I knew it was you. I knew when that song started playing. When you looked at me from across the room. Our eyes met, and held. That’s when I was certain. Time could not contain us, and the world would never break us.
i am cerrtain that neil will lose the basball season and that he will not get one homerun or even a run
close to
Will happen
you are sure
Certain is a word that describes something that will happen or something that is precise.
to be sure of something
know it is right
do not have to look it up
to be sure of something
know it is right
do not have to look it up
means to be sure
I am certain I will win
to know something will happen
certain is nothing, only death
I am certain that I am morally right in this decision. But no matter how certain I am I am still unsure that I can actually carry it through. No matter that he does not deserve to live, no matter that he has poisoned many lives and cerated hatred and conflict he is still a human being. So while I may be morally right in removing him from this world, can I actually muster up the courage necessary to undertake such a task. I think I can, but am I certain…….
Paula Leavy-McCarthy
surely i’m in love
Certainty breeds doubt. I doubt that you were ever certain about anything ever in your life, but that’s not a bad thing. Certainty is dangerous. Free your mind and don’t be an obstinate thinker.
Piper B
The amount of time it takes to write this entire message will be when I finish typing. I am not, will not stop as I am certain for when the time stops, as will this message.
The boy was walking down the alley, it was dark, but not a scary dark, a dark that says It
certain. Positive. Absolutely. Definitely. For sure. Undoubtable, unrefutably definite. Bugger off husband I’m doing oneword! Why is there a squiggle under ‘unrefutably’?
Interrupted again off to live as a hermit
im certain of no certain thing except that i am floating.
not above or below,
but with everything.
En speviell grej. Det finns m
ascertain is a better way of saying make sure or ensure
I am certain that there is coldness outside my window and I am just one wall away from it. The legs below me feel it coming through the walls and I know it’s just behind the glass in front of me. Fortunealy, I pay rent and I am on this side of it looking out, feeling it close, but not that close. A little bit of it seeps in just to tell me and remind me how valuable a wall can be
I was certain there was a certain look on his face.
certain, it feels hard to be certain about things now a days. When i was a kid, I had no problem being certain about “certain” things, no pun intended. But now everything has to be PC, peoples emotions are out of control, everyone has to walk the middle line, and nothing gets done.
I’m almost certain about a lot of things bbut ever fully certain about any of them. I’m almost sure tomorrow will come but who really knows? I’m almost sure I’m alive, but there’s always that niggling doubt. I don’t think certainty really exists. I don’t think the word has a tru meaning. Well, maybe I’m certain about lack of certainty.
Alexander apple
I was certain that the train would come soon. It didn’t occur to me that I would possibly be on the track to hell, how could it? I was young and naive, I didn’t know about the dangers of the outside world.
Now I do.
How I wish I had never boarded that train.
At that moment, life would never be the same again.
I was certain that I’d told them I’d meet them here… But it was now dark, half an hour past the agreed-upon time. I’d never liked this area, this particular corner, so why had I agreed to meet up right here? Maybe I’d misunderstood. Or they had. Or something. Who knew?
it is something that i am sure about and that no one else can prove me wrong. it is something that is a thought to be proven. for example i am certain that my name is megan. i am certain that i have a sister names lisa.
“I’m certain you’ll find out who I am. One day.”
She sat, legs crossed, glass of red wine in her hand.
“But until you allow yourself the opportunity, the opportunity won’t present itself. And you’ll continue on your uncertain path.”
I was certain that he would notice me in this new dress. My hair is definately different and sticks out like a sore thumb nowadays. How could he not notice me? Certainly he isn’t avoiding me. That would be too obvious and vicious.
for sure. yes. possitive. business. cars. not wronge. right. possitive. always. carefull.
Robert Gregory
Im certain that my life has become a looking glass,like the one alice fell through. im on the outside enjoying the view of this mad world and all i have is my coffee and cigarettes. i just wish i could live for once if not i will certainly become a cat lady.
certainty is overrated, it’s a cage and in certainty we are shackled into determined fate.
Uncertain. Or certainly, certain? I don’t know which one I am. Certain implies that I have control, that I know which road I am to take. But I don’t know which road that is. So I am uncertain? It is confuses me. I am certain in knowing what I am uncertain in. How odd.
i’m only sure of the one thing
i keep so un-
nothing is ever what you think on first impression. a mistake on the part of the great inquisitor. sometimes what you know can turn around and bite you. other times what you thought you knew can turn out to be a car crash waiting to happen.
He was certain that it was going to work this time — just like he was certain the time before, and the time before that. She was sick of the certainty. To her it waved like a red flag, saying, “STOP! The bridge is out ahead! This too will be a dismal, expensive failure!”
How can I ever be certain? 100%. Positive.
I don’t know if I’ll ever know. There are so many choices, so many twists, adn turns. But I’m not so sure. I’m not sure it’s about being certain. I don’t think I have to know, for sure. Happiness doesn’t come in 100% or positive, it comes in sometimes, and laughter, and choices.
This is not a multiple choice test. I don’t know which bubble I’m supposed to fill in, in fact, my pencil is shading in more than one bubble. And I’m drawing way outside the lines, here.
And I don’t know. I’m not positive, or 100%. I don’t think I’m even 80%. There’s no answer key. I don’t even think there’s a grader.
I have to pick a college. I don’t have to be certain.
I am certain of nothing. I think of Betrand Russell’s quote; “the whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are so sure of themselves while wiser people are full of so many doubts.” Or maybe I’m not wise, just uncertain.
Name withheld
I have never been more certain of anything in my life. Saying that, I have never felt this before, so how can it be?
That is, because it is he. And I am certain of him at least.
