I was never certain about love. and then she fell over.
And then we had a cake.
And I never saw her again.
Sad story really
But I’m certain it happened.
The people in the coats say no. Bu they always so no.
the people up here…
they know and I know.
Now you do too
I was certain that I had put my keys on the coffee table when I came in. Yet as I stared blankly at the surface, no keys were materializing. These lapses in memory, in time, are happening more often now. I often wonder what will happen if it worsens.
One Word Experience
I was never certain about love. and then she fell over.
And then we had a cake.
And I never saw her again.
Sad story really
But I’m certain it happened.
The people in the coats say no. Bu they always so no.
the people up here…
they know and I know.
Now you do too
Gelder, Greg
I dont think you can ever be certain of anything in the entire world asour very existance might be the day dreaming of some greater entity. Our idea of dimensions may just be our brain actualy computing our world into a format we can recognise. You’re never certain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andrew Hallam
certain that nothing is certain but the date for the move uncertain the dreams that will come before them, whether they will be remembering or instantly forgotten. certain this is the right thing. security lies within that certain.
Rose M
I remember for certain where I put my keys every single day. Every single day I lose them.
Am I certain where they are or am I certainly certifiable for the funny farm?
Is it the age I have reached or the number of children that suck out my brain cells continually. I am certain it is the kids. Ugg Kids. Gotta love em. They are to cute and to expensive
I’m certain of my future. I put it into God’s hands and I’m certain that he’s got me. I’m certain of my love for my wife, and hers for me. Certain of friends, certain of family. Not certain who’s going to win the Melbourne cup today though, if only.
i am almost certain the leaves have fallen to the ground in every color but white. it was the
morning ground under my feet
the afternoon coffee
evening tea
that reminded me of which we spoke of;
rainy days entering winter
the snow of a dreary december
i almost certain i did not dream it
I was certain that the night was growing longer every moment, with each glance at the clock I found nothing but more and more time open in which I was to be miserable. I hated the nighttimes, they dragged on and on, each longer, colder, and lonlier than the one previously.
Lydia K.
Don’t be so certain. Nothing is as it seems. Don’t obey, don’t oblige. If there’s one thing you should be certain in, it’s yourself. Let go of your other certainties and open your mind.
There were few things she was certain of.
One: her mother would always be possessive and controlling. With her mental state, it was a given.
Two: she would go to college and be a doctor. That career was one she desired so strongly, she would never in her life let anything get in the way of it.
Rachael A.
If there’s one thing I’m certain, it’s this word is a’hurtin, messing with my head, certainly I’ll be dead.
Some times I ignore instructions. It’s more important to be proactive in a creative way then what is asked. Which is never asked, but I succeed at it!
I have always been certain about so many things. I was certain that I wanted to be a doctor, certain that I believed in a loving God, and so much more, but as I have grown into the middle years of my adolescence, I have realized that nothing is certain. I am changing so much. How can I know what I will be sure of tomorrow?
Annie Rogers
absolutely sure about a an outcome that is 100 percent likely to happen over all other outcomes. Once someone is knowledgeable of that one particular outcome, then they are considered “certain”
certainly this is all about nothing, much like the show sienfeld – fuck I didn’t even come close to getting the spelling write. I realize that I have no train of thought or focus today. certainly.
She was certain that today would be the day she had been waiting for all her life. It was as if the clouds opened up and heaven smiled down upon her. She walked a little straighter that day, held her head a little higher. “Yes, this is right.” Things were finally looking up, and the light at the end of the tunnel was filling her heart and soul with warmth and joy.
i’m certain that the ducks are a top 2 team. they are too good on offense and defense
His certainty, any belief that he had was shaken to the core as he read the piece of parchment in his hand.
“Copernicus,” he said, “have you lost your mind?” You can’t possibly tell other people about this ridiculous idea. The earth revolving around the sun? Ridiculous!”
Certainty? Is anyone ever certain? I certainly never am. I wasn’t certain when I was born-took a long time for me to come out. I wasn’t certain when I left home. I’m not even certain now, as I prepare to do these horrible things. Certainty is…
That fat little boy was certain that he could eat eleven donuts in the course of an hour. but when his mom found out about his plan she rushed home from work to stop this little guy from going through with this dangerous action. You see, it turns out he was secretly diabetic.
I’ve been told I know too much. That I can’t possibly be as sure of everything as I seem. They’re right. I know nothing. I’m sure of nothing. Every day is another chance at failure.
William DeVarde
I was certain that she would come back to me, no matter how times I broke up with her.
She won’t even speak to me anymore.
