
April 24th, 2010 | 230 Entries

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230 Entries for “bongos”

  1. Flailing away at my primal instrument, I thrust every ounce of power I have to create a primordial beat. Bump, bump. I feel the anxiety of modern life ebb away as I unleash my frustration onto my little bongos. Hail to the ancient!

    by James Swider on 04.24.2010
  2. i think bongos are like drums.. making beats.. beats….

    by sandra on 04.24.2010
  3. Bongos? I have like no experience with bongos. Nothing comes to mind. They’re the little drums right? I must sound stupid to someone who knows for sure what they are. And even stupider to someone who owns a set.

    by Lauren on 04.24.2010
  4. I like to play bongo drums just like donkey kong because he reminds me of the good times me and my older brother had when I was younger and could actually get his attention. Childhood.

    by Vella on 04.24.2010
  5. thats all we need. 1 world , one love, one peace one color, the human color ,one blood ,one reality . unification nothing else, just one word and that word is solidarity,peazzz!!!! que viva puerto rico libre!!!!!

    by lafman on 04.24.2010
  6. Around the bonfire, it is as if we are in our own world. Outside doesn

    by Siggi on 04.24.2010
  7. bongos

    by brennan on 04.24.2010
  8. I once had a pair of bongos. They were amazing. I would hit them and play with them. Made out of real elk. Crazy shit.

    by Sarah Thorn on 04.24.2010
  9. I once had a pair of bongos. They were amazing. I would hit them and play with them. Made out of real elk. Crazy shit.

    by Sarah Thorn on 04.24.2010
  10. Can you feel the rhythm of the night? Gloria, Gloria can you? I can feel the rhythm of success. In the beat of the drum. bum bum bum. Hear it beat. Tap your feet. Grab a treat. Platanos Maduros. yum yum. nom nom nom. bongoooooooos!! say u love me.

    by Joey on 04.24.2010
  11. Beat, rhythm, dance and vibe
    Pumps my blood, stirs my heart
    Feel, dream, feel, be.


    Doom, a-tink.. doom doom.

    by Blaire on 04.24.2010
  12. Hear the beating of the drum,
    As our lives go and come,
    What will tomorrow bring?
    Nothing but the words we sing.

    by Dave on 04.24.2010
  13. bongo drums, like that one time at daniel’s house where he and i and his dad jammed with three seperate drums for like an hour and everyone in the house thought it was really cool. bongos remind me of dingoes, but that’s only because they sound similar. i don’t even think i know what dingoes are.

    by hannah gaxiola on 04.24.2010
  14. Bongos were the first instrument I played, those long nights in the smokey cafe. It always started out okay, and then eventually the smoke went to my head. I got dizzy, and world began to spin, yet it was wonderful.

    by Kate on 04.24.2010
  15. The Bongos are coming for me, coming for you. They eat souls like we eat dry roasted almonds. The cry of the almonds rang through the desert air like a siren, a thousand screams caught in their weathered lungs. Forever silent. Forever cold.

    by MishaNoir on 04.24.2010
  16. the bongos were cold, harsh cold, like a frosty night. Mike was dead as the bongos. dead to the world. He didn’t know what was coming for him on the night of the bongos, nor did he know what lay in the damp earth at the foot of his door. all he knew was the frosty air.

    by Tara on 04.24.2010
  17. hello my name is______ and im a 19 year old girl with kind of bad luck in love. im in love with this guy who was my ex but never demostrate me too much.

    by ive on 04.24.2010
  18. played on the beach, make a cool sound, reminds me of vacation. hard to play in real life, don’t want to buy them. Tan, dark brown. can stick your hand in them. attached, people who play are a little weird

    by mike on 04.24.2010
  19. Bum bum bum bongo drum. People dancing and a fire is spitting up hot firefly coals and embers. Darker skin and happy skin with lots of dirt kicked up and bare feet. No care for how you flow as long as you’re flowing!

    by Jenny on 04.24.2010
  20. the steady beat of the bongos kept my hips in check, they were my life right at that moment they were the ones who kept me dancing with that one guy who i just met. nobody knew my secret here just the rythm of the bongos was all that mattered.

