
July 30th, 2024 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “bicycle”

  1. I like bicylcles, I wanted to buy one but Noa doesn’t allow me. I want to buy an expensive one, but I usually dont maintain well expensive stuff. so like, umm I dont have one but I really want one. It’s super useufull and will get me to do some sports again ,so that If I buy one i will be more

  2. The bicycle has been my main mode of transportation for the past few years. The traffic in the city is awful, and I can get off the bicycle to walk on the side walk and pass the cars. It’s not so good during the rainy season though. And in that case, I work from home.

  3. We wheel around on a bicycle made for two, Dad in front, I behind. The wind beats my hair as we go down the hill. We sit in a park with bread from the gas station. The ducks come dabbling up. I see a ladder through broken windows in a factory no one goes in anymore and I wonder if anyone will come back to put it all together again. But there, wondering about an abandoned building, my hand in yours, we are building memories.