
February 7th, 2025 | 3 Entries

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Yo yo yo, the oneword™ podcast is back for Season 3.
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3 Entries for “ceremony”

  1. The footfalls echo in the silent hall. Chairs in lines, people sitting still or leaning forward to see. Robes trailing on the ground, one child coloring the program purple.

  2. The ceremony usually last three days – one evening to collect the offerings for the monks, in he name of deceased family members accompanied by the chanting of the monks to increase he merit of the deceased. Then chanting during the second day where men become monks for a day and women dress in white as nuns, then the offering food for the monks the morning of the third day and the cremation in the afternoon.

  3. The day was resigned to never come, centuries had passed with plans a little more than, “It’s happening.” Yet, here he was in the flesh, white on white on white and no one could sully the purity of the day.