She didn’t have to ask what he was doing. It was obvious.
“Jenna, wait,” he said, pulling away from the girl and coming toward her. It was a waste. She could see his betrayal written all over his face, painting her future in certain terms. “Jenna-“
She turned and left, letting her shoes click against the floor.
He was certain that Derek Jeter was going to win. The Yankees were behind the Phillies at the ninth inning but Derek was up at bat so all would be ok. He prayed to G-d please give Jeter a home run. Well it was a double but one other went past home so they were ahead well not yet but behind at least by less.
How can one be certain of anything outside of basic physical facts? We live in a world that is made up entirely of shades of gray. If you see an issue as black or white — if you’re certain — you’re probably wrong.
im not certain what we are doing. Things are kinda crazy! The world is full of uncertainty, how do we now this is real??
I’ve never really felt “certain” of anything in my entire life. Every time I make a decision, I second guess myself the whole way through. It’s usually after I make the decision that I get confirmation of whether I was right. I rarely second guess myself after making a decision. When I’ve made a right decision it just feels right afterwards. I wonder why that is. Who knows? Maybe it’s because I don’t trust myself, I only trust results, which I see after I’ve made a decision.
I was certain it was going to blow. All my years of training in the military had lead me to this one moment. Sitting on the side of the road in the baking heat of Eastern Afghanistan, I began to wonder if it was all worth it. The timer ticked to zero.
Josh Farquhar
There was nothing that I knew for sure. Yet, I couldn’t stop trying. It wasn’t as though I had to stop. There wasn’t anyone preventing me from accomplishing my goals, only myself. Nothing I knew up until this time was certain, only my love for him.
Who are you to be so sure there is nothing you can really know it is just what you believe and fighting for it. Youcan make a difference if you don’t go under the knife of what you think
Jack Beetlejuice
I am certain of nothing. I am certain of everything. I have certainty that I am who I am and that I will be what I want if I really want it. I have great certainty that forever there will be no certainty which proves to always be true.
We were left with nothing but hope, certain that it would pull us under.
She was certain that there was nothing left to do but this. This one thing was all she could do. Stepping forward she took her pose and raised her arms above her head. Screaming her fury, she threw herself into the water and let the pain be washed away and her sins as well.
Sometimes certainty is really only death.
Kay Draccis
Are you certain that you’re doing this right? that’s not how He did it when He was here. I’m not sure that the way you’re doing it will work. why can’t you just do it the way everyone else does it and be certain…
i was certain it couldn’t happen to me. certain the world wouldn’t allow such a thing to happen. it’s funny what you’re “certain” of before anything really happens to you. before anything you believe is tested. suddenly you aren’t so certain, aren’t so sure. i’ve changed my mind. i’m only certain that you’re wrong.
I was certain that I was falling for him the moment I sat next to him in class, but as time went on, I was also certain that he was not right for me. Months later, I was certain that he was more than a drug to me, I fell for him hard, and Im certain my bf will kill me when he finds out.
i am certain
i am not certain
should i love should i not
are you fake or are you real
are you a liar
are you a thief
are you crazy
probabily but i want to love you
death is certain that is the one absolute.
I am always this over that, although not being that can lead to a stringy this. I hate how not having the that of that can swallow up the this of this or the that of this or, prominently, the this of that. This or that is certain.
Matt Granados
Rhymes with curtain. What can anyone be certain of? I am certain that there is a higher power in the universe. It may not be present every day at all times, but we didn’t just show up. The universe is made up of the perfect mix of elements- take away one, and nothing works. That means something.
Thomas E. Grooms III
A certain time ago I lived in another city, at a certain job. I had a certain mind set then, I used to be depressed, my life was not going in the direction I wanted, and worst of all it was starting to affect my home life. Even though I’ve just now started to bring it around I feel like I’ve come to far in comparison to when I was younger. Mostly in part to my embrace that I have a disease known as depression, and that just like a cold, or the flu I need to treat it with medication.
I’m not certain about anything. I can’t even say “for certain” who I am. I don’t know where I’m going, what I’m doing or what I want. I am the most uncertain I’ve ever been.
Sarah Ann
Looking back it was a foolish thing to assume that he was being unfaithful. He always came home right after work, was always home on weekends but how could anyone know for certain
everytime i am certain about something i really do want it. right now i am not certain if most people will understand me because english is my second laguage.
