
November 15th, 2009 | 297 Entries

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297 Entries for “cards”

  1. It just wasn’t in the cards for the couple to be happy. They fought against the tide of everyday life and it wasn’t working out. The one week they had in Bermuda was just going to have to last them their whole lives.

    Tricia Honea
  2. I like cards. One time I played cards with my friend. My favorite card game is Gin. I used to play it with my grandpa. But he died. -sadface- Oh well. Life goes on. ANYway, he always used to let me win. It pissed me off. :P I was like “grandpa! play fair!”.

    THE END.

  3. in a world where nothing is going right, only one man knows what’s on the cards. Yes, that’s right. Professor Stephen Hawking is the prophet of our times. Listen carefully and dig that big bang. Whoah!

  4. rhtsdhghgfh

  5. There wasn’t much to be said about the cards. They were old, but not old enough to be interesting. Some badly coloured 70s design. But there were still 52 of them, and that’s all that mattered.

  6. Cards are amazing, the say the words you can’t say. They are big and lovely cards. They are bright vibrant and very beautiful. Cards are also things we collect and give to others. There are baseball cards, moving cards, wedding cards, and otehrs. They are cards around the world. Enjoy your cards.

  7. Geburtstagskarten, Weihnachtskarten, Gru

  8. get well. dont be sick. happy marriage. it wont work out. congradulations. not really. this card is just polite. nothing matters. i just sign my name. so i dont have to say anything real.

  9. butter

  10. The cards fell, inverted faces of kings and queens toppling down towards the fool.
    Playing cards, tarot cards…all instruments of fate and life – influencing emotions and interpreting dreams, boding the future. The gambler’s fall and rise, the mystic’s hope and loss.

  11. a card is drawn. time stands still for just a moment, just long enough for a you to notice that the wind has shifted. Its getting colder. After this you should go. You really should go.

  12. my mind is racing
    what shall i do?
    my moms birthday is here
    and no present is to be found
    i’ve lost the card
    i forgot the necklace
    i have but two hours
    to find what i need
    the card must be perfect
    the card must be sweet
    im losing time
    where is it?
    can i find it?
    where can it be?

    Samantha Howie
  13. I have a deck of cards. There are 52 cards in my deck. My deck of cards is decked out in jewels, rhinestones, and whatnot. I bedazzled the fuck out of my deck of cards. I bet you’d be jealous if you saw my deck of shiny, shiny cards. It is quite the sight

  14. I like to write them to people. I love to get them in the mail. I do not like to write thank you cards I fee l like if a person is nice enough to send me something I shouldn’t have to thank them for it they should assume I am thankful for it. I dont like cards because I feel the need to keep them for god awful amounts of time but I like to get post cards! And I love to send them!

    Ashley DiGiacomo
  15. thick paper pieces bearing pictures, slogans, name,address etc; visiting cards, birthday/greeting cards, playing cards etc.

    Pavalamani Pragasam
  16. it might be easy to others to just write something down,
    its also harder to think when you have time running out, thinking in a short amout of time really doesn’t work that great.

    Crystal Hacker
  17. I’ve enjoyed playing cards since I was a kid. I used to want to play cards in casinos. I think I’d be pretty good at it if I did. But when Christ saved me, He took away my desire to do that, saving me from a life of potential addiction, bankruptcy, or worse.
  18. I love cards. people write sweet things in cards and express their love in cards. cards have cute thigns written or drawn on them. sometimes they have cute little animals saying cute little things. People love cards to read was is inside.

    Sarah Hand
  19. too many theives. Ripping money from the poor and gullible. Good for tricks. Bad for freedom. Houses fal

  20. Cards are something you play with. My grandmother’s house, Na-nas house, playing liverpool. Playing spoons. Getting so nervous. Her glass ash tray we used to hold our quarters. Cards, get so dirty, get so bent up. Love when they bend beneath my fingers so easily. Makes me think of the cabin. Of nana. of Bumpa. Of dad.

  21. When I was little I got a bunch of christmas cards that I really liked…from then on, I’ve been collecting and saving every card that I recieve. I’ve now got a huge cardboard box in my closet thats full of these cards. I never look at them..I never use them…but they’re there.

  22. Madelyn Fitzpatrick

  23. decks of card accompany me on every outing with my wife both as travelers and residents. we play and play the same game a quick one that always ends with someone feeling happy and the other resigned or torqued off. but it’s all fun and we both keep at it although now that we have kids there’s little energy or time.

    adam p
  24. i should really be writing orgo note cards right now. Why don’t I get to work is it because I am really unhappy with the classes I choose to take? Or because I am a lazy bum? I am obviously not lazy because I am at the library at 9 in the morning, but I feel like I am lost

  25. it might be easy to others to just write something down,
    its also harder to think when you have time running out, thinking in a short amout of time really doesn’t work that great.

    Crystal Hacker
  26. for christmas last year, my parents bought me a pack of cards with the illustrations of different 19th century authors on the face of each. i didn’t realize until later that this was a popular turn-of-the-century game called “authors.” i intend to learn the game and play soon.

  27. Cards come in all shapes and sizes. Some wishing people good health, some offering your deepest sympathy when someone passes. From the warm birthday wishes to the funny jokes to cheer someone up. It’s like a smile on a piece of paper. It is to brighten up the world, one card at a time.

    Amanda Kerns
  28. I love Tarot cards a lot. I do I do. I also like playing 500 rummy with Jack at the corner bean. We used to do that everyday when we dated. We aren’t dating anymore, but we still played once at the Corner Bean a couple days ago. It was nice. He’s my best friend. He does things that are so annoying though. Last night I guess I embarassed him when I was super drunk/high in front of his girlfriend by slapping him jokingly after saying all this weird stuff and now I feel bad but I’m not going to let it feel bad because he can be such a douche.

  29. play

  30. playing war, go fish, rummy,

  31. Nobody

  32. cards christmas cards, business cards, for greetings, just to say thanks to say hi to say something random, but one thing’s for sure it can be the surprise that brightens someone’s day!

  33. It’s in the cards. Heat is what I’m talking about. Heat is in the cards. We need it, we want it, we can’t live without it. Heat. Heat. Heat it up and then down. In the cards, I say. What do you think? Don’t know? Then you have to go.

  34. cards are a wonderful way of expressing, may be a little brief than letters! vizsiting cards, birthday cards, anniversary cards!! so many!!
    i love cards
    help to preserve memories!

  35. Ich hab schlechte. Gute. Ich wei

  36. ddss

  37. You wouldn’t think that a deck of cards would be the way through. But it was.
    Kimberley Katie Sharp opened her deck with a flick of her wrist. The cards fanned out, beams of light jumping out to the sky above her, and opening up the portal.
    It didn’t look all that safe. Deck Portals never are. They’re as random as a game of Poker, only a steady hand and unreadable eyes won’t help when you Jump.
    Kimberley Katie Sharp Jumped.
    She hoped that she had dealt a good hand.
    She had.
    She landed back in back in New Orleans, 1922. One tug on her Chameleon Uniform, changed it from Jump Suit to dress before she’d taken a stingle step towards to Voodoo lady who was going to help kimberley Katie Sharp fix this damned mess.

  38. hallmark my mom works for them and when ever i get one my roommates like you know there going to be money in there but i know that its dumb to think that when the card cost $4

    Bobby Lightening
  39. I actually miss receiving cards on any random occasion.

  40. I like receiving cards. I love making them as well.

    Too bad I gave you 27, you fucked-up loser.
