Milk. Orange juice. The face on the milk. easter candies. egg beaters.
a carton of milk sat in the fridge. there was just enough left to use it for one thing. but what? a bowl of cereal? as cream for coffee? to use in pancake batter? make a cake? and all the while the carton just sits, not knowing the conundrum it is causing. such a ruckus causing milk carton.
wat isa carton? i’m from puerto rico, where it means cardboard, but i don’t know… hey, carton of milk!! that is what it means! i have one in my fridge…
Tamara Perez
Millions of them die every year. Those who don’t are forced to live in spaces too small for them to even turn around. They have no quality of life-no real life to speak of. They suffer so we can have a carton of eggs.
200 cigarettes.
20 cigarettes.
11 or so cigarettes a day.
40 when intoxicated.
5 when hungover.
22 or so a day when your roomate runs out.
a carton of chocolate milk. the only thing i crave after a run. this carton bears a photo of a missing girl. who is she? what’s her story? who took her, and why. all these questions stem from a simple craving. i wonder where she is.
She stared at the carton before her. It’s shape was oblong and uninteresting, much like as if it contained milk. But surely something so inane couldn’t sit unhampered in this box. This unfettered, pithy little thing. She gave it a nudge. It toppled over.
maryam piracha
i thought a bout a massive thing. too massive. I put it in a box and i forgot about it and never remembered until now.
i guess i think of a milk carton, and that brings up images of a simple time. a time that i did not actually live in because every time i get get milk, it is from a plastic jug and not a carton. i wonder why cartons have kind of gone out of style. i guess the plastic is just cheaper. i feel like i would enjoy cartons more. i know they still sell them. perhaps i will go get one and reminisce about times i never actually had
reebus kingsley
A milk carton is full of milk. It’s also sometimes even made out of plastic or even thick paper cartons! Which makes me think of what the word carton means. It probably means something like a container to put stuff in, like a jug or something of the sort. Why am I even typing about cartons?
milk cartons remind me of missing people. It also reminds me of cartoons just missing a letter. Its like a bad name for a cartoon show or someone just misspelled it while on google. I kinda want a bowl of cereal right now too with a nice glass of milk.
milk comes in cartons. all toes of carotns. big. small. i love the cartos that are blue. noody ever wants those cartons but they are pretty. what if thy made lime green cartons. or withe. if they came in white i would make a house out of them and color it beautiful.
the carton was left at my door. Someone knocks, and I get up to go see it. As I struggle with my bulging belly, i waddle my way to the door and open it. No one is there. I take the carton inside, open it, and dump its contents onto my kitchen table. I smile, because soon those contents will be put to use.
Tangible objects
litter my presence:
cardboard boxes
that once held Christmas presents,
a dead mouse,
and a milk carton.
Which just makes me want some
cereal now that I think about it.
Rick Veloz
Sarah’s face was on the milk carton. “Last seen 2/5/1996. Wearing a blue t-shirt and knee high socks”, it read. The thing was, Sarah wasn’t really missing. The truth of the matter was that she had been living with a couple of Vietnam vets for six years – bathing them because they were limbless, feeding them pudding and LSD, reading them Little Golden Books before they went to sleep – on her own accord. It was all a ploy to get back at her father for being loving and caring – things that burned her soul to the core. All Sarah ever wanted was a deadbeat father, giving her an excuse for being so melodramatic and bitter.
Milk cartons, mm, i hate milk so much. milk is fucking gross. Fuck milk. I hate it. And I hate the word “carton” I imagine it getting soggy from all the milk. Ewww. Delicious, not.
a carton of milk is all i need to make myself some cereal. It will be refreshing and clean. It will make me feel good, and will strengthen me. I can’t wait to have that carton of milk. It is my dream, it is every in my thoughts. Milk if the bomb.
looks like cartoon.
i used to get the two words mixed up as a kid. heh
still do sometimes.
It wasn’t an ordinary egg carton anymore; Jessica had glued googly eyes and green pipe cleaner to one end and spray painted it green. Now it was a caterpillar. It was perched over her flower pots to “guard” the delicate blossoms. It was an elementary school level craft, but she got great satisfaction from seeing it anyway.
milk cartons have a very distinct shape. The time it would take to hand craft one milk carton is probably not worth the final result of it. But with technology it makes it much simpler so that it is cost effective.
it sat in a corner, untouched for years
until the day he went looking for remembrances
of days long past, with nothing in his hands but
the crumpled letters crushed against the bottom
by books and boxes and other forgotten detritus
unremembered, unwanted,
until now
The only things that I can think of that come in cartons are milk and cigarettes – two things that you can get at your local 7-11 if there aren’t any stores open. And I don’t like either of them.
box bag milk breasts
cigarettes stink in the bottom of my backpack. how did these get there anyway? don’t smoke, but he does. Why’d you leave that there? Trying to get me caught. Shouldn’t have answered that damn im. Sexgd2000. Yeah right. Who does he think he is anyway? Didn’t stop me from calling, did it?
