Don’t go. Don’t leave me. I love you. I love you with every bone in my body. Why can’t we belong. You’re so far and so near. Stay close please because I need you in so many ways and I want you to need me so badly. I want to do everything for you…belong. Please belong.

    Isabella Ferraro

  4. Living in England and never belonging, this is a waste of my time ad its getting me sick. Time to change and evolve out of xenophobia and racism…I’m portuguese

  5. i belong to the group called package 9 it is where we gather to be apart of all the glourious ones in the evening. sometimes there are many people who gather around the circles involving the minds of the secret ones divining the big cheif of the lorry this means of course only involving three types of trilobites a second cause thats fucekd up this is shit.

  6. I am a child of the earth, there are many people around me. Some of them look like me some of them look different. But all of us just want to belong

  7. I wish I knew where I belonged… In someone’s arms I suppose. But whose. That’s the question. Where do I even begin to find him?.. It’s a life long journey. But to find where you belong. Priceless.

  8. I belong to it and they and whatever er yeh my a doesn’t work well, eruhgarg, it it and dogs go get it good boy leave it

  9. How can someone belong anywhere? Is thats saying that everything has a place to that it must reside. That’s foolish. Its easy to think that as humans but we must remember that we will never truly “belong” we will just be.

    Kyle Wietbrock
  10. i belong with michael kane. we are meant to be together. soulmates…that’s what he says to me. written in the stars…or it’s just god’s plan.

  11. I belong to God, I belong to my family. I belong to the world I live in. I do not belong to my work. My life is not conceived in the world of work and business, but in the world of beauty, creativity, laughter, life and love. I belong, because I am loved and loving.

  12. This is where I belong
    Wrapped within your arms
    secure and safe
    protected and loved
    I belong with you
    where ever that may be
    together we can face it all
    the rough, the tough
    whatever life throws at as
    we can face
    as long as we
    are together
    where we belong

    Curious George
  13. Sadly you dont belong to me, as much as I

  14. I want to belong to you. To your world of elgant silk kimonos and fragile cups made of ceramic and glass.
    I don’t though do I?
    But I want to, desire to.
    It’s because
    loved you.

    B. Austin
  15. I want to belong very badly but it’s hard when you’ve emigrated to a country. Especially when the second elementary school you went to was mainly populated by the local kids who went to that school all their lives. And you didn’t. Belonging is so important, I try to make people belong as much as I can. Sometimes they don’t, at least not in my group. But I see them with their friends and I’m happy.

  16. everyone wants to belong somewhere. everyone searches for a family, a community, a religion, a group,or anything else that can give him a sense of belonging, and eventually a sense of purpose and meaning!

  17. i long for belong… u belong to me… be really fuckin long… i dont no what the fuck i am riting… but i am certain that i dont belong here…. i long to belong here…. the bar on the top of this box doesnt belong to this webpage…

    abhin chhabra
  18. His hard for one to wonder what makes them really belong. And the more I begin to ponder of the same thing, I wonder, I wonder; and, I ponder, why should I belong?

  19. She held her child up the the sky and she said “be calm, be calm, belong”. Sometimes I feel like I can’t even sing.

  20. Belong. I belong to the United States of America. I belong to a world where fate exists and all kinds of weird stuff happen. Belong. Who do I really belong to? I belong to God. The one and only of course.

  21. I wish that I belonged to their group. To feel liked, you presence appreciated by some one or various people. You are wanted, people want you to be around. To belong, i yearn to belong.

  22. To belong is a desire common among all human beings. No matter who you are, there has been a time in your life where you have yearned to belong, felt proud because you belonged, or envious at those who belonged.

  23. although i have been here before i don’t think this is where i belong

  24. i belong to this world. where i have everything, but it can be taken away to quickly. I belong to a loving man, that treats me so well, A family thats no where near pperfect, but tries. So as much as sometimes i feel i don’t belong, i feel as i still do.

  25. i belong to a place that shouldn’t exist. it sucks. I hate it. this world that i live in, that we live in, why should we? what does it have to offer? I want to live in a place with no hurt no hardship. nothing.

  26. oneword omg im being time holy sahit omg life is gonna end oh god hurry up and type oh my god its going its going its going aghhhhhhhhhhh booom oh wait no im still here oh shit oh no oih crap jkhfgkjhgkjghfjkhgflhjfhkj im still typing holy shiatttttttttttahghhh its going oRANGE ONEWORD MERCY MERCY ONEW WORD AGHHHHHHHH one word i give up

  27. to belong is an important part of being alive. to belong is what we often strive for, in the way we connect to the world. often are actions are part of the desire to belong

  28. I don’t. I feel lost. It’s not fair. Its out of my control. I can’t. I give. Something has got to give. I can’t. I can’t give. I want to, but I’m scared. I want to, but you won’t. You won’t change. I want you to. I don’t want you to. I love you. I hate you. I wish I could, but I can’t. I wish I was, but I’m not. I fell it. I don’t. I don’t feel it at all. I feel like I’m lost. I don’t feel part of it. I feel like it’s because of you.

  29. I belong to various groups. But I really belong to no one. Should anyone belong to one another? To belong invites connection. Sometimes I feel connected and sometimes I don’t. Even in a group in which I belong.

  30. It’s something that belongs to me. Something that is mine. It is NOT anothers, and it’s beauty is to be mine alone. It belongs with me.

  31. I belong in your arms, not her. We fit much better anyways, the way your arms seem to wrap around me in all the right places, with her it’s just not… good enough. But day in and day out, I have to prove that to myself. I guess I’ll never truly belong.

  32. Gareth never belonged.

    When he was born, he was regarded as a curse, for killing his mother.

    When he was growing up, his father saw him as nothing more than a punching bag, only a burden.

    Now, he doesn’t even belong as a male, since he was born…a female.

  33. what was when you took your place at the end of the table on the first day he was gone and you said, this house still belongs to me, even if the money was all in his name and gone besides, and i said it’s always been yours and it is always going to be. and what wasn’t when he moved into his new cold home with his new cold wife and touched her cold red hair and breathed words like love, love, love, and never wanted to let go because he still hadn’t found anything else worth holding onto.

  34. keys into locks and shoes over socks and tins into drawers and shins into shores and books into bags and crooks into rags and tea into cups and dogs with their pups and lonely men and whores and my heart and yours

  35. i want to belong. i have always wanted to belong. its something everyone thinks about but no one talks about. i feel like that want is inside everyone but you always feel like your the only one.


  37. I dont belong. I never have. It’s something that more important people than me have, the feeling of belonging to something. I’m nobody and nothing. If I belonged anywhere it would be to the freaks or the rejects, the people you don’t notice and the people you brush as you walk by but don’t bother to look at their face.

  38. there are many places where i belong, but none that i want to be. i want to be with him, i believe that i belong with him. i just need to let him know. but what is feeling belong? how do you know you belong somewhere? the answer is being loved means belonging somewhere and i think he loves me. at least i home so.

  39. one time i tripped at the end of the path to the ocean and michelle helped me up
    her hands smelled like salt water and her hair was in tangles

    i don’t think i’ve ever felt so real

  40. i want to belong i am sad and lonel i want to belong with someone somewhere belong be long lived and loved and cared about i want to belong when i am being myself i want i want i want
