
April 24th, 2010 | 230 Entries

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230 Entries for “bongos”

  1. Ricky Ricardo…Lucy I’m home…

    by Notjerry on 04.24.2010
  2. bongos make me think of the woods ok maybe not the woods but a group of people gathered in a secluded place, all wearing loose garb and playing bongos. thyere warm and pleasant kind of folk and theyre there probably on a weekend trip. theyre not your 9-5 kind of people. theyre artists, theyre passiaonte about life. theyre playing it hard. enjoying life, nature, each other.

    by keren kogan on 04.24.2010
  3. “I have always loved my bongos. I sat with them in my lap every day, all summer, just drumming away at them. It made my worries seem almost, I don’t know, nonexistent. My grandmother gave them to me before she died, and for that I will always cherish them,” I said to my daughter, handing them to her on her 13th birthday. “Happy birthday.”

    by AliCatxo on 04.24.2010
  4. A private jet takes me to the bongos…where my lover and I relax in the sand under the warm sun. Laughter, joy, love, pleasure…all come alive to the sound of the bongos

    by Will on 04.24.2010
  5. bongos are big things or small things that you hit your hands against multiple times and make a beat out of them. They are often used by Widespread Panic among other bands. And also they are used in Jamaican style music.

    by Bruce Parrish on 04.24.2010
  6. Fast beat. Heart pumping, competing with the drums. Each strike sends a nail into my chest. Adrenaline rushing; now it is time to dance.

    by Kelsey on 04.24.2010
  7. He played the bongos skillfully, cautiously. He tapped the beat so carefully, so rhythmically. He hummed the tune so righteously. He stomped his feet ferociously.

    by Sarah on 04.24.2010
  8. There once was a fellow named Ned,
    who heard bongo drums in his head.
    He went to a shrink,
    who told him: “I think
    you’ll be hearing that noise til you’re dead.”

    by bork on 04.24.2010
  9. I like bongos. Bongos can make many different sounds even though they are simply drums. Drums are a percussion instrument, so that makes bongos a percussion instrument. Isn’t that interesting?

    by Kasey on 04.24.2010
  10. bongos. What a word. It makes me smile just thinking about it. I had bongos when I was little, and I used to put my toys inside them.. Good times.

    by Willow on 04.24.2010
  11. i love to play bongos just kidding i dont play africa camp icecream church drums circle dance sing together music flows beats come beats music rythem bang bang band pattern repeat creating music

    by kilha on 04.24.2010
  12. i like playing bongos we like yes we do playing noise music root rhytm based on bongo’s boom such a fucker to drop each other, er,? cardinal points

    by Stale on 04.24.2010
  13. As soon as his fingertips were placed on the thin cover on the bongo, the noise vibrated in waves all around me. It shook my eardrums and traveled down my body into my chest cavity. The melody combined with the beating of my heart and traveled down to tickle my toes. It fueled me; I was alive.

    by Tayler on 04.24.2010
  14. My friend always wnated bongos. She played percussion on the tops of jarr instead. This Christmas I searched the stores.

    by Linda Goering-Hutcher on 04.24.2010
  15. One day I was in a music room with a room for all the instruments and I went inside. I picked up the trumpet and blew as hard as I could, spattering one side of the room with spittle and making a terrible noise. Then, I picked up the bongos and was magically transported into another bongo-realm…

    by Zoway on 04.24.2010
  16. these little things can rreally get you going if you know how to play them properly. once, when I was at a conference I took a pair of these babies and led a conga line, which is still a story I tell. I’ve never led a conga line since, but bongos are like that, I guess.

    by Owen on 04.24.2010
  17. One time, these 4 men came to my town from Africa, and they comprised a band called Bongo Love. I went to go see them and thought that they were really quite inspirational. They are now traveling the country.

    by Madeline on 04.24.2010
  18. Banging on the bongos. Cliche as it sounds, it rips the stress and frustration from her body as she lets loose, tearing out a basic beat, doubling it. Changing it. She feels the release with the drums.

    by Megg on 04.24.2010
  19. so i used to have this monkey beanie baby when i was little names bongos. i think my boyfriend had it too. hes sitting next to me and he just said he had it i believe him because hes pretty trustworthy. he smiled. amyway, i think i got my monkey bongos in my easter basket one year. its the year i was at my grandparents house. my grandfather is a pain in the butt. but what can you do?

    by elise on 04.24.2010
  20. Bongos make the most delicious sound, like the pitter patter of heart beats when you catch that glance from across a crowded room, the sparkle of an eye that seems to hold all your hopes, and all your fears.

    by Amy on 04.24.2010
  21. As in the drums that you beat? Heck, I am afraid I know little about bongos, but I know a lot about my friend Tony who plays bongos. Tony is the sort of guy you see on the side of the road playing bongos just because he feels like it. It is very cool to stumble on him at night that way.

