One is never certain about the outcome or the beginning of things. The only certainty is that we will die and there is no certainty as to when or how unless you are a death row inmate. There is no certainty that you will love.
Entering the cave, Allie knew she was in certain danger. It was unavoidable, and though she knew that the path was frought with peril, she had no choice but to keep going. Certain lives depended on her, and she wouldn’t let them down.
I’m not certain of who I am, nor who I hope to become. I am not certain of where I should go, nor where i’ve been. Nothing is certain, save that I will die, and that others will be born. That is all that matters.
I am not certain of much these days. I am always confused, nd scared. I am certain that i have high annxiety and that my moods change all the time. i am certain that my life is falling apart and that i need help, but where does that leave me? i am more uncertain than anything really… but how do i know things for sure and be content
Certainly one cannot eat a live chicken, correct? If I where to try, I would get poisoned or something, perhaps it would eat my internal organs as it is being digested.
Elijah Evanoff
there is a certain words that I won”t say. There are cetain places I won”t go. But There arn’t certain people I won’t love.
It is certain that she had a problem. It was absolute that she needed help. All I wanted was to give it to her. Yet every moment I mentioned it, suddenly I ‘hated her’. ‘Didn’t love her anymore’. She told me she no longer wanted to see me. Well, I’m certain she is an alcoholic, and I want to do something about it. Because I love her.
Chelsea P.
Certain is hardly ever a thought i have. Who is certain? What is certain? Is certain something you have to know to understand? Or is it instilled in you as soon as your born. Do you come with an innate sense of certainty?
certain that this feeling would pass she continued to arise each morning with the thought in her head that it was a priviledge to be alive and be able to live her life.
I’m not certain what to do this next semester. Whether I should follow the path given to me, or whether I should forge my own, and travel away from all my fears. And finally begin to trust myself. I’m certain it would help me, I’m just not sure if I’m to scared to go.
I am certain that I have made some bad decisions in my life. Not that all of them have been awful but that I made them from a place of fear, timidity and uncertainty. The weak willed bullshit has got to stop but I seem to take very little responsibility. Quit the drinking. Get focused and move forward.
She was never certain of anything, of the hairstyles she wore, of how her jeans should fit, or of how much he had or had not loved her. And she was never certain about her future, if she was destined to be afar, and living her dream, or if she could even stand to be so alone in a foreign place. Nothing had ever been certain, she knew, except for her love for him.
for sure, no doubt, clear, unfettered, resolved, as in I am certain that I want to do this. It is certainly difficult to write to one word, but it is a great idea. I WISH I COULD BE CERTAIN ABOUT IT ALL.
i certainly am glad to be through with work today. it’s certain to be a good evening.
of course something bad is certainly to happen certainly before the days end. argh.
I am certain of very few things in life. I am certain I love my husband. My daughter is the best thing that ever happened to me. Chocolate is delicious in any capacity. And I’m certain that good people are rewarded in life. Everything else is unknown.
Tali Hylen
it is certain that i don’t know what the hell i’m writing abotu. Maybe if I keep writing It’ll make sense. It doesn.t
i am certain that i am a useless individual. i am certain that i can’t screw up my life and the lives of my kids any more than i already have. i am certain that i would be happier if i were not here. not anywhere. i am completely and totally certain.
Are you certain? Are you sure? To be certain is close to being perfect. Hard to do. Im certain of some things but far from certain about life… no one is…
certain, certainly not!
oblivion, obviously uncertain clouds
meaning, meaningless unless it is attached to being
I wasn’t sure why I stayed today. Was I expecting a conversation? A real conversation, that is, not those silly ones that just make me laugh and giggle. It was certainly cold too, and that probably contributed to my flu. Then again, I wasn’t certain what was going on in our minds. Perhaps certain people can never be deciphered.
I am certain that I have no IDEA what I want. I have insatiable curiosity and restlessness. I will, however, certainly find out.
he asked if i was certain i wantedd to go. we could turn back now. but i kept thinking, this could be my escape. this could be the only way to get to the rest of my life. i just want to leave this town, now and forever. but i still dont know. there’s so much to leave behind.. and so much to run to by leaving.
She couldn’t explain it, but somehow she knew. Something amazing was going to happen. She closed her eyes, and smiled as she felt warm arms wrap around her. But when she opened her eyes, she fought to suppress a gasp. It wasn’t who she thought it was, nothing was certain.
I am almost certain that my life is going in the right direction. I have the house, the job, the loving family. But I also want to take that job transfer to India. And figure out what it’s like somewhere not here. But I’m certain that I’d lose money on my house, so is it worth 10k to have an expenses-paid life in India for a few years? Where is my trusty quarter?
