nothing is ever certain in life..the old saying is, you can only count on birth and death and taxes (unless you don’t pay them).
what i know is certain is my love for you, my belief we are this couple that are bound by emotions; we are soul mates. what is certain is the knowledge these beliefs will carry on until my death.
ah! if only you felt the same way!
quin browne
There was nothing certain about what he was doing. In fact, in the past six months, he’d learnt that nothing in life was certain. It didn’t matter to whom you were born to, how you spent your childhood, what your future plans were… Life always had a curveball made specially for you.
Nothing is certain. You may find it to be but the cold hard truth is that nothing is ever certain. Things change way too much. What may have been certain at one time is no longer so and may never be again.
Samantha Tucker
i am never certain. my life is filled with indecision and it drives me crazy. I am rarely certain of what to do, where to go, who do I love, who I am, what I should do with my life, how should I change the world. It gets so overwhelming.
Certainty had become a sort of vague, unattainable thing.
It is certain that I shall reach 50k today./ I just need 700 more words. I shall manage. Really, I should not be procrastinating like this, but hey, this is more fun. I want to type about a word, though that is not certain because I am not sure what the words is. I am certain that the spell check on open office is very evil, because it is. I am certain that my novel will be a heap of junk, but who even cares about that?
Arianna (is doing Nano!)
there are very few things in this world that we can be certain of, change being one of those things. Everything changes. We just need to learn to embrace it.
I wasn’t at all sure, not even a 100yards from certain, not even a football field length, – well there ya -go , I suppose I’m showing you just how nervous I was.
It came out of nowhere, then the man on the field was handed a microphone, I could see that from the nose-bleed section. My niece sitting beside and against me was gripping her tiny monkey hands into my thigh.
“Ladies and Gentleman, the winner is
Cathy, a moose
I am absolutely certain that the only thing we can be sure about in life is uncertainty. The fact remains that throughout our lives, we will make decisions about things that we know little or nothing about, and will accept outcomes that we cannot change, and cannot predict. We will use these outcomes to make further decisions, all along being sure we are coming closer to the truth, when in reality, we certainly aren’t.
Nick C.
i am certaqin this will work. it has to. what will I do if it dosen’t? No, don’t think negative thoughts. It will certainly work. Yeah, certainly work. After all, it’s a good plan. A very good plan.
certain sure you count on life flowing in a pattern you’re certain of it. Dad’s going to die before mon. marriage w
i am certain about something, certain about something. not sure what, working on what. i am certain that i love books certain that i need my freinds certain that i would not join the army, certain that i would not actually kill someone. certain. to be certain is hard.
A certain piece of pie I ate, it was good, even if it was moldy. Mahabharata was my friend, a certain good friend. I loved him. He ate fire and he died. Pretty amusing. Bools are fun, the end. Haha. This is boring. Teach me more sensai.
There was very little certain about the whole exercise. Dr. Howlett breathed deeply, subsumed his panic, and plunged the needle directly into the victim’s brain. With a slow inexorability, the serum flowed inward.
uncertainty killed the bat and the joker sang his sonnet and dynamite ate freddie mercury who want to ride his bicycle and dinosaurs
shelby spears
im so certain about today because it is going to rain.
im so certain that i will pass my 11+.
im so certain that it will snow on christmas day
I am certain that I have to write about certain as it is certainly today’s word.
All I am certain of is that I am certain of nothing.
a definite thing
when your definet about something
certain about what? life? love? school? family? no i’m not certain about anything at this point.
I am certain that i hate english class, i am certain that i hate school, i am certain i am in 10th grade, i am certain that i have an amazing boyfriend for a year && 4 days, i am certain i miss my best friend, i am certain these shoes are killing me, i am certain the boys i sit between are SUPER ANNOYING i am certain i have NO PRIVACY IN THE CLASS
kill me now
“Are you certain about this?” she asked, looking over the control console at him. His solid face greeted her gaze. His unwavering eyes went right through her.
“Yes.” He answered.
“But you must know that it’ll-“
“I’m sure!” his voice rose above the norm, telling her to no longer challenge his authority. Regardless of her opinion he would go through with it.
