Its me. This is loving, concern. This is thinking about you and wanting the best for you. Caring is the way to spead love and become someone in this world. Without it everyone would be shit. Just do it. Just do it now! Care and give a damn.
“if you saw someone fall, would you help her up?”
“Congratulations! you have won the title, Miss Caring!”
Cheers, shouts, claps.
The meaning of a happy life. Caring is based on compassion, the ability to free oneself from personal constraints and truly empathize with the massive variety of life situations/
caring is sharing
is what they say
but what has world become?
there is little to none
crying, lying, and dying
what more is yet to come?
nothing, to hate we have succomb
we all think caring is human easy, but if we did actually care, feeling deeply all we notice, everything would change instantly. it would be as if we were shocked awake but a bolt of lightening.
Sharing is caring, caring is fun! Because if you don’t care then you’re a soulless fuck who deserves to live in a gutter and feed off our waste. :)
there is nothing in the world that i care about. Lies. I care about passion, art, love, sex, money, family, having a baby, kissing in the rain, dying having lived a life of adventure.
I care about a man who loved me when I was gone. It was that time where I left that suddenly my worth intensified to a point where he stated plainly that he did, indeed, love me. And it became more pleasant to be away from him than to be with him.
i never thought that i’d give a shit
i never thought she’d leave though
i just did whatever the fuck i wanted
and now she’s gone
and now i’m all that’s left
My mother, my grandmother, my aunts, a whole host of women. Caring is not caretakers but it connotates such for me. And caretakers are women. Oh, don’t worry, I have caring men in my life too. Two father figures, etc. But it is women who hold the closest place to my heart.
Leah Weyand/
I care about a man who loved me when I was gone. It was that time where I left that suddenly my worth intensified to a point where he stated plainly that he did, indeed, love me. And it became more pleasant to be away from him than to be with him.
He never cared about her. He was only in it for himself. She was just there to make him look like he was a better person after all of this war crimes – a trophy, some would call her. Disgusting, she thought, staring herself down in the mirror and trying to come to terms with herself.
The truly caring, as an ideal, fall into the same category as unicorns and fairies – beautiful, were they more than a figment of our imagination. More often than not, there is something else, sometimes overt, sometimes unconscious, that underlies the want to care. This is true even for the most vaunted of loves, the supposed unconditional love of mothers. For inside the minds of too many mothers exist already, perhaps from the moment of the birth of their child, an idealised image of what they would like their children to be, and their children are to achieve it, even if it kills them. And mother’s love is there, should they ever think of making a run for it. In a pinch, the umbilical makes a good noose, and a erring child strung up with it makes a good example for all the rest.
We Only Want The Best For You Honey Bunny Buns
It’s all we need. Yes, caring is sharing and that phrase is so cheesy. But caring is a symbol of everything that is right in the world. Whether it just be sharing your lunch with a friend at school or donating money to a charity. Caring is love
Vanessa E.G.
Caring is the measure of a person’s empathy, or how much they care. If one does not care, or is not empathic to some degree, it is impossible to be accepted in any society. The modern day misfits are all labeled and distanced. Those who cannot care are doomed to be alone.
caring is a gentle and vital part of childhood growth. it is the one thing that keeps me ailve and wanting to strive towards anything. i dont understand how someone could live without it. musical caring is best imo
jake g
There was something in the way you looked at me when I came around the corner and saw you there, like a shine in your eyes or the twitch at the corner of your mouth, that told me you were glad I was there. Your lips were turning purple because you’d been out in the cold all day, but it was the smile that curved them that spoke more to me, and you reached for my hand and I felt like I would have lept over all the buildings in the city if you asked me to.
There was something in the way you looked at me when I came around the corner and saw you there, like a shine in your eyes or the twitch at the corner of your mouth, that told me you were glad I was there. Your lips were turning purple because you’d been out in the cold all day, but it was the smile that curved them that spoke more to me, and you reached for my hand and I felt like I would have lept over all the buildings in the city if you asked me to.
caring. nature or nurture? conditioning i believe. not trained in it, not gonna be able to know what it is. we are spending more on pretense less on genuine. what is it we are caring about? each other?
it was wonderful, the way he held my face in his hands, crading me, telling me everything was going to be okay. the tender touch of his fingers, the strength of his arm–all of these i took to my heart and cradled there just as he did me on that day. how i wish things to come back to that day, and yet how bittersweet the memory.
something that should be done far more. In the world of capitalism, there is no such thing. It is against what capitilism stands for. In captilism you are supposed look out for yourself only.
