
September 6th, 2008 | 874 Entries

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874 Entries for “brick”

  1. another brick in the wall, just one of the same. not unique or distinctive, nothing special. just like every other brick, nothing more, nothing less.

  2. the building loomed ahead like a giant. A sleeping giant made of bricks. As they approached the air grew still. With anticipation. They had arrived at their new home.

  3. a brick is an ugly red thing that builds up buildings, it can sometimes be concrete colored and really different looking. It can also mean someting unmoving and it is also my cousin’s nicname.
    Bricks were one of the very first things we used as houses and I like brick houes because I know that they are safer than others ones. My house is brick.
    You can use brick for house and breaking things and stuff. They’re really usuful

  4. brick walls
    brick cans
    you are a brick wall
    and i can throw myself against you
    and just come away bleeding

    i bounce off you like a brick
    running my knuckles along you just leaves me bruised and bleeding

    i can’t fit my fingers between your pieces, your interlocking bones. you’re a brick wall.

  5. high on coffee stains
    and clouds made out of trash
    he stares at – –
    and wonders. . .
    is it salvageable?
    should he build. . .?
    but the moment already passed
    taking the weight of thought down stream with it.

    Hannah Wells
  6. brick. drowning. thrown. heavy. rough. cold. on my feet. above my head. falling. blood. sirens. crying. silence. the long steady beep. and it’s over. it’s done. no more pain. he can get you no longer. he won’t say your name any more. because you are gone. go.

  7. Brick, in ways it is a thing we can be made of. Buildings, structures and yet there are those that get stuck in their lives by being a ‘brick’ Too bad there is much structure to be gained in this evoluting universe and we need bricks. Bricks dating back to the beginning of time and into the future…

    asha scatchard
  8. red red clay blood of the maker how can we see the foundation and is that all there is nothing nothing nothing to think is to hesitate and to hesitate is to die the small death of blankness how can one write witrhout htinking and without a spell check then everyine will know you cannor spell

  9. a red rectangle that can be used for building rock walls, pathways, awesome patterns, a brick house.. never fall down, fireplaces..

  10. Red hard stopping all thoughts from running clearly through my mind. Stone walls enclosing every thought that would clearly form to save me form my own oppression. Brick, cement clogging my world suffocating my insides, waiting for me to crumble down to nothing but a pile of ash. It’s painful to think about it all.

  11. red, clay, building block, mortar, solid, formal, bones, solid as a brick wall, brick house, brick brack,

  12. roof people house stupid dumb asshole insult whole life school teacher first-grade human brown

    Ivan Chertov
  13. there’s a brick in my path. not the kind that hurts, not the kind that hurts- the kind that falls through my wondow. the kind i love. the kind with a note aaattached saying i hate you. it’s the best kind of brick, it’s the best. full of anguish, full of hope, it’s the brick that saves hes life.

  14. Hard, unyielding and heavy. A solid foundation, a sturdy wall. It can be a help, when you need to lean, or it can be a weapon, that you throw at someone else. They are the best part of a good home. They are the part that lasts.

  15. Her face was like a brick wall. Hard and precise. She knew what she was doing. She had known all along. But it didn’t help at all. She was stilla bitch and things still weren’t going to turn out.

    She was also like a brick wall in another sense. She didn’t listen to a word I had to say. Or anyone else had to say for that matter.

    She wasn’t solid like a brick. She was hollow and uncomplicated. Dull.

  16. red and unforgiving,
    cheery and inviting,
    industrial and cold,
    so many things,
    so few,
    how will one ever be determined?

  17. It was a grey morning just like all other morning when she woke up in her stained bed in that grey apartment building that was just like all the other apartment buildings in the town. This time something was different though, the walls she had cherised, the walls that kept her safe from the rain, had begun to crumble. A single brick had fallen off from the back wall of her room, the only room in her apartment, the one that hosted her bed. The brick was lying in the middle of the floor, and she had not heard of it falling there.