She handed him the milk carton and asked him to rinse it out and put it in the recycling. He siged a heavy sigh wondering if he meant anything else to her except being her handyman and janitor.
He loved her deeply. Always had. But, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could live with the ambiguity.
Once I drew a cartoon in Art class. It was pathetic. I don’t know how I came to be but this is the best thing I have ever done. What is my mother? Humanity. OHHHH carton. Ok, well I went to the store and bought a carton of cat milk, straight from the utter. It poinsonded me.
there is a milk carton in my fridge and next to that milk carton there is a carton of eggs. when i was a young boy my parents had crescent farms deliver cartons of milk and orange juice to our front door every week. cartons are the perfect container for foods and drinks. i sometimes read cartoon when i see the word carton and often catch myself making that mistake and go back and re-read the word, carton.
Carton like the carton that Lauren gave Mriah. That was a nice present and I wish I had gotten something really nice like that. All of auren’s gift wi;l have awesome and touvhing meaning about i. I love her so she is a good friend. Asfley’s is a fuck being stupid with her gum chewing I wish they’d stop selling gum it’s just gross.
Jace stared at the carton of empty milk on the table, fingered it like some trinket that had no substance. In reality, he was looking past it. Looking past everything. He couldn’t think from the shock he had just received.
The big red carton sat at the top of the staris. it was glairing at me, daring me to go see what was inside it. It seemed to be saying, “If you open me, your whole life will change. What are you going to do What? huh?”
I groaned and started up the stares
The carton of milk smelled of putrid death. Don’t think I put it there on purpose. He said it was my fault anyway. The night before the lake was frozen so they decided to go skiing, but they didn’t even know what that meant.
carton of eggs, gallon of milk, butter, bread, maybe a toy for Lily. Maybe not, can’t afford it this week. Should get something for the family to munch on anyway. Oh, and a carton of cigarettes.
Cartons are terrific things. They have the capability to hold all sorts of things, not just liquids, like milk. Although, cartons commonly hold milk. They are fairly useful to transport, however not as useful has bottles.
Gene Forrester
Cartons are for milk. Cartons are something that can hold liquid until you can pour it out. My heart is a carton. It hold all my feelings and emotions inside and sometimes I can pour them out. Sometimes they spill on to the floor, wasted. Sometimes people take them only to spit them up in my face later. Sometimes they spoil and I have to throw them away. Sometimes i just wish someone would like how they taste…
Sean Tra'
of milk? hmmmm. milk is a weird thing. you know, i think its weird how poeple are bothered by eating meat but aren’t bothered by drinking milk. personally, I do both. but I thihnk itd be more reasonable to do both or neither
The egg carton was thrown on top of the growing pile as the man eased the last egg into place in his hat. Crowned with dozens of delicate whites, tans, and browns, he set off into the city to perform.
milk comes in cartons sometimes. usually pastic gallon bottles though. i really like milk. alot. lol. i just drank some. go me! that means im healthy. i hate dirty cartons. it really freaks me out. i see them at work all the time. argh!
Ciera Torres
On the back of cartons of milk used to be advertisements to allow local people to help in the search for a missing person. I have never seen this use of a milk carton before but then again there are many things I’ve never seen. One shameful use of a carton is the availability of buying cigarettes in that large of a quantity.
Mike Leary
The carton held a gallon of milk. The milk stayed in the fridge for a few days, no one even looking at it. The milk got sad and the sadness made it lumpy. About two weeks after being placed in the fridge, someone took it out and poured it on their cereal. Screaming when the lumps became visible.
dolly parton milk carton
why do people put missing kids on milk cartons?
that sucks. Who drinks milk?
I am allergic to milk.
It doesnt even come in cartons anymore.
I like when milk comes in glass bottles.
Nothing comes in cartons. But crickets. Crickets come in cartons.
Sarah Murphy
No name just a face on the milk carton I guess that’s what someone misses. Who cares what they were called. Cardboard box folded top pouring out liquids. Morning cereal says rise and shine as a child’s sugar-coated stomach coats itself in front of a mystery.
