
March 30th, 2009 | 326 Entries

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326 Entries for “bracelet”

  1. i wear a lot of them on my left wrist. i feel the need to always have my wrists covered, i’m not sure why I just have always been that way. If i don’t have anything on my wrist i usually have a panic attack because my hands feel very uneasy. i usually don’t like pretty jewelry well actually i do i just don’t have a lot of it so therefore i don’t wear it.

  2. Gleaming up from the bootom of the hole, gold.

    “What. .. . “

    “It’s . .a bracelet.”

    “I can see that, Eddie, but whose arm is that?”

    “Ummm .. . arm?”

    That’s when the smell hit.

    Kevin Reid-Rice
  3. I have a bracelet that my mother gave me the year she died, it has an engraving on the back that says “mom ’90”. I think she knew sha was going to die that year, though she had been sick for so long.

  4. I lose everything , least of all this one little bracelet , this bracelet had no meaning to me , but had tons of meaning to someone i knew , it tore her apart that she knew i no longer had it , but you see , how can you be committed to an object ?

  5. my bracelet was lost to me. i don’t know what happened to it. i think that maybe i just walked away from me because it thought that it was worthless. silly bracelet, of course it was worthless.

    ramon pena
  6. i have a bright green bracelet and i wear it every day. i never take it off when i shower. it makes me want to puke sometimes because it smells so bad, but i’ll never take it off. that’s because my grandma died right after she gave it to me.

    Vivekananda Nemana
  7. a bracelet is what goes on your arm and can be different shapes and sizes. very niiice ;) blablabla. yes, i like bracelets. when is the time up?

    A -j x
  8. a bracelet is what goes on your arm and can be different shapes and sizes. very niiice ;) blablabla. yes, i like bracelets. when is the time up?

    A -j x
  9. a bracelet is what goes on your arm and can be different shapes and sizes. very niiice ;) blablabla. yes, i like bracelets. when is the time up?

    A -j x
  10. My boyfriend died. I still have the bracelet he gave me four years ago.

  11. You’ll fall in love again, and there were others before me.
    The bracelet she looped delicately around your wrist now falls to the ground, it’s beads jumping all over the pavement like the tears on your jacket.
    Come back, you tell her.
    No, she says.

  12. magic never knew gold from silver. it was wrought from silence; your awe was perfect. will you wear it again, tomorrow? will you keep it, forever?

  13. The beginning of my life can be explained by a bracelet. The diamonds which I found upon it reminded me of a time when things were not only more clear but more invigorating. I would look at the world through a lens that was uncluttered by the troubles of life but open to the beauty of the light that enveloped the world. It was a time where nothing was horrible and everything was mesmerizing. It was a great time, a time of my bracelet.

    Tuan Nguyen
  14. a ring of steel, a ring of fire, dangling tingling heart-shaped-loop of desire,
    cold gold symbol, manacle, loop
    hooping you in?

  15. the greatest expression of love is this:
    “i want to be the light you wear around your wrist.”
    i will be a bracelet of suns that you wear with your smile. i love you.

  16. I like to wear them, any color is fine. One small or big. blue. pink, yellow, brown which ever color i choose will go great with my gown. I love them oh so much.

  17. I love bracelets. I have several on my wrists, and can name where they all came from:
    Love ’em.

  18. She stared down at the last reminder of her old life. Her parents had given her the thing to hid who she really was. It deflected and took away her powers, it took away her identity. She missed them yes, but she resented them even more. As she tore it off, she knew, the bracelet would never return to her body.

    Kali Namir
  19. I like breacelets. I used wear them everyday until it happened. A bracelet theif was invading our town. No one knew who he or she was. They only knew he was out to find that one special bracelet. Supposedly the bracelet theif was a hidden person. Who was an average person that lived their life.
    The day he invaded our school was March 5, 2009. I was in the passing perios of 4th period to 5th when it just rushed at me and took them. Everyone who was attacked had the same story. Some random person wearing sunglasses came up to them and snatched them. People say e or she has a huge collection of bracelets at his or her house. The bracelet theif still hasnt found that special bracelet yet.

    Michelle Magana
  20. once i saw the bracelet, i had a thought. if something so beautiful could be around a wrist, why can’t the noose be so beautiful? death isn’t the ungly thing it’s made out to be. without it, there wouldn’t be life in the first place…just a mild thought about these things.

  21. I don’t know any thing about this word , I’m egyptian , I feel sorry to be disable to understand some words ,

  22. She twisted the the loose, golden bangles around her wrist as she waited for the stoplight to go to green. Placing her hands back on the wheel, she pressed the gas pedal and followed the van in front of her. Glancing at the other wrist, she assured herself that she had remembered to bring her daughter’s light blue watch. She hoped vaguely that if she brought the watch to her daughter when she picked her up from school, her daughter would remember to start wearing the watch again. She’d be on time.

