
April 24th, 2010 | 230 Entries

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230 Entries for “bongos”

  1. play fine music. they are percusion instruments that random guys looking like addicts play on the street for money, of course nobody gives them any money…they would spend it on drugs…which is perfectly fine for me…if they give me some.

    by Kornspel on 04.24.2010
  2. Bongos are drums. I think that bongos are pretty cool, because there are professionals that play them, but you don’t HAVE to be a professional to play them. Bongos sound amazing whether you have rhythm or not. Did you know that rhythm is the only word in the English language without a vowel? Awesome.

    by Sydera Theobald on 04.24.2010
  3. bongos are a drum played by black people in africa, when played people often chant and go “ulu bulu waki wikiwoo waa,” meaning “can i get some cheese cake in gazebo two.”

    by yy on 04.24.2010
  4. The man sat on the beach beatin the bongos. All around him people were dancin, and singing. Smiling, the man, hit the drums faster.

    by Cassie on 04.24.2010
  5. Easy drums, beating a rhythm that comes and goes like a waking heartbeat. No one knows where notes come from, or where they go beyond the ears when the wind carries them away. Doesn’t matter if you really know how to play, them, I guess.

    by jess on 04.24.2010
  6. bongos like discs flying in the blue sky. sometimes you’d hear their whirrrrrssss like a waterfall seething into your eardrums. a smell that girds against your nostrils like the stem of a rose, thorns wedging into red veins.

    by Gadi Cohen on 04.24.2010
  7. There’s this girl
    Long dark hair
    She dances and smiles
    She doesn’t care
    But she doesn’t know
    The love she hold’s
    In her hand’s
    He’s just one of her fans
    There’s this boy
    and He love’s this girl
    He see’s her dancing
    and she doesn’t know.

    by Victoria Watson on 04.24.2010
  8. He played the bongos. He played them very well. His father had taught him when he was a young boy. It was a strange thing for a father to pass onto his son but it was their thing.

    by aura on 04.24.2010
  9. my feet hate standing still when they feel the bongos playing-especially when his hands are making the beat

    by allison on 04.24.2010
  10. bongos are especially irksome instruments. usually employed by drifters, stoned rastafarians, and talentless hacks trying to make some charity change, these drums produce monotone, banging, shitty noise.

    by james on 04.24.2010
  11. I told you I didn’t even know how to play the bongos and you laughed and you laughed and you laughed and then you kissed me many times. “Please don’t ever change”, you said. And I promised I wouldn’t.

    by on 04.24.2010
  12. the subtle and soft sound of the bongos was in the air when we sat on the beach. it was like it was just the two of us and nothing in the world could come between us. i held his hand in mine and felt the wind coming from the sea. the music drifted away and we were together.

    by pannu on 04.24.2010
  13. walking around the australian outback you will find people playing bongos so that they can relax to the jovial tune of a bongo that stirs up a joyful eruption in your inner being and soothes the ears and soul and makes all who hear it want to party their crazy heads off and drink beer.

    by Bongo Lishis on 04.24.2010
  14. Bongos make music. I love music. Music is apart of me. I am a girl named Charlay. That is how I do.

    by Charlay on 04.24.2010
  15. When i think of bongos the first thing that comes to mind is donkey kong, and music from a third world country.

    by Matthew on 04.24.2010
  16. BOOM! momma always sid we were too loud
    but to old to be 15
    he played them bongos like life depended on it
    i danced like it was the end
    and it may as well have been

    by sharent hernandez on 04.24.2010
  17. Bongo drums for the Gamecube. Play donkey kong with them, pound one to go forward, one to go back, both at the same time for jumping around. Gimmicks for you, gimmicks for me.

    by Julia on 04.24.2010
  18. Bongos is the thing. They ring, they sing, them bongo things. I loves ’em, I hates ’em, but I can’t get ’em out of my head when they’re ringing and singing and I love to tap them and rap them all the time. Keep on ringing and singing — we got you covered.

    by Kathy on 04.24.2010
  19. If its not too much of an inconvenience, could you please play these bongos with your tits?

    by Derek on 04.24.2010
  20. interesting instruments that are usually forgotten. accused of being simplistic and different. However, because they are different is why they are beautiful in sound and play. Most who see someone who can play these are filled with imagination and joy. It is an item that does not sound like many other precussions, but is beautiful because of this.

    by kaylie on 04.24.2010
  21. are really silly things. they barely make any noise and they are phallically shaped. i always hated playing them in elementary school. they made me feel forgotten.

