The door opened, she was standing on the threshold, he wondered if she would enter. He was certain this was where she wanted to be, who she wanted to be. He beckoned to her, she came to him….
As the sun settled on the horizon, she was certain that their paths would cross again. With a quiver of anticipation, she set off…
she hesitated outside the door, still not certain if she should go through with her promise.
The door knob felt cool to her touch, solid, reassuring.
She turned the knob and opened the door, suddenly sure.
Her breath caught when she saw what was inside the room……
I am certain that one day my life will make sense. That one day everything will have a meaning and I will understand why I am here. Maybe I am wrong and this will never be the case. But, still, one must hope.
I am certain that I am right where I am supposed to be at this time in my life..
there is nothing that is certain. if you feel you’re certain, you’re lying to yourself. there is no way to be certain that you’re certain, and it will continue to be a never ending chain of flippant hope that somehow, somewhere you’re in control of something because there is no mystery to it, and you understand it’s nature. until you think, and realize that you simply don’t.
kyle e.
I was sure he was going to call. We had such a nice time. He asked for my number. He kissed me good night. Certainly, that meant he was going to call.
certain truth is uncertain
contradictory – i know
i know that i don’t know
we cannot know more than we can reason
there is more beyond human reason
humans are finite. beyond is infinite.
‘I’m uncertain’ said Becs, as she looked down the narrow cobbled street, filled with tin coffee pots and rocket shells that had been carved with roses that spriralled up the sides. ‘I think that perhaps some pivo and a bit of cevapi would help me to make this souvenier-related decision.’
She was certain this time – it wasn’t going to happen again. She pulled down the suitcase, put it on the bed and began to put her clothes into it. As she did so she heard footsteps on the stairs. The door opened, he smiled at her as he always did and said, “I’m sorry,” as he always did.
I feel that being certain isn’t always the reason why you should make decisions in life. Doing something that pleases you usually gives you better results depending on the thought and ambition you put into it.
she was certain that he killed her, if only she could really be certain, she wasnt 100% certain just half, in the depths of the valley for certain there was a ghost of someone for certain.
happenstance, sure
certain certainity is certain
I was certain it’d happen, because the world just flows that way. It’s uncommon for it not to happen – the world flows on, it’s a guaranteed fact. I knew I would be forced to admit it, because when you know it it’s certain that you’re going to have to give it up. And it was certain that if I told them, I would die.
things are uncertain and things are certain. when i am with you i am riding on a cloud, blissful and happy, flying high on the chariot of your words and sweetheartedness. when you are not here i crave you, as my fingers crave to curl into your shirt and my lips seek phantom yours, and the words of the outside world break through the bliss of being yours.
clinging to your past words is the mortar to rebuild the walls, until your name flashes up to rebuild my smile.
he would take a step off the bridge, but then he stopped. He couldn’t could he, he dint know anymore. he could step down, but how would that be different from any other moment in his life. he wished he had more.
I’m certain that nothing has ever been more insane. This love that I feel for you, this love that you claim to feel for me.
i’m not ceratin how is life
certain things make me certain that there’s something cow
doy mcgoaty
certainty is the most difficult thing for me, i am always feel unsure about everything even when I have prepared for it for a long time! I wish I can get out of this trouble!
Oh god. It was impossible for her to make the decision without knowing more, without being absolutely sure that it was the right one. She hated spontaneity because it never left her enough time to consider, to think, to plan, to analyze. If there was one thing that she needed in her decisions, it was certainty, and that was the one thing she knew she could not know.
it’s almost for sure what will happen. i can’t say for it may not be true but something in my heart tells me that i know what i am doing and i know it with a reason that i can not justify to you and some times even myself. but it’s there. and it’s there always. it gets pushed back often but it never goes away. and for the reason that i know that i will follow through with what i must do and what i believe. i will for ever stand but it.
of course my dear that sounds delightful
curtain rhymes with certain, and they’re very similar.
means definitely, i’m positive.
about this, i knew i was certain.
definitely. this decision was mine, and mine alone. or was it?
then i began to think. what if it wasn’t? what if i was trapped in a world where nothing was my own, and every move i made was tracked, calculated, pre-decided…
I was certain that no one had seen me. There was a slow hum in the air, similar to what I had felt before the attack, and there was no way of knowing if it had been there the entire time. Or if it had ceased when their ice stopped me.
The others were somewhere near, I was sure.
I wanted to write something, but I wasn’t certain about what this whole blog was about. So instead I wrote something about nothing.