    by Sarah on 04.24.2010
  22. she watches the bongo players
    she starts to move
    she gyrates
    in rhythmn
    to the hands of many players
    beating the drums

    by Modra on 04.24.2010
  23. Don quixote is anovel written by miguel cervantes and he uses two cahracters to convey a message tot he people of spain and the way that their society fucnticons. he critizies the society through two chareacters, don quixote and sancho panza. don quijote is a middle class who goes out on a journey to relive chilvary books. sancho panza is his squire.

    by stephanie on 04.24.2010
  24. Jamaicans.

    by lola on 04.24.2010
  25. The monkeys looked at themselves in the mirror, took a deep breath then started their tirade of passionate music on the bongos. Everyone was so entranced that they didn’t see Little Squeek sneaking through the circus tent door and

    by Willow Goodman on 04.24.2010
  26. A drum. I beat on the drum, a rhythm I don’t know. I don’t know this song. Someone asked me to play along, in a garage full of kids who don’t know their isntruments pretending to ‘jam’. Some of my friends are probably high tonight but I’m pretending they aren’t so that I can stay and not be angry with them.

    In a year he’ll cheat on me, behind my back, and I’ll find out after the realtionship is over.

    In a year.

    I’ll beat on the drum tonight and be in love.

    by Katie on 04.24.2010
  27. at the concert they asked the audience if anyone could play the bongos. the guy who went on stage was the best part of the performance.
    is this how music recruitment goes?
    hey dude. join the band for a night. see what happens.

    by milliski on 04.24.2010
  28. bongos in my back pocket, i doo love them, i wiil love them, as i always have… but do they love me>? i wonder if they can hear me too when i bang me like i bong them……. suck it bongos…

    by trevor t on 04.24.2010
  29. He thought because he played the bongos in his band he was cool and different. Well, he was pretentious. In my memory, I recall him as being a pompous arsehole who thought wearing loud Hawaiian shirts made him ironic or something.

    by isabelle on 04.24.2010
  30. music beating reminds me of the carriebean. Saw a concert, Full Service, they had one dudde druming on bongos, and other bongo-like things. Cool music. Also makes me think of the Hang drum, very cool instrument, can practically create an orchestra with just that one instrument. Fucking greedy swiss won’t let anyone have em

    by Manny on 04.24.2010
  31. I like to play bongos sitting in around a fire under a full moon at night. Hippies dancing, hippies singing. Fireflies gazing. Stars are twinkling to a smoother beat than the drums. Oh, bongos, bongos, oh bongos.
    My heart beats along and my breaths

    by b on 04.24.2010
  32. I heard the bongo’s coming from the club, and I thought “I might wanna hear that.” I hadn’t heard a new band in a while, I’d been listening to a lot of 90’s grunge and college rock, so it would be fun to hear something new, be at the forefront of a new band for once. My friends were always going on about new bands, they were

    by Spencer Sterritt on 04.24.2010
  33. Bongos are beautiful instruments. Without them, we would have nothing to talk about. Beating them in the early morning, while stripped nude of your dignity and having just finished your 7th beer, we love you Matthew McConaway. You’re so hot. God Bless you.

    by Amy on 04.24.2010
  34. dum, bitty bum. bitty bum bitty bum. When he played his love, his passion, the world seemedlike a better place. A place without emotional attacks, a place without Kelly, or Marshall, or even Rachel. A place where the voices couldn’t talk to him.

    by Chelsea on 04.24.2010
  35. Make all sorts wonders in your insides, like violins at a funeral, but they beat you up until you’re rotten.

    by BongoMad on 04.24.2010
  36. The man with the little hat played the bongos sitting with his legs crossed on the floor. and she stared at him blankly, continuously. all she could think of was the way he made her feel. the music drifted through her ears like a sad lulliby. the song of her life.

    by Jenna on 04.24.2010
  37. The sound of the bongos set my mind to a steady beat as I watch him perform. Maybe it was the dim lighting, or maybe it was his voice, his passion. How do I tell him? I’m in love.

    by km on 04.24.2010
  38. Heels on the sidewalk beggin fora back beat. Bongos cannot describe any part of my life that wasn’t totally carefree. I am in love with the summer sun and sweat of the dark eyed people near me. We are all just sipping slowly while our hearts jump to the sound of the Bongo.

    by Carly on 04.24.2010
  39. the bongos sound like drums in the faraway sunset where the leaves are green and the rainbows flash like fairies dancing in the midsummer autumn and leaves are bristling in the howling wind. i miss home, i miss riding the silver ripple, i want to feel the sun kiss my cheeks while i surf into the sunset.

    by mingkay on 04.24.2010
  40. He patted her breasts timidly.
    It was the first time she’d allowed him to touch post surgery.
    They rebounded, making a deep flubbery sound. Rather like bongos he thought, catching an absurdly rising laugh in his throat. How foolish was this woman, his woman.

    by @ on 04.24.2010