One day I went to school to kiss a giraffe and killed it. So I went to timeout and stayed there for 25 days. Then I went home and drank out of the toilet. And my mom and dad spanked and threw up and kicked me. That was the best day of my 10293743869574839th life. Then a pony headbutted my bottom on the ceiling in the garage. I was certain I killed the giraffe! THE END
certain things go certain ways and stop and keep going. certain are you certain? I’m not. Certain is not specific enough is it? certainly not. yes i am certain of this. its all dandy when you know what you want. certainty must be calming
Hello.My name is Emmy. Ever since I was little, I’ve always loved to draw. One day when I was 14 years old, I made a piece of art that was to good to be true. I was certain that the drawing would make it into the art show,maybe even win! But when I sent it in to the judges, for a while I didn’t get any news. But after a couple of weeks I got a letter back that said that I wasn’t in. It said that I needed to wait untill I was older. Now I am 21 years old and a new piece of my art made it into this years show.
It was certain that this was the end. No doubts, like there is no doubts about the weather on a rainy day. Terrible analogy he groaned, but he knew this was death. The darkness, the rank smell confirmed his observations. Somehow he expected it to be more painful
I’m certain I will win my next football game. A cat came to my house one day and said, “I’m certain I will find a bird today for my lunch.”
I was certain that the right thing to do was to push her away from me. She wanted to be loved unconditionally & I knew there was someone better out there who could do that.
Hope I made the right decision.
“Certain things”. Every time I hear that, I cringe. “Certain” things just shouldn’t ever be mentioned, so we’ll just allude to them. Politely.
I wasn’t sure, but i think Emily was taking a liking to me. She seemed to be pretty receptive to my jokes, and was always smiling when she was around me.
My time with Shelley seemed to be running out. She was really starting to bore me. Maybe getting together with her wasn’t such a good idea.
He was not about to let her go, but he was unsure of whether or not she would want to take him back. After that long night with Sandy, after hours spent talking in the car about life, would Julie really listen to him? They had done nothing sexual, but she didn’t believe him. He just didn’t know…
nothing is ever certain in life..the old saying is, you can only count on birth and death and taxes (unless you don’t pay them).
what i know is certain is my love for you, my belief we are this couple that are bound by emotions; we are soul mates. what is certain is the knowledge these beliefs will carry on until my death.
ah! if only you felt the same way!
There was nothing certain about what he was doing. In fact, in the past six months, he’d learnt that nothing in life was certain. It didn’t matter to whom you were born to, how you spent your childhood, what your future plans were… Life always had a curveball made specially for you.
Nothing is certain. You may find it to be but the cold hard truth is that nothing is ever certain. Things change way too much. What may have been certain at one time is no longer so and may never be again.
i am never certain. my life is filled with indecision and it drives me crazy. I am rarely certain of what to do, where to go, who do I love, who I am, what I should do with my life, how should I change the world. It gets so overwhelming.
Certainty had become a sort of vague, unattainable thing.
It is certain that I shall reach 50k today./ I just need 700 more words. I shall manage. Really, I should not be procrastinating like this, but hey, this is more fun. I want to type about a word, though that is not certain because I am not sure what the words is. I am certain that the spell check on open office is very evil, because it is. I am certain that my novel will be a heap of junk, but who even cares about that?
there are very few things in this world that we can be certain of, change being one of those things. Everything changes. We just need to learn to embrace it.
I wasn’t at all sure, not even a 100yards from certain, not even a football field length, – well there ya -go , I suppose I’m showing you just how nervous I was.
It came out of nowhere, then the man on the field was handed a microphone, I could see that from the nose-bleed section. My niece sitting beside and against me was gripping her tiny monkey hands into my thigh.
“Ladies and Gentleman, the winner is
I am absolutely certain that the only thing we can be sure about in life is uncertainty. The fact remains that throughout our lives, we will make decisions about things that we know little or nothing about, and will accept outcomes that we cannot change, and cannot predict. We will use these outcomes to make further decisions, all along being sure we are coming closer to the truth, when in reality, we certainly aren’t.
i am certaqin this will work. it has to. what will I do if it dosen’t? No, don’t think negative thoughts. It will certainly work. Yeah, certainly work. After all, it’s a good plan. A very good plan.
certain sure you count on life flowing in a pattern you’re certain of it. Dad’s going to die before mon. marriage w
i am certain about something, certain about something. not sure what, working on what. i am certain that i love books certain that i need my freinds certain that i would not join the army, certain that i would not actually kill someone. certain. to be certain is hard.
