
March 27th, 2009 | 441 Entries

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441 Entries for “beloved”

  1. Ich werde geliebt. Von einem Stern. Der Stern trägt deinen Namen und leuchtet hell am Himmel. Manchmal wird er zur Sternschnuppe und zeigt mir mit einem Feuerschweif, wie sehr er mich liebt.

  2. I dont feel beloved the bunny feels beloved cause his mommy made him applepie for breakfast. After breakfast he decided to go to bed again and read a book it was his favorite one “alice in wonderland”.

  3. A small piece of advice;
    Love, then that one person will know what it’s like..what it’s like to be beloved.

    Stephanie Preising
  4. My.

    Of fair skin, brown eyes, black silk hair.


    By someone.

  5. you were my beloved.
    my one and only love.
    how could you just leave? goddamn you!
    i need you back. please, come back to me. it hurts.
    im dead inside. i cannot do this without you. youre in my head every second, of every single day. i get a sharp pain when i think of you. please make this stop, wont you?

  6. beloved asshole, i am writing to tell you to fuck off. i don’t need your bullshit & hypocrisy anymore. worse than that, it’s killing me. it’s crushing at my insides and i’m dying a slow, useless death. i want to die for something! not for you. you’re a pretender, and i think i’m ready to be real.

    adrian moravek
  7. supple transactions between the ground and
    a broken tree limb
    nibble at the time,
    casting out the exigence
    like banana peels

    Hannah Wells
  8. My beloved beagle, Calvin, is my heart dog. I miss him more than I ever imagined I would and hope my ex husband is taking care of him the way I would. If I could have brought him with me, I would have but with a 400 sq ft apartment and no money, I knew it would only be selfish. I miss you baby.

  9. each time

  10. to my beloved one whom i really miss now and wonder what constantly goes on in your mind as i’m confused and lost, waiting for a direction.

    shen yang
  11. It is true that I have met many people in the twenty one years of my life, but nobody has ever called and said that I needed to pick up my things and get out of the house as soon as possible, nobody has ever asked me to hold their bag while they went to the bathroom, and nobody has ever said that I sound really nice on the telephone.

  12. My beloved was gone and here I was.
    Life was meaningless, how could it be otherwise?
    The sunshine began peaking out from vehind the clouds.

  13. beloved. i read the book. it was good. i didn’t enjoy at the time. i enjoy the memory of it. my beloved, o my beloved, return to me. wherefore art you. tired, numb, busy, oh oh oh oh i know.

    rupert mcgallington
  14. I like to feel beloved. Who doesn’t? Beloved. To be loved. L’amour. By our friends, by our family. By our lovers. Be loved. Beloved. To be loved means to have life. To have feelings. To feel beloved means that you have a sense of achievement in your life. You are loved. You are beloved.

  15. beloved friend is a person you love dearly and my beloved friend is also my counsellor, advisor, savior, healer, lord and savior, shelter, comforter. He is my everything. I love Him and trust and obey Him each day of my life. He is the one I love with all my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength.

    sherry lee
  16. i look straight into your eyes as you turn and look at me.

    you hugged me
    you held me
    you fed me.

  17. My beloved looked into the mirror and saw only my reflection. She stumbled back in terror. Was this her true face? How could she see me in the mirror. The comfort of seeing one’s own face in the mirror everyday was the only true happiness she had ever known. In a life not worth living, this was the one facet worth clinging onto and holding.

  18. my beloved parents

  19. I looked intensely at my beloved girlfriend, and said to her in the most romantic way i could possibly imagine,”Ma petite, tu me vraiment manquerais.”


    Daniel Arntz
  21. i feel this in every way in every day.

    to stow upon some, is a feeling of safety and clarity.

    just to say it and mean it is like breathing insence.

  22. My beloved. I think that the beloved is far more of a possession than anything else. It isn’t the one person we’ve been searching for or the one we need. The beloved is the one that we want, the one we will hold and keep away from everyone else. Let go of your beloved and they won’t come back, seek them and you will not find yourself.

    Andrew Meare
  23. My beloved friends.

  24. Beloved is mine and I am his. To all that you have done may I humbly say thank you. For you saved me and nothing could ever replace the grace you so freely give.

  25. Dear beloved son,

    I have betrayed you as a mother. I should have never ran away from our family. I should have never abandoned your father. I was a foolishly idealist woman. I know it has been 10 years, but there was never a day that I did not think of you.

    Your mother

    Olivia Griselda
  26. I never had a beloved. I never wanted a beloved. Sometimes I think that it is when you actively don’t want something that it occurs… I went somewhere new, somewhere scary, and found a beloved. I don’t know if it is /my/ beloved, but I love him and for now that’s all that matters. I don’t want to leave him at the end of the year. Seperation from a beloved when I hadn’t known one was okay. Now it just seems cruel.

  27. You are my beloved. You complete my shortcomings, fill my life with joy. You are truly beautiful in every way. I can’t imagine my life without you, my beloved.

  28. Being beloved is most probably the best thing that can happen to me. Love makes the world go round. Well for me, love completed my life.

    Roger tyle
  29. If it was to mean someone, I don’t have him yet.
    If it was to mean you, I don’t have you yet.
    If it was to mean me, I don’t have me yet.

    so out of touch.

  30. My beloved pet. He lay there, dying and I knew it. He had been my companion since I was just a teen and now he was old and sick and the vet said we had to put him down. It was merciful, for him, anyway. I hugged my beloved until the very last breath and then

  31. the girl i used to date four years ago was my beloved, my entire reason for happiness

  32. so it seems, beloved daughter, the world is no longer ours to hold or cherish tightly. Let go, all things never end, there is no end. You will see..

  33. O beloved, how sweet is thy lips. Your eyes stare into my mine, making my heart ablaze with fiery passion.

  34. i love thier song ! sweet harmony what a tuuune ! it just reminds me of paradise and the good old days that lie ahead of me hopefuly ! this word is full of dreams and aspirations. i can imagine myself sitting on a beach listening to this in a few years x

  35. My beloved husband is the only one who does not see negatives in me.

  36. Go out and buy James Kochalka Superstar’s “Our Most Beloved” CD. Do not download it. He has a son who will need an ipod one day.

    tofu confetti
  37. “cry my beloved country” is the title of a book.

    pl foong
  38. jodi picoult’s the pact. written on emily’s grave. is it enough to “be loved?” isn’t it important to experience “loving?”
    love and love back. best form of love.

  39. the ham in the drawer was loved by the whole family, including grandpa, who never knew his right hand from his left or his matchbox from his perrywinkle wine.

  40. BELOVED is she who shares her soul with him; the one who loves her dearly and unconditionally.