I am certain that Rob is wrong for Christina and he is a bad influence.
I knew it was you. I knew when that song started playing. When you looked at me from across the room. Our eyes met, and held. That’s when I was certain. Time could not contain us, and the world would never break us.
i am cerrtain that neil will lose the basball season and that he will not get one homerun or even a run
close to
Will happen
you are sure
Certain is a word that describes something that will happen or something that is precise.
to be sure of something
know it is right
do not have to look it up
to be sure of something
know it is right
do not have to look it up
means to be sure
I am certain I will win
to know something will happen
certain is nothing, only death
I am certain that I am morally right in this decision. But no matter how certain I am I am still unsure that I can actually carry it through. No matter that he does not deserve to live, no matter that he has poisoned many lives and cerated hatred and conflict he is still a human being. So while I may be morally right in removing him from this world, can I actually muster up the courage necessary to undertake such a task. I think I can, but am I certain…….
surely i’m in love
Certainty breeds doubt. I doubt that you were ever certain about anything ever in your life, but that’s not a bad thing. Certainty is dangerous. Free your mind and don’t be an obstinate thinker.
The amount of time it takes to write this entire message will be when I finish typing. I am not, will not stop as I am certain for when the time stops, as will this message.
The boy was walking down the alley, it was dark, but not a scary dark, a dark that says It
certain. Positive. Absolutely. Definitely. For sure. Undoubtable, unrefutably definite. Bugger off husband I’m doing oneword! Why is there a squiggle under ‘unrefutably’?
im certain of no certain thing except that i am floating.
not above or below,
but with everything.
En speviell grej. Det finns m
ascertain is a better way of saying make sure or ensure
I am certain that there is coldness outside my window and I am just one wall away from it. The legs below me feel it coming through the walls and I know it’s just behind the glass in front of me. Fortunealy, I pay rent and I am on this side of it looking out, feeling it close, but not that close. A little bit of it seeps in just to tell me and remind me how valuable a wall can be
I was certain there was a certain look on his face.
certain, it feels hard to be certain about things now a days. When i was a kid, I had no problem being certain about “certain” things, no pun intended. But now everything has to be PC, peoples emotions are out of control, everyone has to walk the middle line, and nothing gets done.
I’m almost certain about a lot of things bbut ever fully certain about any of them. I’m almost sure tomorrow will come but who really knows? I’m almost sure I’m alive, but there’s always that niggling doubt. I don’t think certainty really exists. I don’t think the word has a tru meaning. Well, maybe I’m certain about lack of certainty.
I was certain that the train would come soon. It didn’t occur to me that I would possibly be on the track to hell, how could it? I was young and naive, I didn’t know about the dangers of the outside world.
Now I do.
How I wish I had never boarded that train.
At that moment, life would never be the same again.
I was certain that I’d told them I’d meet them here… But it was now dark, half an hour past the agreed-upon time. I’d never liked this area, this particular corner, so why had I agreed to meet up right here? Maybe I’d misunderstood. Or they had. Or something. Who knew?
it is something that i am sure about and that no one else can prove me wrong. it is something that is a thought to be proven. for example i am certain that my name is megan. i am certain that i have a sister names lisa.
“I’m certain you’ll find out who I am. One day.”
She sat, legs crossed, glass of red wine in her hand.
“But until you allow yourself the opportunity, the opportunity won’t present itself. And you’ll continue on your uncertain path.”
I was certain that he would notice me in this new dress. My hair is definately different and sticks out like a sore thumb nowadays. How could he not notice me? Certainly he isn’t avoiding me. That would be too obvious and vicious.
for sure. yes. possitive. business. cars. not wronge. right. possitive. always. carefull.
Im certain that my life has become a looking glass,like the one alice fell through. im on the outside enjoying the view of this mad world and all i have is my coffee and cigarettes. i just wish i could live for once if not i will certainly become a cat lady.
certainty is overrated, it’s a cage and in certainty we are shackled into determined fate.
Uncertain. Or certainly, certain? I don’t know which one I am. Certain implies that I have control, that I know which road I am to take. But I don’t know which road that is. So I am uncertain? It is confuses me. I am certain in knowing what I am uncertain in. How odd.
i’m only sure of the one thing
i keep so un-
nothing is ever what you think on first impression. a mistake on the part of the great inquisitor. sometimes what you know can turn around and bite you. other times what you thought you knew can turn out to be a car crash waiting to happen.
He was certain that it was going to work this time — just like he was certain the time before, and the time before that. She was sick of the certainty. To her it waved like a red flag, saying, “STOP! The bridge is out ahead! This too will be a dismal, expensive failure!”
How can I ever be certain? 100%. Positive.
I don’t know if I’ll ever know. There are so many choices, so many twists, adn turns. But I’m not so sure. I’m not sure it’s about being certain. I don’t think I have to know, for sure. Happiness doesn’t come in 100% or positive, it comes in sometimes, and laughter, and choices.
This is not a multiple choice test. I don’t know which bubble I’m supposed to fill in, in fact, my pencil is shading in more than one bubble. And I’m drawing way outside the lines, here.
And I don’t know. I’m not positive, or 100%. I don’t think I’m even 80%. There’s no answer key. I don’t even think there’s a grader.
I have to pick a college. I don’t have to be certain.
I am certain of nothing. I think of Betrand Russell’s quote; “the whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are so sure of themselves while wiser people are full of so many doubts.” Or maybe I’m not wise, just uncertain.
I have never been more certain of anything in my life. Saying that, I have never felt this before, so how can it be?
That is, because it is he. And I am certain of him at least.
I am certain that Rob is wrong for Christina and he is a bad influence.