
September 6th, 2008 | 874 Entries

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874 Entries for “brick”

  1. Dick lick stick prick ick bic hick mick nick pick rick sick tick vick wick brick!

  2. There it was, cold and empty. Lonely in a world full of despair. A brick without mortar. No one would hold it dear. No one would call for it in the depths of the night. But luck was on its side. There was hope for it yet. For the builders would arrive the next day and it might just find love. It just might find happiness.

    Sadly it died.
    The end. FOREVER!

  3. The bricks were quiet, sitting there and crumbling as they had been for centuries. No brick questions its fate; there is no existence for it. Those who question live.

  4. there is a wall between us. i cannot see you. and when i long to see a familiar face, i peer over the side. But you have gone. this brick wall is all we have left.

  5. UGh! My mom came out onto the padio, put her hands on my back and looked over my shoulder at the painting I’d been working on since it felt like I was born. She spectulated it for awhile then looked down at me and said, “Hon, it’s amazing. Looks Finished to me.”
    “To you, Mom,” i threw back at her, “But it’s not! Everytime I look at it, there’s this one brick that just stands out of my peripheral vision like flouresent orange hunter jacket walking through my backyard!”
    For a second she looked at me in disbelief, then simple shook her head and smiled. “Don’t show anyone. Otherwise they’ll just want to get it off to market ASAP! As long as you’re not happy with it, it stays until you’re satisfied, I guess.”
    What?! Oh, right, I was supposed to sell this one. But I couldn’t.

  6. The brick is held in place by mortar, by itself a brick is in significant. Group them together and it becomes a mighty, towering structure to marvel at.

  7. i used to chuck em at people.

    J.R. Mahon
  8. When you layer one upon the other something small becomes something large. Used to keep things in or sometimes to keep things out – the walls we build are all made up of individual bricks layered upon one another. Unless they are straw walls. But that didn’t go so well for the pigs now, did it?

  9. brick wall scaled by the monkey in the short time was exciting to watch. I stared at the animal in amazement as he stuck like Spiderman to the gaps between the stones. I wished I could do the same and thought about lizards. Like the one which I found eating my rubbish once.

  10. I’ve always wanted to donate a brick in a walkway somewhere, to be a part of a greater project. Maybe at the zoo, or down at the Inner harbor. Columbia has bricks too, down by the people tree. I like the idea of lots of people each doing one small thing to work together for the greater good. Would this make a neat graphic organizer? Each brick represents meeting some small goal, or doing 15 minutes of decluttering. Little by little, you biuld a wall, fill a walkway. One brick at a time. Color them in as you go. Crayons and coloring always play a part in my ventures…I think that is easy for me to get overwhelmed in large ventures, perhaps one brick at a time would be a good idea. And what is the mortar that holds it all together? Worth some thought.

  11. Why do some people even bother writing when all they do is repeat the word a billion times and just add random definitions of the word in place?

    I mean have you no creativity at ALL?

    Is it too challenging to be original?

    This world is made of bricks that all look different up close but in the grander scheme of things – are all exactly the same!

  12. She lifted the brick. It was slightly too heavy for her slender fingers which were hardly accustomed to the toil of manual labor. They had been forced to build walls for hours on end in the blistering heat.

    Sweat trickled down her neck. She lifted it into the air and watched it connect with the guard’s head. The soft thud made her smile.

  13. the wall began to give. but only a thread of powder at a time. he had worried at the corner of the second brick from the bottom, left edge of the wall, for almost 3 months now. If there was any justice the thing would be done by Xmas. He had no other goal. And today was soup day. Big spoons all over the prison.

    Jonno Pee
  14. there was a brick layin beside me. i didnt know where it went so i looked for a place with a missing brick in the wall. i coldnt find it i was so confused.

  15. brick our old house was made of bricks. i remember hating them because they made the house so ridiculously hot in the summer, and we had air conditioning because we didn’t have the money.

  16. the brick said peace, she couldn’t think of why it would say “peace” Perhaps it was made by one of the hippies who came north and stopped in the first station in Vermont back in the 60s and 70a. Peace it says as she puts her foot down, too quickly to notice, looking for her keys. Peace it says as the child comes to reclaim her bubbles from the steps. Peace it says as she types, alone doing what she was always meant to do. Are there other bricks hidden there in the garden, collected by Mia? She left a legacy, unappreciated while not living in the space.

    Mary Rothchild
  17. Our house is somewhat overcrowded. Not so long ago, a second son was born to us — can’t think when I’m about to build a new one to accomodate all of us — much less of the fact that I may have to build it.

    Peter De Rop
  18. old house in Brooklyn with thick red bricks of brownstone, solid. Friend in Denmark built a house out of recycled bricks from the 1800s placing each one carefully, carefully in it’s new place to make a solid home. Yesterday, small brick homes with awnings lined the street.

  19. another yet another. The tallest building in the world. Empire States. Men on the top with girders, just walking along them, no safety harness, no nothing. sitting on the top eating their sandwiches and smiling at the camera. What a job. What a building. How many were killed I wonder. And was it brick?

