if there were a way i could bring you along, wrapped in my sleeve, like a sauntering walkway through the valleys of leaves, drifted and bleak, you warm and delicate at my side, you kiss lazily across my lips, then i tuck you away sweet love
just an empty carton, that’s all there is left if him. the one carto n that mom didn’t get to. a small picture ont the back with the caption have you seen this boy. the last picture i have of him. he was my brother, but he’s gone now.
carton of eggs. ton of cars. cartoon. cardboard brown carton.
is a startin to remind me of a fartin when I was a youngin around the time of ten. could have been 12
Can you remember how much a carton of cigarettes cost in the 50s? Or even a carton of eggs? What else is sold by the carton? What is another definition of carton or is there
The delicious feeling of crushing a school style small milk carton under my foot, the air escaping, the flattened post product of my misguided wrath.
dave h
eggs come in cartons, not cartoons, which looks alot like carton. Cartons may carry cartoons, i suppose, but not often. However, cartons may often carry cartoons in groups of ten, often, they may carry cartoons of ten, but not alone. A lone cartoon may not often be spotted within a carton.
But this is just silly.
Chris Utzig
I had a carton of eggs. I looked inside and saw that one had cracked. I wondered to myself if the yolk had escaped because it was afraid that I was going to eat it. Then I thought that was silly. Why would a small yolk be afraid of being eaten- that is what they were put here for.
i dont no anything about cartons except that they hold stuff.
there was a carton of eggs in my fridge. Many were cracked and the carton smelled of old shoes that have been left out in the rain. Every time I looked at it I got a sad feeling in my stomach.
Juliet Woods
I used to buy cigarettes by the carton. Sometimes two cartons at a time. I’d stack them up in a cupboard above the stove, and feel the same kind of warm glow that I felt when I filled the freezer with meat or the crisper with vegetables. Now that I’ve quit smoking, I have an empty cupboard above my stove, and if you think that I feel good about that, you’d be wrong. I’ll never go back to smoking again, but there are times and there are things about it that make me miss smoking. I’m only saying this because I’m back on my diet and missing the junk food that I used to compensate for not smoking … geez, if it isn’t one thing it’s another …
this contanier holds milk usually but it can hold other items such as eggs, basically a container to hold items, generally food items cold food items mostly eggs and milk haha… ummm ya
Daniel majewski
There was only one carton of juice left. As he reached to get it, she slammed him over the head with the priceless vase, a wedding gift from Aunt Rosario. Damn, she thought, I should have used the grotty green one his mum got us from IKEA.
Eggs that can break at the sound of a breath – Mum always told me to check them first – fragile whiteness for no leaks, no cracks. Like her hand – fragile now and white, but the cracks show red, and I’m scared that she will on e day break – I need a parental carton to contain her to hold her.
You leave me empty like a carton of juice
You leave me laying on the cold floor
I am nothing to you but a piece of
rubbish, something you can
chuck away. Well I
am not your
A carton is a carton of milk. 1 percent, 2 percent, or whole milk. I think carton as a cow which equals milk.
+ ant
A carton is a carton of milk. 1 percent, 2 percent, or whole milk. I think carton as a cow which equals milk.
crazy ant
When i think of the word carton, i think of milk. I also think about cows and the sound moo.
crazy david
A carton is a carton of milk. 1 percent, 2 percent, or whole milk. I think carton as a cow which equals milk.
anthony ross
the carton was full of a stinking and viscous liquid, he recoiled at the sight of the ooze and noticed that the container twitched and started every few seconds.
No! Not this again. Milk then. I kind of like milk, but not too much.
Let’s see if I can get some other words…
By the way, some crazy guy wrote about celery.
james s
of milk. Yummy milk. Milk milk milk.
Celery-flavored milk. Ewww.
I wonder if these get put on the site.
I have the feeling that I’m going to seriously weird someone out. CELERY CELERY CELERY!!!
No milk. Again. A forlorn looking bowl of Cheerios sat on the counter, pleading for it. But it was gone. She sighed. Then she noticed the plain cardboard carton hiding in the back.
“Cheerios, meet orange juice.”
a carton of milk. no one drinks out of it when he’s away. when he comes home, he takes a swig like he owns the world. it’s not fair. he can come and go as he pleases and drink our milk and eat all of the leftovers from the chinese take out restaurant and sleep in his bed that had become the cat’s bed, not his. he can come and go. it isn’t fair.
lauren f.
a carton of milk. no one drinks out of it when he’s away. when he comes home, he takes a swig like he owns the world. it’s not fair. he can come and go as he pleases and drink our milk and eat all of the leftovers from the chinese take out restaurant and sleep in his bed that had become the cat’s bed, not his. he can come and go. it isn’t fair.
lauren f.
the milk carton stood in the fridge laughing at my thirst. when i opened the carton a putrid smell arose and made me sick to my stomache. a curdled mess fell from the carton as i tried to stifle my gagging. the carton was rinsed clean and thrown away.
brown cartons, paper packages, tied up with strings, kittens, fart, smell of fresh crisp brown paper, handmade, strings of tiny peices of cloth, cardboard cartons, gifts, happiness, birthday, pollution, paper
Carton. The first thing that springs to mind is the Blur video where the milk carton came to life. Its one of my favourite videos, the milk carton goes a very sad and moving journey.