“I can’t be certain that this will help you,” he says very seriously, pushing a cup full of dark red liquid across the counter at me. “For all I know it could kill you.”
“I’ll lot my chances,” I say, before knocking back the drink.
What does it mean to absolutely know something? What if you don’t know what the heck is going?
How could one know?
What if the person does not want to know or does not want something permanent?
It sometimes is insane how people are set in their ways and how others are not.
I was certain of it. I had never been more certain of anything in my life. He was the one I was looking for. I held back my deep breathing and ended up feeling a little light headed.
“Certainly he wasn’t serious.”
“Oh, I think he is,” The man spoke with a hint of resignation in his voice. “You know how he gets when he hears of an injustice. He has to go a investigate it.”
I sighed. That kid. What was he trying to prove?
Even though nobody came by to see if it was true, most people believed it was. Who was this person?
i was so very certain that when she looked at me she saw her one love. now I know that the doubts have eaten away at her so deeply that love can only ever be a shadow. she is lost.
There are those things in life which you have absolutely nothing. Just siting around and having now idea what is going on, who that is, or what other movie she was in. And that anyoning face barks on and on. I am certain I dont care.
Certain. I am certain that certain means most definitely. I am not certain that the boy I like likes me. I amcertain that I have friends who love me. I am certain that sometimes, I’m afraid that they don’t love me, even though I know deep down they do and always will. So are the thoughts of your average insecure teenage girl.
She sucked long drags of water from the bottle, her hands shaking.
Next to him she had been able to push the fear aside, but not completely. Each time she plunged in with him, the fear subsided a little more but left her body wired with adrenalin.
She was fairly certain this was his intention all along. She drank deeply and waited for the calm to return, partly hoping the buzz would remain.
I was never certain. things always went the wrong way. still i am here, and i never left. Altough one might argue that i was truly never here at all. But that’s neither here nor there. especially since i’ve always been close by.
I was never certain. things always went the wrong way. still i am here, and i never left. Altough one might argue that i was truly never here at all. But that’s neither here nor there. especially since i’ve always been close by.
i’m certain that this is how it’s supposed to be. then again, i’m certain there is no way life is “supposed to be.” i never believed in the idea of life already having a set way. a way we could not change.
there is that certain guy, who makes you feel amazing. The one who kisses you, and everything around you drops from the floor. He’s that certain guy who touches you and you feel electricity. he’s that certain guy you can never have.
I was never certain about love. and then she fell over.
And then we had a cake.
And I never saw her again.
Sad story really
But I’m certain it happened.
The people in the coats say no. Bu they always so no.
the people up here…
they know and I know.
Now you do too
I was certain that I had put my keys on the coffee table when I came in. Yet as I stared blankly at the surface, no keys were materializing. These lapses in memory, in time, are happening more often now. I often wonder what will happen if it worsens.
I was never certain about love. and then she fell over.
And then we had a cake.
And I never saw her again.
Sad story really
But I’m certain it happened.
The people in the coats say no. Bu they always so no.
the people up here…
they know and I know.
Now you do too
I dont think you can ever be certain of anything in the entire world asour very existance might be the day dreaming of some greater entity. Our idea of dimensions may just be our brain actualy computing our world into a format we can recognise. You’re never certain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
certain that nothing is certain but the date for the move uncertain the dreams that will come before them, whether they will be remembering or instantly forgotten. certain this is the right thing. security lies within that certain.
I remember for certain where I put my keys every single day. Every single day I lose them.
Am I certain where they are or am I certainly certifiable for the funny farm?
Is it the age I have reached or the number of children that suck out my brain cells continually. I am certain it is the kids. Ugg Kids. Gotta love em. They are to cute and to expensive
I’m certain of my future. I put it into God’s hands and I’m certain that he’s got me. I’m certain of my love for my wife, and hers for me. Certain of friends, certain of family. Not certain who’s going to win the Melbourne cup today though, if only.
i am almost certain the leaves have fallen to the ground in every color but white. it was the
morning ground under my feet
the afternoon coffee
evening tea
that reminded me of which we spoke of;
rainy days entering winter
the snow of a dreary december
i almost certain i did not dream it
I was certain that the night was growing longer every moment, with each glance at the clock I found nothing but more and more time open in which I was to be miserable. I hated the nighttimes, they dragged on and on, each longer, colder, and lonlier than the one previously.
Don’t be so certain. Nothing is as it seems. Don’t obey, don’t oblige. If there’s one thing you should be certain in, it’s yourself. Let go of your other certainties and open your mind.
There were few things she was certain of.
One: her mother would always be possessive and controlling. With her mental state, it was a given.