A certain piece of pie I ate, it was good, even if it was moldy. Mahabharata was my friend, a certain good friend. I loved him. He ate fire and he died. Pretty amusing. Bools are fun, the end. Haha. This is boring. Teach me more sensai.
There was very little certain about the whole exercise. Dr. Howlett breathed deeply, subsumed his panic, and plunged the needle directly into the victim’s brain. With a slow inexorability, the serum flowed inward.
uncertainty killed the bat and the joker sang his sonnet and dynamite ate freddie mercury who want to ride his bicycle and dinosaurs
im so certain about today because it is going to rain.
im so certain that i will pass my 11+.
im so certain that it will snow on christmas day
I am certain that I have to write about certain as it is certainly today’s word.
sgdgfdgdfgdfgsedxdcvesdvgxcrfdcbv cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
definite bout sumthing
All I am certain of is that I am certain of nothing.
a definite thing
when your definet about something
certain about what? life? love? school? family? no i’m not certain about anything at this point.
I am certain that i hate english class, i am certain that i hate school, i am certain i am in 10th grade, i am certain that i have an amazing boyfriend for a year && 4 days, i am certain i miss my best friend, i am certain these shoes are killing me, i am certain the boys i sit between are SUPER ANNOYING i am certain i have NO PRIVACY IN THE CLASS
kill me now
“Are you certain about this?” she asked, looking over the control console at him. His solid face greeted her gaze. His unwavering eyes went right through her.
“Yes.” He answered.
“But you must know that it’ll-“
“I’m sure!” his voice rose above the norm, telling her to no longer challenge his authority. Regardless of her opinion he would go through with it.
One day I went to school to kiss a giraffe and killed it. So I went to timeout and stayed there for 25 days. Then I went home and drank out of the toilet. And my mom and dad spanked and threw up and kicked me. That was the best day of my 10293743869574839th life. Then a pony headbutted my bottom on the ceiling in the garage. I was certain I killed the giraffe! THE END
certain things go certain ways and stop and keep going. certain are you certain? I’m not. Certain is not specific enough is it? certainly not. yes i am certain of this. its all dandy when you know what you want. certainty must be calming
Hello.My name is Emmy. Ever since I was little, I’ve always loved to draw. One day when I was 14 years old, I made a piece of art that was to good to be true. I was certain that the drawing would make it into the art show,maybe even win! But when I sent it in to the judges, for a while I didn’t get any news. But after a couple of weeks I got a letter back that said that I wasn’t in. It said that I needed to wait untill I was older. Now I am 21 years old and a new piece of my art made it into this years show.
It was certain that this was the end. No doubts, like there is no doubts about the weather on a rainy day. Terrible analogy he groaned, but he knew this was death. The darkness, the rank smell confirmed his observations. Somehow he expected it to be more painful
I’m certain I will win my next football game. A cat came to my house one day and said, “I’m certain I will find a bird today for my lunch.”
I was certain that the right thing to do was to push her away from me. She wanted to be loved unconditionally & I knew there was someone better out there who could do that.
Hope I made the right decision.
“Certain things”. Every time I hear that, I cringe. “Certain” things just shouldn’t ever be mentioned, so we’ll just allude to them. Politely.
I wasn’t sure, but i think Emily was taking a liking to me. She seemed to be pretty receptive to my jokes, and was always smiling when she was around me.
My time with Shelley seemed to be running out. She was really starting to bore me. Maybe getting together with her wasn’t such a good idea.
He was not about to let her go, but he was unsure of whether or not she would want to take him back. After that long night with Sandy, after hours spent talking in the car about life, would Julie really listen to him? They had done nothing sexual, but she didn’t believe him. He just didn’t know…
,jydfkyjrv ukhfl jkyilfgkbyhj