if there were a way i could bring you along, wrapped in my sleeve, like a sauntering walkway through the valleys of leaves, drifted and bleak, you warm and delicate at my side, you kiss lazily across my lips, then i tuck you away sweet love
just an empty carton, that’s all there is left if him. the one carto n that mom didn’t get to. a small picture ont the back with the caption have you seen this boy. the last picture i have of him. he was my brother, but he’s gone now.
carton of eggs. ton of cars. cartoon. cardboard brown carton.
is a startin to remind me of a fartin when I was a youngin around the time of ten. could have been 12
Can you remember how much a carton of cigarettes cost in the 50s? Or even a carton of eggs? What else is sold by the carton? What is another definition of carton or is there
The delicious feeling of crushing a school style small milk carton under my foot, the air escaping, the flattened post product of my misguided wrath.
eggs come in cartons, not cartoons, which looks alot like carton. Cartons may carry cartoons, i suppose, but not often. However, cartons may often carry cartoons in groups of ten, often, they may carry cartoons of ten, but not alone. A lone cartoon may not often be spotted within a carton.
But this is just silly.
I had a carton of eggs. I looked inside and saw that one had cracked. I wondered to myself if the yolk had escaped because it was afraid that I was going to eat it. Then I thought that was silly. Why would a small yolk be afraid of being eaten- that is what they were put here for.
i dont no anything about cartons except that they hold stuff.
there was a carton of eggs in my fridge. Many were cracked and the carton smelled of old shoes that have been left out in the rain. Every time I looked at it I got a sad feeling in my stomach.
I used to buy cigarettes by the carton. Sometimes two cartons at a time. I’d stack them up in a cupboard above the stove, and feel the same kind of warm glow that I felt when I filled the freezer with meat or the crisper with vegetables. Now that I’ve quit smoking, I have an empty cupboard above my stove, and if you think that I feel good about that, you’d be wrong. I’ll never go back to smoking again, but there are times and there are things about it that make me miss smoking. I’m only saying this because I’m back on my diet and missing the junk food that I used to compensate for not smoking … geez, if it isn’t one thing it’s another …
this contanier holds milk usually but it can hold other items such as eggs, basically a container to hold items, generally food items cold food items mostly eggs and milk haha… ummm ya
There was only one carton of juice left. As he reached to get it, she slammed him over the head with the priceless vase, a wedding gift from Aunt Rosario. Damn, she thought, I should have used the grotty green one his mum got us from IKEA.
Eggs that can break at the sound of a breath – Mum always told me to check them first – fragile whiteness for no leaks, no cracks. Like her hand – fragile now and white, but the cracks show red, and I’m scared that she will on e day break – I need a parental carton to contain her to hold her.
You leave me empty like a carton of juice
You leave me laying on the cold floor
I am nothing to you but a piece of
rubbish, something you can
chuck away. Well I
am not your
A carton is a carton of milk. 1 percent, 2 percent, or whole milk. I think carton as a cow which equals milk.
A carton is a carton of milk. 1 percent, 2 percent, or whole milk. I think carton as a cow which equals milk.
When i think of the word carton, i think of milk. I also think about cows and the sound moo.
A carton is a carton of milk. 1 percent, 2 percent, or whole milk. I think carton as a cow which equals milk.
the carton was full of a stinking and viscous liquid, he recoiled at the sight of the ooze and noticed that the container twitched and started every few seconds.
No! Not this again. Milk then. I kind of like milk, but not too much.
Let’s see if I can get some other words…
By the way, some crazy guy wrote about celery.
of milk. Yummy milk. Milk milk milk.
Celery-flavored milk. Ewww.
I wonder if these get put on the site.
I have the feeling that I’m going to seriously weird someone out. CELERY CELERY CELERY!!!
No milk. Again. A forlorn looking bowl of Cheerios sat on the counter, pleading for it. But it was gone. She sighed. Then she noticed the plain cardboard carton hiding in the back.
“Cheerios, meet orange juice.”
a carton of milk. no one drinks out of it when he’s away. when he comes home, he takes a swig like he owns the world. it’s not fair. he can come and go as he pleases and drink our milk and eat all of the leftovers from the chinese take out restaurant and sleep in his bed that had become the cat’s bed, not his. he can come and go. it isn’t fair.
a carton of milk. no one drinks out of it when he’s away. when he comes home, he takes a swig like he owns the world. it’s not fair. he can come and go as he pleases and drink our milk and eat all of the leftovers from the chinese take out restaurant and sleep in his bed that had become the cat’s bed, not his. he can come and go. it isn’t fair.
the milk carton stood in the fridge laughing at my thirst. when i opened the carton a putrid smell arose and made me sick to my stomache. a curdled mess fell from the carton as i tried to stifle my gagging. the carton was rinsed clean and thrown away.
brown cartons, paper packages, tied up with strings, kittens, fart, smell of fresh crisp brown paper, handmade, strings of tiny peices of cloth, cardboard cartons, gifts, happiness, birthday, pollution, paper
Carton. The first thing that springs to mind is the Blur video where the milk carton came to life. Its one of my favourite videos, the milk carton goes a very sad and moving journey.