  18. lovely home madeof brick. hard and strong doesn’t burn, yellow brick road. bricks of anything brick wall , brick oven love those bricks.

  19. boring, concrete, weapon, prison, yellow

  20. Crash!
    There went the window to my soul.
    Broken, shattered, by one single


  21. I’ve always loved brick houses. I want a brick house one day. It’s part of my American dream, engrained in my being like sweet tea and the fourth of July. Red and strong and protective and rough, but ever elegant…

  22. I was had a brick, and I built a house from it. It took a while, but I figured a way out to builid many houses from one brick. First I figutred out how the brick was made, them, made many bricks like the one I found. Before you knew I, I built a town.

    Tania Buchanan
  23. one small brick at the side of the road. one last remnant of the huge explosion from weeks ago. it’s over. it’s all over and it never began. over. before. it. began.

    tom turnbull
  24. Brick walls lie in the view across from me. Brick buildings, brick everything. Will this new brick place accept me? Can I do my work in these bricks, this oven? I hope the brick red is not going to splatter with my blood, with my tears. I hope that red is lucky. Bricks surround my new life. Not a wall but an entryway?

  25. It’s so hard, rough, impossible to mold. Who knows what mysteries this mundane object holds? Certainly not I. One would wonder, is there even a point to this? Yes, it holds us, up keeps us safe, but isn’t that what friends are for?…

  26. We used to call a good friend of mine that before we saw him leave back to Berkley. He was a football player, and somehow ended up in a logic class. I think it was just bad stereotyping. I mean, a football player who likes BSG? Unheard of. Really. I miss Chris a lot. Man I’m depresssed.

  27. hard, and red usually associated with cartoons and people getting bricks dropped on their head. can be pasted together with plaster. ummmmm aghhh

  28. Abrick in the southwest is adobe, made with mud and straw.

  29. bricks are heavy. i wonder hwat would happen if they werent. would houses fly away, or would we build our houses out of something else? i heard steel is longerlasting. think about it

  30. brick. brick walls make houses. the color of brick is what i would want to paint one wall of the huge family room inside the house i want. the house i want doesn’t have brick. it might look better if it did.

  31. His mind was as thick as a brick. Meaning, he couldn’t think his way out of a paper bag.

  32. You sat there in your chair and all I could see anymore was the red wall in the background, the horrible contrast to your too white face. It’s all fucking gone now, you know. Your legs twisted around each other and I’m not so sure what we were getting at when we said it would be forever.

  33. houses, walls, red, yellow and brown. Form safe places and those of fear. Surround us, define our landscapes, but never permanent.

  34. That guy who’s always arguing with me si such a brick.

    Joseph Leff
  35. building block to life, to your home. keeps everything from you, prpotects you from the world. creates shelter from the storm. somewhere to grow and develop. makes you who you are. perfect imperfection. golden blocks of life, for you to survive. walls.

  36. brick. reminds me of the Tetris we play instead of studying. you’re a lot better than me, but that’s okay because I still have fun with it. mostly i just like the idea of doing the same thing as you even though we’re not together.

  37. i love brick houses. brick fireplace. brick roads and driveways. we used to have a brick driveway when i was little, and i would spend time sitting on the hot ground reading the cities and dates on the bricks. i took some with me when i moved away, and still have them in the backyard.

  38. The brick wall wrapped its strong hands around her. Her shoulders shook and shivered. Parts of the wall began to erode but she had no care for her saftey. Each brick was once a perfect square; now it lay adorn with cracks and dents. People walked by her staring at the little girl. She forced her back into the wall. The brick wall attempted to wrap its strong hands around her.

  39. a brick is a rectangular object that is mainly used to build buildings with. In the UK people are described as being “as thick as a brick”. Bricks are made from a clay based material, or concrete, although the latter tend to be called breeze blocks.

  40. piled in the corner of the yard, waiting, collecting spider webs and dead leaves. bricks piled like dreams from the past, collectiong cob webs

    lynn davidson