    by nikki<3 on 04.24.2010
  21. Richard feynmann was one of the finest physicists of this century. A nobel prize award winner, he also was an artist, womanizer and bongo player. His nickname was the great explainer, which was given to him because of his great ability to explain things.

    by Robere on 04.24.2010
  22. “I don’t like them.” Alex stated as she stared at the new instrument she was suppposed to play. Zack laughed at his little sisters expression before pushing the instrument into her hand. “Come on you’ll never know till you try.”

    by Brianna on 04.24.2010
  23. bongos again i thought it would be a diffrent work thats kinda boring you know only can do one not test your skills over and over just bongos and why did you pick bongos was it some sort of method you did you just say hey people like bongos right lets do that its all good no one will ever question it well i did, i did

    by Sam on 04.24.2010
  24. we played the drums amidst a sea of stars, at night we sang at night we dreamed but it all seems unreal now and i wish i could do things like this i wish i could sit under starry night skies with friends and people i truly care about and play the bongos and sing songs off tune and eat good food and draw nice things but this all seems unreachable and it makes me sad that the things i want will never happen and i wish they would

    by kiara on 04.24.2010
  25. bongos like the drum i like bongos they make me think african are bongos an african durmm idk brum makes me think of a drum stick u know like the chicken kind haha i said u insted of you oh well times almost up se ya later darn it i mispelledse

    by Sam on 04.24.2010
  26. bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos bongos

    by luisa on 04.24.2010
  27. Thump-thump-thump
    I can’t help but move.
    The beat is erratic,
    hard to follow

    But I do it anyway.

    by KP on 04.24.2010
  28. Down in the jungle where you hear rumbles and heavens rejoicing in the greatest of spirits of mother earth and all of her loveliness. They thrive off the love.

    by Leah on 04.24.2010
  29. The Bongos were out in full foce. The silent night pierced with the sounds of these hollow drums, telling the story of a people, a struggle and a triumph.

    by Paul on 04.24.2010
  30. Most people would think of the instrument, but no, not me I think of jeans, the most comfortable jeans, you can get them in all styles and colors.

    by Soph on 04.24.2010
  31. My heart was beating like bongos
    as you pushed upo against me
    and sent me
    falling down
    so far
    for you
    bongos baby

    by Megan on 04.24.2010
  32. Bongos in my nose
    I like bongos in my nose
    and not coke in my nose



    bongos. in my bongos.

    by Richelle on 04.24.2010
  33. He was playing the bongos. It wasn’t normal. He worked in an office, wore a suit every day, and crunched numbers. An accountant playing the bongos. It was wonderful and I loved it, though I would never tell him how much. I just listened from around the corner, smiling.

    by Kim on 04.24.2010
  34. Spoken word poetry. Statements of individuality so fervently sought after in this age of media-groomed market segments. Soul patches and other ironies of conforming to non-conformity.

    by brandon on 04.24.2010
  35. Bong

    by Bruno Lacerda on 04.24.2010
  36. i always wanted to go to jamaica. or maybe some other tropical, island, i suppose it doesn’t really matter where. i know that a lot of them are poverty stricken and that maybe going there as a tourist is disrespectful, like i’m not acknowledging their hardship. but i don’t want to go to a resort. i want to go off on a deserted beach, by myself. sit naked in the surf and play bongo drums.

    by Theresa on 04.24.2010
  37. drums that people with little worry in their lives play. or that very poetic people play. or people who are trying to be very poetic. there is a noticeable difference between these two groups of people. both are awesome and unique in their own ways.

    by meesh on 04.24.2010
  38. they are a fun way to pass the time when not sure what else to do, they add little to no substance to many musical numbers but on the odd jungle-related track, the bongos could be much revered, if piloted by the correctly skilled individual. also, gorillas play them in some movie. i think.

    by james on 04.24.2010
  39. she slammed on the drums in the store alone, thinking of the people far away who had made them and would slap them with the friends, smiling widely and loving their simple lives.
    so unlike her, she had to wince

    by rachael on 04.24.2010
  40. Bongos? Aren’t they drums? Drums huh? Drums set the rhythm, the flow, the beat to a song. So bongos do it too…’cept they’re cooler and more exotic. Bongos.

    by ron butterfly on 04.24.2010