
June 27th, 2024 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “candle”

  1. The candle burns bright and the heat is felt on the side of my face causing me to to flush as I ponder how I am going to protect my marriage from the heat of dysfunction.

    by Linda on 06.28.2024
  2. The night was quiet , not even the woodlands beyond the doors would dare to make a sound. He found the silence odd and sat up in bed to see only blackness before him, yet still at his bedside table there sat a lit candle who continued it’s warm dance.

  3. White wax drips slowly, creeping, sliding down, into hardened puddles. The power is still out so we gaze on each other’s faces and secrets come out, too big for bright, direct eye contact but safe here in small glow and flickering shadows