
January 8th, 2010 | 554 Entries

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554 Entries for “burst”

  1. The sun burst upon the glistening snow. Sparkles, sparkles, as far as my eyes could see. Light and glitter dancing bouncing playing hurting my eyes

  2. bursting through the shadows of winter, I come–
    pregnant with promise, life, and love
    the days grow into hope
    freeing us from despair.
    ice turns to slush;
    thoughts turn to you:
    I blush.

    Somare Stephans
  3. uitbarsting in Dutch. Everything can burst.
    I might even burst you. Not that I’m a big fan of bursting ofcourse… Bursting an egg is way more fun.

  4. inflames they are under the plunder of the sea, burst int eras the flames of justice, burst in flames the tears of evidence, obvious enough to settle for more important matters…

  5. love

  6. rotate, space, body, egg, ballon, fire, container, weapon, fire, heat, temperature, pressure

  7. balloons burst all over the red sky.Pop, bang explosions of red blue green and purple just like a sunset: one of those romantic sunsets you hope you’ll see with the love of your life.

  8. The sudden burst of Indian’s being attacked in Melbourne, Australia cannot possible be a coincidence. For the racist minority, sort it out. Violence is the worst human behavior. I am sorry for those Indians. It is a shame to humanity.

  9. emotions and colours exploded from her chest. metaphorically, you know, not literally, but– i heard the skin ripping and the ribs creaking apart and all the little atoms shifting around, pushing each other aside to make room for the burst. i felt the splatter of shrapnel on my cheek.

  10. we burst out in flames
    it hurt though
    so we crawled back into our holes and said goodnight
    it was made us feel alive.

  11. erer

  12. bursted shades made my fades. a huge streaak. like a paintbrush. whose the artist?

  13. She burst on the scene with aplomb, wowing the oneword crowd with her clever posts.

  14. 500 MB/s, why didn’t you tell me that was burst, not sustained? No more shopping advice from you.

  15. burst is all about nothing .. icant get anything in mind right at this moment it s tough to do this man.. but still i did this much ..who cares if it is uselss …ya its true ..plzz dont read this it yakkkkkkk…i beg ur apology if u read it.

  16. My lungs felt like they would burst any moment as I ran up the stairs. Maybe I should quit smoking… Gasp!

  17. awaken your dreams and don’t think about anything else. Your reality is a perception of wanting the universe to open all around you, yet if you don’t combust and let your own miasma come out, then there isn’t a point to wanting a burst. Static, dynamic, it’s all the same in the gamma ray burst.

  18. A burst of sun in the night, that’s what the muzzle flash looked like to me. A little bit of the care of the life giving sun, for a moment transported to the end of his 9mm pistol. The pistol that was ending my life. I know not how I saw the flash before the slug embedded itself between my eyes. It was just like the sun.

  19. You make me want to burst; you always have. Burst with joy, anger, jealousy, pride, happiness, bliss. Burst with love. Burst with hate. Burst.

  20. it’s sick… the feeling i get when i think now. my thoughts twist like tree branches and get caught up in eachother looking for light. it’s like my skin is going to burst, searching for a way to let the light out.

  21. I am fit to burst. Not with excitement, you understand, but with eating and drinking too much at Xmas and now with ice and snow not even getting to the gym to do anything about it. I just sit at the computer waiting for the thaw. I hope it comes soon or I will burst.

    A Weir
  22. get it all out, my depressed feelings about my job. shout the words into my teachers faces.

  23. She burst through the door. A shimmering light in my hell-stained day. I knew from that point I could love her.

  24. sparkle, caress, I burst into flames! weeeeehooooooooowwwwww

  25. he was flying.it was a burst of energy to his legs,and he was flying.or was he falling?he waasn’t too sure.all that mattered is the wind felt nice on his face.

  26. Burts. Shatter. Screeh. Halt.
    No matter how many times I fear that everything is over, no matter how many times I burst out in hatred, no matter how many times my heart shatters, no matter how many times I finally screech to a halt, no matter how many times I halt what I’m doing, I’ll never be able to take it all back. I’ll never be able to halt before I burst.

  27. I bursted in to flames at the sound of that. “You love me? You love me? I’ve never heard such a lie all in such monumental words. I wish you’d never met me, I wish we’d never spoken. I wish you’d just leave me alone.”
    And with that, he left the room, he left my life forever.
    Just one burts, and it was all over.

  28. He was so upset, he had just found out all the secrets she had never wanted him to know. He was bursting with hatred. He pulled up to the house and burst through the door. Then walked up the stairs and burst through into her bedroom. She lives no more.

  29. Burst into flames, she said
    I said fine.

    That’ll do just fine.

    Burst like the sun, maybe exploding in 200 years.

    Burst like the wind down a tunnel lined with mosaics leaving a subway.

    Burst. that’ll do just fine.

    Chuck Lit
  30. It seems lik I burtst into flame from the heat of the day. The sun beating down on the earth as I walked to the park.

  31. this is the same word as before, i didnt realise it was one word all day, i was hoping for a new one. even though i just wrote about this, its helping my creativity to do it again. my life burst open the day my parents divorced. well, split up. our perfect little dysfunction was split at the seams.

  32. I burst with passion… his warm arms holding me tight. Those soft lips on mine… The stars sparkled above… It was magic!

    Chessles Claire
  33. The cloudburst sent everyone scurrying for cover. They should’ve known better, venturing out into the cloudy, overcast New Orleans day without umbrellas or any sort of protection from the rain.

    The locals calmly raised their umbrellas above their head, shaking their heads solemnly as they passed by the wet tourists.

    That’s what they get for coming here so unprepared.

  34. bubbles. joy. hearts. flames. all things that, in cliche, burst. you burst in to flames at the sun. your haert is broken, it bursts. or it bursts with joy. when your bubble is burst, your idealistic delusions are ruined, like the hopes of a child when their balloon pops.

  35. so now i sit here alone in this room, alone is this church room. today it doesn’t burst with the holy spirit or the fiery language of my father. today it as empty as my soul, with spiders on the wall…

  36. the buttons on the front of her blue cardigan were stretched to bursting point. her hair was untamed, in half-assed bunches. she waddled past a group of sniggering cheerleaders as they sipped ice tea and flaunted their gorgeous bodies. i would have felt sorry for her if she hadn’t been the one who buried me.

  37. a burst of colour just before the sun drops beneath the horizon. that pinprick of light, which makes the whole sky light up. the clouds dazzled pink and orange, the ground, shimmering like water. the only thing that ruins this moment is the man pointing a rifle at my head.

  38. one day, my stomach burst. I didnt really understand why it has burst, yet it did. I went and told my mother what had just happened, “Mom my stomach burst. Why am i still alive?” My mother stared at me in disbelife,”You stomach BURST?!” Yes it did burst, but i only thought it burst, but i guess it didnt really burst, so mom was happy. =D

  39. Well I have to get my ovary removed tomorrow, or one of them, and the fear is that it is going to burst, so what an appropriate word. In all seriousness though, I’m more scared then I have ever been in my entire life. I hope everything will be alright when I wake up from the surgery. We’ll see i guess.

  40. explosion, gun, rapid fire, 3 rounds, color, light, energy, loud, noise, lots of stuff at once, contained by nothing, breaking through, very abrupt, punched, wrecked afterwards

    Chris Davison