Again with the certainty. People always think they’re certain, but I don’t. Not anymore, not after what happened with her. I mean, how was I supposed to be certain that she was lying. I mean, now I see that those things in her room might’ve tipped me off, but that don’t matter in here now does it?
It was certain. I was going to do it. Yes sir, it was going to get DONE. So done, you don’t even know what done is, compared to this done. Yup, any second now, the thing is doing to be completely and utterly d-o-n-e.
I am not certain what to write. This is the first prompt I have gotten on this site, so maybe that is appropriate. Perhaps I should write about the time I went to this party, but I’m not certain I have enough time. I’m certain I’ll get another chance, perhaps when the word is Party.
This guy I met had colossal bad breath and I leaned in to tell him, “hey dude just pop a certain”.
I’m certain that this is way too hard for me. School is meant to show that you are willing to commit to something so employers know you can do it, but this is just ridiculous! How many credits do I have to take at once to show that I am willing to work? Maybe a job in this industry is just too much for me.
Certain is when you believe something is correct. It does not mean you are 100% correct but are pretty sure about it.
life isn’t, god, love, dying, taxes, don’t always feel it, feeling incomplete, not known, scared, hopeless, death and taxes, mark twain, wish i had it, future unknown, where are we going with our lives, i won’t die unhappy or happy, not, yes, no, maybe so, bye bye
I’m certain of nothing. Certainty is a vague impression of reality.
Not going to the fair, I was certain that I would miss the love of my dreams.
The shrooms were kicking it, i was certain of it. Twenty minutes later, I was certain of everything. I was hiding behind a tree, the only way to escape what I knew to be true.
It’s certain that the best way to make ourselves crazy to try and be something, do something, go somwhere. If we we stay where we are, be who we are, do what we do, we can stay sane and complete. When we are completely unsatisfied with who we are, we will try to go somewhere else to try to find the thing that is right there if we only stayed to look a little while.
not quite certain how to talk about certain. certain things only can be done certain way to help certain people, if you change that certain way, things would turn out so certain anymore.
i love certainty.
i’m certain that this might not make any sense, but who relly care? Laying here in bed and typing away nonsense seems to help erase the image of that special someone.
I was certain it was him who I would fall in love with. If not now–if this next word he uttered did not make me fall–eventually. I had this gut feeling, I was so certain.
what is this
I’m certain that I’m certainly not over you. Not wanting to be over you. Needing you like the air i breathe, like the smoke in my lungs, like the blood pumping through my heart.
you’re my disease, my cure.
my ocean, my shore.
you’re what i need to survive.
you’re the reason i am who i am.
what happened?
I wasnt certain that the police office would see me, but I was fairly worried. We jumped off the converter and began to run. Through the marsh and he was indeed pursuing. We looked at each other and laughed. While crouching in the bushes and seeing bike cops go by laughed silently.
Just when I thought I knew, really knew, there it went…out the window and off onto the horizon. yeah, like others, I like resolution and consistency but then where is adventure? If this life is a movie, I choose one where it rolls into ups and downs…none of that certainty.
just fucking wrote about this.
what the fuck.
hi hello
olleh ih
A while ago, I met someone. . . A certain someone. They changed my life. I never asked for their name. It didn’t come up in our conversation. We talked about everything from life to death and everything in between. So enthralled, so interested. So desperately wanting to know more and more. Every aspect. Every part of this beautiful human beings life. And I don’t even know their name. . .
i am certain that you have me
certain that you hold me
and certain that your body weight is just
enough to take the gravity off of mine
certain that i’m looking into your eyes
certain that youre looking at mine
i am certain that your lips taste like you,
and when i grab the towel off the hook,
your scent lingers on the shirt i’m wearing.
I couldn’t understand myself at times. Whenever I think of a word. I get anxious about it’s meaning. Then whenever I try to make sense out of the meaning. It gets jumbled up in a huge jargon mess that no one understands me. The best thing to do for myself is to try to be certain at times that I can go on making sense of life.
i will never feel more certain about anything if it be not my love for you. your sweet breath is the surest path to my tumble and i am sure, convinced, certain that it will lead our fire directly to my heart.
About few things had the thoughts he had about this decision been so certain. Never again would he hesitate. Staring down into baby blue eyes that blinked wearily back up at him, Min decided that this – this – was the only thing that mattered to him.
Only him.
i was certain. i dont know why im not anymore but im not.
i feel certain of death
they say death and taxes but i’m 16. what tax?
i guess death is the only thing I’M certain of. but do you really have to say certain? life is unexpected and spontaneous i’m not certain.