I already had certain, I was pretty certain that I wasn’t going to do this word again. I guess that shows that you can’t be certain about stuff. Huh interesting.
mr.certain i hated him he always put his package in my face like a pedofile. he was also very mean he yelled at me for pronouncing a wrong won
life is uncertain it can never be accomplished, for live can never be predicted, what with all our planning, our practice, the constant trying and want to understand it cannot be accieved, certainty is a paradox.
mary balsor
Everything in my life is perfectly uncertain. That’s for sure. If you can even consider that certain.
Sometimes, I dream of a stable life. Dad, Mom, happy little family. A dog and a picket white fence.
But my life is nothing like that. My life . . . well, it’s my life.
i was certain it would happen, I just didn’t know when and I didn’t know how. It was just the other day that I broke the drought in my mind and then….
i am never certain about anything particularly what i am supposed to do on this site, am i supposed to tell a story about something i was certain about or am i supposed to tell about the definition of certain, like what have i done that i am certain i made the right choice, one thing i am certain about is i am out of time.
A Lawrence
I’m certain that I will live forever; as certain as I will never die.
Ben Olson
i’ve never been so certain in my life of something. i adore everything about you. you are the most fantastic human being i’ve ever met in my entire existence. i can easily say i love you to others but they can not grasp the severity of it. i certain certain guitar certain love you certain green line is turning yellow and red now i think i’m out of time. text me back, i love you so much. love love love love love be with me.
Right up until the very second her daughter answered the phone, Sally was certain that she had dialed her best friend’s phone number. “Jennifer?” she said. “I thought I was calling my fiend Clara.”
Can you be certain about anything? I always wonder if I am ever actually certain on a decision or just think I am. I am not a very good writer, but I am certain I am trying, I think.
It is certain that I feel awful today. I know that the flu was going around but I never thought I’d get it. I am certain that this will stay with me for a while because i have a horrible immune system. Although it effects most people during these months, I am most certainly unlucky to have it!
I am certain this is the end, nothing else can ever happen…I am not who I want to be, and everyone else is who they shouldn’t be…I want to implode upon myself.
John K.
Im certain that this website makes a compelte fool of its visitors. perhpas it is a government ploy to make people write about nothing, in order to waste their time so that they wont question the system. No one wants questioning of the system. That would lead to non conformity, and that is 4th on the top 10 list of the government.
in a certain light things will look a certain way, and there is nothing wrong with any of these views, its just the way something is at that time. And sometimes the same thing at the same times will look different to different people. In a certain way.
i need to be certain if the conference going well
One is never certain about the outcome or the beginning of things. The only certainty is that we will die and there is no certainty as to when or how unless you are a death row inmate. There is no certainty that you will love.
Entering the cave, Allie knew she was in certain danger. It was unavoidable, and though she knew that the path was frought with peril, she had no choice but to keep going. Certain lives depended on her, and she wouldn’t let them down.
I’m not certain of who I am, nor who I hope to become. I am not certain of where I should go, nor where i’ve been. Nothing is certain, save that I will die, and that others will be born. That is all that matters.
I am not certain of much these days. I am always confused, nd scared. I am certain that i have high annxiety and that my moods change all the time. i am certain that my life is falling apart and that i need help, but where does that leave me? i am more uncertain than anything really… but how do i know things for sure and be content
Certainly one cannot eat a live chicken, correct? If I where to try, I would get poisoned or something, perhaps it would eat my internal organs as it is being digested.
there is a certain words that I won”t say. There are cetain places I won”t go. But There arn’t certain people I won’t love.
It is certain that she had a problem. It was absolute that she needed help. All I wanted was to give it to her. Yet every moment I mentioned it, suddenly I ‘hated her’. ‘Didn’t love her anymore’. She told me she no longer wanted to see me. Well, I’m certain she is an alcoholic, and I want to do something about it. Because I love her.
Certain is hardly ever a thought i have. Who is certain? What is certain? Is certain something you have to know to understand? Or is it instilled in you as soon as your born. Do you come with an innate sense of certainty?
certain that this feeling would pass she continued to arise each morning with the thought in her head that it was a priviledge to be alive and be able to live her life.
I’m not certain what to do this next semester. Whether I should follow the path given to me, or whether I should forge my own, and travel away from all my fears. And finally begin to trust myself. I’m certain it would help me, I’m just not sure if I’m to scared to go.
I am certain that I have made some bad decisions in my life. Not that all of them have been awful but that I made them from a place of fear, timidity and uncertainty. The weak willed bullshit has got to stop but I seem to take very little responsibility. Quit the drinking. Get focused and move forward.