I’m almost certain he’s dead. Almost 100% certain. He took a pretty hard fall into the coffee table. He’s not getting up. Better call the cops. Better sort this mess out. It’s okay to turn my back now. It’s okay to exhale. Just calm down. He’s not getting-
it doesn’t matter how certain you are. Certainty is just an allusion. Just the ignorant thought that all other possibilities are impossible. Other possibilities are always possible. No matter what.
absolute. definite. for sure. don’t think. it’s certain. certainly. why, certainly! but don’t ask why. because it’s certain.
What a funny word, what a lie. Nothing is certain – least of all the things that matter. Certain is a fiction. No one’s future is ever certain not the infant not the old man.
a positive. an absolute thought. sure. an understanding. you are. you know. you will.
bill button
Nothing is certain, and the desire to make something certain is a disease of the mind, certainly.
i am certain that you and i are going to live and love forever. i am certain that i will find the courage and confidence that i need to achieve this. i am certain that i will not fail. i am certain that the universe provides for us exactly what we need when we need it. i am certain that i have a gift that i am going to share with everyone who comes my way. i am certain that i love dale with all of my heart.
I was certain of it
i’m certain of God’s existence. when i get on a swing set, i feel as close physically to Jesus as i know i’ll ever be here on this earth. it only reminds me of the certainty of him.
there are certain things in life that you seem to take for granted, until the day you wake to find that without them your life is just that much more complicated and that you wish you would appre
It is without a doubt that what it is that we do is correct in all forms. Of that, we are certain. History will be our judge and what is said of us is that we were what was required at the time. In future histories well will be the seminal beings
Certainty drained from her her lungs as she stared on in horror at the sight before her. Blood everywhere, body so mangled she couldn’t whether this was her sister or a stranger.
She was certain that her glasses were on her desk. She was certain that she had left them there, but as she turned to James and asked him about them he stared pointedly at her hair line.
certainly fag
sure; definite; facts, stands, events, feelings can be certain. A good stand.
Pavalamani Pragasam
I am certain you mean what you said but did you really have to say it out loud? Come on! Didn’t you see how she looked at me? What’s wrong with you Betty? Damn! Now I got to plant it all over again.
She didn’t have to ask what he was doing. It was obvious.
“Jenna, wait,” he said, pulling away from the girl and coming toward her. It was a waste. She could see his betrayal written all over his face, painting her future in certain terms. “Jenna-“
She turned and left, letting her shoes click against the floor.
He was certain that Derek Jeter was going to win. The Yankees were behind the Phillies at the ninth inning but Derek was up at bat so all would be ok. He prayed to G-d please give Jeter a home run. Well it was a double but one other went past home so they were ahead well not yet but behind at least by less.
How can one be certain of anything outside of basic physical facts? We live in a world that is made up entirely of shades of gray. If you see an issue as black or white — if you’re certain — you’re probably wrong.
im not certain what we are doing. Things are kinda crazy! The world is full of uncertainty, how do we now this is real??
I’ve never really felt “certain” of anything in my entire life. Every time I make a decision, I second guess myself the whole way through. It’s usually after I make the decision that I get confirmation of whether I was right. I rarely second guess myself after making a decision. When I’ve made a right decision it just feels right afterwards. I wonder why that is. Who knows? Maybe it’s because I don’t trust myself, I only trust results, which I see after I’ve made a decision.
I was certain it was going to blow. All my years of training in the military had lead me to this one moment. Sitting on the side of the road in the baking heat of Eastern Afghanistan, I began to wonder if it was all worth it. The timer ticked to zero.
There was nothing that I knew for sure. Yet, I couldn’t stop trying. It wasn’t as though I had to stop. There wasn’t anyone preventing me from accomplishing my goals, only myself. Nothing I knew up until this time was certain, only my love for him.
Who are you to be so sure there is nothing you can really know it is just what you believe and fighting for it. Youcan make a difference if you don’t go under the knife of what you think
I am certain of nothing. I am certain of everything. I have certainty that I am who I am and that I will be what I want if I really want it. I have great certainty that forever there will be no certainty which proves to always be true.
We were left with nothing but hope, certain that it would pull us under.