    by molly burton on 04.24.2010
  22. Bongo was his name-o. After Bingo left the farm in search for a better life outside of Wyoming, Bongo his buck tooth little brother became much more popular after the braces, hair cut, and de-fleeing makeover. Yet, Bingo will always be missed. You can’t fake the original.

    by Ashley Carstarphen on 04.24.2010
  23. the jean bongo wear you can buy it at stitches.
    bongos are also an instrument in which they are almost like drums. Also my friend had a dog named bongo.

    by Priscilla on 04.24.2010
  24. A set of drums one would play with their hands, or a set to play with in general. Little is know of the bongos, and why the grow on a woman’s chest, but the drums are alluring, and tribal in necessity. long may the bongos play, and long may they be played with.

    by James Sharinghousen on 04.24.2010
  25. listen to them
    as they penetrate your thoughts
    follow the tune
    follow in line
    play your heart out
    play with all your soul
    show them that you can
    show the world your mind
    through the beat a drum
    through the heart of musician

    by cameron glenn on 04.24.2010
  26. my father plays the bongos. it reminds me if my family in florida, when we would dance and laugh together to salsa music. i miss them very much. i long to visit puerto rico one day. perhaps i will know spanish relatively well by then and be able to converse.

    by aly on 04.24.2010
  27. i used to want to play the bongos on the donkey kong video game. but we never got the right card for our nintendo 64. we gave it away a couple years ago to our friends brother, who has down syndrome. hes since been transferred to a special facility where he can get the help he needs. but i think that his parents just gave up on him. he has an older sister who has a milder mental retardation from being shaken as a baby. her father is a good man, he just gets angry sometimes. i just went to the doctor yesterday and he has a son who has some genetic disease.

    by dillon morris on 04.24.2010
  28. Bongos make me think of tribes in far away lands. The potent sounds of the beating drums inspires movement and motion within a person. More than just the music, the whole world feels the beat of a bongo. Boom. Boom. Bop. Let’s dance together. Let’s breathe together. Let’s move together.

    by kolbe on 04.24.2010
  29. I used to have a set of bongos. They were really small, but I was little and it was hard for me to hold them up. I remember smacking them around together with cousin and little sister. We said we were in a band. I played bongos, Madeline played harmonica and Fiona sang. We played some Elvis song. Weird.

    by Larisa on 04.24.2010
  30. I knew an old woman who played the bongos. She was tiny, with long white hair that she wore loose. She dressed in a Bohemian manner and hung with artists and musicians. Her name was Mim. Everything about her was what I want to be when I grow up.

    by Andie on 04.24.2010
  31. i love bongos. bongo me butt. i wish i knew how to play the bongos. this is really hard to do. i would love to sing and play the guitar while someone was playing the bongos.

    by frank on 04.24.2010
  32. i hear the bongos beat…their hallow boom reverberates in my chest. I love the sensation as my body starts to relax, i ease into a magic grove..

    by Brenda on 04.24.2010
  33. I like playing bongos with my head against the wall in my bedroom; that way I make my inner voices shut while piss off my neighbor.

    by JPabon on 04.24.2010
  34. i want to fly high.

    by Zen on 04.24.2010
  35. I’ve never really thought about bongos before. They’re just something I use to play in grade school band. The big thumping noises they make. How you can play them with sticks and your hands. That’s the best part though. The best part is that you get to use these full sounding drums and keep the beat going as the song rises and swells around you. It’s an amazing experience.

    by Becca on 04.24.2010
  36. He dreamt of playing with her body, much like a pair of bongos. He loved Haruhi ever sense he met her. She was nice and beautiful. But that’s all that was going trough his mind. Her, and bongos.

    by Kachina on 04.24.2010
  37. bongos are a really cool kind of drum, they are “ethnic”, when people want to feel like they are doing something natural or cultural they like to play bongos. it takes talent to play the bongos. when I was in middle school my email address was bongobabe because I thought it sounded cool.

    by Leah on 04.24.2010
  38. As he was playing the bongos she was mesmerized by the play of his rippling muscles of his arms, and chest in the fires light.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 04.24.2010
  39. are the very best thing in the world. the way they sound when someones hits with full force is amazing, something to enjy. it creates a love that radiates from the main player to the people are ound, filling the area with a sweet sensation much like that of a kiss. i love bongos.

    by jmaxx on 01.01.1970
  40. A percussion instrument originated from Cuba, commonly played nowadays.

    by Vahram Poghosyan on 01.01.1970