
April 19th, 2010 | 254 Entries

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254 Entries for “castaway”

  1. Castaway is much sadder as two words than it is one, isn’t it? You are a castaway, or you have been cast away, and does it really matter which word(s) is used? It’s hard to hear that you are it, whatever it is.

    Molly Wagner
  2. In the sea of students I was just another one. In the lunch room everyone had there own little spheres of influence. Each table was its own island. And I was the new kid. I didn’t belong anywhere – I was a shipwrecked castaway on a deserted piece of driftwood. Eating alone.

  3. Without thinking he was there. Alone. A castaway on a deserted island. his whole life was gone and this was all he had. the trees swayed in the wind as he began to embark on his new life there.

  4. was all she felt, discarded, lost, isolated and alone at the lunch table. Would she cry? Would she laugh at the absurd situation? Lola only thought one thing, “to be castaway is troublesome but not hopeless” and she decided that better thing could find her and she would be isolated and lost no longer soon.

  5. One Word is actually oneword, is cut in half horizontally, is black and purple, is an adjitive and noun, is not a valid sentence, and discribes the ammount of words in front of you. Ie, “oneword.”

  6. Martha finds the sounds of a child screaming coming from the seashore, and she rushes over to scoop up the strange capsule and press the small button on the side of it, fumbling to break it open. There, lying among some hurriedly thrown in blankets is a boy with black hair, eyes as blue as the sky, crying soundly.

    “Shush now, little one… shush…”

    Sobbing. Shrieking.

    She holds him close and looks out at the sea before her, riddled with bodies and rubble. She catches sight of a small tag on the child’s wrist and reads it aloud.

    “Yuusei Fudou.”

    She sighs.

    “Come, little one, I’ll take you home with me.”

  7. I am a minority now, I have been shunned, been turned away, refused and pitied. I am the castaway…

    I’m sorry, please forgive me.

  8. Castaway.
    i’m a castaway on my own lil island.
    Where my thoughts are only about love and workd peace
    Where my soul cries and i tell lies.
    Where the sun stops and the rain comes
    Where it all ends.
    And then begins again

  9. there is so much STUFF, I want to castaway it all.

  10. I was liken to a bottle castaway. just another stranded messege gone forever…. or maybe found and set free.

    Tyler Rohde
  11. Castaway? What is a castaway? How do you know what it’s like when you start to castaway from everyone. Your friends, your family, everything you have. I think I know. I feel like casting away just because this world feels pointless to me. Castaway with me?

  12. The castaway sat on the beach on his island all my his lonesome. Though he had been there for 62 days already, it only felt like 2 weeks. He missed his family. He had nearly given up on rescue. His only friends were the birds who sat on the palms and watched his plight.

  13. damn volleyball… it made me cry ..seriously.. i was quite young anyway.. but id make a wooden man or smt

  14. The time I was out in the campground with my family and there was a thunderstorm. I went to find my brother and I found him under a large tree with his backpack over his head trying to stay warm.

  15. im a castaway to society. im a fat black woman with no man. no value, no prospects no hope. statistically destined to end up alone. 20 yrs old never had a kiss, boyfriend, even a date. cast away.

  16. i want to castaway. enough of these fancy phones, tricky computers, and corporations. how about a little bit of sand, water, food, and me. isolation on an island for a few days is what i need. socialization definitely has its limits. meandering conversations, small talk, and just plain old shooting the shit. enough!

  17. its such a good story. lonliness can lead people to do strange things. it is humanitys ultimate weakness. we have become so accustomed to being around other people constantly that we cannot survive a life of pure solitude without simply goin insane. obviously his attempts at suicide are a good show of this. i mean he befriends a soccer ball how much more lonely could yu be? we shpuldnt be so dependent on others. others let us down. but we can make sure not to let ourselves down if we truly want to. dont rely on others fro happiness. yu are all yu need. so if yur ever on an island alone then enjoy the peace. no warfare or guns or fighting. no cars or industrialiation. jus peace. serenity. like a new time before mankind tainted the earth with its careless destruction. thinking not of wat we are doing to the earth but simply wat could we get out of it.

