
November 2nd, 2009 | 693 Entries

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693 Entries for “certain”

  1. I was not certain, but I honestly tried my best to fake a smile. Gotta say, it worked pretty good.

  2. It’s certain that only you could have done that. She didn’t have the guts. I didn’t know about the deal. I should have figured it out faster, but it would have spoiled everything, wouldn’t it? You knew from the very beginning. You knew I would fall for it. There was no doubt.

  3. It was always a question if she loved me or I loved the dream in my mind. The only thing separating the two is a question I could ask. It would end the waiting and lead me into certainty.

  4. certain cretins creep
    through my thoughts
    past itching ears, itching fingers, itching hearts.
    struggling hearts.
    certain cretins. monsters, demons.
    just shut them the fuck up.
    please please please.
    get these voices out of my fucking head.

    certain situations make me feel insane.

    xtwostepfour20x AKA Britt
  5. is anyone really?

    Bobby Lightening
  6. I was certain that I was on the right train, even if it was taking me in the wrong direction. I checked my ticket again, the arrival time was written clearly at the top right hand corner: 4:15. Only one hour more until I arrived at my destination and destiny. Who would meet me, would anyone? Would I stand on the platform alone with my bag?

  7. A certain romance,
    A certain friend.
    A certain time,
    A certain moment.
    A certain word,
    A certain sentence.
    A certain mood,
    A certain sense.

  8. theres a certain chance of rain

  9. he was certain she was not going to budge from her sitting position, so he strapped her wristwatch on and pushed her into the restaurant. she obliged willingly.

  10. There was a certain boy in her chemistry class that always stared at her. Always. He never said why, never made a conversation, but just stared. Now, she thought of it as something creepy, but it’s brought a sense of comfort and familiarity in her lately. She tended to smile at the boy every now and then, showing that she was friendly and up for any conversation–if he was ever up for it.

  11. I am certain of myself. I am perfect, my ideas are sound. I am unwavering, unchallenged. I am a rock and the philosophies of life are the waters that flow around me. Challenge me, dare me, I will not change.

    Certainty and Perfection
  12. I am not certain of who I am, but I am certain that I simply want to be happy.

    Mackenzie A. A.
  13. i am never certain about anything. I know everything is going to change in just a few short months. Would it be bad to say that I can’t wait for college, but at the same time it scares the crap out of me? I don’t know what is going to happen next.

  14. I’m undertain as to what the fuck it is that I am supposed to write regarding such a boring word. Perhaps it should be something related to being a walking penis.

  15. “How certain are you?” asked the general.

    “Ninety-nine percent, sir!” the soldier responded. After years of working with this particular general, the soldier had learned to never say “one hundred.”

    “All right then. I’ll take your word for it. Authorize the mission.”

    The platoon marched out of the barracks, walking unflinchingly to certain doom.

  16. Certain. What do we know, what are we certain about? Definitely not about other people. It may seem like we can be certain about other people but I don’t think that we ever can be. Like what happened to them last night or this morning or 10 years ago or

  17. certain is to know what is truthful. being certain is to think you are correct

  18. I was so sure. It was clear to me, if not others. Why did she leave. Was it the dead bodies in the garage. I told her I’d clean them up. Now she’s in the garage too, i’m certain.

  19. Certainty is a funny thing. I’ve never been certain about anything, and we never can be. Even our own existence.

  20. The only thing that’s permanent is chance. That’s what Heraclitus tells us at least. How then, can we be certain about anything?

  21. can I really be sure that what you’re telling me is the truth? can i trust you with my innermost thoughts, feelings, desires, fears? i don’t know your soul well enough, do i? i question your motives and mine. but the funny thing is, i will still tell you the words he spoke to me the other day. why, you ask? because i want the attention.

    Charlie Haliwell
  22. How can any one people be certain of any one thing? Life is as fragile as it is mysterious. The key thing in life i’ve found is to trust those who say they know the least, and avoid those who claim to know the most.

  23. nothing is ever really certain. it’s a problem in life that everyone has to try to over come. we strive completely for certainty and it is something that we will never be able to obtain. and what is certain for one person may be uncertain for another person. it can be used the way it’s written up here or as someone saying “certainly!” as in “of course!”.

    Taylor Patrick
  24. I’m certain that we made the right choice, said the man in the suit.
    What else could we have done? The decision was clear.
    I have no regrets. Live in the present, that’s what I say.

    He slipped on his gas mask as the room clouded. The journalists began to cough, and the man in the suit continued to explain away the world.

  25. nothing is ever certain in this world and i think that’s what scares people the most. while we wantr to live on certainty, at the same time if we did we would not really be living. the sad part is everything i just said is so true, and yet so cliche that as soon as it comes out of my mouth i hate myself for writing it and wish i could have come up with something more creative. like toasters. whoever invented the toaster is a genius.

  26. she wasn’t certain about what to do. who would have been? the deep, dark cavern had hidden this secret for years and years. it hadn’t shown itself to anyone – anyone but her. she cried for days and days and days, even her husband couldn’t console her. over and again she read the advice that was left with it.

  27. she’s hurtin’ for certain.

  28. certainly that is a fine tasty thing, she said.

    Gaurav Sharma
  29. when you are sure of something.

  30. Certain is a difficult thing to be if you are intellectually honest, are at least, 100% certain. Never be certain, simply be swayed by the evidence. Be honest.

  31. C_ -X _- .b

  32. a certain someone
    is who i love
    a certain someone
    is my angel from above
    i know he loves me
    and i love him too
    now if only he
    had the courage
    aka balls
    to ask me out! woo!
    then my life would be perfect. :)
    if you’re reading this…make a move.
    we both know you want to. ;)

  33. sjkdajkhsajkhskjahSJKAhskjahSKJHAksjhakjhjkhkjh

  34. I was never certain of anything really. Except that the sky was blue and the grass was green and that you loved me, unconditionally. I never knew anything else and I never wanted to know anything else. Just knowing that you’d be there, with me, by my side, from now until the end of forever.
    I couldn’t be certain about anything else.
    And your love.

  35. I am certain that the word certain is used to much. Everyone just knows that they are absolutely sure about everything. Know one cannot know anything with absolute certainty.

  36. hm i wrote something cool but i think i’m gonna turn it into a song instead of posting it on here today :) cool word.

  37. false

  38. I am as certain as the father is certain of knowing his own family that there is no God. This certainty that I am certain about is because my left nut is taken away by testicular cancer. No god would take a guys balls away.

    Lance Armstrong
  39. I am certain grade 0 is for when no class characteristics match, grade 1 is for matching class characteristics only, grade 2 is for class and pseudo random characteristics, and grade 3 is for class and random characteristics which are “individual”. I am certain

  40. I am certain, those less than I was 15 minutes ago. Will they come? Will I care? What will they say when they see the mess I’ve created? And I am still wondering why I am so certain that what they think matters. Isn’t that always the way?
