
April 4th, 2009 | 307 Entries

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307 Entries for “blackout”

  1. Hello? I guess I was truly alone. The darkness enveloped my being. I called out again. HELLO! No one. Maybe this is what I get for pushing them all away for this time. Loneliness like I’ve never felt. I wasn’t ready for any of this yet. I wasn’t ready to face everything by myself.

    Lino Alvarez
  2. I couldn’t see. I had suffered from whiteout in the snow before. This was like it. Black. No shapes. No signs. No clues.

    I became desperate. What was I going to do? I had to walk twelve miles before I would be able to get help.

    Would this be permanent? Would this be temporary? Should I wait? Should I start walking? The risks of my decision seemed like a ton of bricks pressing down on me.

    Paul Swan
  3. There she was in her room with the lights out. But it wasn’t enough for her, she wanted more so she kept him coming back. Though her heart was filled and her skin was pale, her eyes were dark with the tense cold air. She knew she couldn’t go on any longer, especially since she’d only fall back down again only to recieve that big dark blackout.

  4. i once had a black out and fell on my toes… because i couldnt remember that i was feeling my hoes… i dunno what it could mean. new york felt it too, the blackouts of mind and light all around my fight. you see your kids.

  5. When she woke up, she had no idea what was going on. Had she fainted. She turned to look around. “What happened…” she asked herself. She was in a hospital room. She looked at her chart on the end of her bed. “Blackout at a party from drinking”

  6. jennifer six my best friend i dont know 2009 what kisses like the boy next door now i dont know i wish i cukld just kiss one i guess i dont know many one wiby wboy kblack out the black out holy crap thats tongjught i guess what if i dont say hello what happens then id ont waht to know i just want to see i want o stop thinking and start acitng ti

  7. no thought, temptation, or desperation.
    slight confusion
    extreme solution
    to the over-dependence we have created
    upon our inventions
    until recent times
    they called this “night”

    Chase Lawson
  8. Heute habe ich mal wieder so ein Blackout. Meine Geschichte kommt einfach nicht voran. Mein Kopf ist leer. Aber Blackouts habe ich in letzter Zeit öfters. Aber vielleicht gehe ich die Sache auch falsch an. Ich denke wahrscheinlich tatsächlich zu viel. Ständig überlege ich, wie mein Drache heißen könnte. Ich sollte einfach mal anfangen, mir Gedanken über die Story zu machen, dann kommt der Name sicherlich von allein.

  9. I couldn’t see a damn thing. The power had been out for three hours, the milk was spoiling in the refrigerator and it was rapidly becoming to hot to stand. Blackouts like this are common here in South Dakota, but why do they always happen on the hottest days of summer?

  10. Blackout means waking up afraid and lonely not having any recolection of what had happened the previous night and not sure if you want to remember either. You call your friends and your family trying to find what had happened the night before but none of them answer you get sent to the voicemail after a couple rings. You’ve been alienated and you don’t know why.

  11. Her heart was pounding. She hated the darkness. Why did a blackout have to happen now of all times. Her long skirt swirled around her feet causing her to trip. “Where is that flashlight?!” She muttered to herself. “Ow!” She glared at the wall.

  12. the night I made that fateful dive I was naked, drunk, and very, very stupid. I had wanted to kill the pain, just douse it in as much alcohol as I could swallow. staggering out on to the edge of the dock, the voices told me don’t do it, don’t do it…but I dove anyway. It was the end of a hot summer, and the water level was lower than i’d remembered. I’ll never forget the sound of my own scream underwater. the blackout came next.

  13. of the night i see the dark allyway of new words that flow into my emtpy black head. night shadows fear powerloss nothing. new renew find seek blank empty shallow cold. bitter gone afriad forget sidetrack follow lead

  14. darkness is kind of mean to me sometimes because it makes me feel lonely . ive never had a blackout in my life… not sure if would like to have one though . i think it would be good to escape a situation you know.. when you have nowhere to go.. people cant blame you if you have a blackout.. its a good escape route. i think.

  15. wennich dir gegenüber stehe habeichein blackout.Jedes Mal immer wieder ales wasich dirsagen will verschwindet hinterder freude dichzusehen in deratemlosigkeitit die mir dein Lächeln macht, deineaugen inmn

  16. it all started when i fell down, or rather it all stopped as I blacked-out. upon waking I discovered I had no idea where i was. it was a strange sensation and I never did figure it out. Life now is not what it was.

  17. He hit me so hard, i think i blacked out.
    On the pavement, i shouted up at him, “What was that for!?”
    “You shoved into me,” the stranger replied. “It was offensive.”
    “I – what?! I didn’t!”
    “Oh, guess i was wrong then, sorry.”
    I think it was Mark Twain who said: if a person offends you… do not resort to extreme measures; simply watch your chance and hit him with a brick.

