
November 15th, 2009 | 297 Entries

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297 Entries for “cards”

  1. sometimes there are times i love receiving cards. greeting cards, christmas cards and all that. the thing is I just think that cards are just a waste of money because after reading them, i just end up throwing them away. i need a home depot card instead

  2. loved ones

  3. Cards are the greatest. They come in all forms, whether it be for games or for special occasions. My personal favorite are the cards with the sarcastic old lady. She has never failed to bring a smile on my face.

  4. I don’t understand the latest obsession.

  5. book

  6. birthday thoughts friends Christmas Easter Get WEll being thought of and appreciated

  7. everything about christmas was her favorite time of year. her loopy handwriting scrawled lazily across the pages as she wrote her generic holiday greetings, in hopes that she would also receive a bountiful share of colorful calligraphy as well. she frowned, tapping her pen absentmindedly as she realized she had no one to send them to. a bitter reminded of loneliness.

  8. Cards are something that can mean many things. They can be a way of greeting, a way to play games, a way of making business. Christmas cards are happy, while funeral cards are sad. Some cards evoke beauty, others pain, some happiness.

  9. I like to send cards to people on their
    birthdays. I like to play cards.

  10. You can play with cards. There are fifty two cards in a deck- with 16 face cards. There are also tarot cards, which also have four suits and 22 major arcana. Their art is pretty gorgeous. I also use cue cards to study. I will also be getting cards on my Birthday which is in a few days.

  11. i like sending and receiving these, in soccer i don’ like getting these. e-cards are nice, postcards, but not yellow and red. that being said

  12. they are useful as tools to communicate. or they are rubbishy crap that youy are forced to buy at Xmas. cards can be useful for filing too. i like cards. I collect black and white postcards. they are nice. I am nice. cards are nice.

    jon b
  13. cards blurp blurp cards blurpity blurp in my face king and queens and queens and kigns blurp ba blurp I cut the deck to the queen of spades but the cards were all the same ha ha ha! blurp! sauce on my cards cards on m

  14. the cards looked at me from the tabel i wanted to play but it wold cost to play, poker.

  15. a deck of cards sat on the table in a pig pen

  16. a deck of cards sat on the table

  17. deck of cards to play solitaire with, go fish, poker, and so many other games can be played with a deck of cards. I have a book of game that you are able to play with cards. There are so many things that people can do with cards. Cards can also send people greetings or thanks or even happy birthday; they have really many different uses.

    Kaye Ann Silver
  18. Card games are so fun when have some time to spare. Two, three, four, as many as you want can play. And cards can be used for hundreds of games. Such a useful thing…

  19. you are the dealer.
    your odds are stacked and measure and the white chalk clings to your black gloves.
    You are clever and wise,
    poker man.
    like one of those on the late night card tournaments
    where the men with mustaches
    race against each other to see
    who can be the bigger asshole.

  20. there where cards all over the floor, kings and queens, aces and twos, everything. jacks laughed up at him, the queens nearly fell over in shock, only caught by the kings who where glaring at him. the floor was covered in the cards, making it impossible to move without having to wade through the army. it was insanity. or was it just the truth? the cards where all around him, the cards where laughing at him, the cards wanted him dead.

  21. are fun allow for good times, can be used in may ways. are the key in strip poker, can be used as weapons, or to study. and if you have the best you are the best, can turn the tide of your night and will make everything alright

  22. He could be such a card, and had been over his many years as a guardian, as a watcher. But most occasions found him hard-working and devoted. That Ena would doubt his confidence was both understandable and troubling to him. I’ll win it back, he promised himself, She’ll trust me again before all this is over.

  23. written to catch his heart back but the next time I hadn’ t any cards and no words to write…
    so I

  24. I bring a deck of cards to rehearsal every night in hope that someone else has to sit around for hours doing nothing. But I just end up losing patience with solitaire as I wait for someone to play with me.

    chris torma
  25. i like to get cards

  26. Playing cards, stacked atop each other
    tumble quielty
    clatter softly to the table
    to be shuffled and played again
    a thousand different ways
    games we play
    with cards
    with one another



    withheld as always
  27. business cards are so queer and so boring. if i made a business card it would be very-very funny. and vivivd.
    and post cards… i’ve got one on my life. but it was ruined by my boyfriend. and i dont regret :)

  28. cards every day simple way cards like joker and the ace ace of spades joker like batman king queen…king of queens and the joker is a jacklyl.21 black jack lets play…cards every day….camp site of cards make sure you keep your poker face
    you’re my partner
    let’s play.
    play with the hand you were dealt
    NO cheating

    Brandon Williams
  29. deck card games baseball cards greeting cards holidays, birthdays, uno,

    ashley riley
  30. square things made of paper
    tearing ..
    .red you loos it all when they take you away.
    .. cutting into the skin swirls are printed on the pulp..
    . hearts ..
    . spaded,
    clovers follow

  31. holidays, love, cheaters, vegas, birthdays

  32. one and only

  33. the deck of cards is being recked because they r smashing them wile they r playing the dangeros game called spoons

  34. unique images on the front
    clones of each other on the back

    you will only know who they truly are once you’ve looked at them

    play them well, they’ll serve you strong
    think not enough, you’ll lose the game

    bend them and they wont bend back
    cards are unique

    you’re a slack

    Julia Perez
  35. Birthday cards are pretty useless these days. I mean, there’s email. Who wants some paper thing in two days time when they can get an email right now?
    But on birthdays we even give cards to people we know and will see that day. Where’s the point? A gesture?

  36. birthday, greeting, post, sympathy,business, poker, in the cards, tarot, lucky,baseball,picture,mass

    Chris G
  37. I shuffled the deck, again. “One more round? You could win your money back.” I slight smile was playing at my lips.
    “Yes, one more round…”
    He’s going to…

    Autumn Rose
  38. the man threw the cards and hit the lady and made her mad she said “

  39. There is was, was all he could think as he stared out at the pyramid of glass that stood about a 100 meters away. He lifted himself off the dirt and rubbed his fingers against his palms, feeling the gritty sensation of sand against his skin. There, he knew, was where all his cards lay.

  40. fortuner telling gone bad. when Ben sees his own death predicted on the tarot cards he is forced to watch, detached from his body and helpless, as the race to save him begins

    sam collis