  23. wear wrist some fingers hurt feel what you think beads sarah high school lost bob marley rasta guatemala store cheap bargain felt old scarf bag purse knife it is on.

    samy estrada
  24. she wore a thick gold bracelet, but that was of no consequence, her lust for jewels and corporeal pleasure was not enough to save her soul.

  25. I carry upon my wrist this weight of a promise. A promise you once made to never let me go and to never stop loving me. It’s been two years. I haven’t even heard your voice since a month after it happened. The day that you broke that promise for another person. It’s a weight I carry now to prove your worth.

  26. He met her behind the tree. She was crying next to the tree trunk. He said hello and helped her to stand. He asked her why she was crying. She said because it was her first day in Kindergarten and she didn’t make any friends. They kept on making fun of her on how she looked. He put a smile on his face and said that they can be friends. He pulled her hand and were headed to the swings. He placed her on the seat and told her to hold on tight. He pushed her to the air, the girl thought she would touch the sky! And all you heard was the laughter of the little girl. The girl put her feet firmly on the ground. And told him to close his eyes. He did and when he opened them, the girl was gone but a bracelet appeared. It read:
    Thank you for showing me the way of life. Please never take this bracelet off. I have one the same like yours, so if we meet I can reconize you. It is a reward from me to you.-Amelia
    And he kept his promise.
    6 years later…He went to 8th Grade. And met a beautiful girl…..with the same bracelet……with the name Amelia…..and headed to the swings.

    Leslie Zavala
  27. when i was 8 i got a bracelet on behalf of my father. i thought it was the best bracelet anyone could have ever given me. it was blue and white, the colors of the Salvadoran flag. this meant alot to me becauese my parnets are Salvadoran and its oart of my culture.

    i got it for my 8th birthday. at that age i thought “Its great to be eight!” so my parents got me this bracelet. it wasnt the best lloking bracelet ever but it came form my parents heart so it meant alot. there are many other bracelets i have goten throughout my life, one for each year. there not all bought like in a jewlery store but they have either been made or been passed down from another family member.

    Johanna Rodriguez
  28. hold my hand
    and form a bond

    like a bracelet
    around my wrist
    like love
    around my heart

  29. He snatch the bracelet out of her hand with such force that she was slightly thrown balance. Before Sue can figure out what happened, the man was already 20 meters down the street.

  30. my once best friend gave me a bracelet, and i still have it. it says BFFs but, who knows anymore if thats true or not. i’d like to see her again, but of course, highschool changes you and she’s not the widdle sharon i know anymore. shes the slut bisexual who had 10 boyfriends in a week. and she doesnt even talk to me. ass.

    confused democrat.
  31. It was passed down from generation to generation, and each owner was told never to wear it. Had I only listened this curse would never had happened.

  32. there was a bracelet which had 9 pearls on it. the 9 pearls came from the bottom of the ocean where the king lobster had been banished to. now the 9 pearls were once royally owned by the king lobster and he treasured them as his own life. the day they were stolen from him by mermen, he sobbed so much there were floods. he was then banished for his act and he lost the pearls forever. now the pearls sit on the wrist of some woman, and she now craves a pearl tiara.

  33. bracelets are for women or Italian men but that can mean Italian men are women in disguise but hairier. I had a bracelet my mother got me. I sold it because I do not like bracelets. Gold in general bugs me.

    Danny Derakhshan
  34. Once I had A nice bracelet then it went away i liked it but no more Ruby does really talk al lot I hate my boss because he makes me feel stupidand he yells at me and It ‘s like im doing everything wrong

  35. I don’t really wear bracelets, but he wears about 3 or 4 wrist bands. I like them.

  36. shiny jewelry fun to make. lots of varieties of bracelets. Also a can be used as an alarm to help medically ill people be safe. As a tracking device.

    Sue Callahan
  37. He handed it to her, the metal soft and clumpy between her fingers. THe heat from the party sseemed to wrap aroud her neck likke a boa and she blushed, her fingers tingling. “I think you dropped this,” he says and she lowered her eyes to the ground.

    “Yes,” she said. She wanted to ay things about this bracelet , that it had been passed down through her family for years, that sthe moment it slipped off her wrist she turned to look for it and there was he.

  38. i have this bracelet that my grandmother gave me when i was eight. it’s is silver and covered in pearls, but elastic because my grandma was always afraid i’d get my wrist caught. my boyfriend stretched it out the other day. i’m not even mad at him.

  39. it was a golden color perhaps it was made out of gold, but maybe not. she didn’t think he could afford pure gold. brass maybe. for some reason, she began to wonder about the value that society placed on gold and she wondered why so many women thought that the purity of the gold directly correlated to the love of the man. what a silly concept.

  40. i have a bracelet my friend jamie gave to me for christmas and its my favorite. and i dont really like them to much. thank you jamie.

    Camille Dove