
July 16th, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “candy”

  1. Sweet little drops, plucked from the worn sack to be popped into the mouth of the two travellers. The shorter one humming in delight to have tried such luxury.

  2. Candyman, candyman, there was a man at my church whose name I never knew. We all called him the Candyman because he would always offer candy after the service. For my birthday, he carved a horse from sweet-smelling wood because I have always been a horse girl. He actually made me two because he wasn’t satisfied with the first one. Now, I realize just how much time he must have spent for a little girl who didn’t even know his name.

  3. The first night we all met together, the clouds looked pregnant but no rain seemed incoming. There was also this heat, this persistent steamy air everywhere that threatened to burn your face. After locating everyone, we all ran up the stairs in pairs holding hands. Kam opened the door to my room and stepped in. The smile I saw spring onto their face when the fresh AC air greeted them made all those nights I lived frugally worth it. In the room, we could all breathe better, and see better even. Kam went into the kitchenette and returned with wipes. Approaching me first, they came closer and the familiar candy breath rushed into my nostrils and for an instant, I felt possessed when I grabbed them and implanted a kiss on their lips like I’d been wanting to do for months.

  4. He was tossing back the pills like candy. She wondered if that would relieve his pain, but then he fell asleep. When he woke up, he said the medication was good and that he felt better than ever. This continued for years and she never told him that those pills were candy.

  5. I love candy. I perfer gummy types of candy, but any will do. My grandmother used to like Idaho spuds and my dad black licorce. I love Twin Bings and yo can’t find most places.