He was a kind and caring person. Cliche, his friends told him, but true: the quintessential noble spirit. it led to some of his most crushing crises, his most dispiriting dregs of days and weeks and months: anything someone else had trouble with was just as much his problem. Still, despite common sense, he didn’t stop. No-one could figure that part out.
people don’t do it anymore about anything, I know I don’t, its not cool caring is awesome, when you know how to do it.
is sharing. Or so they say. Its so easy for me not to care because lets face it, caring HURTS. Build a wall, create a shell, wear a mask, block it all out and just “don’t care”. Its just easier, right? But its also lonely and numbing and deadening. A half life – or no life at all. Be brave, strip away the facade and CARE.
Living inYes
Looking after someone you love can be the best and most difficult thing in life. try to give the person you love a ‘perfect day’ – for them not for you – and put extra effort into making it right. you will benefit from making that person feel wanted.
caring is being concerned for others, caring can make the world of difference…. it can save lives… caring is human kind at its best… its letting people and things and animals know tghey matter
What I think of I care for. I just with the world could also care. For me and for the people in it. I just long to have a caring friend. who hears me and listens with a caring heart
i’m not a very caring person. but my awesome brother is!
“Have you ever really cared for me?” was what she asked. “Have you really EVER cared for me?”
“I have,” she responded, surprised at the question. “Milady, what are you talking about? Perhaps you need some rest or some–“
“That’s what I’m talking about,” she snarled, suddenly angry. “You always talk to me like I’m some higher-up, and you only take care of me because you have to; because you’re PAID to.”
She shook her head furiously. “Milady, as a servant of His Highness–“
“See? Right there! ‘Milady’, ‘servant’, ‘His Highness’–I’m sick of it all! I’m tired of all this nonsense.”
compassionate nice mother happy calm secure safe warm juice comfy purple mom love happy sad sorry disgusted apppologetic heart
sharing blaring sharing bare. sharing bear. caring bare. carig bear. i have no hair. on my head.
stare at my bear. bear bare.
you are a re tard.
joshie bear. has too much hair.
he doesn’t care.
about doo doo bear.
he has no nair for my chair.
share with chair boy.
sten boy dini.
has a little peni.
- idiot bitch
“see gracie,” daniel began, “the problem with you is, you care too much. you care about everyone. hell, you care about me for chrissakes!” he paused for a few seconds. with his head hung and his eyes closed he looked as if deep in thought before asking, “you do care about me, right? “i–yes i care about you,” gracie said. “ah gracie, thats nice,” daniel said and smiled.
You cannot find any guy that is as caring as he is. The way he smiles at you, his eyes twinkles when he sees you. The way he pats your head and tries to cheer you up when you are depressed. You feel as if you are the world’s luckiest girl. Someone like him, is perfect.
It’s a difficualt job-feeling for people, wanting to feel for them. Not everyone takes it seriously-or thinks that they need to.
Some, never have to worry.
Others, always have to.
Me; I fall somewhere in-between. And I don’t paricualrlly like that idea. I want to care for all people, not just a few, but I can’t.
fur caring around the main street of disaster, the wanting willing willow womping upon your old nightmare, whatever happened to your dreams, your mother has become thirsty and sick of dasmels in distress and october muffins wrecking out your door.
caring basterd
there is alot i care about. mostly my family and friends, they areazing. then there are other people who i could care less about and would not bother hanging out with them at all. i care alot about stuff as in animals. i love cats, or felines. they areazing friends to always have. caring is about about other people and itsazing to have an emotion such as it is.
ur mom is very caring and loving i wish my mom was like that well she is but isnt u kknow like omm idk i really like ur mom though soo omm yeah like do u think we can trade porfavor like yeah so caring is like a mother to her chile like mine was never to me
ali jackson
Caring, right now i don’t care. I’m angry and I wish I wasn’t. I wish I could control myself and my feelings but right now I just can’t. I’m going to end it. I’m going to end my relationship with Sarah because she won’t just talk to me.