She was never certain of anything, of the hairstyles she wore, of how her jeans should fit, or of how much he had or had not loved her. And she was never certain about her future, if she was destined to be afar, and living her dream, or if she could even stand to be so alone in a foreign place. Nothing had ever been certain, she knew, except for her love for him.
for sure, no doubt, clear, unfettered, resolved, as in I am certain that I want to do this. It is certainly difficult to write to one word, but it is a great idea. I WISH I COULD BE CERTAIN ABOUT IT ALL.
i certainly am glad to be through with work today. it’s certain to be a good evening.
of course something bad is certainly to happen certainly before the days end. argh.
I am certain of very few things in life. I am certain I love my husband. My daughter is the best thing that ever happened to me. Chocolate is delicious in any capacity. And I’m certain that good people are rewarded in life. Everything else is unknown.
it is certain that i don’t know what the hell i’m writing abotu. Maybe if I keep writing It’ll make sense. It doesn.t
i am certain that i am a useless individual. i am certain that i can’t screw up my life and the lives of my kids any more than i already have. i am certain that i would be happier if i were not here. not anywhere. i am completely and totally certain.
Are you certain? Are you sure? To be certain is close to being perfect. Hard to do. Im certain of some things but far from certain about life… no one is…
certain, certainly not!
oblivion, obviously uncertain clouds
meaning, meaningless unless it is attached to being
I wasn’t sure why I stayed today. Was I expecting a conversation? A real conversation, that is, not those silly ones that just make me laugh and giggle. It was certainly cold too, and that probably contributed to my flu. Then again, I wasn’t certain what was going on in our minds. Perhaps certain people can never be deciphered.
I am certain that I have no IDEA what I want. I have insatiable curiosity and restlessness. I will, however, certainly find out.
he asked if i was certain i wantedd to go. we could turn back now. but i kept thinking, this could be my escape. this could be the only way to get to the rest of my life. i just want to leave this town, now and forever. but i still dont know. there’s so much to leave behind.. and so much to run to by leaving.
She couldn’t explain it, but somehow she knew. Something amazing was going to happen. She closed her eyes, and smiled as she felt warm arms wrap around her. But when she opened her eyes, she fought to suppress a gasp. It wasn’t who she thought it was, nothing was certain.
I am almost certain that my life is going in the right direction. I have the house, the job, the loving family. But I also want to take that job transfer to India. And figure out what it’s like somewhere not here. But I’m certain that I’d lose money on my house, so is it worth 10k to have an expenses-paid life in India for a few years? Where is my trusty quarter?
I already had certain, I was pretty certain that I wasn’t going to do this word again. I guess that shows that you can’t be certain about stuff. Huh interesting.
mr.certain i hated him he always put his package in my face like a pedofile. he was also very mean he yelled at me for pronouncing a wrong won
life is uncertain it can never be accomplished, for live can never be predicted, what with all our planning, our practice, the constant trying and want to understand it cannot be accieved, certainty is a paradox.
Everything in my life is perfectly uncertain. That’s for sure. If you can even consider that certain.
Sometimes, I dream of a stable life. Dad, Mom, happy little family. A dog and a picket white fence.
But my life is nothing like that. My life . . . well, it’s my life.
i was certain it would happen, I just didn’t know when and I didn’t know how. It was just the other day that I broke the drought in my mind and then….
i am never certain about anything particularly what i am supposed to do on this site, am i supposed to tell a story about something i was certain about or am i supposed to tell about the definition of certain, like what have i done that i am certain i made the right choice, one thing i am certain about is i am out of time.
I’m certain that I will live forever; as certain as I will never die.
i’ve never been so certain in my life of something. i adore everything about you. you are the most fantastic human being i’ve ever met in my entire existence. i can easily say i love you to others but they can not grasp the severity of it. i certain certain guitar certain love you certain green line is turning yellow and red now i think i’m out of time. text me back, i love you so much. love love love love love be with me.
Right up until the very second her daughter answered the phone, Sally was certain that she had dialed her best friend’s phone number. “Jennifer?” she said. “I thought I was calling my fiend Clara.”
Can you be certain about anything? I always wonder if I am ever actually certain on a decision or just think I am. I am not a very good writer, but I am certain I am trying, I think.
It is certain that I feel awful today. I know that the flu was going around but I never thought I’d get it. I am certain that this will stay with me for a while because i have a horrible immune system. Although it effects most people during these months, I am most certainly unlucky to have it!
I am certain this is the end, nothing else can ever happen…I am not who I want to be, and everyone else is who they shouldn’t be…I want to implode upon myself.
Im certain that this website makes a compelte fool of its visitors. perhpas it is a government ploy to make people write about nothing, in order to waste their time so that they wont question the system. No one wants questioning of the system. That would lead to non conformity, and that is 4th on the top 10 list of the government.
in a certain light things will look a certain way, and there is nothing wrong with any of these views, its just the way something is at that time. And sometimes the same thing at the same times will look different to different people. In a certain way.