
April 19th, 2010 | 254 Entries

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254 Entries for “castaway”

  1. So many things in life are thrown out, clothes, toys, books, and worst of all people. I’ve always been that disposable one. Who helps you find out who you are and that you discard without a second thought.

  2. Johnny looked up at the sky and saw the helicopter fly away. He never should have trusted his brother. Now it was obvious it was he who had murdered their grandfather. He tried to stand but collapsed, his legs weren’t moving.

  3. is a lonely man on an island. they require special allocations of your time once they return to civilization. They are a complete drain on society and should be left where they are.

  4. I think of that stupid movie with Tom Hanks that I never saw. I probably only thought that it was stupid because my parents didn’t like it. That’s not usually how I assess things, but sometimes your childhood sticks with you. I think I probably also think it’s stupid because I know there’s a silly moral commponent in which he comes back to his wife.

  5. She sat there, the wind on her back, the seas in her hair. The boat was sinking, she was almost up to her neck. Unlike all the films she was raised on, there was no island floating in the distance, no mermaid to carry her to shore. There was just the ocean and her fortitude.

    A. McNelis
  6. the doll sat in the corner without being noticed since the girl’s 11th birthday. her new dress was much more important. her new life was much more important. her new friends meant more than her life of childhood and innocence.

  7. castaway. stranded on a beach in the middle of nowhere. no food, no water, little chance of survival. and no way of escape. you just have to stick it out and hope someone finds you.

  8. john slept through the wintry tumult. sand and snow formed together around his body in a chrysalis.
    he was a castaway, a survivor.

    but from what?
    he couldn’t remember.

    he sat up in this mix of snow and sand.
    no not sand, he realized.

    he looked up to see black clouds rolling over the horizon. thunder rumbled ominously behind.
    there was no sand or snow, this was an isle of ash.

  9. castaway bay. Oh endless nights spent with you playing mario party on your brother’s gamecube. Endless nights of joints and mini games. Endless nights of cereal and chocolate milk. I love your dick but I miss your tv.
    Wow so irrelevant…

  10. lonely on a beach with nothing. No one around to feel for you, and there’s an emptiness. Empty, afraid, you look, but find little. Trees and animals of an inedible variety. I’ve found that nothing can save you from yourself. Especially true for the castaway. The inversion creeps into your psyche, and you’re done for.

    Aaron Halcovitch
  11. Oh castaway, what a funny movie. I don’t actually remember much about it. Just Tom Hanks acting psychotic and having a good ol’ time with his pal Wilson. Not quite a Forrest Gump but it was alright. I was a little grossed out by the whole leg thing…it may be a minor injury but when I was five it was like he had spontaneously combusted.

  12. Castaway makes me think of Gilligan’s Island–the castaways are the people stranded on the island.
    The skipper
    The Professor
    Mary Anne
    Mr Howell
    Mrs Howell

    It also makes me think of that movie with Tom Hanks where he’s stuck on an island after a plane crash.

  13. as on a desert island. I often dream about being a castaway – it stems from a book I read as a child by R. M. Ballentyne called Coral Island.

    John Baxter
  14. lost. that’s how i feel. adrift on the subway platform filled with people. there’s no reason to be, i just am. i like getting lost in the crowd, becoming a part of the background, being an observer of life every now and then. takes the pressure off.

  15. Castaway your cares and woes. Leave them to lie like a castaway on a desert shore. Return to them no more.
  16. All I can think about is Tom Hanks. With a beard. That is unfortunate for me because I don’t particularly like Tom Hanks.

    Gravy Dawn
  17. Wow, what an immediate
    I think of a tree, a washed out light and ragged stuff
    ragged clothing, lost, afloat, adrift, but not in a negative or hostile or cold environment. and the clashing of the sun and the aloneness.

  18. She was a castaway. He was a castaway. What was a girl to do? Let him be alone, or run to him with open arms across the soft, peachy sand? It would be her ultimate love story.

    And then she woke up. Blasted alarm clocks!

