haha, blossom again? apparently, my description wasn’t good enough. Well, this seems like a good enough opportunity to test whether I can use the word fuck.
blossoming beauty in cosmic revelation to divine love
a flower in the woods, just sitting there, not doing nothing to no one. It is such a wonderful idea to believe that anything can just sit there and not do nothing to anything, and in return be taken from where its at only to beautify a life of denial and regret.
Over the summer, everything blossomed. Not just the flowers and the trees, but the people too (and not just physically. I know what you were thinking). Something about this summer had given everyone a fresh perspective on life, a new breath of wind — and it showed in every step we took.
blossoming is the stage when a plants buds flowers and are exposed to the sun. It is representative of the development stage in people where they become aesthetically pleasing. Some of us, like plants never really blossom into anything spectacular.
NOT BLOSSOM AGAIN. i’m doing it wrong. i MUST be doing it wrong.
wow i got this one again. goodie. errrrm.. oh, i just get flowers in my head. i’m dry.
Blossom was a TV show that my mother wouldn’t allow me to watch. I snuck in 2 episodes while she was out having a baby or something. I couldn’t figure out why she thought viewing it would make me morally bankrupt. I think it had something to do with all the hats with big flowers. Blossom had an older brother with muscles. I think his name was Joey. All the borderline-retarded self-proclaimed stud muffin characters on TV during my late childhood and early adolescense were named Joey. He decided to be a pop star, I remember hearing his song on KISS FM. “Nothin My Love Can’t Fix” made me daydream of marrying him and living happily ever after with his muscles. Now I know better. Joey was a LIAR!!! There is a shit load of shitty bullshit I wasn’t warned about back then that his love doesn’t fix, won’t fix, will never fix. Why don’t ya go run head first into a wall of FAIL brother of Blossom?!
Adrienne Skinner
a flower blossoms, a person blossoms too. maybe it’s
a flower blossoms, a person blossoms too. maybe it’s
She used the words “blossomed into a confident young woman”, and I was happy to at least give that illusion. As long as no one can tell, then the aura of confidence will do-at least until the real stuff really blossoms.
…into a life that is full of adventure and beauty. Never hesitate. This is the moment. Your only moment. Open up and feel your spirit blossom into and incredible life pounds at your chest eager to experience life.
BLOSS om’ <<what the the feck does that mean? Kind of like ‘OMEGELE ME'<sounds very suggestive. I’m not serious and this isn’t some deep quotable shit.
A part of a flower most like a bud
uh oh!!!! OMGEEE SOME is gonna hit puberty…and that will just suck. BLOSSOM kind of goes with bosom which is derivered from the Greek word hellaawkwardtimes.
The moon smiles whitely in the cold blue of the morning sky. I grin in the tranquil silence of sunrise as flowers slowly peel back delicate petals. Leaves turn their faces into the soft glow of the day, and the human world sleeps on, undisturbed. Happy birthday to me!
Charlie Rose
A flower’s colorful announcement into the world and a the birth of a plant. With it comes joy and happiness, bringing life to the world around it. The announcement of spring.
A flower’s colorful announcement into the world and a the birth of a plant. With it comes joy and happiness, bringing life to the world around it. The announcement of spring.
My bunny named Blossom, went hopping out of his cage and went up the street. I never saw him again but learned years later that a neighbor found him and cared for him until he died. Gave me solace at last.
What ever happened to Joey Lawrence?
The fresh blossom on the magnolia tree was a beautiful sight. It meant home. It meant papa’s fresh fish for dinner.
Cynthia Davidson
They tell you that one day you will blossom into a beautiful women. One day all the quirks you hate about yourself will slowly fade away.
I have blossomed. I am still a hidden flower, reluctant to let the world help me become as beautiful as i can possibley be.
They tell you that one day you will blossom into a beautiful women. One day all the quirks you hate about yourself will slowly fade away.
I have blossomed. I am still a hidden flower, reluctant to let the world help me become as beautiful as i can possibley be.
the world is infinite. the world is mine. My world is unfulfilled. My mission is clear. my drive is determined. My world is in front of me. my only limitation is my self.
Jack Everette
flowers blooming int the sun with the grass growing and the weeds sprouting as I lie there with you among the growth I can’t help but one one day these things will wilt, as will our love and all I can do is lie when you ask me “what’re you thinking?”
blossoms grew around my garden,
blue yellow red
like a box of crayons.
great show in the 90s starring mayim bialik, jenna von oy and joey lawrence. Actually it probably wasn’t very good. In fact it was probably horrible. But I had a crush on Jenna Von Oy and thought the show great largely based upon this
scott klink
flower gin and color
what i think when i see the word blossom is a feeling. of rebirth. or new life. of nebulas. of blood in water. of flowers.
steve jobs
meghan blossom.
jordan blossom.
david jaksic.
cool kicks.
peter cramer.
red hair.
james madison.
us history.
smoke weed on the daily.
not during school.
school bus.
walk it out.
MIT art.
art club.