I am quite certain that the person next door is cheating on his wife. I am also certain that the hole in the backyard was dug by the wife trying to bury the parakeet that she accidentally killed. I am certain that the water put out to feed the rats is actually laced with cyanide. I am certain that each person in the office is thinking not of work, but of escape. I am certain that the girl sitting there quietly in the corner is thinking of ending her life.
This is what I am certain of.
I am certain that I am not quite certain. Or am I certain of uncertainty? I am not certain.
i’m certain that you don’t think about me and i was indeed certain that i’m over you. but i’m not. i obsess over your smile and your childish nature and i just wish in some parallel universe that you and i would be lovers for ever. or at least longer than 2 months.
Beatriz Encarnacion.
I was certain that my luck had ran out by the time I was through with running. The woman chasing me couldn’t give me a rhyme or reason, but the fact of the matter was that I was doomed. Dead.
Her gun made a sound in the dim back alley night. I turned to face my fate like a man, staring her down, straight in the eye.
Nothing is certain, but death, nothing matters, but life. Nothing you do will ever matter, nothing you can do will ever matter. One day you will die, then the people who cared for you will die, then your memory, end everything you did will die. you don’t matter
Carnivorous B.
sureness, confidence that i can do all that attacks me….not scared, bring it on.
Certain. What is certainty? To be certain of something is to be sure of it. But are we ever sure of anything? I certainly don’t think so.
What is the point of saying we are certain of something, if we are never certain that we are certain?
I am certain that one day I will die.
I am not certain. Certain rhymes with curtain. I am not certain that my neighbors cannot see me through the curtain. I am not certain that I am still love, or that I have ever been. I miss my dearest friend. I am not certain she remembers me, or cares. I miss my grandmother. I am uncertain that she loved me when the chemo took over her fighting body. I miss being certain. Being certain, confident & proud. I am none now. It’s all been swept away. Caused by bad habits, bad impressions, bad upbringing.
I miss my childhood. Of that I am certain.
Jennifer Hoffmann
she was a good girl and was so certain of her future. That was three years ago, now she does not know what to do. How could that have happened? How can someone full of life and idealism disintegrate into something like this? How could she have lost all hope and meaning? How could she had been so certain before?
There are few things in this life that are certain. But there are some that are. God’s Love for you is certain – certain as the sun, certain as waking up, in fact moreso. There is nothing more sure than His Love for you!! He Loves You!
The door opened, she was standing on the threshold, he wondered if she would enter. He was certain this was where she wanted to be, who she wanted to be. He beckoned to her, she came to him….
As the sun settled on the horizon, she was certain that their paths would cross again. With a quiver of anticipation, she set off…
she hesitated outside the door, still not certain if she should go through with her promise.
The door knob felt cool to her touch, solid, reassuring.
She turned the knob and opened the door, suddenly sure.
Her breath caught when she saw what was inside the room……
I am certain that one day my life will make sense. That one day everything will have a meaning and I will understand why I am here. Maybe I am wrong and this will never be the case. But, still, one must hope.
I am certain that I am right where I am supposed to be at this time in my life..
there is nothing that is certain. if you feel you’re certain, you’re lying to yourself. there is no way to be certain that you’re certain, and it will continue to be a never ending chain of flippant hope that somehow, somewhere you’re in control of something because there is no mystery to it, and you understand it’s nature. until you think, and realize that you simply don’t.
I was sure he was going to call. We had such a nice time. He asked for my number. He kissed me good night. Certainly, that meant he was going to call.
certain truth is uncertain
contradictory – i know
i know that i don’t know
we cannot know more than we can reason
there is more beyond human reason
humans are finite. beyond is infinite.
‘I’m uncertain’ said Becs, as she looked down the narrow cobbled street, filled with tin coffee pots and rocket shells that had been carved with roses that spriralled up the sides. ‘I think that perhaps some pivo and a bit of cevapi would help me to make this souvenier-related decision.’
She was certain this time – it wasn’t going to happen again. She pulled down the suitcase, put it on the bed and began to put her clothes into it. As she did so she heard footsteps on the stairs. The door opened, he smiled at her as he always did and said, “I’m sorry,” as he always did.
