
November 2nd, 2009 | 693 Entries

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693 Entries for “certain”

  1. certain. ascertain.
    I want to be certain
    about my curtain
    should its shade be green
    Orange of Halloween?
    My back lies in snow
    and I do go
    From my reclining position
    Like it’s my mission.

  2. I am very certain that my relationship is going to come to an end. Why? Well it seems that we don’t love each other anymore. I don’t think about her as much, I don’t miss her, I don’t … think I care. Either way, I know it will be for the best. No one should be with someone they don’t truly love. Don’t get me wrong I love her, but I am not in love with her.

  3. i’m never this

    well maybe sometimes i am, but i guess were all in this mode.

  4. I’m not mad at you. I’m upset at the situation. I wish things were different. I wish we knew we would make it through. But, alas, nothing is for certain.

  5. Are you truly certain? “Yes” he answered and put the last bit of garnish on the dish. it was colourful and a combination of scallops and baby greens. “It will become our signature dish”

  6. I’m not entirely certain as to the context of this soliloquy. Did I spell that right? Will I ever know. That is unknowable at this point in time, and I intent on keeping it that way. Niatrec. Sounds like a drug. of some sort. Why does it let me keep typing?

  7. certain certain certain certainty, what do i have to be certain about? do i have certainty in my objectives or certainty in life? this is a question that is uncertain. in the light that certainty makes sense certain.

  8. for sure, 100 percent. certainty is for idiots. you can never be certain of anything. This was established by berkeley. Lack of necessary connection, we can only have a degree of confidence no absolute certainty exists. Don’t even know that the sun will rise in the morning.

  9. The only thing one can be certain of, is of their own existence. For even if we they were being “deluded” by some deluder, there would have to be someone to delude.

  10. i am not altogether sure of the feeling i have.

  11. I am certain that I love you

  12. oh how death defyingly certain i am this rope is made of sand.

    chris walonski
  13. from what i’ve learned, nothing is certain.

  14. I was certain that the Phillies would win the World Series, but now im not so sure.

  15. there are certain people who like to eat beans. I’m not really sure I’m one of them. beans have a certain texture to them, and they are very unique… I ate so many beans with rice during a certain visit to Costa Rica, that I never wanted beans again. but there are other kinds, too. I especially like refried beans

    Anson Jeng
  16. I was certain of one thing.That I was never coming back.
    It was actually comical,the way I considered it before I decided.I back stepped,thinking,”Oh maybe,this time will be different.”
    No,I really know that’s not true.
    Good Gosh,I feel like a Carrie Underwood song.

  17. certain i knew she wouldnt leave. certainly she did.

    roger moore
  18. emily

  19. emily

  20. there is a certain place that Ive always wanted to go. That place is called Ilreland, the land of my family. Im proud of my binge drinking, fat, hairy, muscular, beuttiful, angry past. Im proud to say taht im of irish descent, we beat some bitches down!!

  21. Nothing is but the catharsis after you’re born.

  22. birth and death are the only things that are certain. Everything before, after and in between is subjective.

  23. certain they would know his identity, he ducked out of sight spilling more of his drink than he had planned. In an effort to hide his face, he threw the glass to his lips and watched them over his rim.

  24. She was certain that he was the one. The nights spent clutching at her pillow, thinking about his picture on the social networking site, the emails, the silly stories and the vague attempts to hide how excited they both were.

    She was certain he was the one. Online relationships be damned!

    Danny D.
  25. She was certain of only one thing. That he was gone. Gone forever. She already missed him with all her heart. All that he’d done to her and she missed him still. The hurt she’d never recover from. All her days she’d think of him and shudder yet she missed him still…forever.

  26. I’m certain that this is it. Legit. Can you stop denying, please? I’ve begged you on my knees a million times. Read the signs; this is real, yo.

  27. The thing is we don’t know how much we know, much less how much of what we think we know we’ve even got right. We are certain of just a few things. We don’t wanna die. We enjoy the things we enjoy.

  28. I have never been more certain of anything.
    I love her, I can’t live without her, I don’t want to.
    What the hell am I doing wasting my time? So what if she pushes me away. I’ll follow her. She has to know that I will never hurt her. If she can’t trust me, who can she ever trust?
    From now on, I am not going ot let my fear of losing her keep me from having her.
    The next time I see her, I am going to kiss her silly.

  29. never certain i was unsure of what to do next. so i ran. i didn’t stop. the nerves kept pounding. no respite. dear god dont let them be certain. i need to have that possibility of change. dont let them be CERTAIN!

    Righteous Zelda
  30. Nothing could be certain. The earth and humans, they could be real, but could they not also be a dream? I don’t dream often, but when I do, it’s similar to how these humans live. Honestly, if this were all some sort of strange dream concocted by the gods, I’d be okay. I’d do it all again. But again… that’d be one huge dream. So many it’s all real. What then?

  31. Certain of life I am not the meaning of which shall be unknown but even more, does life have a meaning? can we really be certian of anything…

    Nolan M.
  32. I am certainly in love with my boyfriend even when he does things that i dislike.

  33. certain that I’d find a body, I clicked the lights. nothing. I felt my way through the house to the fuse box. One, two, three, click. The house lit up like xmas and there I was…alone and exposed.

  34. She could not be certain, unless, of course, he was telling the truth when he told her that he knew certainly that he, himself, was certain. Then again, nothing in life was certain. Life was certainly uncertain, and that was all she was certain of.

  35. I was certain that the cat was dead, but I was afraid to pet him one last time. Part of me thought if I touched him he would move. I don’t know why that frightened me because it would have meant that he was alive. I will miss him. He welcomed me into this home with love and enthusiastic affection. I petted him goodbye for that.

  36. I was so certain of my impending doom I could barely feel the writhing pain in my warm testicles. As the train barreled towards me, I lowered my head, closed my eyes, and started saying my last prayers to myself. This is it, I thought. Ten… nine… eight…

    And then I woke up.

  37. Sure. “Certain sure”, she says it all the time.
    “Make certain sure…” sounds so affected and redundant and the skin craws up my arm at the sound of it. She likes her own voice. Thinks she sounds intelligent. I’m certain sure she doesn’t.

  38. There was a certainty he could not name when he saw the darkness in those usually stoic eyes. Something in Hotch had changed, and if Reid had noticed it, surely the senior agent Rossi had seen it as well. At least Rossi was in a position to approach Hotch and breech the subject. Something had to be going on in the man’s mind that was dark…

  39. certain people think that i am very special but I am not. I am just a woman

  40. certain