My love blossoms from the spring
Pink and overflowing
with the laughter of geishas
left alone to enjoy
Blossoming until the petals
one by one
and the reality of a white winter
replaces the white makeup
Erin Welch
Slowly, and very gently,
the sun rose at 5am.
Rays of pink spreading through the blank canvas: the sky.
The flowers blossomed with the rythm of the sun.
… like a rose, like a stain of blood on the shirt of one who fought back, like the slow opening of freedom in the hands of people who have rarely known it before, like the minds of children and adults who are willing to be open. It is the chime in the wind, carrying sound as a ripple carries water.
Not that it really mattered, how finely her breasts were blossoming. It wasn’t like anyone popular or cute would notice. Maybe the school dwarf noticed, tho he was neither. He was the only one at boob level. Natural Selection, Mr. Bio Teach would say. Sarah slammed thru the non-accessible bathroom door, mind wandering. How would that work out anyway? Dwarf boy would climb up & straddle her chair? Afterwards, he’d stand on her shoulders proclaiming his manhood! She snorted, o gawd…high school sucks.
blossom like a flower full of life. flowers are my favorite thing, so beautiful, so delicate, yet so intricate. a creation by god. try watching a flower blossom, it can actually enlighten you. the reality that something that seems so lifeless can actually grow and expand into something beautiful.
pink lovely cherry blossom spring flower Japan
Crumpling and dry along the edges. Faded pink, was once fresh but lost its bloom. Boom. stalky stem and crispy crunch. Semi-transparent and dusky brittle. A small bit of pale fuzz along the bottom rounds, and sharp slanted cut edge on what was once the sucking, thirsty juicy life-giving channel.
It took many many days and even more effort to coax her out of it, but eventually the shrinking violet was made to come out of her shell. And oh! How she blossomed, the once quiet loner now a social butterfly. Many felt the change to be for the better, but what did she think? One may never know, she could be cursing it every day for all we know…
It was, after months of withdrawal, that he awoke one morning and was able to get out of bed, pain at its lowest since a while.
Stepping onto the wooden floors, he realized that it had been too long since he’s been out of his room, that his thoughts hadn’t been poised on the needles.
So long that the flowers had started to blossom.
oh, the lovely blossem, cherry blossems, apple blossmes, and even orange blossems. i’m don’t favor flowers that much, but i gotta say
the one who sucks at typeing
i look outside my window and see tons of flowers, blossoms, lilies, lilacs, all my favorite flowers. i find it hard to see anything more beautiful then the blooming of flowers in the spring time. Ther all have unique qualities, similar to people. No two are alike, and in this world we should look for every individuality in people.
haha, blossom again? apparently, my description wasn’t good enough. Well, this seems like a good enough opportunity to test whether I can use the word fuck.
blossoming beauty in cosmic revelation to divine love
a flower in the woods, just sitting there, not doing nothing to no one. It is such a wonderful idea to believe that anything can just sit there and not do nothing to anything, and in return be taken from where its at only to beautify a life of denial and regret.
Over the summer, everything blossomed. Not just the flowers and the trees, but the people too (and not just physically. I know what you were thinking). Something about this summer had given everyone a fresh perspective on life, a new breath of wind — and it showed in every step we took.
blossoming is the stage when a plants buds flowers and are exposed to the sun. It is representative of the development stage in people where they become aesthetically pleasing. Some of us, like plants never really blossom into anything spectacular.
NOT BLOSSOM AGAIN. i’m doing it wrong. i MUST be doing it wrong.
wow i got this one again. goodie. errrrm.. oh, i just get flowers in my head. i’m dry.
Blossom was a TV show that my mother wouldn’t allow me to watch. I snuck in 2 episodes while she was out having a baby or something. I couldn’t figure out why she thought viewing it would make me morally bankrupt. I think it had something to do with all the hats with big flowers. Blossom had an older brother with muscles. I think his name was Joey. All the borderline-retarded self-proclaimed stud muffin characters on TV during my late childhood and early adolescense were named Joey. He decided to be a pop star, I remember hearing his song on KISS FM. “Nothin My Love Can’t Fix” made me daydream of marrying him and living happily ever after with his muscles. Now I know better. Joey was a LIAR!!! There is a shit load of shitty bullshit I wasn’t warned about back then that his love doesn’t fix, won’t fix, will never fix. Why don’t ya go run head first into a wall of FAIL brother of Blossom?!
a flower blossoms, a person blossoms too. maybe it’s
a flower blossoms, a person blossoms too. maybe it’s
She used the words “blossomed into a confident young woman”, and I was happy to at least give that illusion. As long as no one can tell, then the aura of confidence will do-at least until the real stuff really blossoms.
…into a life that is full of adventure and beauty. Never hesitate. This is the moment. Your only moment. Open up and feel your spirit blossom into and incredible life pounds at your chest eager to experience life.
BLOSS om’ <<what the the feck does that mean? Kind of like ‘OMEGELE ME'<sounds very suggestive. I’m not serious and this isn’t some deep quotable shit.