Milk. Orange juice. The face on the milk. easter candies. egg beaters.
a carton of milk sat in the fridge. there was just enough left to use it for one thing. but what? a bowl of cereal? as cream for coffee? to use in pancake batter? make a cake? and all the while the carton just sits, not knowing the conundrum it is causing. such a ruckus causing milk carton.
wat isa carton? i’m from puerto rico, where it means cardboard, but i don’t know… hey, carton of milk!! that is what it means! i have one in my fridge…
Millions of them die every year. Those who don’t are forced to live in spaces too small for them to even turn around. They have no quality of life-no real life to speak of. They suffer so we can have a carton of eggs.
200 cigarettes.
20 cigarettes.
11 or so cigarettes a day.
40 when intoxicated.
5 when hungover.
22 or so a day when your roomate runs out.
a carton of chocolate milk. the only thing i crave after a run. this carton bears a photo of a missing girl. who is she? what’s her story? who took her, and why. all these questions stem from a simple craving. i wonder where she is.
She stared at the carton before her. It’s shape was oblong and uninteresting, much like as if it contained milk. But surely something so inane couldn’t sit unhampered in this box. This unfettered, pithy little thing. She gave it a nudge. It toppled over.
i thought a bout a massive thing. too massive. I put it in a box and i forgot about it and never remembered until now.
i guess i think of a milk carton, and that brings up images of a simple time. a time that i did not actually live in because every time i get get milk, it is from a plastic jug and not a carton. i wonder why cartons have kind of gone out of style. i guess the plastic is just cheaper. i feel like i would enjoy cartons more. i know they still sell them. perhaps i will go get one and reminisce about times i never actually had
A milk carton is full of milk. It’s also sometimes even made out of plastic or even thick paper cartons! Which makes me think of what the word carton means. It probably means something like a container to put stuff in, like a jug or something of the sort. Why am I even typing about cartons?
milk cartons remind me of missing people. It also reminds me of cartoons just missing a letter. Its like a bad name for a cartoon show or someone just misspelled it while on google. I kinda want a bowl of cereal right now too with a nice glass of milk.
milk comes in cartons. all toes of carotns. big. small. i love the cartos that are blue. noody ever wants those cartons but they are pretty. what if thy made lime green cartons. or withe. if they came in white i would make a house out of them and color it beautiful.
the carton was left at my door. Someone knocks, and I get up to go see it. As I struggle with my bulging belly, i waddle my way to the door and open it. No one is there. I take the carton inside, open it, and dump its contents onto my kitchen table. I smile, because soon those contents will be put to use.
Tangible objects
litter my presence:
cardboard boxes
that once held Christmas presents,
a dead mouse,
and a milk carton.
Which just makes me want some
cereal now that I think about it.
Sarah’s face was on the milk carton. “Last seen 2/5/1996. Wearing a blue t-shirt and knee high socks”, it read. The thing was, Sarah wasn’t really missing. The truth of the matter was that she had been living with a couple of Vietnam vets for six years – bathing them because they were limbless, feeding them pudding and LSD, reading them Little Golden Books before they went to sleep – on her own accord. It was all a ploy to get back at her father for being loving and caring – things that burned her soul to the core. All Sarah ever wanted was a deadbeat father, giving her an excuse for being so melodramatic and bitter.
Milk cartons, mm, i hate milk so much. milk is fucking gross. Fuck milk. I hate it. And I hate the word “carton” I imagine it getting soggy from all the milk. Ewww. Delicious, not.
a carton of milk is all i need to make myself some cereal. It will be refreshing and clean. It will make me feel good, and will strengthen me. I can’t wait to have that carton of milk. It is my dream, it is every in my thoughts. Milk if the bomb.
looks like cartoon.
i used to get the two words mixed up as a kid. heh
still do sometimes.
It wasn’t an ordinary egg carton anymore; Jessica had glued googly eyes and green pipe cleaner to one end and spray painted it green. Now it was a caterpillar. It was perched over her flower pots to “guard” the delicate blossoms. It was an elementary school level craft, but she got great satisfaction from seeing it anyway.
milk cartons have a very distinct shape. The time it would take to hand craft one milk carton is probably not worth the final result of it. But with technology it makes it much simpler so that it is cost effective.
it sat in a corner, untouched for years
until the day he went looking for remembrances
of days long past, with nothing in his hands but
the crumpled letters crushed against the bottom
by books and boxes and other forgotten detritus
unremembered, unwanted,
until now
The only things that I can think of that come in cartons are milk and cigarettes – two things that you can get at your local 7-11 if there aren’t any stores open. And I don’t like either of them.
box bag milk breasts
cigarettes stink in the bottom of my backpack. how did these get there anyway? don’t smoke, but he does. Why’d you leave that there? Trying to get me caught. Shouldn’t have answered that damn im. Sexgd2000. Yeah right. Who does he think he is anyway? Didn’t stop me from calling, did it?
