
May 1st, 2024 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “blaze”

  1. When another man comes straggling in
    begging you to warm his bones
    remember how you sliced your skin open before him
    brought out the blaze residing in your chest and asked him to drink
    He debauched
    and with your warmth now his strength
    he stood up and left when he saw you turning cold yourself
    he left
    along with all your fire.
    Or almost all your fire.
    Lucky for you
    your people were no ordinary ancestors
    they were magical
    and you had their blood coursing through you
    so with that magic and flickers left of a heart that was once fire
    you nursed you back
    and now you stand here
    stitched but even more magical because you now know where you come from
    so remember
    when another man comes limping in
    begging you to warm his bones
    tell him it’s not your duty to fill up a man lacking
    tell him you can’t help him
    tell him you need your warmth for yourself
    and after closing the door in his face
    return to yourself, to your magic and fire
    and dance
    because you now understand that you’re your own lover before anyone else’s

  2. Blaze, fire crackling still, can barely hear anything through the crash of trees and the helicopter whir-whirring ahead. People are shouting, I know, but we’ve been shouting so long. I barely speak anymore, throat hoarse, need to conserve water. Gone are the panicked shouts from when the bears rushed past, almost knocking us over, no animosity just fear. It is only us who try to fight. Everything else knows to run. There are no animals left. They are all gone or dead. It is only this terror, seeming to take a life of its own. “Wild animals aren’t mean or nice,” I told my kids, “they’re just wild and you need to respect that,” but now I know why men hated dragons.

  3. The fire crackled, being the only sound left in the blackness, he dared not to lift his hand from his mouth and add to the chaos that had momentarily died down. But pressing worry made his heart beat louder and louder.

  4. As she walked along the forest path towards the meeting area, she was surprised by a sudden light. Several farmhouses of their neighbors were on fire and the blaze lit up the entire forest, she continued away from the light, along the edge of the forest.

  5. Something that motivates me to take action can be challenging, but my main points are to learn from my mistakes and not be scared of failure. I sometimes get inspiration from movies, YouTube, and people. My main inspiration for not giving up is from a fictional movie- Jacki Chan. He is inspirational to me, he never gave up in his training, I wish I had his perseverance and talent skills. Jacki Chan has leadership while contributing to the community by helping people be safe. I attribute someday to being as great as him with the initiative and hope, I can guarantee myself that I can achieve my goals. I was at school and went to my clinical class, I saw my friend and started to talk to him, it is so impressive how he has two jobs, he is a tutor for SAT and powerwash in rich neighborhoods. I remember the words he told me, “It is not hard to make money, it is all about taking initiative. I went straight to my house and talked to my parents about my future and ambitions, so I convinced myself to try new stuff and take action. I had already played multiple sports but what I started playing was Badminton, every Thursday I went and had fun with people. I increased my communication skills and found new people with whom I could share my hobbies or ideas. It is fun to find new people and different ideas from every person. I can take everything I learn for my experiences. Every Saturday I went to my middle school to tutor at Khan Academy, so I could help in my community. When there are festivals I volunteer to help manage the events and share ideas.

  6. There could be no doubt now, they were in big trouble. He could see smoke coming from under the door. He knew from experience the window was long painted shut. Thinking quickly, he looked around for something to break both the window and their fall but came up short – there were just way too many pillows in the pillow fight room and darn near no bricks at all.