  18. blackouts can be very refreshing. especially so, when you need to get out of your daily routine and feel like you’re alive. they can take you the doors of the ethereal. if nothing else, they give you a story to tell.

    Aditya Shrivastava
  19. A dark night has climbed into my bedroom window. He’s on top of me, I like it and I can’t remember it. Exciting, dirty, all those things it’s supposed to be. Black out, you, me your body, your smell, your love! A place for us, not in day light, not under the cover of the sun but in the musk of alcohol.

    Jason Durant
  20. blackout, remember that day when there was a blackout?

    I was walking around in the halls, and you bumped into me. uh oh, there goes everything flying.

    stop, it’s a blackout on information.

    can’t tell you anything, it’s like a stop sign on all of the sources.

    Because you know me too well, you know what I’m not saying.

    but it’s a blackout and I can’t confirm it, not allowed anymore.

    we’re done here, that is the light.

  21. Schwarz. Leer. Meine Erinnerungen an schöne Zeiten? Ausradiert? Die Lust weiterzuleben? Nicht vorhanden. Ein tiefes Loch, in das ich immmer tiefer stürze. Trauer.

  22. It was dark and we couldn’t find a way out. I called out but no one who would answer. I was afraid and it was dark. I reached out and my hand grasped nothing. I kept it outstretched and kept running forward but I was left alone with my thoughts and the endless blackness. My soul was the only one who told me, “It would be alright, just keep going forward.”

  23. The silhouettes loomed closer, their claws were sticking out, reaching out, bloodthirsty and a heavy stench of murder arose. i was in my backyard. the lamps blacked out. Strong wind caused the branches on the trees to sway, creating an imagery.

  24. losing consciousness black out white faint blood rush low bp dizziness doctor electric current failure no power no electrcity lights off

  25. I feel the charge of the storm surrounding me. Consuming blackness. The void. Will it ever be the same?

    Steven Webb
  26. it’s dark,
    and no one’s in the room,
    but you’re alright,
    you’re okay.

    it’s quiet,
    and no one’s coming soon,
    but you’re alright,
    you’re okay.

    there’s only silence,
    with the pitch black doom,
    but you’re alright,
    and you’re okay.

    there’s nothing but sadness,
    and i can feel the reapers loom,
    i’m not alright,
    and not okay.

  27. There was this one time that I was in a tornado in elementary school. The entire city of Huntsville, AL experienced a mass blackout, and some parts were even without running water.

    That day was one that I will not forget. I remember being stuck in a hallway waiting for my mom to pick me up, and little did I know,

  28. loss of conciousness, nasty experience, 2 words in 1

  29. The couple, struck homeless due to the recent economic slowdown, looked up in surprise. All the lights in the block around them had suddenly been turned off. Listening to nearby yells, they learned that there had been a blackout in all of New York City. Oh well. They were used to living without electricity.

  30. This is the week end when my daughter has no excuse dance week end before dance competition. It typically means that we cannot do anything else that week end either. Our lives revolve around her. How sad! ….for us! Any way at least one person is happy

  31. Remember the time there was no light? Remember when we had to read to each other by candle light? You said I looked pretty in the dark, but all I wanted was the blackout to end.

  32. it’s dark. everything is blank. what is happening right now? what’s going on? There’s no sound no movement no tickling of the clock..nothing…no sound of hurrying feet …..blank…it is bank…. what’s happening to the world? to this creation of God? Has it vanished in a day?

  33. Blackout. It strikes fear into those in the big cities of the world but does nothing for those who aren’t swamped by human technologies. It is a purely human fear and one that leads us into our own disasters. I will not fear it. I will live free from it’s constraints.

  34. I thought I could see nothing, but I truly saw everything. I was previously blinded by all I saw, and now I see nothing. My life was saved by a blackout.

  35. There was a blackout moment when you stepped in, the sun hdden behind you. Then your eyes lit up the room with their warmth and the world was a wonderful place once more.

    Nathalie (Spacedlaw)
  36. this occurred when Enron got greedy in CA. Blackouts can be kind of fun if you have time to just sit and relax. But if you were in the middle of a big project that could really suck. They can lead to intimate encounters. You should always make sure that you have candles on hand in case of a blackout. Pillars throw off the best light but they are also the most likely to be messy.

  37. The blackout lasted for 7 minutes. Complete and utter darkness. hands groping for something stable to rest on. Eyes blinded by nothing. And then it was over. The lights flickered, once, twice. Safe.

  38. The inability to assertain concious thought,disorientation,complete and utter lack of illumination,to completely conceal or hide,to lose memory

    Alexis von Bretzel
  39. Sure, I remember…or do I? She was right there, putting something in her purse and I the next thing I know, I’m in the truck of a car bouncing down a country road. That’s one helluva blackout.

  40. it is a dark time when you are poised and ready for the light to come back. As soon as it does you have to be ready and know what you are supposed to do because you only have one chance

    Ryan Spracklin