    Marie Phillips
  20. Another brick and yet another. Step by step the bricks are sold. We need to sell millions in order to build the chapel and it is so needed in this area. A chapel to serve the pits in the area – so many people coming to live here to work in the pits. All their families. Sell another brick

    Marie Phillips
  21. I’m pretty sure that it would suck to get hit by a brick. I mean, if I got hit in the head with a brick, I’d be like “Fuck, that hurt” and then I’d probably have to get some ice and advil. Fuck advil…. Fuck bricks.

    Abel Soriano
  22. Brick, one brick in the road is all it takes to throw things out of cilter. A brick is strong and builds many great structures, however it is also a tool for destruction. One brick alone is not enough to make things great. However many bricks together can build something beautiful

    Josh Howard
  23. I always have thought that those stupid cartoons were bricks fall on people’s heads were so fake, until it happened to me. I was walking down the streets of Romania and a brick feel from the sky and hit my head. There was no real location in which in came, it just appeared then disappeared. Life is totally a cartoons.

  24. One brick next to another and another. I had nothing to do but count the bricks of the wall as I lay wondering if he was goin to come say goodnight, or if this was to be the way our summer love would end; with no words. When i finished counting the bricks that made up the walls I was laying in his arms again and I realized this wasn’t over. He loves me.

  25. a heaviness
    in the heart
    saturn bricks

    what can we do
    but lift it from
    within us

  26. orange, makes buildings tall. sometimes the buildings burn, for better or worse. people live inside. heavy burdens for those who carry them. sweat, sore muscles. make safe havens for people, or prisons for other people. everything has its good and bad sides.

  27. brick is red, as the pixies sung. bricks make houses and buildings and schools and cheap looking paths, bricks are heavy like your mother. i have never lived in a house without bricks in it. brick brick brick’s, are sick sick sick (in a good way). out of time, no more brick writing.

    Jonny Goodwin
  28. the brick in the wall sat quietly as the sun bore down upon its face. It was really over being stuck in between all the other bricks.It was tired of looking the same too. Why cant I be like the cement he said

  29. I once ate a brick, it tasted like burned marshmallows. These marshmallows are of course, fake. They only appear in my mind. Sometimes, I can feel bricks forming in my brain, these bricks are made of marshmallows.

  30. bricks are used for building homes and fireplaces. Bricks on the front of homes looks really cool. Bricks were a main part of the three little pigs story. I have a good friend who is a brick layer. Bricks can be all colors, red, grey, white, green. My parents have a huge brick hearth in their home. We don’t have any bricks here in our house. I would like to have a brick fireplace, or maybe river rock.

  31. as if there were not a more perfect word. this word is almost as good as fuck. because it starts and the front and works it’s way back. even the word brick resembles the physical object that it represents. a very heavy word, solid, and foundational. i could say it over and over.and build my life o

  32. Its very large and red. I could throw it at someone and kill them and in the past they have probably killed many people. They make shelter and protect cities from invaders and barbarians, but are now considered obsolete. They aren’t very pretty but they last a really long time.

    Whitney Stewart
  33. “you’re a brick!’ British people say this when they think you are a good person. they don’t mean you are a rectagular solid piece of baked clay suitable for building houses! The bricks which were made in Peterborough England at the beginning of the industrial revolution were carried by the new canals and railways all over the country, and replaced the more traditional materials in a short time. Bricks were cheaper and more versatile.

  34. bricks are used to build things – houses, walls, dams, roads and so on. but often they can be used to destroy things – whether to kill a man in an alley for break a store’s window in a riot. many objects have similar dual uses, making empirical judgments like ‘guns are bad’ or ‘drugs are bad’ incorrect when the full range of uses are considered. however, this is not always the case.

    mike p
  35. i hit a brick wall last week when I realised I had so little time to do my work in school. why am i writing about school? its like what my brother says – i cannot stop thinking about work. it gives me the jitters. i guess i cant really run away from it cos i AM writing this at work. haha. ok what now. Oh yes, BRICK. Brick wall. red, hard and something i can throw at my boss. Haha yeah :)

  36. Bricks. interesting little buggers. do you ever notice how prevalent they are in out lives? im mean, seriously, the things are everywhere. school, online, even pictures. bricks. the only thing man cant live without. that, and women

  37. I always wanted to throw a brick to scumbags guys in our barangay. They don’t do what they supposed to do like directing traffic in our streets.

  38. Brick building a bricklayer, brick fireplace, i built a brick home. Brick and mortar, shot a brick, bricked in the home, brick and a toothpick, brick a brack, brick and pick, crick and brick, not sure what else there is to say about brick. Brick brickety brick brickety brick brick brick

  39. There’s a brick on the floor
    In front of my feet.
    There’s a hole in my heart,
    where you used to be.
    I thought I loved you.
    I thought you cared.
    You just put a hole in my heart with that mother fucking brick!!!
    Fucking Prick!!!

  40. the smallest child from the trailer park was always the fastest, this is the story of brick and how he won his freedom from his family home of the truck, his independance and his spirit.