I feel that being certain isn’t always the reason why you should make decisions in life. Doing something that pleases you usually gives you better results depending on the thought and ambition you put into it.
she was certain that he killed her, if only she could really be certain, she wasnt 100% certain just half, in the depths of the valley for certain there was a ghost of someone for certain.
happenstance, sure
certain certainity is certain
I was certain it’d happen, because the world just flows that way. It’s uncommon for it not to happen – the world flows on, it’s a guaranteed fact. I knew I would be forced to admit it, because when you know it it’s certain that you’re going to have to give it up. And it was certain that if I told them, I would die.
things are uncertain and things are certain. when i am with you i am riding on a cloud, blissful and happy, flying high on the chariot of your words and sweetheartedness. when you are not here i crave you, as my fingers crave to curl into your shirt and my lips seek phantom yours, and the words of the outside world break through the bliss of being yours.
clinging to your past words is the mortar to rebuild the walls, until your name flashes up to rebuild my smile.
he would take a step off the bridge, but then he stopped. He couldn’t could he, he dint know anymore. he could step down, but how would that be different from any other moment in his life. he wished he had more.
I’m certain that nothing has ever been more insane. This love that I feel for you, this love that you claim to feel for me.
i’m not ceratin how is life
certain things make me certain that there’s something cow
certainty is the most difficult thing for me, i am always feel unsure about everything even when I have prepared for it for a long time! I wish I can get out of this trouble!
Oh god. It was impossible for her to make the decision without knowing more, without being absolutely sure that it was the right one. She hated spontaneity because it never left her enough time to consider, to think, to plan, to analyze. If there was one thing that she needed in her decisions, it was certainty, and that was the one thing she knew she could not know.
it’s almost for sure what will happen. i can’t say for it may not be true but something in my heart tells me that i know what i am doing and i know it with a reason that i can not justify to you and some times even myself. but it’s there. and it’s there always. it gets pushed back often but it never goes away. and for the reason that i know that i will follow through with what i must do and what i believe. i will for ever stand but it.
of course my dear that sounds delightful
curtain rhymes with certain, and they’re very similar.
means definitely, i’m positive.
about this, i knew i was certain.
definitely. this decision was mine, and mine alone. or was it?
then i began to think. what if it wasn’t? what if i was trapped in a world where nothing was my own, and every move i made was tracked, calculated, pre-decided…
I was certain that no one had seen me. There was a slow hum in the air, similar to what I had felt before the attack, and there was no way of knowing if it had been there the entire time. Or if it had ceased when their ice stopped me.
The others were somewhere near, I was sure.
I wanted to write something, but I wasn’t certain about what this whole blog was about. So instead I wrote something about nothing.
I am quite certain that the person next door is cheating on his wife. I am also certain that the hole in the backyard was dug by the wife trying to bury the parakeet that she accidentally killed. I am certain that the water put out to feed the rats is actually laced with cyanide. I am certain that each person in the office is thinking not of work, but of escape. I am certain that the girl sitting there quietly in the corner is thinking of ending her life.
This is what I am certain of.
I am certain that I am not quite certain. Or am I certain of uncertainty? I am not certain.
i’m certain that you don’t think about me and i was indeed certain that i’m over you. but i’m not. i obsess over your smile and your childish nature and i just wish in some parallel universe that you and i would be lovers for ever. or at least longer than 2 months.
I was certain that my luck had ran out by the time I was through with running. The woman chasing me couldn’t give me a rhyme or reason, but the fact of the matter was that I was doomed. Dead.
Her gun made a sound in the dim back alley night. I turned to face my fate like a man, staring her down, straight in the eye.
Nothing is certain, but death, nothing matters, but life. Nothing you do will ever matter, nothing you can do will ever matter. One day you will die, then the people who cared for you will die, then your memory, end everything you did will die. you don’t matter
sureness, confidence that i can do all that attacks me….not scared, bring it on.
Certain. What is certainty? To be certain of something is to be sure of it. But are we ever sure of anything? I certainly don’t think so.
What is the point of saying we are certain of something, if we are never certain that we are certain?
I am certain that one day I will die.
I am not certain. Certain rhymes with curtain. I am not certain that my neighbors cannot see me through the curtain. I am not certain that I am still love, or that I have ever been. I miss my dearest friend. I am not certain she remembers me, or cares. I miss my grandmother. I am uncertain that she loved me when the chemo took over her fighting body. I miss being certain. Being certain, confident & proud. I am none now. It’s all been swept away. Caused by bad habits, bad impressions, bad upbringing.
I miss my childhood. Of that I am certain.
she was a good girl and was so certain of her future. That was three years ago, now she does not know what to do. How could that have happened? How can someone full of life and idealism disintegrate into something like this? How could she have lost all hope and meaning? How could she had been so certain before?
There are few things in this life that are certain. But there are some that are. God’s Love for you is certain – certain as the sun, certain as waking up, in fact moreso. There is nothing more sure than His Love for you!! He Loves You!