
November 2nd, 2009 | 693 Entries

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693 Entries for “certain”

  1. There are only a few things to which I am certain, and one of those tings is that having a blood sucking ex boyfriend just sucks.

  2. its the absolute point of being. can’t get anymore less confused about it. positive. who thinks in anything less? who is comfortable with anything less? absolutely. without a doubt.

  3. I don’t know if I am certain of anything anymore. Maybe I am just getting older. I used to hold duffel bags of certainty, now i only hold a lunch box.

    SC Barrus
  4. curtain

  5. i’m not certain who i’d wanted to be when i grew up, but i know it was someone much like you. someone who was certain of who they were. someone who know what they wanted and how to get it. certainty. so hard to come by, and so easy to make look effortless. confidence; i know i lack it. that is one thing i am certain of. can i be certain one day i’ll have it? how will i know?

  6. I’m certain that I love my life and my son is the greatest thing to ever happen to me.

  7. I was never certain about what I wanted to do with my life; I live my life daily with regrets, even though I try to tell myself there’s nothing wrong.
    It’s all a crock of shit in the end.

  8. Its cerntainly not something you took for granted. it ryhmes with… fuck I dont know… oh curtain.
    I have nothing more to say.

  9. certain people do certain things at certain times. that is, everyone in this universe can be in but one place at once, doing one thing, their attention in one place. me, i feel like i’m everywhere at once always, but thats just me. you never no if you don’t go.

  10. I feel certqin that the length of this piece will be not aslong as what would be needed to accurately describe to someone what the word certainly COULD mean in all realms of possibility. sixty seconds certainly isn’t a long time for that task. I’d need several pages of copy to accomplish this and a mu

  11. Very little in life is certain. We are born, we grow up, then we die. Other than that, really, everything is up to you. You make decisions that will affect your life, and no one can make those choices for you. It’s all up to you.

    Ricky Traylor
  12. my

  13. I’m certain, beyond any reasonable doubt, that if you do a hand stand long enough, you’ll push the Earth out of rotation.

  14. there is a certain someone in a certain place thinking of another certain someone. there are certain things they must do to have

  15. I am very certain that I am a loser. Why do I say this? well, its a time-tested experience of my life that i have lived every second of it. Second is a nice word, as, you can come second or you can second someone or someone’s thoughts and opinions

  16. there is not.
    will not.

    not this time.

    there will not be.
    a next time? a this time?
    any time.

    of that.
    i’m certain.

    i think.

  17. I’ve never been so sure of anything, but the way her eyes stripped me of my clothes, her gaze lustful yet sweet … I knew that by the time the clock had struck eleven, our bodies would be enjoying some in the sheets disco.

  18. Certain. You think it would be an easy word to write about, but i cant help but notice how drawn i am to write about the word uncertain instead, as it holds a much greater place in my life at the moment. being uncertain about the future and my life. but what i am certain about is that i am living and that i must live out the path set in front of me till the end.

  19. There are certain things I always wish I could understand. Like when your mind tells you to go but your heart tells you to stay. And why you always end up staying. And why every day you stay, is another day you’ll never be able to live again. I hope its worth it.

  20. From the beginning of time, I was certain I would be a wife and mother. At one point in my life, motherhood was an uncertainty. I had come to a point and accepted it. But then God blessed me with 2 babies and I am certain motherhood was meant for me.

    Denise B!
  21. i am certain about a lot of things.
    i am certain the sun will rise tomorrow. and i am certain that it will set.
    i am certain that the leaves will turn brown come autumn, and i am certain that snow will fall from the sky come winter.

    but i am uncertain about you.
    what are you? a man? or a ghost?
    why do you weave in and out of my life like so?

    Sara de Souza
  22. There was fog on the glass. He etched a square in it and then placed his forehead against it. A portrait on frost. He wanted his forehead to stick, wanted it to mean something this time. Licked his finger and it did not stick.

    JJ Astor IV
  23. Happy that I married, happy I’m a mother, happy that I’m employed, healthy and having a loving family. When times get rough or I’m feeling down, I think about my life and realize I have nothing to complain about or be unhappy about. There is someone doing way worse than I am. I love my life and all

  24. I am certain he loved me. He didn’t know how to show it. And in fact, he made sure to let me think he was only certain of one thing: he would be leaving as soon as he got what he wanted. But I am certain he loved me.

  25. To be certain is to be positive. I am never certain, for I am Man.

  26. I don’t know for certain where I’m headed next. But I see applications and driver’s licenses and A’s being passed around behind me, and beside me is a boy who looks like he’s itching to be somewhere else. He probably is. And at the front I can see a woman in her forties trying to teach a class but the class is dreaming of what they’ll be eating two years from now, what the next lecture in the “Because Dave Chappelle Said So” class will be about and I can’t help but want to be more like them.

    November 2nd, 2009.

    Christine D. O.
  27. certainaity never seems to be involved when I’m dealing with life

  28. no body is ever certain of anything. You play to the odds.

  29. I am certain that Richard killed my father. I know this like I know my own name. Like I know left from right and up from down. Despite his dazzling smile and kind words, and despite his lavish gifts, I know.

  30. nothing is certain in life. you just have to go with what you’re given. live in the moment. carpe diem. if everything were certain, life would be boring. drink to the uncertainties of life. have fun. certain things aren’t meant to be thought about too seriously.

  31. certainly there is a penis in your mouth, or is it?

  32. what is certainty? Are you certain of anything? I sure as hell ain’t. Every time I thought I was I turned out to be wrong, so now, everything’s a bet with varying odds. There is no certainty.

  33. Outside with fall leaves,
    I am certain I hear the rain
    as a curtain approaching.

  34. I’m never certain. Who is, of anything? It’s unexpected and unlikely. No one will ever know, if man is all there is then we are all doomed to live in the mire. Man has base desires. Man wants stimulation and wants his passions catered to and wants freedom of guilt and wants to feel useful and is a slave to his wants and his possessions and thing he’ll never have.

  35. Nothing is for certain in life, the only certainty is that there is uncertainty. Never think that something is for certain, because you’ll only end up being disappointed in the end. Make your own way, but be prepared to falter a few times on the way.

    Josh Schwartz
  36. She knew I was her daughter – I was certain of it. The way her eyes landed on mine then fleeted before I could blink told me that she recognized me. The way she turned her back before I could take a breath told me she was leaving me… again.

  37. Certain. Nothing is ever.

  38. i am certain about few things. i’m not certain about where i want to go in life or what i want to do anymore. I’m uncertain about how i feel about kyle any more. i’m uncertain about how i feel about myself. i am certain that i don’t have confidance or fit in.

  39. I’m certain that the way that I need to go about things is to figure out how to type a lot more about what I’m thinking than really editing. There’s no need for coherency and complete thoughts. In fact there’s no need to be certain about anything that I’m typing. I just need to type as much as I can and Get it over with as quickly as possible. I have no idea how many words I’ve typed here, but I figure it’s got to be

    Adam Ness
  40. i am certain that hans de jonge is a homosexual.