Its me. This is loving, concern. This is thinking about you and wanting the best for you. Caring is the way to spead love and become someone in this world. Without it everyone would be shit. Just do it. Just do it now! Care and give a damn.
“if you saw someone fall, would you help her up?”
“Congratulations! you have won the title, Miss Caring!”
Cheers, shouts, claps.
The meaning of a happy life. Caring is based on compassion, the ability to free oneself from personal constraints and truly empathize with the massive variety of life situations/
caring is sharing
is what they say
but what has world become?
there is little to none
crying, lying, and dying
what more is yet to come?
nothing, to hate we have succomb
we all think caring is human easy, but if we did actually care, feeling deeply all we notice, everything would change instantly. it would be as if we were shocked awake but a bolt of lightening.
Sharing is caring, caring is fun! Because if you don’t care then you’re a soulless fuck who deserves to live in a gutter and feed off our waste. :)
there is nothing in the world that i care about. Lies. I care about passion, art, love, sex, money, family, having a baby, kissing in the rain, dying having lived a life of adventure.
I care about a man who loved me when I was gone. It was that time where I left that suddenly my worth intensified to a point where he stated plainly that he did, indeed, love me. And it became more pleasant to be away from him than to be with him.
i never thought that i’d give a shit
i never thought she’d leave though
i just did whatever the fuck i wanted
and now she’s gone
and now i’m all that’s left
My mother, my grandmother, my aunts, a whole host of women. Caring is not caretakers but it connotates such for me. And caretakers are women. Oh, don’t worry, I have caring men in my life too. Two father figures, etc. But it is women who hold the closest place to my heart.
I care about a man who loved me when I was gone. It was that time where I left that suddenly my worth intensified to a point where he stated plainly that he did, indeed, love me. And it became more pleasant to be away from him than to be with him.
He never cared about her. He was only in it for himself. She was just there to make him look like he was a better person after all of this war crimes – a trophy, some would call her. Disgusting, she thought, staring herself down in the mirror and trying to come to terms with herself.
The truly caring, as an ideal, fall into the same category as unicorns and fairies – beautiful, were they more than a figment of our imagination. More often than not, there is something else, sometimes overt, sometimes unconscious, that underlies the want to care. This is true even for the most vaunted of loves, the supposed unconditional love of mothers. For inside the minds of too many mothers exist already, perhaps from the moment of the birth of their child, an idealised image of what they would like their children to be, and their children are to achieve it, even if it kills them. And mother’s love is there, should they ever think of making a run for it. In a pinch, the umbilical makes a good noose, and a erring child strung up with it makes a good example for all the rest.
It’s all we need. Yes, caring is sharing and that phrase is so cheesy. But caring is a symbol of everything that is right in the world. Whether it just be sharing your lunch with a friend at school or donating money to a charity. Caring is love
Caring is the measure of a person’s empathy, or how much they care. If one does not care, or is not empathic to some degree, it is impossible to be accepted in any society. The modern day misfits are all labeled and distanced. Those who cannot care are doomed to be alone.
caring is a gentle and vital part of childhood growth. it is the one thing that keeps me ailve and wanting to strive towards anything. i dont understand how someone could live without it. musical caring is best imo
There was something in the way you looked at me when I came around the corner and saw you there, like a shine in your eyes or the twitch at the corner of your mouth, that told me you were glad I was there. Your lips were turning purple because you’d been out in the cold all day, but it was the smile that curved them that spoke more to me, and you reached for my hand and I felt like I would have lept over all the buildings in the city if you asked me to.
There was something in the way you looked at me when I came around the corner and saw you there, like a shine in your eyes or the twitch at the corner of your mouth, that told me you were glad I was there. Your lips were turning purple because you’d been out in the cold all day, but it was the smile that curved them that spoke more to me, and you reached for my hand and I felt like I would have lept over all the buildings in the city if you asked me to.
caring. nature or nurture? conditioning i believe. not trained in it, not gonna be able to know what it is. we are spending more on pretense less on genuine. what is it we are caring about? each other?
it was wonderful, the way he held my face in his hands, crading me, telling me everything was going to be okay. the tender touch of his fingers, the strength of his arm–all of these i took to my heart and cradled there just as he did me on that day. how i wish things to come back to that day, and yet how bittersweet the memory.
something that should be done far more. In the world of capitalism, there is no such thing. It is against what capitilism stands for. In captilism you are supposed look out for yourself only.