  18. a sea a shell a shore chiodos. songs, 8th grade. delerious. anything. i dont’t know. ashtray cast away way aw ay yay cas ast aw aw away

  19. I was castaway today, on sober island. I sent a message away in a bottle, it drifted back full of booze.

    Lee Thompson
  20. The timber drifted,
    cast out to sea,
    splinters eaten by salt.

    the seaweed
    latched itself
    onto the soggy board

    drifting over
    and atop the wave,
    crashing and slamming

    into silt and sand,
    white foam gurgling
    to bubbles, liquid spitting.

    the timber drew suction,
    the next wave burying
    the cadaver, the mort called.

    Jeffrey Pillow
  21. I really don’t know what a castaway is.i Because i don’t have time to wikipeide-it, and because my english isn’t too good. i love english but as i live in Norway english isn’t our first priority in school, although i would believe learning a different language is important!

  22. i saw the movie with tomhanks in it it wa sad and funny haha

  23. As I sat at my desk, I knew it was going to be a long year. No one sat at any of the desk adjacent to mine, not even behind me. I don’t know what I missed over the summer- a tv show, a movie, a new clothing trend, but I was OUT. And it was clear. Too bad she’ll never know.

  24. there was a book called castaway once, i read it in school i think. im not sure, i cant remember. it was a good book though. the word castaway reminds me or breaking free from everyting, i need a break from everything right about now, i wish i could get away.

  25. A dirty man, with a clean soul. 15 years spent searching,alone, have cleansed him of all regrets. His memories are faded as his clothes, now. Who he was is gone.

  26. The castaway was on the island for many moons before the ship came to shore and found him.

    Mary Lou Wynegar
  27. i am lost at in my mind
    i have lost my ship and my kind
    hidden away on the island state
    hopping i shall get rid of my hate

  28. to be thrown into the sea with no where to go.

    rejected and left to die with out any one to love you.

    the dice while playing craps.

    Tom Hanks in the movie.

    Robert Berman
  29. The castaway sent a letter to his long, lost alien friend. He secretly loved her, but knew they were never meant to be. I guess his ill fate made him realize that he had to take some sort of action or else… No regrets, he thought. I have to tell her how i feel. Even if she is an alien.

    Suzanna McElwain
  30. makes me think of lucy irving, the shark metaphor was good. I tthink all my first thoughts would be literary but the reality must be horri

    maxine bellamy
  31. I wish this boat was much much bigger.

  32. movie

  33. The blanket should have been in a castaway bin, but I’d saved it. Currently shoved in the back of my closet, I’d smuggled it through the move in the bottom of a box also containing gran’s old scarves and ballroom jewelery.

  34. Wilson. Tom Hanks. Cast me away…far from here, and closer to my dreams. I am a castaway, always have been. I don’t like to follow the path and sometimes I believe I’m addicted to change; doesn’t have to be a big change, just something new to light up the pathway of my life.

  35. castaway kind of reminds me of a runaway, of running away and being away and being far away, which is the title of the song i’m listening to by ingrid michaelson. i want to be a castaway, i want to be somewhere new and stranded and left to my own devices and figure things out on my own. i kind of want to be on a new shoreline, far, far away. that would be quite nice, right now. away from all of this. away from him. you. him.

  36. I was a simple castaway on a bleak island. I had no clothing, no food, and no other essentials. So, what it all boils down to, is that I didn’t even have enough to get by. I felt so alone. Until I saw that one other person who looked as stranded as I was. We immediately clicked.

    Elise Connors
  37. he was alone. desperately alone. shipwrecked on the tiny island that was his cubicle; the constant clacking of the key board his only companion. he yearned to get away, but couldn’t. he was trapped, lost at corporate sea.

  38. on the sandy beach
    with the palm trees
    and the smooth white sand
    that dunes in the breeze
    and the island music from far away
    playing a rhythm soft and sweet
    making you feel whole and complete
    but always a bit
    out of reach
    on that sandy beach
    is my lonesome heart
    simply a castaway
    to your love.

  39. i again don’t know what that means:S

  40. castaway, the thought, loner, what a word, with a tone to give it a meaning. Banished within yourself you see the world as if you were sombody else and i cannot Castaway your demons theyre just a piece of you they dont die easy so you hide em instead and it bleeds you to.

    Gabriel T Flores III