She handed him the milk carton and asked him to rinse it out and put it in the recycling. He siged a heavy sigh wondering if he meant anything else to her except being her handyman and janitor.
He loved her deeply. Always had. But, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could live with the ambiguity.
Once I drew a cartoon in Art class. It was pathetic. I don’t know how I came to be but this is the best thing I have ever done. What is my mother? Humanity. OHHHH carton. Ok, well I went to the store and bought a carton of cat milk, straight from the utter. It poinsonded me.
there is a milk carton in my fridge and next to that milk carton there is a carton of eggs. when i was a young boy my parents had crescent farms deliver cartons of milk and orange juice to our front door every week. cartons are the perfect container for foods and drinks. i sometimes read cartoon when i see the word carton and often catch myself making that mistake and go back and re-read the word, carton.
Carton like the carton that Lauren gave Mriah. That was a nice present and I wish I had gotten something really nice like that. All of auren’s gift wi;l have awesome and touvhing meaning about i. I love her so she is a good friend. Asfley’s is a fuck being stupid with her gum chewing I wish they’d stop selling gum it’s just gross.
Jace stared at the carton of empty milk on the table, fingered it like some trinket that had no substance. In reality, he was looking past it. Looking past everything. He couldn’t think from the shock he had just received.
The big red carton sat at the top of the staris. it was glairing at me, daring me to go see what was inside it. It seemed to be saying, “If you open me, your whole life will change. What are you going to do What? huh?”
I groaned and started up the stares
The carton of milk smelled of putrid death. Don’t think I put it there on purpose. He said it was my fault anyway. The night before the lake was frozen so they decided to go skiing, but they didn’t even know what that meant.
carton of eggs, gallon of milk, butter, bread, maybe a toy for Lily. Maybe not, can’t afford it this week. Should get something for the family to munch on anyway. Oh, and a carton of cigarettes.
Cartons are terrific things. They have the capability to hold all sorts of things, not just liquids, like milk. Although, cartons commonly hold milk. They are fairly useful to transport, however not as useful has bottles.
Cartons are for milk. Cartons are something that can hold liquid until you can pour it out. My heart is a carton. It hold all my feelings and emotions inside and sometimes I can pour them out. Sometimes they spill on to the floor, wasted. Sometimes people take them only to spit them up in my face later. Sometimes they spoil and I have to throw them away. Sometimes i just wish someone would like how they taste…
of milk? hmmmm. milk is a weird thing. you know, i think its weird how poeple are bothered by eating meat but aren’t bothered by drinking milk. personally, I do both. but I thihnk itd be more reasonable to do both or neither
The egg carton was thrown on top of the growing pile as the man eased the last egg into place in his hat. Crowned with dozens of delicate whites, tans, and browns, he set off into the city to perform.
milk comes in cartons sometimes. usually pastic gallon bottles though. i really like milk. alot. lol. i just drank some. go me! that means im healthy. i hate dirty cartons. it really freaks me out. i see them at work all the time. argh!
On the back of cartons of milk used to be advertisements to allow local people to help in the search for a missing person. I have never seen this use of a milk carton before but then again there are many things I’ve never seen. One shameful use of a carton is the availability of buying cigarettes in that large of a quantity.
The carton held a gallon of milk. The milk stayed in the fridge for a few days, no one even looking at it. The milk got sad and the sadness made it lumpy. About two weeks after being placed in the fridge, someone took it out and poured it on their cereal. Screaming when the lumps became visible.
dolly parton milk carton
why do people put missing kids on milk cartons?
that sucks. Who drinks milk?
I am allergic to milk.
It doesnt even come in cartons anymore.
I like when milk comes in glass bottles.
Nothing comes in cartons. But crickets. Crickets come in cartons.
No name just a face on the milk carton I guess that’s what someone misses. Who cares what they were called. Cardboard box folded top pouring out liquids. Morning cereal says rise and shine as a child’s sugar-coated stomach coats itself in front of a mystery.