I am absolutely certain that one day people will finally realize that life is much more than just about making money. The world is here, people are here, to help others. This is the only way we can progress as the human race. There are no boundaries, no “race”, just human.
I am certain there is no god. When you put it into a percentage, people starting having problems with the whole 100% vs the 99.99%, but i’m as certain there is not god as I am certain Anne is my mother.
Certain. I am certain that this isn’t the right place to be. I am also certain that I am doing fabulously in certain aspects of my life. Certainty is hard to come by, but really, things aren’t so bad.
I certainly think that I do like him, as a matter of fact, very very attracted to him. That’s what I’m certain of. And also, I know that I don’t love him. Well yes, how can you love somebody that you barely know? maybe I’m wrong but I’m certain that I want to be with him to know him better.
i’m absolutely certain that im only with you because i believe your all i can get.
i’m certain that i love you but im not sure if its for the right reasons.
i’m certain i’m very confused
and i’m certain that i ve said certain enough.
arent you, certain?
i certainly hope that they will be certain that i should be admitted. being certain is something i want to be. i want to know where i’m going and where i’ve been. i’m certain that life will lead somewhere amazing and i can’t wait to see where that is. certainty is amazing.
I certainly don’t think that being stupid is a good idea, things are not what we think they are and being stupid just makes it worse. Yeah I don’t even know what I’m talking about, in other words, I’m not certain with the topic that i’m talking about, there fore, im not certain. so yup haha
I had been so certain. Certain of him. Certain of us. Certain of our love. Turning my body to the wall, I pounded it with my fists in anger, in shame. I trusted him. I *trusted* him! How could he have betrayed me like this? I just wanted to curl up in a ball.
I feel like this is really weird. I have an idea of a certain person I have feelings for, but I’m trying to avoid it. Nothing good can result from it anyway. Just because I have feelings does not mean I need to act on them
Certainty can never be known. One waivers between unsure and sure, in love, or not. They are never certain.
There once was a certain thing that I thought about. It was round, organce, and it had a certain glow about it. Then I realized it was the sun. It kinda hurt my eyes as soon as I realized I was not only thinking about it, but was looking directly at it as well. I should stop looking at it, but it’s just so darn pretty. Ouch, there goes my left eye.
Again with the certainty. People always think they’re certain, but I don’t. Not anymore, not after what happened with her. I mean, how was I supposed to be certain that she was lying. I mean, now I see that those things in her room might’ve tipped me off, but that don’t matter in here now does it?
It was certain. I was going to do it. Yes sir, it was going to get DONE. So done, you don’t even know what done is, compared to this done. Yup, any second now, the thing is doing to be completely and utterly d-o-n-e.
I am not certain what to write. This is the first prompt I have gotten on this site, so maybe that is appropriate. Perhaps I should write about the time I went to this party, but I’m not certain I have enough time. I’m certain I’ll get another chance, perhaps when the word is Party.
This guy I met had colossal bad breath and I leaned in to tell him, “hey dude just pop a certain”.
I’m certain that this is way too hard for me. School is meant to show that you are willing to commit to something so employers know you can do it, but this is just ridiculous! How many credits do I have to take at once to show that I am willing to work? Maybe a job in this industry is just too much for me.
Certain is when you believe something is correct. It does not mean you are 100% correct but are pretty sure about it.
life isn’t, god, love, dying, taxes, don’t always feel it, feeling incomplete, not known, scared, hopeless, death and taxes, mark twain, wish i had it, future unknown, where are we going with our lives, i won’t die unhappy or happy, not, yes, no, maybe so, bye bye
I’m certain of nothing. Certainty is a vague impression of reality.
Not going to the fair, I was certain that I would miss the love of my dreams.
The shrooms were kicking it, i was certain of it. Twenty minutes later, I was certain of everything. I was hiding behind a tree, the only way to escape what I knew to be true.
It’s certain that the best way to make ourselves crazy to try and be something, do something, go somwhere. If we we stay where we are, be who we are, do what we do, we can stay sane and complete. When we are completely unsatisfied with who we are, we will try to go somewhere else to try to find the thing that is right there if we only stayed to look a little while.
not quite certain how to talk about certain. certain things only can be done certain way to help certain people, if you change that certain way, things would turn out so certain anymore.
i love certainty.
i’m certain that this might not make any sense, but who relly care? Laying here in bed and typing away nonsense seems to help erase the image of that special someone.
