
May 31st, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “canyon”

  1. She stood upon the rocky edge and glanced down into the Scar of the Earth. It’s bottom only knew blackness, no one could even imagine what lie in it’s abyss. So much folly had led to dispair, she cursed Mother’s blemish.

  2. The canyon stretches farther than I thought. I stay away from the edge although my sister runs up to it. The sun gleams hot on my back and sparkles on red rocks.

  3. If one open up between the shops
    it must have been time or footsteps
    that brought it here, to these floors
    polished marble slabs dragged out
    of the side of a distant machine loud hill
    and quite machine drunk waters
    and heavy machine silent roads
    the promise of canyons drawn over the earth

    Howza woldsoreal
  4. the canyon was deep, so deep that the sun light didn’t reach to the stream at its bottom. It was an entirely different world than that world above with rushing humans and vehicles. This world was cool and calm, and filled with mysteries.

  5. Judey stood at the edge of the canyon. should she take that final step forward or retreat to a safe distance. what Up until now fear had kept Judey safe, what did she have to lose now. everything she cared for had already been lost.
