
November 2nd, 2009 | 693 Entries

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693 Entries for “certain”

  1. Certainly not.

    Drop the plot! It happened such a long time ago.

    Doubt is behind you. Only forward. Stake your life on it. Just draw the curtain.

    You know nothing is certain. Just ascertain the best and grieve for the rest.


    Go draw.

    Cy Margucci
  2. i was almost certain of an A in the current course until the midterm disaster.

  3. pehaps, i ‘ll think about it.
    a wise man beware of certainties.
    certain is a wall

  4. This much was certain. Nothing. Nothing is certain, of course. Look at the timeline of change, everything changes, nothing is for sure. Even Truth, that lovely woman, she is fickle. Like all women, naturally. It is who we are.

    That much might be for certain.

    Truth is changing, ever in flux. This is why God is dead and we have killed him.

  5. almost nobody is certain, i mean how can you be. things are always subjective if people are involved. so certianity is a bad concept that should not be used. Well maybe in a scientific way it can, but even there humans are doing all the work.

  6. I am certain this will amount to nothing.

  7. what does it mean to be certain about anything, that there are undeniable truths about this experiment we call reality? consentual reality consists of two people agreeing about something, one plus one equals three. if i see a ufo, and you don’t, i’m crazy, but if we both see a UFO we will agree there is a degree of certainty to it, consentual reality. power.

  8. The house was finally clean.

    She’d been gone for weeks, and his efforts were at last rewarded.

    He felt no better.

  9. I used to be so certain about so many things. But with age I have lost a lot of energy for such things. Being at peace is important to me know. Knowing who I am and knowing that I am in the world but not of the world helps to keep me centered.

  10. I stood looking at the clouds as they billowed up higher and higher. The winds were coming from the west. And my ship was tossed back and forth on the sea as I sailed towards Spain ready to pick up my wares from the king and queen

  11. certain things about my personality are downright rude and crude. Certain things about my character are not pleasant. Certainly it could be said that these things make me an asshole. Certainly that could fit the bill. But I have good intentions after all and I’m certain that counts for something

  12. Time required for implementation

  13. to have something and know that it is right, know completely without a doubt that it is correct. Nothing wrong, completely and beautifully perfect. Certain.

  14. She couldn’t explain why she felt this way. It bordered on irrational. They had only exchanged a few letters, spent less than a few days in the same place, waiting for the tide. All she knew for certain was he occupied a seat in her heart, and until she unseated him, no else would find a space there.

    Every morning, while dressing, she looked at the little silver frame on the chest of drawyers. She didn’t dare to put a photograph in it. It was the same about his name – not saying it, not seeing him – made the pinch in her chest, the pulling in her throat a little less sharp. But then, sometimes, in her dreams, it was as if he were with her. Speaking to her. They danced once. He lay next to her and stroked her arm. Sometimes she could almost her his laughter.

  15. To be certain about something you need to know facts, facts are a cornerstone in humanity for understanding. Understanding is a far fetched ideal for the human race because nothing in the world can truly be understood.

  16. I am certain. Msrigjdofsebkjzxrghjfsrg

  17. Certainty, how fun, aw for certainty… I wish I had it in my life… FOr this, I would do a lot; is it truly worth it, though, just to have not doubt? Ah, to know what it would be like…

  18. Nothing is certain. Time certainly flows. Mostly forward, but occasionally backwards, especially in your mind. Death is certain, and death is nohingness. So nothing is certain.

  19. Nothing is for certain. Nothing will ever be for certain, because there is absolutely no way to be really certain about anything, ever. There always exists the tiny possibility that something is completely the opposite that you thought was for certain.

  20. I’m never certain about anything lately. There’s this operation, there’s asking out that girl, there’s refusing any invite in order to study to get a job i wont like, but then ending up procrastinating instead anyway.
    Nothing’s certain.

    I’m going down.

  21. I certainly have no idea what I should be writing. Perhaps I should write about things that are certain. Are there any things like that? Here is one. Life is short and too much time is spent on the wrong things. Of that I am certain.

  22. i am certain that i will not finish this maths homework for tomorrow, my teacher will kill me. but to be honest i don’t give a crap because she didn’t even explain it well. screw maths GCSE. I AM GOING TO FAIL IT ALL ANYWAYYYYYY!

  23. I am certain of only one thing.

    I love him.

    There are plenty of things I am not certain of. Does he see me as just a friend? Would we even have a shot? Will our friendship be ruined if I told him?

    For now all I have is my certainty.

  24. Is this site clever? I can’t be certain.

  25. I’m certain that I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m moved away from home for a job and now… I’m completely alone and depressed. Is this how adulthood is supposed to feel? I thought we were supposed to be happy and successful and fulfilled. Now I’m sitting at a desk with nothing to do, and no friends around. What is happening?

  26. i’m certain that everyone is probably aware that there is porn on the internet and that it would be nice if it were not so readely avaliable what can be done about it and how can it be blocked and why should it be blocked this is an inconveance and shouldnt be allowed lets just not have it. how about that i’m certain that this wont happen.

  27. No one is ever certain. It’s an unattainable. It’s something that you go towards as an ideal, like a limit approaching infinity in math. It’ll never actually get there, but maybe you’ll get close enough that you can make a few assumptions and say something meaningful about it.

  28. my heartbeat for maria.
    a hope for our future.
    bumbi love.
    one.. day.. for real..

    maria, be you, have fun – i’m here and always will be here, muhugguh snshie :)

  29. Passed from hand to hand. Nobody really cares to take the time to untangle the mass of complications, they pick at the strings and think better of it. Nobody will find what lies at the center.


  30. I was certain of one thing, and that was I was never going back there gain. In fact, I had never been so certain of anything in my life. I was also certain that I would have these scars on my arms and legs for the rest of my life, which would never allow me to forget.

  31. She was certain that her word count was right, but still it didn’t seem like her story had moved anywhere. The characters weren’t doing what she told them to, or at least not what she had thought of and the plot seemed to disappear from beneath her feet. November 2nd and already experiencing her first writer’s block..

    (As you can see, someone is in NaNo-mood :P)

  32. I am as certain as eggs is eggs that this is the second one-word I have done today. I am also certain that the sun will come up tomorrow and that it will eventually be summer again. I really don’t like winter.

    Annabel Weir
  33. I am certain that things always turn out he way they are supposed to. If something happens, it was meant to. Bad things, good things, sad things, and amazing things. We can try all we want to change the world, but I firmly believe that everything is certain.

  34. yes, I am. This is sure. Nothing to think about: Everything you do, certainly correct.

    No doubt

  35. It was a fact that she would die. Certainly, she had to realize that this was an unavoidable act of God. If there was a God. But still, it seemed like it wasn’t very fair that she should die like this. Buried beneath the water, her screams swallowed by nothingness.

  36. I am certain that it will rain today. It is black and thundering outside, so it will certainly rain, clearing the dust and pollution in the air. I am looking forward to the blue sky and earthly scent once the rain has gone.

  37. certain it’s not you? me? let’s see where this goes… I was supposed to leave tonight, but things change. I’ll return soon. But now I have work to do, and so do you. This could be it. This could be that one, defining moment.

  38. it is true. it is certain. it is definite. it is true that i am so in love with you that i can’t stand to be myself without you. you are my one, my world, my everything. i can’t live without you, never. ever. ever. i love you.

    goin coconuts
  39. i am not certain it was okay, but hey i had to try, right? i was wrong but who can really be sure without trying? but does it matter now? after all, i laid my heart out to him and he chose not to care.

  40. Being absolutely sure about it. Know for sure it is going to happen.

    Arun Prasath