There are few things that i am certain of in this world. I am never quite certain of what tomorrow will bring, what the weather will be, or who i will fall in love with. but i am certain of one thing, that god is love.
Certainly he was wrong. He was never right. Always wracked with confusion most would say. It was uncertain if he was certain or not. There’s no way of telling. Certainly he is capable. But it is uncertain to what degree.
Zach Russell
Is anything certain? I don’t think so. I like to think that I know where my life is going and what tomorrow will bring, but alas, I don’t know for certain what will happen. At least God is in control. For that, I am thankful.
I’m not sure of what it takes to be certain. Or I guess you could say I’m not certain, if you were an asshole. The evolving variables that would require a new-found static identity would need to be endless, and I for one would rather just live without certainty; live without knowing.
Grayson Moore
I hate not knowing what everyone else seems to know. SOmetimes I wonder if the things in life i think of as permanent are really just passing through, or if I am
There are really few things that I am certain of. One is that not all people are equal, the other is that people have to feel sorry for themselves in order to be happy. I’d like to be certain that someday I’ll have what I want, but maybe I won’t.
he was certain that nothing he done that morning could possibly have caused such fuss. In all his time as a lighthouse operator, he had never made a mistake. He took his job far too
i have no idea what is certain this days, everything for me right now is out of whack, but for me it means stability and knowing exactly what i want and have the drive and the means to get is done, maybe soon it will come
we were certainly uncertain, at least im pretty sure i am, well we didnt need the water but we just built that good, god damn
Suzie Jelinic
I am not certain…. I am not certain of anything… He stared at me and I gulped. Help me….
Certainty. Such an odd word. When I lived, I thought it meant something. Now I know better.
She was certain that in that instant she had ruined everything — the dinner, the lace, and their life.
Im certain that I will neve rever eat an english muffin. they are disgusting. as a child my mom tried to make me eat english muffins every day for breakfast, but i refused. breakfast was always a battle of wills. she would put the muffin on my plate, i would stare it down adn refuse to eat it. in the end, i always won. until i got to school, hungry and having eaten no breakfast. then i regretted not eating the muffins.
I was certain that it would never come to this, but I guess I was wrong. It didn’t happen the way I wanted it too. I guess it never does. But sometimes I just wish that things would go my way, maybe that’s a little too much. I should calm down. Think more. Shut up.
eat my ass you fucking twat
i am certain that i have never done this before but i may want to try it out so ather people can read this. also what does it maen to be certain about something? I am realitivly certain that i exisit that that the would around me is rea, but that is not a givin
I am certain of three things:
Well, they all started with D.
a thing tha is meaning ful
I am certain of very few things. I am, however, feeling rather certain that I am procrastinating here on right now… writing about the word, “certain” and not writing my essay. Yes indeed. This has been one of the most boring posts I’ve ever written. Writer’s block.
I feel very certain that college is a poison. It hardly serves a purpose for the majority of people. But we’ve been tricked into thinking that college is the only option. College is our only certainty to a good future. This is a lie.
have you not lived this life quite long enough?
Something that you are absolutely sure about. It must be nice to be certain about some things. Are you certain that’s the person you’re going to marry? Are you certain you’re going to get that job? What would life be like if EVERYTHING were certain? Would it even be worth living? Where would the challenge in life be? That’s one of the beautiful things about life: nothing is certain and we’re allowed to live it however.
Keri C.
kfgh fgh f gfgh fgh gfghfgh fgfghf
it was tonight, it had to be. no one knew she would, or that even she could. until they found her this morning on the rooftop. i guess it had to be that way. certainly, maybe, she had to go.
He was certain he was wrong. She had never lied to him before, so why should he doubt her now?
But the stakes were different this time, weren’t they? This time, it was about a child, their child…or potential child, anyway.
I am not certain of anything in life.
i’m not, i’m reallyreally not.
it’s quite funny.
it’s actually quiet hilarious.
i mean, i think it is?
Ive always been certain that i was boring and tired..
I thought I knew. In fact, I was certain. And yet I was totally wrong. Bummer.
well it certainly is a word, duh.
Well, if it isnt certain it is kind of maybe like, dunno, im german…
well certain is a nice word I gues, hass 7 letters if I saw it right….
Good now what else
certainly finished.
I am never certain about anything. I mean, some things I really believe in, but I always seem to have doubts. I like to blame that on my anxiety disorder, but really it’s just me. I overthink everthing, and I don’t decide for sure on many things.
how is it even possible? certainty is certaintly not a certain matter. you are small. no. wait. we are.
Certainty, uncertain to attain, or maintain certainty. Life is a mystery, it changes like the wind, like a 5 year old at a candy store. You do what you can, and make with what you have. That is all that is certain in this life, that is that.
I am certain that I do not know what the hell is going on here.very certain.
i am a fucking mariocart genius you goddamned radical hippy communist suck my dick you qwerty spotted bastard graaaargh go to hell you motherfucker I hate you die oh look, a flower! It’s a pretty flower, with lotsa colors and everything!
its for sure, absolutely positive. it will happen. it will be. it is here. it is now.
The word certain means that someone is completely and utterly convinced of something. Whether it be an answer or just a statement. For example: I am utterly convinced that those cookies were delicious. Which they probably were. If you’re certain about something, then you have a good amount of faith in that answer and whatever response it was.
I was certain she was going to do something with that sword blade. Even though it was shattered, it could end a life, countless lives. In her hands, even a necklace was so much more dangerous.
one thing is certain. the only thing that never changes is that everything changes
certainty is being able to not look twice. certainty is being able to wink whenever you want.