She was certain that there was nothing left to do but this. This one thing was all she could do. Stepping forward she took her pose and raised her arms above her head. Screaming her fury, she threw herself into the water and let the pain be washed away and her sins as well.
Sometimes certainty is really only death.
Are you certain that you’re doing this right? that’s not how He did it when He was here. I’m not sure that the way you’re doing it will work. why can’t you just do it the way everyone else does it and be certain…
i was certain it couldn’t happen to me. certain the world wouldn’t allow such a thing to happen. it’s funny what you’re “certain” of before anything really happens to you. before anything you believe is tested. suddenly you aren’t so certain, aren’t so sure. i’ve changed my mind. i’m only certain that you’re wrong.
I was certain that I was falling for him the moment I sat next to him in class, but as time went on, I was also certain that he was not right for me. Months later, I was certain that he was more than a drug to me, I fell for him hard, and Im certain my bf will kill me when he finds out.
i am certain
i am not certain
should i love should i not
are you fake or are you real
are you a liar
are you a thief
are you crazy
probabily but i want to love you
death is certain that is the one absolute.
I am always this over that, although not being that can lead to a stringy this. I hate how not having the that of that can swallow up the this of this or the that of this or, prominently, the this of that. This or that is certain.
Rhymes with curtain. What can anyone be certain of? I am certain that there is a higher power in the universe. It may not be present every day at all times, but we didn’t just show up. The universe is made up of the perfect mix of elements- take away one, and nothing works. That means something.
A certain time ago I lived in another city, at a certain job. I had a certain mind set then, I used to be depressed, my life was not going in the direction I wanted, and worst of all it was starting to affect my home life. Even though I’ve just now started to bring it around I feel like I’ve come to far in comparison to when I was younger. Mostly in part to my embrace that I have a disease known as depression, and that just like a cold, or the flu I need to treat it with medication.
I’m not certain about anything. I can’t even say “for certain” who I am. I don’t know where I’m going, what I’m doing or what I want. I am the most uncertain I’ve ever been.
Looking back it was a foolish thing to assume that he was being unfaithful. He always came home right after work, was always home on weekends but how could anyone know for certain
everytime i am certain about something i really do want it. right now i am not certain if most people will understand me because english is my second laguage.
I’m almost certain he’s dead. Almost 100% certain. He took a pretty hard fall into the coffee table. He’s not getting up. Better call the cops. Better sort this mess out. It’s okay to turn my back now. It’s okay to exhale. Just calm down. He’s not getting-
it doesn’t matter how certain you are. Certainty is just an allusion. Just the ignorant thought that all other possibilities are impossible. Other possibilities are always possible. No matter what.
absolute. definite. for sure. don’t think. it’s certain. certainly. why, certainly! but don’t ask why. because it’s certain.
What a funny word, what a lie. Nothing is certain – least of all the things that matter. Certain is a fiction. No one’s future is ever certain not the infant not the old man.
a positive. an absolute thought. sure. an understanding. you are. you know. you will.
Nothing is certain, and the desire to make something certain is a disease of the mind, certainly.
i am certain that you and i are going to live and love forever. i am certain that i will find the courage and confidence that i need to achieve this. i am certain that i will not fail. i am certain that the universe provides for us exactly what we need when we need it. i am certain that i have a gift that i am going to share with everyone who comes my way. i am certain that i love dale with all of my heart.
I was certain of it
i’m certain of God’s existence. when i get on a swing set, i feel as close physically to Jesus as i know i’ll ever be here on this earth. it only reminds me of the certainty of him.
there are certain things in life that you seem to take for granted, until the day you wake to find that without them your life is just that much more complicated and that you wish you would appre
It is without a doubt that what it is that we do is correct in all forms. Of that, we are certain. History will be our judge and what is said of us is that we were what was required at the time. In future histories well will be the seminal beings
Certainty drained from her her lungs as she stared on in horror at the sight before her. Blood everywhere, body so mangled she couldn’t whether this was her sister or a stranger.
She was certain that her glasses were on her desk. She was certain that she had left them there, but as she turned to James and asked him about them he stared pointedly at her hair line.
certainly fag
sure; definite; facts, stands, events, feelings can be certain. A good stand.
I am certain you mean what you said but did you really have to say it out loud? Come on! Didn’t you see how she looked at me? What’s wrong with you Betty? Damn! Now I got to plant it all over again.