He was a kind and caring person. Cliche, his friends told him, but true: the quintessential noble spirit. it led to some of his most crushing crises, his most dispiriting dregs of days and weeks and months: anything someone else had trouble with was just as much his problem. Still, despite common sense, he didn’t stop. No-one could figure that part out.
people don’t do it anymore about anything, I know I don’t, its not cool caring is awesome, when you know how to do it.
is sharing. Or so they say. Its so easy for me not to care because lets face it, caring HURTS. Build a wall, create a shell, wear a mask, block it all out and just “don’t care”. Its just easier, right? But its also lonely and numbing and deadening. A half life – or no life at all. Be brave, strip away the facade and CARE.
Looking after someone you love can be the best and most difficult thing in life. try to give the person you love a ‘perfect day’ – for them not for you – and put extra effort into making it right. you will benefit from making that person feel wanted.
caring is being concerned for others, caring can make the world of difference…. it can save lives… caring is human kind at its best… its letting people and things and animals know tghey matter
What I think of I care for. I just with the world could also care. For me and for the people in it. I just long to have a caring friend. who hears me and listens with a caring heart
i’m not a very caring person. but my awesome brother is!
“Have you ever really cared for me?” was what she asked. “Have you really EVER cared for me?”
“I have,” she responded, surprised at the question. “Milady, what are you talking about? Perhaps you need some rest or some–“
“That’s what I’m talking about,” she snarled, suddenly angry. “You always talk to me like I’m some higher-up, and you only take care of me because you have to; because you’re PAID to.”
She shook her head furiously. “Milady, as a servant of His Highness–“
“See? Right there! ‘Milady’, ‘servant’, ‘His Highness’–I’m sick of it all! I’m tired of all this nonsense.”
compassionate nice mother happy calm secure safe warm juice comfy purple mom love happy sad sorry disgusted apppologetic heart
sharing blaring sharing bare. sharing bear. caring bare. carig bear. i have no hair. on my head.
stare at my bear. bear bare.
you are a re tard.
joshie bear. has too much hair.
he doesn’t care.
about doo doo bear.
he has no nair for my chair.
share with chair boy.
sten boy dini.
has a little peni.
“see gracie,” daniel began, “the problem with you is, you care too much. you care about everyone. hell, you care about me for chrissakes!” he paused for a few seconds. with his head hung and his eyes closed he looked as if deep in thought before asking, “you do care about me, right? “i–yes i care about you,” gracie said. “ah gracie, thats nice,” daniel said and smiled.
You cannot find any guy that is as caring as he is. The way he smiles at you, his eyes twinkles when he sees you. The way he pats your head and tries to cheer you up when you are depressed. You feel as if you are the world’s luckiest girl. Someone like him, is perfect.
It’s a difficualt job-feeling for people, wanting to feel for them. Not everyone takes it seriously-or thinks that they need to.
Some, never have to worry.
Others, always have to.
Me; I fall somewhere in-between. And I don’t paricualrlly like that idea. I want to care for all people, not just a few, but I can’t.
fur caring around the main street of disaster, the wanting willing willow womping upon your old nightmare, whatever happened to your dreams, your mother has become thirsty and sick of dasmels in distress and october muffins wrecking out your door.
there is alot i care about. mostly my family and friends, they areazing. then there are other people who i could care less about and would not bother hanging out with them at all. i care alot about stuff as in animals. i love cats, or felines. they areazing friends to always have. caring is about about other people and itsazing to have an emotion such as it is.
ur mom is very caring and loving i wish my mom was like that well she is but isnt u kknow like omm idk i really like ur mom though soo omm yeah like do u think we can trade porfavor like yeah so caring is like a mother to her chile like mine was never to me
Caring, right now i don’t care. I’m angry and I wish I wasn’t. I wish I could control myself and my feelings but right now I just can’t. I’m going to end it. I’m going to end my relationship with Sarah because she won’t just talk to me.