There are few things that i am certain of in this world. I am never quite certain of what tomorrow will bring, what the weather will be, or who i will fall in love with. but i am certain of one thing, that god is love.
Certainly he was wrong. He was never right. Always wracked with confusion most would say. It was uncertain if he was certain or not. There’s no way of telling. Certainly he is capable. But it is uncertain to what degree.
Is anything certain? I don’t think so. I like to think that I know where my life is going and what tomorrow will bring, but alas, I don’t know for certain what will happen. At least God is in control. For that, I am thankful.
I’m not sure of what it takes to be certain. Or I guess you could say I’m not certain, if you were an asshole. The evolving variables that would require a new-found static identity would need to be endless, and I for one would rather just live without certainty; live without knowing.
I hate not knowing what everyone else seems to know. SOmetimes I wonder if the things in life i think of as permanent are really just passing through, or if I am
There are really few things that I am certain of. One is that not all people are equal, the other is that people have to feel sorry for themselves in order to be happy. I’d like to be certain that someday I’ll have what I want, but maybe I won’t.
he was certain that nothing he done that morning could possibly have caused such fuss. In all his time as a lighthouse operator, he had never made a mistake. He took his job far too
i have no idea what is certain this days, everything for me right now is out of whack, but for me it means stability and knowing exactly what i want and have the drive and the means to get is done, maybe soon it will come
we were certainly uncertain, at least im pretty sure i am, well we didnt need the water but we just built that good, god damn
I am not certain…. I am not certain of anything… He stared at me and I gulped. Help me….
Certainty. Such an odd word. When I lived, I thought it meant something. Now I know better.
She was certain that in that instant she had ruined everything — the dinner, the lace, and their life.
Im certain that I will neve rever eat an english muffin. they are disgusting. as a child my mom tried to make me eat english muffins every day for breakfast, but i refused. breakfast was always a battle of wills. she would put the muffin on my plate, i would stare it down adn refuse to eat it. in the end, i always won. until i got to school, hungry and having eaten no breakfast. then i regretted not eating the muffins.
I was certain that it would never come to this, but I guess I was wrong. It didn’t happen the way I wanted it too. I guess it never does. But sometimes I just wish that things would go my way, maybe that’s a little too much. I should calm down. Think more. Shut up.
eat my ass you fucking twat
i am certain that i have never done this before but i may want to try it out so ather people can read this. also what does it maen to be certain about something? I am realitivly certain that i exisit that that the would around me is rea, but that is not a givin
I am certain of three things:
Well, they all started with D.
a thing tha is meaning ful
I am certain of very few things. I am, however, feeling rather certain that I am procrastinating here on right now… writing about the word, “certain” and not writing my essay. Yes indeed. This has been one of the most boring posts I’ve ever written. Writer’s block.
I feel very certain that college is a poison. It hardly serves a purpose for the majority of people. But we’ve been tricked into thinking that college is the only option. College is our only certainty to a good future. This is a lie.
have you not lived this life quite long enough?
Something that you are absolutely sure about. It must be nice to be certain about some things. Are you certain that’s the person you’re going to marry? Are you certain you’re going to get that job? What would life be like if EVERYTHING were certain? Would it even be worth living? Where would the challenge in life be? That’s one of the beautiful things about life: nothing is certain and we’re allowed to live it however.
kfgh fgh f gfgh fgh gfghfgh fgfghf
it was tonight, it had to be. no one knew she would, or that even she could. until they found her this morning on the rooftop. i guess it had to be that way. certainly, maybe, she had to go.
He was certain he was wrong. She had never lied to him before, so why should he doubt her now?
But the stakes were different this time, weren’t they? This time, it was about a child, their child…or potential child, anyway.
I am not certain of anything in life.
i’m not, i’m reallyreally not.
it’s quite funny.
it’s actually quiet hilarious.
i mean, i think it is?
Ive always been certain that i was boring and tired..
I thought I knew. In fact, I was certain. And yet I was totally wrong. Bummer.
well it certainly is a word, duh.
Well, if it isnt certain it is kind of maybe like, dunno, im german…
well certain is a nice word I gues, hass 7 letters if I saw it right….
Good now what else
certainly finished.
I am never certain about anything. I mean, some things I really believe in, but I always seem to have doubts. I like to blame that on my anxiety disorder, but really it’s just me. I overthink everthing, and I don’t decide for sure on many things.
how is it even possible? certainty is certaintly not a certain matter. you are small. no. wait. we are.
Certainty, uncertain to attain, or maintain certainty. Life is a mystery, it changes like the wind, like a 5 year old at a candy store. You do what you can, and make with what you have. That is all that is certain in this life, that is that.
I am certain that I do not know what the hell is going on here.very certain.
i am a fucking mariocart genius you goddamned radical hippy communist suck my dick you qwerty spotted bastard graaaargh go to hell you motherfucker I hate you die oh look, a flower! It’s a pretty flower, with lotsa colors and everything!
its for sure, absolutely positive. it will happen. it will be. it is here. it is now.
The word certain means that someone is completely and utterly convinced of something. Whether it be an answer or just a statement. For example: I am utterly convinced that those cookies were delicious. Which they probably were. If you’re certain about something, then you have a good amount of faith in that answer and whatever response it was.
I was certain she was going to do something with that sword blade. Even though it was shattered, it could end a life, countless lives. In her hands, even a necklace was so much more dangerous.
one thing is certain. the only thing that never changes is that everything changes
certainty is being able to not look twice. certainty is being able to wink whenever you want.