  19. If I was castaway I would feel slightly lonely however I’d get a sense of bewilderment and strength from it. Funny how one word can have you so stumped really isn’t it. Hmmm what else do I say about being castaway…not a great deal apparently. Isn’t castaway a movie? Tom Hanks I think…

    Emma Haynes
  20. After I left my job as a principal of our church’s school, I was alone. I hid in my house for days. I slept in a squalor of my living room, curtains drawn. A few well meaning folks stopped by. I never let them in. I wanted to be an island.

  21. The sand between my knuckles is finding it’s way into my tear ducts, quickly sucking away the water from my eyes forcing me to accept this situation for what it is. I am lost. I am found.

  22. I am on this island. I am this island. Let’s twiddle our thumbs, you and I. Survivor. My mind. Just my mind and I. We’ll lay under the tropical sun and bath until we wash away.
    Or until the Navy notices that I set the coconuts on fire.

  23. That’s what it feels like I’ve created for myself in this life. I’m stranded on an island I created. Not only can I not get off, but no one else can get on either. I’m alone here, fending for myself. I have no hope of finding anyone else to share the experience with. And the worst part will always be that I did it to myself

  24. She was a castaway in this world. A lost soul, set adrift on an island. Cast away. Cast off. Like an old dirty coat he didn’t want anymore. And that was okay. She thought about that movie. That guy, the Castaway, Tom Hanks?, he was resourceful. Strong. He got stronger. He survived. She would too.

    Jackie Rostad
  25. Being a castaway had a few perks. After all, it isn’t everyone who gets to spend every day on a beautiful, tropical beach. Of course, eating regularly would have also been nice.

    Doug McIntire
  26. Casta way on t tiney ship aboy and his mother are left to fentd for themselves in the middle of the sea. The spot an island an clib off the boat only to awaken in a bed in a room that is in a hospital on the island. The boy rmembers things but cannot talk. The mother rembers things but cannot see. they find together their way out and onto what or who brought them to the island. The boy finds out that his father is a mad scientist who loves to fornicate with animals and that he must escape from the islad with his mom. They go on and when they find the ship they step on and are suddenly back in time before it was just them on

  27. I’m on a island alone, I look to my left and I see the love of my life. Partners forever. Castaways forever. Never again will I be parted by the forces of fate but we will finally achieve true happiness with together.
    Alone, together. Forever. Castaway of my heart.

    Russell Acton
  28. On a desert island the castaway is waiting. Waiting for what? The next passing ship or merely a fish he can catch and eat for his supper. Or perhaps he’s waiting for death, he might be a welcome visitor too.

    Kate Gaunt
  29. willlllsooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Dillard trudged up on the beach, his dungarees tattered, his disreputable Chief’s cap somehow still perched on his head. Slowly rising up, he instinctivly pulled his .45 form it’s leather holster and surveyed his surroundings.


    Cool girl
  32. he was a castaway. no one could save him. only himself.

  33. I cannot believe how far that city was from home. I felt abandoned, and alone, in the middle of 11 million people.

  34. I am a castaway in my bed. I feel alone although there are those upstairs who will have me. I wonder about you and if you are ok on your island and if you’re thinking the same of me.

  35. Wilson!

  36. Castaway the shadows of past, embrace them, try to be happy, those memories were good and the memories which are made today will be good for tomorrow.
    Remember the people from the past they will feel good comparing to the present, more beautiful and elegant the true and lively.

  37. i feel alone. it pains me to be here all b my self. i feel alone. i hate being alone. ive been alona ll my life, even though i have had successful relationships ive still always been alone. ive never met, not once, someone who understands me.

    Nick Friend
  38. this was the title of a movie staring tom hanks. It was a good movie, but i think the main point that was trying to get across is that we need human interaction to stay sane. we need someone to talk to. everyone thinks alot of alone time is great, when in actuality we NEED people. we LIVE off of other people.

  39. thrown to the wolves

    an island lost at sea

  40. when i was once on the island, i thought of myself as truly alone for the first time. somehow, I thought, there must be a way to exit this mess I had gotten myself into. However, now that I was here in the present, I realized that this was not going to happen.

    Chris Price