Two: she would go to college and be a doctor. That career was one she desired so strongly, she would never in her life let anything get in the way of it.
If there’s one thing I’m certain, it’s this word is a’hurtin, messing with my head, certainly I’ll be dead.
Some times I ignore instructions. It’s more important to be proactive in a creative way then what is asked. Which is never asked, but I succeed at it!
I have always been certain about so many things. I was certain that I wanted to be a doctor, certain that I believed in a loving God, and so much more, but as I have grown into the middle years of my adolescence, I have realized that nothing is certain. I am changing so much. How can I know what I will be sure of tomorrow?
absolutely sure about a an outcome that is 100 percent likely to happen over all other outcomes. Once someone is knowledgeable of that one particular outcome, then they are considered “certain”
certainly this is all about nothing, much like the show sienfeld – fuck I didn’t even come close to getting the spelling write. I realize that I have no train of thought or focus today. certainly.
She was certain that today would be the day she had been waiting for all her life. It was as if the clouds opened up and heaven smiled down upon her. She walked a little straighter that day, held her head a little higher. “Yes, this is right.” Things were finally looking up, and the light at the end of the tunnel was filling her heart and soul with warmth and joy.
i’m certain that the ducks are a top 2 team. they are too good on offense and defense
His certainty, any belief that he had was shaken to the core as he read the piece of parchment in his hand.
“Copernicus,” he said, “have you lost your mind?” You can’t possibly tell other people about this ridiculous idea. The earth revolving around the sun? Ridiculous!”
Certainty? Is anyone ever certain? I certainly never am. I wasn’t certain when I was born-took a long time for me to come out. I wasn’t certain when I left home. I’m not even certain now, as I prepare to do these horrible things. Certainty is…
That fat little boy was certain that he could eat eleven donuts in the course of an hour. but when his mom found out about his plan she rushed home from work to stop this little guy from going through with this dangerous action. You see, it turns out he was secretly diabetic.
I’ve been told I know too much. That I can’t possibly be as sure of everything as I seem. They’re right. I know nothing. I’m sure of nothing. Every day is another chance at failure.
I was certain that she would come back to me, no matter how times I broke up with her.
She won’t even speak to me anymore.
“I can’t be certain that this will help you,” he says very seriously, pushing a cup full of dark red liquid across the counter at me. “For all I know it could kill you.”
“I’ll lot my chances,” I say, before knocking back the drink.
What does it mean to absolutely know something? What if you don’t know what the heck is going?
How could one know?
What if the person does not want to know or does not want something permanent?
It sometimes is insane how people are set in their ways and how others are not.
I was certain of it. I had never been more certain of anything in my life. He was the one I was looking for. I held back my deep breathing and ended up feeling a little light headed.
“Certainly he wasn’t serious.”
“Oh, I think he is,” The man spoke with a hint of resignation in his voice. “You know how he gets when he hears of an injustice. He has to go a investigate it.”
I sighed. That kid. What was he trying to prove?
Even though nobody came by to see if it was true, most people believed it was. Who was this person?
i was so very certain that when she looked at me she saw her one love. now I know that the doubts have eaten away at her so deeply that love can only ever be a shadow. she is lost.
There are those things in life which you have absolutely nothing. Just siting around and having now idea what is going on, who that is, or what other movie she was in. And that anyoning face barks on and on. I am certain I dont care.
Certain. I am certain that certain means most definitely. I am not certain that the boy I like likes me. I amcertain that I have friends who love me. I am certain that sometimes, I’m afraid that they don’t love me, even though I know deep down they do and always will. So are the thoughts of your average insecure teenage girl.
She sucked long drags of water from the bottle, her hands shaking.
Next to him she had been able to push the fear aside, but not completely. Each time she plunged in with him, the fear subsided a little more but left her body wired with adrenalin.
She was fairly certain this was his intention all along. She drank deeply and waited for the calm to return, partly hoping the buzz would remain.
I was never certain. things always went the wrong way. still i am here, and i never left. Altough one might argue that i was truly never here at all. But that’s neither here nor there. especially since i’ve always been close by.
I was never certain. things always went the wrong way. still i am here, and i never left. Altough one might argue that i was truly never here at all. But that’s neither here nor there. especially since i’ve always been close by.
i’m certain that this is how it’s supposed to be. then again, i’m certain there is no way life is “supposed to be.” i never believed in the idea of life already having a set way. a way we could not change.
there is that certain guy, who makes you feel amazing. The one who kisses you, and everything around you drops from the floor. He’s that certain guy who touches you and you feel electricity. he’s that certain guy you can never have.