
May 29th, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “cave”

  1. Deep, deep in the ground, there is a legend half a world away now, that this is where the first man and first woman came from, that they stood half-astonished, half-terrified at a world with no roof and they never went back again, maybe afraid they could never get out again. Yet, here we stand, red earth fingerprints on our hearts, headlamps on, scooching carefully through guano. At one point, we crawl backward into water. The guides tell us to discard our flip-flops and now we feel the golden ridges under our feet. The lamps make the whole thing look like a golden fountain. If we kept going, if we really knew what we are doing, we could go to the far back where the mummies are piled up in coffins, waiting like seeds in storage for the end of the world. But for now, we jump into the pool waiting for us at the near back before we make our way to the surface again. We are not brave enough to live in a No Sky World.

  2. From the roof of my mouth to yours
    These words echo defeat
    Bones clattering about the cave
    Were we brave
    Enough to face
    Certain death
    And walk back from the ledge
    To find a single breath
    Our blood is rust
    Our hearts pure only in dust
    Our stars crossed continents once

  3. From the roof of my mouth to yours
    These words echo of defeat
    Bones clattering about the cave
    Were we brave
    Enough to face
    Certain death
    And walk back from the ledge
    To find a single breath
    Our blood is rust
    Our hearts pure in only dust
    Our stars crossed continents once

  4. They were walking in the forest when the thunderstorm broke. Hail stones and heavy droplets assaulted them. Dan said, “I remember that there is a cave nearby. Let’s run there and we can wait out the storm.”