A part of a flower most like a bud
uh oh!!!! OMGEEE SOME is gonna hit puberty…and that will just suck. BLOSSOM kind of goes with bosom which is derivered from the Greek word hellaawkwardtimes.
The moon smiles whitely in the cold blue of the morning sky. I grin in the tranquil silence of sunrise as flowers slowly peel back delicate petals. Leaves turn their faces into the soft glow of the day, and the human world sleeps on, undisturbed. Happy birthday to me!
A flower’s colorful announcement into the world and a the birth of a plant. With it comes joy and happiness, bringing life to the world around it. The announcement of spring.
A flower’s colorful announcement into the world and a the birth of a plant. With it comes joy and happiness, bringing life to the world around it. The announcement of spring.
My bunny named Blossom, went hopping out of his cage and went up the street. I never saw him again but learned years later that a neighbor found him and cared for him until he died. Gave me solace at last.
What ever happened to Joey Lawrence?
The fresh blossom on the magnolia tree was a beautiful sight. It meant home. It meant papa’s fresh fish for dinner.
They tell you that one day you will blossom into a beautiful women. One day all the quirks you hate about yourself will slowly fade away.
I have blossomed. I am still a hidden flower, reluctant to let the world help me become as beautiful as i can possibley be.
They tell you that one day you will blossom into a beautiful women. One day all the quirks you hate about yourself will slowly fade away.
I have blossomed. I am still a hidden flower, reluctant to let the world help me become as beautiful as i can possibley be.
the world is infinite. the world is mine. My world is unfulfilled. My mission is clear. my drive is determined. My world is in front of me. my only limitation is my self.
flowers blooming int the sun with the grass growing and the weeds sprouting as I lie there with you among the growth I can’t help but one one day these things will wilt, as will our love and all I can do is lie when you ask me “what’re you thinking?”
blossoms grew around my garden,
blue yellow red
like a box of crayons.
great show in the 90s starring mayim bialik, jenna von oy and joey lawrence. Actually it probably wasn’t very good. In fact it was probably horrible. But I had a crush on Jenna Von Oy and thought the show great largely based upon this
flower gin and color
what i think when i see the word blossom is a feeling. of rebirth. or new life. of nebulas. of blood in water. of flowers.
meghan blossom.
jordan blossom.
david jaksic.
cool kicks.
peter cramer.
red hair.
james madison.
us history.
smoke weed on the daily.
not during school.
school bus.
walk it out.
MIT art.
art club.
My love blossoms from the spring
Pink and overflowing
with the laughter of geishas
left alone to enjoy
Blossoming until the petals
one by one
and the reality of a white winter
replaces the white makeup
Slowly, and very gently,
the sun rose at 5am.
Rays of pink spreading through the blank canvas: the sky.
The flowers blossomed with the rythm of the sun.
… like a rose, like a stain of blood on the shirt of one who fought back, like the slow opening of freedom in the hands of people who have rarely known it before, like the minds of children and adults who are willing to be open. It is the chime in the wind, carrying sound as a ripple carries water.
Not that it really mattered, how finely her breasts were blossoming. It wasn’t like anyone popular or cute would notice. Maybe the school dwarf noticed, tho he was neither. He was the only one at boob level. Natural Selection, Mr. Bio Teach would say. Sarah slammed thru the non-accessible bathroom door, mind wandering. How would that work out anyway? Dwarf boy would climb up & straddle her chair? Afterwards, he’d stand on her shoulders proclaiming his manhood! She snorted, o gawd…high school sucks.
blossom like a flower full of life. flowers are my favorite thing, so beautiful, so delicate, yet so intricate. a creation by god. try watching a flower blossom, it can actually enlighten you. the reality that something that seems so lifeless can actually grow and expand into something beautiful.
pink lovely cherry blossom spring flower Japan
Crumpling and dry along the edges. Faded pink, was once fresh but lost its bloom. Boom. stalky stem and crispy crunch. Semi-transparent and dusky brittle. A small bit of pale fuzz along the bottom rounds, and sharp slanted cut edge on what was once the sucking, thirsty juicy life-giving channel.
It took many many days and even more effort to coax her out of it, but eventually the shrinking violet was made to come out of her shell. And oh! How she blossomed, the once quiet loner now a social butterfly. Many felt the change to be for the better, but what did she think? One may never know, she could be cursing it every day for all we know…
It was, after months of withdrawal, that he awoke one morning and was able to get out of bed, pain at its lowest since a while.
Stepping onto the wooden floors, he realized that it had been too long since he’s been out of his room, that his thoughts hadn’t been poised on the needles.
So long that the flowers had started to blossom.
oh, the lovely blossem, cherry blossems, apple blossmes, and even orange blossems. i’m don’t favor flowers that much, but i gotta say
i look outside my window and see tons of flowers, blossoms, lilies, lilacs, all my favorite flowers. i find it hard to see anything more beautiful then the blooming of flowers in the spring time. Ther all have unique qualities, similar to people. No two are alike, and in this world we should look for every individuality in people.