I was certain it was him who I would fall in love with. If not now–if this next word he uttered did not make me fall–eventually. I had this gut feeling, I was so certain.
what is this
I’m certain that I’m certainly not over you. Not wanting to be over you. Needing you like the air i breathe, like the smoke in my lungs, like the blood pumping through my heart.
you’re my disease, my cure.
my ocean, my shore.
you’re what i need to survive.
you’re the reason i am who i am.
what happened?
I wasnt certain that the police office would see me, but I was fairly worried. We jumped off the converter and began to run. Through the marsh and he was indeed pursuing. We looked at each other and laughed. While crouching in the bushes and seeing bike cops go by laughed silently.
Just when I thought I knew, really knew, there it went…out the window and off onto the horizon. yeah, like others, I like resolution and consistency but then where is adventure? If this life is a movie, I choose one where it rolls into ups and downs…none of that certainty.
just fucking wrote about this.
what the fuck.
hi hello
olleh ih
A while ago, I met someone. . . A certain someone. They changed my life. I never asked for their name. It didn’t come up in our conversation. We talked about everything from life to death and everything in between. So enthralled, so interested. So desperately wanting to know more and more. Every aspect. Every part of this beautiful human beings life. And I don’t even know their name. . .
i am certain that you have me
certain that you hold me
and certain that your body weight is just
enough to take the gravity off of mine
certain that i’m looking into your eyes
certain that youre looking at mine
i am certain that your lips taste like you,
and when i grab the towel off the hook,
your scent lingers on the shirt i’m wearing.
I couldn’t understand myself at times. Whenever I think of a word. I get anxious about it’s meaning. Then whenever I try to make sense out of the meaning. It gets jumbled up in a huge jargon mess that no one understands me. The best thing to do for myself is to try to be certain at times that I can go on making sense of life.
i will never feel more certain about anything if it be not my love for you. your sweet breath is the surest path to my tumble and i am sure, convinced, certain that it will lead our fire directly to my heart.
About few things had the thoughts he had about this decision been so certain. Never again would he hesitate. Staring down into baby blue eyes that blinked wearily back up at him, Min decided that this – this – was the only thing that mattered to him.
Only him.
i was certain. i dont know why im not anymore but im not.
i feel certain of death
they say death and taxes but i’m 16. what tax?
i guess death is the only thing I’M certain of. but do you really have to say certain? life is unexpected and spontaneous i’m not certain.
I am absolutely certain that one day people will finally realize that life is much more than just about making money. The world is here, people are here, to help others. This is the only way we can progress as the human race. There are no boundaries, no “race”, just human.
I am certain there is no god. When you put it into a percentage, people starting having problems with the whole 100% vs the 99.99%, but i’m as certain there is not god as I am certain Anne is my mother.
Certain. I am certain that this isn’t the right place to be. I am also certain that I am doing fabulously in certain aspects of my life. Certainty is hard to come by, but really, things aren’t so bad.
I certainly think that I do like him, as a matter of fact, very very attracted to him. That’s what I’m certain of. And also, I know that I don’t love him. Well yes, how can you love somebody that you barely know? maybe I’m wrong but I’m certain that I want to be with him to know him better.
i’m absolutely certain that im only with you because i believe your all i can get.
i’m certain that i love you but im not sure if its for the right reasons.
i’m certain i’m very confused
and i’m certain that i ve said certain enough.
arent you, certain?
i certainly hope that they will be certain that i should be admitted. being certain is something i want to be. i want to know where i’m going and where i’ve been. i’m certain that life will lead somewhere amazing and i can’t wait to see where that is. certainty is amazing.
I certainly don’t think that being stupid is a good idea, things are not what we think they are and being stupid just makes it worse. Yeah I don’t even know what I’m talking about, in other words, I’m not certain with the topic that i’m talking about, there fore, im not certain. so yup haha
I had been so certain. Certain of him. Certain of us. Certain of our love. Turning my body to the wall, I pounded it with my fists in anger, in shame. I trusted him. I *trusted* him! How could he have betrayed me like this? I just wanted to curl up in a ball.
I feel like this is really weird. I have an idea of a certain person I have feelings for, but I’m trying to avoid it. Nothing good can result from it anyway. Just because I have feelings does not mean I need to act on them
certain. truth. absolute. manipulation. control. darkness. humanity.
Certainty can never be known. One waivers between unsure and sure, in love, or not. They are never certain.
There once was a certain thing that I thought about. It was round, organce, and it had a certain glow about it. Then I realized it was the sun. It kinda hurt my eyes as soon as I realized I was not only thinking about it, but was looking directly at it as well. I should stop looking at it, but it’s just so darn pretty. Ouch, there goes my left eye.